What does a continuation return in Scheme? - scheme

I came across something that I can not understand.
#lang scheme
(define cc #f)
(define (val!)
(lambda (k)
(set! cc k)
(* 10 (val!))
(cc 100)
So far so good; the continuation of (* 10 []) is stored in cc and if we call (cc 100) we see 1000 in the REPL as expected.
But the next thing I tried was to define a variable to be the result of running the continuation:
(define x (cc 20))
I see 200 as a result in the REPL, but x does not get defined.
Does the continuation stored in cc include its returning so that the call to define never returns and instead the evaluation is the result of (* 10 val)? What is going on?

It returns nothing, because it does not return. (cc 20), just as (cc 100), does not return a value to its caller. cc is not a function, it is a continuation - it remembers where to return / "feed" its value, by itself.
(define x (cc 20))
means, approximately, in pseudocode,
(let ([val (cc 20)])
(primitive-define-top-level-var! "x" val))
but (cc 20) bypasses the setting of val and using it to define x, and returns directly to the top level, as was done by the original captured continuation.
Does the continuation stored in cc include its returning ["destination" -- wn] so that the call to define never returns and instead the evaluation is the result of (* 10 val)?
What is going on?
Exactly that.
Loading the following in DrRacket,
#lang scheme
(define cc #f)
(define (val!)
(lambda (k)
(set! cc k)
(* 10 (val!))
(cc 100)
(display "Good!\n")
(define x (cc 20))
(display "Shucks!\n")
I even get an error message explaining what is going on:
Language: scheme, with debugging; memory limit: 128 MB.
define-values: skipped variable definition;
cannot continue without defining variable
variable: x
in module: 'anonymous-module

What's going on?
There are two types of continuations.
A continuation produced by call/cc never returns a value to its caller. See Will Ness's answer for more on that.
But the continuations produced by call-with-composable-continuation are composable continuations, which do return values.
The solution
If you want a continuation to return a value to its caller, you should use a composable continuation, by setting up a prompt and using call-with-composable-continuation.
You can define a kind of prompt:
(define my-prompt
(make-continuation-prompt-tag 'my-prompt))
And use the prompt in call-with-composable-continuation to specify that you only want to capture the continuation starting from the prompt.
(define cc #f)
(define (val!)
(lambda (k)
(set! cc k)
Then you just have to put the prompt wherever you want the continuation to start before you call val! to save it.
;; the prompt specifies that it's `(* 10 [])`, and not something larger
(λ () (* 10 (val!)))
Then, since this continuation has a clear "end" defined by the prompt, it can return a value when it reaches that end.
(define x (cc 20))
; defines x as 200
See also: What exactly is a "continuation prompt?"


How to use tagged prompts with call/cc in Racket?

Why this code
(let ([cc #f]
[pr (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'pr)])
(λ () (displayln
(+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
(λ (k) (set! cc k) 1)
(cc 4))
(on Racket v7.5) raise exception?:
; continuation application: no corresponding prompt in the current continuation
; Context:
; /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/repl.rkt:11:26
While same code with default tag works as expected:
(let ([cc #f])
(λ ()
(displayln (+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
(λ (k) (set! cc k) 1))))))
(cc 4))
And same (as the first snippet) code with composable continuation
(let ([cc #f]
[pr (make-continuation-prompt-tag 'pr)])
(λ () (displayln
(+ 2 (call-with-composable-continuation
(λ (k) (set! cc k) 1)
(cc 4))
works as expected too:
What is wrong with the first snippet? Or what is wrong with my understanding?
From the docs for call-with-current-continuation:
If the continuation argument to proc is ever applied, then it removes the portion of the current continuation up to the nearest prompt tagged by prompt-tag (not including the prompt; if no such prompt exists, the exn:fail:contract:continuation exception is raised), ....
In your first example, when you apply cc, there is no prompt for pr in the context ("on the stack") when the application occurs, so it raises an exception.
The second example works because there is always a prompt for the default tag.
The third example works because call-with-composable-continuation creates a continuation procedure that does not abort the current continuation, so there is no precondition for its application. (That's part of why it's considered a "composable" continuation.)
If it helps, here is approximately how call/cc can be defined in terms of the abort-current-continuation and call-with-compposable-continuation. (Warning: I haven't tested this, so there may be bugs.) In the type annotations below, I use the following conventions: P is the result type associated with a prompt tag and A is the result type of a call/cc or call/comp call, which is also the type of the continuation's argument. ⊥ is the empty type; it effectively means "doesn't return".
;; call-with-continuation-prompt : (-> P) PromptTag[P] -> P
;; Only allows default abort handler!
;; abort-current-continuation : PromptTag[P] (-> P) -> ⊥
;; Assumes the default abort handler!
;; call-with-composable-continuation : ((A -> P) -> A) PromptTag[P] -> A
;; call/cc : ((A -> ⊥) -> A) PromptTag[P] -> A
(define (call/cc proc tag)
(lambda (ck) ;; ck : A -> P
;; k : A -> ⊥
(define (k v)
(abort-current-continuation tag
(lambda () (ck v))))
(proc k))
This definition doesn't account for how call/cc actually interacts with dynamic-wind, it doesn't work with custom prompt handlers, and it doesn't account for multiple return values (which correspond to multiple continuation arguments), but it should give you a rough idea of what call/cc is doing. In particular, the call to abort-current-continuation requires that the current continuation has a prompt tagged with tag.

How to use continuations in scheme?

I'm trying to understand call/cc operator in Scheme. I'm planing of implementing this in my JavaScript lisp. This is my simple code:
(letrec ((x 0)
(f (lambda (r)
(set! x r)
(display (r 20))
(display "10"))))
(display (call/cc f))
(x "30"))
I tough that it should print 20 then 30 then 10. But it create infinite loop (it keep printing 30). How this code should look like to display 3 values, call display 3 times?
Should it be possible to create loops that don't consume stack with continuations?
I've found some example on stack overflow but this one don't work at all:
(define x 0) ; dummy value - will be used to store continuation later
(+ 2 (call/cc (lambda (cc)
(set! x cc) ; set x to the continuation cc; namely, (+ 2 _)
3))) ; returns 5
(x 4) ; returns 6
it freezes the guile interpreter with 100% CPU and it look it waiting for input.
Does you lisp implementation transform user code to continuation passing style? In that case it is easy peasy. call/cc is this:
(define (call/cc& f& continuation)
(define (exit& value actual-continuation)
(continuation value))
(f& exit& continuation))
Looking at your first code I think it becomes something like this:
((lambda (x k)
((lambda (f k)
(call/cc& f (lambda (v) ; continuation a
(display& v (lambda (_) ; continuation b
(x "30" k))))))
(lambda (r k)
(set!& x r (lambda (_) ; continuation c
(r 20 (lambda (v) ; continuation d
(display& v (lambda (_) ; continuation e
(display& "10" k))))))))
Here is whats happening:
We make x and f
call/cc& calls f
x is set to r (continuation a)
r gets called with 20 as value
continuation c is ignore, instead continuation a is called with 20
20 gets displayed, then continuation b gets called
b calls x with "30"
continuation k is ignored, instead continuation a is called with 30
30 gets displayed, then continuation b gets called
go to "b calls x with "30" 3 lines up and continue
So print "20", then "30" forever seems to be the correct result for this code. It's important to notice that it will never display "10" since it calls r and passes the continuation but it gets circumvented to call/cc original continution which is continuation a.
As for implementations. Before it was quite common for all Scheme implementations to just transform the code to continuation passing style, but today it's more common to only do the parts which are required. Eg. Ikarus does not do CPS, but in order for call/cc to work it needs to do it until the next continuation prompt.
It's probably better to look at call/cc without mutation in the beginning. eg.
(+ 2 (call/cc (lambda (exit)
(+ 3 (* 5 (exit 11))))))
Now this turns into:
(call/cc& (lambda (exit k)
(exit 11 (lambda (v)
(*& 5 v (lambda (v)
(+& 3 v k))))))
(lambda (v)
(+& 2 v repl-display)))
Now we know exit gets called and thus this whole thing turns into:
((lambda (v) (+& 2 v repl-display)) 11)
Which displays 13. Now having the continuation as last argument looks good on paper. In an implementation that wants to support varargs it's probably best that the continuation is the first argument.
All continuations are tail calls and thus the stack is never grown. In fact if full CPS is used you never have to return ever. Everything interesting is always passed to the next call until the program halts.

Scheme call/cc issue - implementing exit.

I am writing a program that needs to recursively analyze a list of "commands" and "programs" (it is an interpreter of some "robotic language" invented by our professor for a robot living in a maze). Because my initial implementation was too slow, I decided to use call-with-current-continuation.
I know how call/cc works, I have read this and this as an explanation.
My call/cc is based on this part of tutorial:
Often we want to use call-with-current-continuation to call some
procedure that takes arguments other than an escape procedure. For
example, we might have a procedure that takes two arguments besides
the escape procedure, thus:
(define (foo x y escape) ... (if (= x 0)
(escape 'ERROR)) ...)) We can fix this by currying the procedure, making it a procedure of one argument.
[ An earlier chapter should have a discussion of currying! ]
Suppose we want to pass 0 and 1 as the values of x and y, as well as
handing foo the escape procedure. Rather than saying
(call-with-current-continuation foo) which doesn't pass enough
arguments to the call to foo, we say
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (escape) (foo 0 1 escape)))
The lambda expression creates a closure that does exactly what we
want. It will call foo with arguments 0, 1, and the escape procedure
created by call-with-current-continuation.
However, for some reason it doesn't work and throws this exception:
call-with-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: (any/c . -> . any)
given: #<procedure:...mazesimulator.ss:301:34>
I would like you to help me find my mistake and explain why it occurs...
Here is the part of code relevant to this question:
; main program
(define (simulate state expression-list program limit)
; read the input and set global variables
(set! current-orientation (list-ref state 2))
(set! current-coordinates (list-ref state 1))
(set! current-maze (list-ref state 0))
; call the inner function
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit)
(command state expression-list program limit exit)))
; this is the output
(list list-of-executed-commands (list current-maze current-coordinates current-orientation))
;; main recursive function
;; analyses expression-list parameter
;; evaluates its elements
;; and calls itself on the cdr of the espression-list
(define (command state expression-list program limit exit)
(if (and (not (null? expression-list))(equal? stop-command #f))
; recursion end condition, the whole procedure will be done only
; if the list is still not empty
(if (atom? expression-list) ;if the list consists of only one command
(if (equal? stop-command #f) ;positive branch - if there were no erros before
(atomic-command state expression-list program limit exit) ;call atomic-command on this element
;when flag is set to #t
; here comes a problem with "inner ifs"
(if (atom? (car expression-list)) ;negative branch - if the first element is "if"
(if (equal? (car expression-list) 'if) ;if the list consisits only of if-clause, no other commands ((if ...))
(if ((name->function (list-ref expression-list 1))) ;evaluate the boolean - wall? north? and choose corresponding branch
(command state (list-ref expression-list 2) program limit exit)
(command state (list-ref expression-list 3) program limit exit))
(evaluate-first-and-call-command-on-rest expression-list program limit exit))
(if (equal? (car(car expression-list)) 'if) ;if the if-clause is not the only element in list - "inner if" ((if ...) turn-left put-mark)
(begin ;not only evaluate if-clause,
(if ((name->function (list-ref (car expression-list) 1)))
(command state (list-ref (car expression-list) 2) program limit exit)
(command state (list-ref (car expression-list) 3) program limit exit))
(command state (cdr expression-list) program limit exit)) ;but also call command on cdr!
(evaluate-first-and-call-command-on-rest expression-list program limit exit))))
;when limit is exceeded or when the flag is set to #t
(exit) ))
New follow-up: So at this point I am puzzled by the poster's question. GoZoner has pointed out that the continuation passed by call/cc may require an actual parameter when invoked, but this is not generally true in Racket (which, based on the poster's error message, is the language implementation that I assume is under discussion).
Furthermore, the code snippet that the original poster put in the question is incomplete, so one cannot directly execute the code in an attempt to replicate the problem. (My informal analysis hasn't revealed an obvious bug in the use of call-with-current-continuation that was presented by the original poster.) It would be useful if the original poster could derive a minimal (or at least smaller) test case that exposes the same issue.
It could be that one of the specific languages or language levels within Racket uses a more restrictive form of call/cc, but I have not found evidence of such a language level. I will pose the question to the original poster.
Edit: Chris-Jester Young has pointed out that my commentary may not apply properly here (see comments on this answer). I need to more carefully investigate the Racket's handling of continuations in imperative code; the notes below may be leading the asker down an incorrect path. (I plan to delete this answer if I can confirm that my notes below are bogus.)
Follow-up edit: It appears that Racket's handling of call/cc does indeed pass along a continuation that will accept zero values when it is invoked from a context that discards the value. For example:
(define global 7)
(define (goner exit)
(set! global 11)
(set! global 13)
(* 2 3))
(define (hi)
(define x global)
(call-with-current-continuation goner)
(* 5 x global))
(* 5 7 11)
The above prints 385 (twice); once for (* 5 7 11), and once for (hi).
(Original commentary follows)
The fact that you are invoking (exit) with zero arguments leads me to think that you do not completely understand how call/cc works (as in its observable behavior), despite your claim to the contrary.
I recommend you play with some small examples, completely independently of your professor's robot maze infrastructure, before you try to incorporate call/cc into your solution.
For example, I can readily reproduce your error message this way:
(define (goner)
(* 2 3))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
From the above, I get:
call-with-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: (any/c . -> . any)
given: #<procedure:goner>
which is quite similar to your error message, no? (Though to be honest, that might just be a coincidence).
Compare the output from the run above with the outputs from runs of:
(define (goner exit)
(* 2 3))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
(define (goner exit)
(* 2 (exit)))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
(define (goner exit)
(* 2 (exit 3)))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
(define (goner exit)
(* (exit 2) 3))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
Give some careful thought to what each is illustrating, and think about how it might matter in the case of your program.
The call/cc 'escape procedure' expects a single argument. You are calling it as (exit) without the required argument. Different Scheme implementations will handle this differently. Here is one that complains:
1 ]=> (define (doit exit)
(display "DOIT2\n")
(exit)) ;; no argument, expect error
;Value: doit
1 ]=> (define (try)
(lambda (exit) (display "TRY\n") (doit exit)))
;Value: try
1 ]=> (try)
;The procedure #[continuation 13] has been called with 0 arguments; it requires exactly 1 argument.
The reason that the 'escape procedure' expects a value is that call/cc, like all Scheme functions, needs to produce a value. The argument that is provided is the return value of call/cc when the escape procedure is invoked.

scheme continuations -need explanation

The following example involves jumping into continuation and exiting out. Can somebody explain the flow of the function. I am moving in a circle around continuation, and do not know the entry and exit points of the function.
(define (prod-iterator lst)
(letrec ((return-result empty)
(resume-visit (lambda (dummy) (process-list lst 1)))
(lambda (lst p)
(if (empty? lst)
(set! resume-visit (lambda (dummy) 0))
(return-result p))
(if (= 0 (first lst))
(call/cc ; Want to continue here after delivering result
(lambda (k)
(set! resume-visit k)
(return-result p)))
(process-list (rest lst) 1))
(process-list (rest lst) (* p (first lst))))))))
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(set! return-result k)
(resume-visit 'dummy))))))
(define iter (prod-iterator '(1 2 3 0 4 5 6 0 7 0 0 8 9)))
(iter) ; 6
(iter) ; 120
(iter) ; 7
(iter) ; 1
(iter) ; 72
(iter) ; 0
(iter) ; 0
The procedure iterates over a list, multiplying non-zero members and returning a result each time a zero is found. Resume-visit stores the continuation for processing the rest of the list, and return-result has the continuation of the call-site of the iterator. In the beginning, resume-visit is defined to process the entire list. Each time a zero is found, a continuation is captured, which when invoked executes (process-list (rest lst) 1) for whatever value lst had at the time. When the list is exhausted, resume-visit is set to a dummy procedure. Moreover, every time the program calls iter, it executes the following:
(lambda (k)
(set! return-result k)
(resume-visit 'dummy)))
That is, it captures the continuation of the caller, invoking it returns a value to the caller. The continuation is stored and the program jumps to process the rest of the list.
When the procedure calls resume-visit, the loop is entered, when return-result is called, the loop is exited.
If we want to examine process-list in more detail, let's assume the list is non-empty. Tho procedure employs basic recursion, accumulating a result until a zero is found. At that point, p is the accumulated value and lst is the list containing the zero. When we have a construction like (begin (call/cc (lambda (k) first)) rest), we first execute first expressions with k bound to a continuation. It is a procedure that when invoked, executes rest expressions. In this case, that continuation is stored and another continuation is invoked, which returns the accumulated result p to the caller of iter. That continuation will be invoked the next time iter is called, then the loop continues with the rest of the list. That is the point with the continuations, everything else is basic recursion.
What you need to keep in mind is that, a call to (call/cc f) will apply the function f passed as argument to call/cc to the current continuation. If that continuation is called with some argument a inside the function f, the execution will go to the corresponding call to call/cc, and the argument a will be returned as the return value of that call/cc.
Your program stores the continuation of "calling call/cc in iter" in the variable return-result, and begins processing the list. It multiplies the first 3 non-zero elements of the list before encountering the first 0. When it sees the 0, the continuation "processing the list element 0" is stored in resume-visit, and the value p is returned to the continuation return-result by calling (return-result p). This call will make the execution go back to the call/cc in iter, and that call/cc returns the passed value of p. So you see the first output 6.
The rest calls to iter are similar and will make the execution go back and forth between such two continuations. Manual analysis may be a little brain-twisting, you have to know what the execution context is when a continuation is restored.
You could achieve the same this way:
(define (prod-iter lst) (fold * 1 (remove zero? lst)))
... even though it could perform better by traversing only once.
For continuations, recall (pun intended) that all call/cc does is wait for "k" to be applied this way:
(call/cc (lambda (k) (k 'return-value)))
=> return-value
The trick here is that you can let call/cc return its own continuation so that it can be applied elsewhere after call/cc has returned like this:
;; returns twice; once to get bound to k, the other to return blah
(let ([k (call/cc (lambda (k) k))]) ;; k gets bound to a continuation
(k 'blah)) ;; k returns here
=> blah
This lets a continuation return more than once by saving it in a variable. Continuations simply return the value they are applied to.
Closures are functions that carry their environment variables along with them before arguments get bounded to them. They are ordinary lambdas.
Continuation-passing style is a way to pass closures as arguments to be applied later. We say that these closure arguments are continuations. Here's half of the current code from my sudoku generator/solver as an example demonstrating how continuation-passing style can simplify your algorithms:
#| the grid is internally represented as a vector of 81 numbers
example: (make-vector 81 0)
this builds a list of indexes |#
(define (cell n) (list (+ (* (car 9) (cadr n))))
(define (row n) (iota 9 (* n 9)))
(define (column n) (iota 9 n 9))
(define (region n)
(let* ([end (+ (* (floor-quotient n 3) 27)
(* (remainder n 3) 3))]
[i (+ end 21)])
(do ([i i
(- i (if (zero? (remainder i 3)) 7 1))]
[ls '() (cons (vector-ref *grid* i) ls)])
((= i end) ls))))
#| f is the continuation
usage examples:
(grid-ref *grid* row 0)
(grid-set! *grid* region 7) |#
(define (grid-ref g f n)
(map (lambda (i) (vector-ref g i)) (f n)))
(define (grid-set! g f n ls)
(for-each (lambda (i x) (vector-set! g i x))
(f n) ls))

Practical Scheme Programming

It's been a few months since I've touched Scheme and decided to implement a command line income partitioner using Scheme.
My initial implementation used plain recursion over the continuation, but I figured a continuation would be more appropriate to this type of program. I would appreciate it if anyone (more skilled with Scheme than I) could take a look at this and suggest improvements. I'm that the multiple (display... lines is an ideal opportunity to use a macro as well (I just haven't gotten to macros yet).
(define (ab-income)
(lambda (cc)
((out (display "Income: "))
(income (string->number (read-line))))
((<= income 600)
(display (format "Please enter an amount greater than $600.00~n~n"))
(cc (ab-income)))
((bills (* (/ 30 100) income))
(taxes (* (/ 20 100) income))
(savings (* (/ 10 100) income))
(checking (* (/ 40 100) income)))
(display (format "~nDeduct for bills:---------------------- $~a~n" (real->decimal-string bills 2)))
(display (format "Deduct for taxes:---------------------- $~a~n" (real->decimal-string taxes 2)))
(display (format "Deduct for savings:-------------------- $~a~n" (real->decimal-string savings 2)))
(display (format "Remainder for checking:---------------- $~a~n" (real->decimal-string checking 2))))))))))
Invoking (ab-income) asks for input and if anything below 600 is provided it (from my understanding) returns (ab-income) at the current-continuation. My first implementation (as I said earlier) used plain-jane recursion. It wasn't bad at all either but I figured every return call to (ab-income) if the value was below 600 kept expanding the function.
(please correct me if that apprehension is incorrect!)
First of all, you don't need a continuation. According to the standard, Scheme will always perform tail call optimization. A tail call is a function call which is in the final position in a function; after that call is run, nothing else will happen. In that situation, we don't need to preserve the activation record we're currently in; as soon as the function we call returns, we'll just pop it. Consequently, a tail call reuses the current activation record. As an example, consider this:
(define (some-function x y)
(preprocess x)
(combine (modified x) y))
(some-function alpha beta)
When we call some-function, we allocate space for its activation record on the stack: local variables, parameters, etc. We then call (preprocess x). Since we need to return to some-function and keep processing, we have to preserve some-function's activation record, and so we push a new activation record on for preprocess. Once that returns, we pop preprocess's stack frame and keep going. Next, we need to evaluate modified; the same thing has to happen, and when modified returns, its result is passed to combine. One would think we'd need to create a new activation record, run combine, and then return this to some-function—but some-function doesn't need to do anything with that result but return it! Thus, we overwrite the current activation record, but leave the return address alone; when combine returns, then, it will return its value to exactly what was waiting for it. Here, (combine (modified x) y) is a tail call, and evaluating it doesn't require an extra activation record.
This is how you can implement loops in Scheme, for instance:
(define (my-while cond body)
(when (cond)
(my-while cond body)))
(let ((i 0))
(my-while (lambda () (< i 10))
(lambda () (display i) (newline) (set! i (+ i 1)))))
Without tail call optimization, this would be inefficient, and would potentially overflow with a long-running loop building up lots of calls to my-while. However, thanks to tail call optimization, the recursive call to my-while cond body is a jump, and allocates no memory, making this as efficient as iteration.
Secondly, you don't need any macros here. While you can abstract out the display block, you can do this with a plain function. Macros allow you, on some level, to change the syntax of the language—add your own sort of define, implement some type-case construct which doesn't evaluate all its branches, etc. Of course, it's all still s-expressions, but the semantics are no longer simply "evaluate the arguments and call the function". Here, however, function-call semantics are all you need.
With that said, I think this is how I'd implement your code:
(require (lib "string.ss"))
(define (print-report width . nvs)
(if (null? nvs)
(let ((name (car nvs))
(value (cadr nvs)))
(display (format "~a:~a $~a~n"
(make-string (- width (string-length name) 2) #\-)
(real->decimal-string value 2)))
(apply print-report width (cddr nvs)))))
(define (ab-income)
(display "Income: ")
(let ((income (string->number (read-line))))
(if (or (not income) (<= income 600))
(begin (display "Please enter an amount greater than $600.00\n\n")
(begin (newline)
(print-report 40 "Deduct for bills" (* 3/10 income)
"Deduct for taxes" (* 2/10 income)
"Deduct for savings" (* 1/10 income)
"Remainder for checking" (* 4/10 income))))))
First, at least in my version of mzscheme, I needed a (require (lib "string.ss")) line to import real->decimal-string. Next, I abstracted out the display block you were talking about. What we see is that each line wants to print the money in the same format at the 40th column, printing a tag name and a row of dashes in front of it. Consequently, I wrote print-report. The first argument is the initial width; in this case, 40. The remaining arguments are field-value pairs. The length of each field (plus two for the colon and the space) are subtracted from the width, and we generate a string consisting of that many dashes. We use format to lay the fields out in the right order, and display to print the string. The function recurses over all the pairs (using tail recursion, so we won't blow the stack).
In the main function, I moved the (display "Income: ") to before the let; you ignore its result, so why assign it to a variable? I then augmented the if condition to test if input is false, which happens when string->number can't parse the input. Finally, I removed your local variables, since all you do is print them, and used Scheme's fraction syntax instead of division. (And of course, I use print-report instead of displays and formats.)
I think that's all; if you have any other questions about what I did, feel free to ask.
