Scheme call/cc issue - implementing exit. - scheme

I am writing a program that needs to recursively analyze a list of "commands" and "programs" (it is an interpreter of some "robotic language" invented by our professor for a robot living in a maze). Because my initial implementation was too slow, I decided to use call-with-current-continuation.
I know how call/cc works, I have read this and this as an explanation.
My call/cc is based on this part of tutorial:
Often we want to use call-with-current-continuation to call some
procedure that takes arguments other than an escape procedure. For
example, we might have a procedure that takes two arguments besides
the escape procedure, thus:
(define (foo x y escape) ... (if (= x 0)
(escape 'ERROR)) ...)) We can fix this by currying the procedure, making it a procedure of one argument.
[ An earlier chapter should have a discussion of currying! ]
Suppose we want to pass 0 and 1 as the values of x and y, as well as
handing foo the escape procedure. Rather than saying
(call-with-current-continuation foo) which doesn't pass enough
arguments to the call to foo, we say
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (escape) (foo 0 1 escape)))
The lambda expression creates a closure that does exactly what we
want. It will call foo with arguments 0, 1, and the escape procedure
created by call-with-current-continuation.
However, for some reason it doesn't work and throws this exception:
call-with-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: (any/c . -> . any)
given: #<>
I would like you to help me find my mistake and explain why it occurs...
Here is the part of code relevant to this question:
; main program
(define (simulate state expression-list program limit)
; read the input and set global variables
(set! current-orientation (list-ref state 2))
(set! current-coordinates (list-ref state 1))
(set! current-maze (list-ref state 0))
; call the inner function
(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (exit)
(command state expression-list program limit exit)))
; this is the output
(list list-of-executed-commands (list current-maze current-coordinates current-orientation))
;; main recursive function
;; analyses expression-list parameter
;; evaluates its elements
;; and calls itself on the cdr of the espression-list
(define (command state expression-list program limit exit)
(if (and (not (null? expression-list))(equal? stop-command #f))
; recursion end condition, the whole procedure will be done only
; if the list is still not empty
(if (atom? expression-list) ;if the list consists of only one command
(if (equal? stop-command #f) ;positive branch - if there were no erros before
(atomic-command state expression-list program limit exit) ;call atomic-command on this element
;when flag is set to #t
; here comes a problem with "inner ifs"
(if (atom? (car expression-list)) ;negative branch - if the first element is "if"
(if (equal? (car expression-list) 'if) ;if the list consisits only of if-clause, no other commands ((if ...))
(if ((name->function (list-ref expression-list 1))) ;evaluate the boolean - wall? north? and choose corresponding branch
(command state (list-ref expression-list 2) program limit exit)
(command state (list-ref expression-list 3) program limit exit))
(evaluate-first-and-call-command-on-rest expression-list program limit exit))
(if (equal? (car(car expression-list)) 'if) ;if the if-clause is not the only element in list - "inner if" ((if ...) turn-left put-mark)
(begin ;not only evaluate if-clause,
(if ((name->function (list-ref (car expression-list) 1)))
(command state (list-ref (car expression-list) 2) program limit exit)
(command state (list-ref (car expression-list) 3) program limit exit))
(command state (cdr expression-list) program limit exit)) ;but also call command on cdr!
(evaluate-first-and-call-command-on-rest expression-list program limit exit))))
;when limit is exceeded or when the flag is set to #t
(exit) ))

New follow-up: So at this point I am puzzled by the poster's question. GoZoner has pointed out that the continuation passed by call/cc may require an actual parameter when invoked, but this is not generally true in Racket (which, based on the poster's error message, is the language implementation that I assume is under discussion).
Furthermore, the code snippet that the original poster put in the question is incomplete, so one cannot directly execute the code in an attempt to replicate the problem. (My informal analysis hasn't revealed an obvious bug in the use of call-with-current-continuation that was presented by the original poster.) It would be useful if the original poster could derive a minimal (or at least smaller) test case that exposes the same issue.
It could be that one of the specific languages or language levels within Racket uses a more restrictive form of call/cc, but I have not found evidence of such a language level. I will pose the question to the original poster.
Edit: Chris-Jester Young has pointed out that my commentary may not apply properly here (see comments on this answer). I need to more carefully investigate the Racket's handling of continuations in imperative code; the notes below may be leading the asker down an incorrect path. (I plan to delete this answer if I can confirm that my notes below are bogus.)
Follow-up edit: It appears that Racket's handling of call/cc does indeed pass along a continuation that will accept zero values when it is invoked from a context that discards the value. For example:
(define global 7)
(define (goner exit)
(set! global 11)
(set! global 13)
(* 2 3))
(define (hi)
(define x global)
(call-with-current-continuation goner)
(* 5 x global))
(* 5 7 11)
The above prints 385 (twice); once for (* 5 7 11), and once for (hi).
(Original commentary follows)
The fact that you are invoking (exit) with zero arguments leads me to think that you do not completely understand how call/cc works (as in its observable behavior), despite your claim to the contrary.
I recommend you play with some small examples, completely independently of your professor's robot maze infrastructure, before you try to incorporate call/cc into your solution.
For example, I can readily reproduce your error message this way:
(define (goner)
(* 2 3))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
From the above, I get:
call-with-current-continuation: contract violation
expected: (any/c . -> . any)
given: #<procedure:goner>
which is quite similar to your error message, no? (Though to be honest, that might just be a coincidence).
Compare the output from the run above with the outputs from runs of:
(define (goner exit)
(* 2 3))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
(define (goner exit)
(* 2 (exit)))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
(define (goner exit)
(* 2 (exit 3)))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
(define (goner exit)
(* (exit 2) 3))
(define (hi)
(let ((x (call-with-current-continuation goner)))
(* 5 x)))
Give some careful thought to what each is illustrating, and think about how it might matter in the case of your program.

The call/cc 'escape procedure' expects a single argument. You are calling it as (exit) without the required argument. Different Scheme implementations will handle this differently. Here is one that complains:
1 ]=> (define (doit exit)
(display "DOIT2\n")
(exit)) ;; no argument, expect error
;Value: doit
1 ]=> (define (try)
(lambda (exit) (display "TRY\n") (doit exit)))
;Value: try
1 ]=> (try)
;The procedure #[continuation 13] has been called with 0 arguments; it requires exactly 1 argument.
The reason that the 'escape procedure' expects a value is that call/cc, like all Scheme functions, needs to produce a value. The argument that is provided is the return value of call/cc when the escape procedure is invoked.


How to count the number of if-statements in a separate file of code

I am trying to write a scheme program that counts the number of if-statement a file containing code. I know how to read in the file but I don't know how to go about counting the number of if-statements.
This is very hard without actually implementing reducing the language to a more primitive form. As an example, imagine this:
(count-ifs '(let ((if +))
(if 1 2 3)))
; ==> 0
0 is the correct amount as if is a binding shadowing if and Scheme supports shadowing so the result of that expression is 6 and not 2. let can be rewritten such that you can check this instead:
(count-ifs '((lambda (if)
(if 1 2 3))
; ==> 0
It might not look like an improvement, but here you can actually fix it:
(define (count-ifs expr)
(let helper ((expr expr) (count 0))
(if (or (not (list? expr))
(and (eq? (car expr) 'lambda)
(memq 'if (cadr expr))))
(foldl helper
(if (eq? (car expr) 'if)
(add1 count)
(count-ifs '((lambda (if)
(if 1 2 3))
(if #t + (if if if))))
; ==> 2
Challenge is to expand the macros. You actually need to make a macro expander to rewrite the code such that the only form making bindings would be lambda. This is the same amount of work as making 80% of a Scheme compiler since once you've dumbed it down the rest is easy.
A simple way to do it could be recursion structure like this:
(define (count-ifs exp)
(+ (if-expression? exp 1 0)))
(if (pair? exp)
(+ (count-ifs (car exp)) (count-ifs (cdr exp))))
But this might overcount.
A more correct way to do it would be to process the code by checking each type of expression you see - and when you enter a lambda you need to add the variables it binds to a shadowed symbols list.

evaluating my own functions from list with eval, R5RS

I am having problems with this
e.g. i have
(define (mypow x) (* x x))
and I need to eval expressions from given list. (I am writing a simulator and I get a sequence of commands in a list as an argument)
I have already read that R5RS standard needs to include in function eval as second arg (scheme-report-environment 5), but still I am having issues with this.
This works (with standard function):
(eval '(sqrt 5) (scheme-report-environment 5))
but this does not:
(eval '(mypow 5) (scheme-report-environment 5))
It says:
../../../../../../usr/share/racket/collects/racket/private/kw.rkt:923:25: mypow: undefined;
cannot reference undefined identifier
Eventhough simply called mypow in prompt returns:
Any advice, please? (btw I need to use R5RS)
(scheme-report-environment 5) returns all the bindings that are defined in the R5RS Scheme standard and not any of the user defined ones. This is by design. You will never be able to do what you want using this as the second parameter to eval.
The report mentions (interaction-environment) which is optional. Thus you have no guarantee the implementation has it, but it will have all the bindings from (scheme-report-environment 5)
For completeness there is (null-environment 5) which only has the bindings for the syntax. eg. (eval '(lambda (v) "constan) (null-environment 5)) works, but (eval '(lambda (v) (+ 5 v)) (null-environment 5)) won't since + is not in the resulting procedures closure.
Other ways to get things done
Usually you could get away without using eval alltogether. eval should be avoided at almost all costs. The last 16 years I've used eval deliberately in production code twice.
By using a thunk instead of data:
(define todo
(lambda () ; a thunk is just a procedure that takes no arguments
(mypow 5))
(todo) ; ==> result from mypow
Now imagine you have a list of operations you'd like done instead:
(define ops
`((inc . ,(lambda (v) (+ v 1))) ; notice I'm unquoting.
(dec . ,(lambda (v) (- v 1))) ; eg. need the result of the
(square . ,(lambda (v) (* v v))))) ; evaluation
(define todo '(inc square dec))
(define with 5)
;; not standard, but often present as either fold or foldl
;; if not fetch from SRFI-1
(fold (lambda (e a)
((cdr (assq e ops)) a))
; ==> 35 ((5+1)^2)-1

create an infinite loop to build a REPL in scheme

It strikes me beautiful, how i can create a REPL in Common Lisp using:
(loop (print (eval (read))))
However, since I'm a complete noob in Lisp (and dialects), I miserably failed to achieve the same in Scheme, due to the lacking loop function.
I tried to implement it as
(define (loop x) x (loop x))
But that doesn't seem to do anything (even when called as (loop (print 'foo))
So the question is: how to implement an infinite loop in Scheme?
(define (loop x)
(loop x))
This is an infinite loop when you call it. But it does not erad, evaluate or print. It takes an argument x, evaluates it then throws it away before callng itself with the same argument and it repeats.
For a REPL you want something like this:
(define (repl)
(display (eval (read))) ; for side effect of printing only
Usually a REPL has a way to exit:
(define (repl)
(let ((in (read)))
(when (not (eq? in 'exit))
(print (eval in))

Does call/cc in Scheme the same thing with yield in Python and JavaScript?

Does call/cc in Scheme the same thing with yield in Python and JavaScript?
I am not clear about generators. In my opinion, yield gives a language the ability to generate iterators without pain. But I am not sure whether I am right.
Does call/cc in Scheme has something related to yield in other languages? If so, are they the same thing, or what is the difference?
call/cc is a much more general language feature than generators. Thus you can make generators with call/cc, but you cannot make call/cc with generators.
If you have a program that computes values and use those values in other places its basically a step machine.. One might think of it as a program that have one function for each step and a continuation for the rest of the steps. Thus:
(+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))
Can be interpreted as:
((lambda (k)
(k* 3 4 (lambda (v34)
(k* 5 6 (lambda (v56)
(k+ v34 v56 k)))))
The k-prefix just indicate that it's a CPS-version of the primitives. Thus they call the last argument as a function with the result. Notice also that the order of evaluation, which is not defined in Scheme, is in fact chosen in this rewrite. In this beautiful language call/cc is just this:
(define (kcall/cc kfn k)
(kfn (lambda (value ignored-continuation)
(k value))
So when you do:
(+ (* 3 4) (call/cc (lambda (exit) (* 5 (exit 6)))))
; ==> 18
Under the hood this happens:
((lambda (k)
(k* 3 4 (lambda (v34)
(kcall/cc (lambda (exit k)
(exit 6 (lambda (v6)
(k* 5 v6 k)))
By using the substitution we can prove that this actually does exactly as intended. Since the exit function is invoked the original continuation is never called and thus the computation cancelled. In contrast to call/cc giving us this continuation that doesn't seem obvious it's no magic in CPS. Thus much of the magic of call/cc is in the compiler stage.
(define (make-generator procedure)
(define last-return values)
(define last-value #f)
(define (last-continuation _)
(let ((result (procedure yield)))
(last-return result)))
(define (yield value)
(call/cc (lambda (continuation)
(set! last-continuation continuation)
(set! last-value value)
(last-return value))))
(lambda args
(call/cc (lambda (return)
(set! last-return return)
(if (null? args)
(last-continuation last-value)
(apply last-continuation args))))))
(define test
(lambda (collect)
(collect 1)
(collect 5)
(collect 10)
(test) ; ==> 1
(test) ; ==> 5
(test) ; ==> 10
(test) ; ==> #f (procedure finished)
One might make a macro to make the syntax more similar, but it's just sugar on top of this.
For more examples I love Matt Mights page with lots of examples on how to use continuations.
Here's code to define a generator:
(define-syntax define-generator
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (lambda)
((stx name (lambda formals e0 e1 ...))
(with-syntax ((yield (datum->syntax (syntax stx) 'yield)))
(syntax (define name
(lambda formals
(let ((resume #f) (return #f))
(define yield
(lambda args
(lambda (cont)
(set! resume cont)
(apply return args)))))
(lambda ()
(lambda (cont)
(set! return cont)
(cond (resume (resume))
(else (let () e0 e1 ...)
(error 'name "unexpected return"))))))))))))
((stx (name . formals) e0 e1 ...)
(syntax (stx name (lambda formals e0 e1 ...)))))))
There are examples of the use of generators at my blog. Generators use call-with-current-continuation, in a manner similar to yield in Python, but are much more general.
You can implement generators with call/cc. Here is an example:
They work in a similar way to python and ECMAScript generators.

Can someone explain equality to me in scheme/racket?

So I stumbled across this today and it has me puzzled.
(define (x) '(1))
(eq? (x) (x)) ;=> #t
(eq? '(1) '(1)) ;=> #f
(define (y) (list 1))
(eq? (y) (y)) ;=> #f
(eq? (list 1) (list 1)) ;=> #f
Can anyone explain what's happening here ?
When compiled this program
(define (x) '(1))
(eq? (x) (x))
(eq? '(1) '(1))
is compiled into (something like):
(define datum1 '(1))
(define datum2 '(1))
(define datum3 '(1))
(define (x) datum1)
(eq? (x) (x))
(eq? datum2 datum3)
Therefore (x) will always return the object stored in datum1.
The expressions (eq? '(1) '(1)) on the other hand will
find out that datum2 and datum3 does not store the same object.
Note: There is a choice for the compiler writer. Many Scheme implementation will compile the above program to:
(define datum1 '(1))
(define (x) datum1)
(eq? (x) (x))
(eq? datum1 datum1)
and then the result will be true in both cases.
Note: The documentation of quote doesn't explicitly state whether multiple occurrences of '(1) in a program will produce the same value or not. Therefore this behavior might change in the future. [Although I believe the current behavior is a deliberate choice]
eq? checks if the objects are the same (think "if the pointer refers to the same address in memory").
In the first case you're working with literals created at compile time. Comparing (and modifying) literals is generally undefined behaviour. Here it looks like procedure x returns the same literal every time, but in the second expression it looks like the 2 literals are not the same. As I said, undefined behaviour.
In the second case you're not working with literals but list creates a new list at execution time. So each call to y or list creates a fresh list.
uselpa's answer is correct.† I wanted to expand on what a quoted datum is, a little further, though.
As you know, all Scheme programs are internally read in as a syntax tree. In Racket, in particular, you use the read-syntax procedure to do it:
> (define stx (with-input-from-string "(foo bar)" read-syntax))
> stx
#<syntax::1 (foo bar)>
You can convert a syntax tree to a datum using syntax->datum:
> (syntax->datum stx)
'(foo bar)
quote is a special form, and what it does is return the quoted portion of the syntax tree as a datum. This is why, for many Scheme implementations, your x procedure returns the same object each time: it's returning the same portion of the syntax tree as a datum. (This is an implementation detail, and Scheme implementations are not required to have this behaviour, but it helps explain why you see what you see.)
And as uselpa's answer says, list creates a fresh list each time, if the list is non-empty. That's why the result of two separate non-empty invocations of list will always be distinct when compared with eq?.
(In Scheme, the empty list is required to be represented as a singleton object. So (eq? '() '()) is guaranteed to be true, as is (eq? (list) '()), (eq? (cdr (list 'foo)) (list)), etc.)
† I would not use the phrasing "undefined behaviour" for comparing literals because that's easily confused with the C and C++ meaning of UB, which is nasal demons, and although the result of comparing literals may not be what you expect, it would not cause your program to crash, etc. Modifying literals is nasal demons, of course.
