How to use compensating measures in an CQRS and DDD based application - validation

Let's assume we host two microservices: RealEstate and Candidate.
The RealEstate service is responsible for managing rental properties, landlords and so forth.
The Candidate service provides commands to apply for a rental property.
There would be a CandidateForRentalProperty command which requires the RentalPropertyId and all necessary Candidate information.
Now the crucial point: Different types of RentalPropertys require a different set of Candidate information.
Therefore the commands and aggregates got splitten up:
Commands: CandidateForParkingLot, CandidateForFlat, and so forth.
Aggregates: ParkingLotCandidature, FlatCandidature, and so forth.
The UI asks the read model to decide which command has to be called.
It's reasonable for me to validate the Candidate information and all the business logic involved with that in the Candidate domain layer, but leave out validation whether the correct command got called based on the given RentalPropertyId. Reason: Multiple aggregates are involved in this validation.
The microservice should be autonomous and it's read model consumes events from the RealEstate domain, hence it's not guaranteed to be up to date. We don't want to reject candidates based on that but rather use eventual consistency.
Yes, this could lead to inept Candidate information used for a certain kind of RentalProperty. Someone could just call the CandidateForFlat command with a parking lot rental property id.
But how do we handle the cases in which this happens?
The RealEstate domain does not know anything about Candidates.
Would there be an event handler which checks if there is something wrong and execute an appropriate command to compensate?
On the other hand, this "mapping" is domain logic and I'd like to accomodate it in the domain layer. But I don't know who's accountable for this kind of compensating measures. Would the Candidate aggregate be informed, like IneptApplicationTypeUsed or something like that?

As an aside - commands are usually imperative verbs. ApplyForFlat might be a better spelling than CandidateForFlat.
The pattern you are probably looking for here is that of an exception report; when the candidate service matches a CandidateForFlat message with a ParkingLot identifier, then the candidate service emits as an output a message saying "hey, we've got a problem here".
If a follow up message fixes the problem -- the candidate service gets an updated message that fixes the identifier in the CandidateForFlat message, or the candidate service gets an update from real estate announcing that the identifier actually points to a Flat, then the candidate service can emit another message "never mind, the problem has been fixed"
I tend to find in this pattern that the input commands to the service are really all just variations of handle(Event); the user submitted, the http request arrived; the only question is whether or not the microservice chooses to track that event. In other words, the "command" stream is just another logical event source that the microservice is subscribed to.

As you said, validation of commands should be performed at the point of command generation - at client side - where read models are available.
Command processing is performed by aggregate, so it cannot and should not check validity or existence of other aggregates. So it should trust a command issuer.
If commands comes from an untrusted environment like public API, then your API gateway becomes a client, and it should have necessary read models to validate references.
If you want to accept a command fast and check it later, then log events like ClientAppliedForParkingLot, and have a Saga/Process manager handle further workflow by keeping its internal state, and issuing commands like AcceptApplication or RejectApplication.

I understand the need for validation but I don't think the example you gave calls for cross-Aggregate (or cross-microservice for that matter) compensating measures as stated in the Q title.
Verifications like checking that the ID the client gave along with the flat rental command matches a flat and not a parking lot, that the client has permission to do that, and so forth, are legitimate. But letting the client create such commands in the wild and waiting for an external actor to come around and enforce these rules seems subpar because the rules could be made intrinsic properties of the object originating the process.
So what I'd recommend is to change the entry point into the operation - to create the Candidature Aggregate Root as part of another Aggregate Root's behavior. If that other Aggregate (RentalProperty in our case) lives in another Bounded Context/microservice, you can maintain a list of RentalProperties in the Candidate Bounded Context with just the amount of info needed, and initiate the Candidature from there.
So you would have
FlatCandidatureHandler ==loads==> RentalProperty ==creates==> FlatCandidature
FlatCandidatureHandler ==checks existence==> local RentalProperty data
==creates==> FlatCandidature
As a side note, what could actually necessitate compensating actions are factors extrinsic to the root object of the process. For instance, if the property becomes unavailable in the mean time. Then whatever Aggregate holds that information should emit an event when that happens and the compensation should be initiated.


Authorization of commands in Axon

Up until now I have been handling authorization in the CommandHandlers.
An example is I have an aggregate "Team" containing a list of managers (AggregateIdentifier from a User). All command handlers in the Team aggregate then verify the user executing the command is manager of the team.
The userId is injected as metadata in a CommandHandlerInterceptor based on the SecurityContext.
My main concern is, when I use sagas, it becomes an additional overhead to maintain the user context across the commands issued against different aggregates. Aside from that, the manager association can expire in the period the saga is running and subsequent failing commands, leading to an incomplete state which also needs to be handled with some rollback functionality.
Is it better to do the authorization in my controller layer to avoid the additional overhead or should I see it more as good practice to let my CommandHandlers decide whether the command is valid for the aggregate?
Authorization to perform certain operations/commands is something which I'd argue isn't domain specific logic. Instead, it is more a form of cross cutting concern which you need throughout your application. Thus, placing it in the #CommandHandler annotated method is not the ideal place in my head. However, placing it close by makes a lot of sense.
You have pointed out you are already using a CommandHandlerInterceptor to populate the Spring SecurityContext, thus I am assuming you are using a CommandDispatchInterceptor to populate the command's MetaData with information when you send a command out. This is a great use of the interceptor logic indeed, so I'd keep that in place. This however set's the information, it doesn't validate it.
To that end, you could build your own Handler Enhancer, which validates security metadata on a command. You could even build a dedicated annotation you'd add next to the #CommandHandler annotation, which describes the required roles. That way, the method still portrays what roles you need for the given command, but the actual validation can be done in this Handler Enhancer for you.
Now, let's circle back to your question:
Is it better to do the authorization in my controller layer to avoid the additional overhead or should I see it more as good practice to let my CommandHandlers decide whether the command is valid for the aggregate?
I think it's fine to do it in the aggregate, potentially making it cleaner through use of a Handler Enhancer. When it comes to your concern in the Saga, well, I think you should see that separate. The Saga handles events, facts that something has happened. Ignoring that fact because somebody whom initiated the operations which led to this fact doesn't have the rights doesn't resolve the point that it still has happened. Added, you are indeed not guaranteed on the timing of the Saga at all. Maybe your Saga deals with historical events, meaning it is completely out of scope.
If possible within your system, I would regard any command the Saga wants to publish as being sent by a "system user". The Saga is not something your users (which have specific roles) will directly influence; it is all indirect. The Saga is internal to your system, hence it is the system describing the intent to perform an operation.
That's my two cents to the situation, hope this helps you out #Vincent!

Is there any way to replay events in a date range?

I am implementing an example of spring-boot and axon. I have two events
(deposit and withdraw account balance). I want to know is there any way to get the state of the Account Aggregate by a given date ?
I want to get not just the final state, but to replay events in a range of dates.
I think I can help with this.
In the context of Axon Framework, you can start a replay of events by telling a given TrackingEventProcessor to 'reset' it's Tokens. By the way, the current description on this in the Reference Guide can be found here.
These TrackingTokens are the objects which know how far a given TrackingEventProcessor is in terms of handling events from the Event Stream. Thus resetting/adjusting these TrackingTokens is what will issue a Replay of events.
Knowing all these, the second step is to look at the methods the TrackingEventProcessor provides to 'reset tokens', which is threefold:
TrackingEventProcessor#resetTokens(Function<StreamableMessageSource, TrackingToken>)
Option one will reset your tokens to the beginning of the event stream, which will thus replay everything.
Option two and three however give you the opportunity to provide a TrackingToken.
Thus, you could provide a TrackingToken starting from several points on the Event Stream. So, how do you go about to creating such a TrackingToken at a specific point in time? To that end, you should take a look at the StreamableMessageSource interface, which has the following operations:
Option 1 is what's used to create a token at the start of the stream, whilst 2 will create a token at the head of the stream.
Option 3 and 4 will however allow you to create a token at a specific point in time, thus allowing you to replay all the events since the defined instance up to now.
There is one caveat in this scenario however. You're asking to replay an Aggregate. From Axon's perspective by default the Aggregate is the Command Model in a CQRS set up, thus dealing with Commands going in to your system. In the majority of the applications, you want Commands (e.g. the requests to change something) to occur on the current state of the application. As such, the Repository provided to retrieve an Aggregate does not allow specifying a point in time.
The above described solution in regards to replaying is thus solely tied to Query Model creation, as the TrackingEventProcessor is part of the Event Handling side in your application most often used to create views. This idea also ties in with your questions, that you want to know the "state of the Account Aggregate" at a given point in time. That's not a command, but a query, as you have 'a request for data' instead of 'the request to change state'.
Hope this helps you out #Safe!

CQRS DDD: How to validate products existence before adding them to order?

CQRS states: command should not query read side.
Ok. Let's take following example:
The user needs to create orders with order lines, each order line contains product_id, price, quantity.
It sends requests to the server with order information and the list of order lines.
The server (command handler) should not trust the client and needs to validate if provided products (product_ids) exist (otherwise, there will be a lot of garbage).
Since command handler is not allowed to query read side, it should somehow validate this information on the write side.
What we have on the write side: Repositories. In terms of DDD, repositories operate only with Aggregate Roots, the repository can only GET BY ID, and SAVE.
In this case, the only option is to load all product aggregates, one by one (repository has only GET BY ID method).
Note: Event sourcing is used as a persistence, so it would be problematic and not efficient to load multiple aggregates at once to avoid multiple requests to the repository).
What is the best solution for this case?
P.S.: One solution is to redesign UI (more like task based UI), e.g.: User first creates order (with general info), then adds products one by one (each addition separate http request), but still I need to support bulk operations (api for third party applications as an example).
The short answer: pass a domain service (see Evans, chapter 5) to the aggregate along with the other command arguments.
CQRS states: command should not query read side.
That's not an absolute -- there are trade offs involved when you include a query in your command handler; that doesn't mean that you cannot do it.
In domain-driven-design, we have the concept of a domain service, which is a stateless mechanism by which the aggregate can learn information from data outside of its own consistency boundary.
So you can define a service that validates whether or not a product exists, and pass that service to the aggregate as an argument when you add the item. The work of computing whether the product exists would be abstracted behind the service interface.
But what you need to keep in mind is this: products, presumably, are defined outside of the order aggregate. That means that they can be changing concurrently with your check to verify the product_id. From the point of view of correctness, there's no real difference between checking the validity of the product_id in the aggregate, or in the application's command handler, or in the client code. In all three places, the product state that you are validating against can be stale.
Udi Dahan shared an interest observation years ago
A microsecond difference in timing shouldn’t make a difference to core business behaviors.
If the client has validated the data one hundred milliseconds ago when composing the command, and the data was valid them, what should the behavior of the aggregate be?
Think about a command to add a product that is composed concurrently with an order of that same product - should the correctness of the system, from a business perspective, depend on the order that those two commands happen to arrive?
Another thing to keep in mind is that, by introducing this check into your aggregate, you are coupling the ability to change the aggregate to the availability of the domain service. What is supposed to happen if the domain service can't reach the data it needs (because the read model is down, or whatever). Does it block? throw an exception? make a guess? Does this choice ripple back into the design of the aggregate, and so on.

Design of notification events

I am designing some events that will be raised when actions are performed or data changes in a system. These events will likely be consumed by many different services and will be serialized as XML, although more broadly my question also applies to the design of more modern funky things like Webhooks.
I'm specifically thinking about how to describe changes with an event and am having difficulty choosing between different implementations. Let me illustrate my quandry.
Imagine a customer is created, and a simple event is raised.
Now let's say Bob spends lots of money and becomes a gold customer, or indeed any other property changes (e.g.: he now prefers to be known as Robert). I could raise an event like this.
This is nice because the schema of the Created and Modified events are the same and any subscriber receives the complete current state of the entity. However it is difficult for any receiver to determine which properties have changed without tracking state themselves.
I then thought about an event like this.
This is more compact and only contains the properties that have changed, but comes with the downside that the receiver must apply the changes and reassemble the current state of the entity if they need it. Also, the schemas of the Created and Modified events must be different now; CustomerId is required but all other properties are optional.
Then I came up with this.
This covers all bases as it contains the full current state, plus a receiver can figure out what has changed. The Before and After elements have the exact same schema type as the Created event. However, it is incredibly verbose.
I've struggled to find any good examples of events; are there any other patterns I should consider?
You tagged the question as "Event Sourcing", but your question seems to be more about Event-Driven SOA.
I agree with #Matt's answer--"CustomerModified" is not granular enough to capture intent if there are multiple business reasons why a Customer would change.
However, I would back up even further and ask you to consider why you are storing Customer information in a local service, when it seems that you (presumably) already have a source of truth for customer. The starting point for consuming Customer information should be getting it from the source when it's needed. Storing a copy of information that can be queried reliably from the source may very well be an unnecessary optimization (and complication).
Even if you do need to store Customer data locally (and there are certainly valid reasons for need to do so), consider passing only the data necessary to construct a query of the source of truth (the service emitting the event):
So these event types can be as granular as necessary, e.g. "CustomerAddressChanged" or simply "CustomerChanged", and it is up to the consumer to query for the information it needs based on the event type.
There is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution--sometimes it does make more sense to pass the relevant data with the event. Again, I agree with #Matt's answer if this is the direction you need to move in.
Edit Based on Comment
I would agree that using an ESB to query is generally not a good idea. Some people use an ESB this way, but IMHO it's a bad practice.
Your original question and your comments to this answer and to Matt's talk about only including fields that have changed. This would definitely be problematic in many languages, where you would have to somehow distinguish between a property being empty/null and a property not being included in the event. If the event is getting serialized/de-serialized from/to a static type, it will be painful (if not impossible) to know the difference between "First Name is being set to NULL" and "First Name is missing because it didn't change".
Based on your comment that this is about synchronization of systems, my recommendation would be to send the full set of data on each change (assuming signal+query is not an option). That leaves the interpretation of the data up to each consuming system, and limits the responsibility of the publisher to emitting a more generic event, i.e. "Customer 1234 has been modified to X state". This event seems more broadly useful than the other options, and if other systems receive this event, they can interpret it as they see fit. They can dump/rewrite their own data for Customer 1234, or they can compare it to what they have and update only what changed. Sending only what changed seems more specific to a single consumer or a specific type of consumer.
All that said, I don't think any of your proposed solutions are "right" or "wrong". You know best what will work for your unique situation.
Events should be used to describe intent as well as details, for example, you could have a CustomerRegistered event with all the details for the customer that was registered. Then later in the stream a CustomerMadeGoldAccount event that only really needs to capture the customer Id of the customer who's account was changed to gold.
It's up to the consumers of the events to build up the current state of the system that they are interested in.
This allows only the most pertinent information to be stored in each event, imagine having hundreds of properties for a customer, if every command that changed a single property had to raise an event with all the properties before and after, this gets unwieldy pretty quickly. It's also difficult to determine why the change occurred if you just publish a generic CustomerModified event, which is often a question that is asked about the current state of an entity.
Only capturing data relevant to the event means that the command that issues the event only needs to have enough data about the entity to validate the command can be executed, it doesn't need to even read the whole customer entity.
Subscribers of the events also only need to build up a state for things that they are interested in, e.g. perhaps an 'account level' widget is listening to these events, all it needs to keep around is the customer ids and account levels so that it can display what account level the customer is at.
Instead of trying to convey everything through payload xmls' fields, you can distinguish between different operations based on -
1. Different endpoint URLs depending on the operation(this is preferred)
2. Have an opcode(operation code) as an element in the xml file which tells which operation is to used to handle the incoming request.(more nearer to your examples)
There are a few enterprise patterns applicable to your business case - messaging and its variants, and if your system is extensible then Enterprise Service Bus should be used. An ESB allows reliable handling of events and processing.

Command Validation in DDD with CQRS

I am learning DDD and making use of the CQRS pattern. I don't understand how to validate business rules in a command handler without reading from the data store.
For example, Chris wants to give Ashley a gift.
The command might be GiveGiftCommand.
At what point would I verify Chris actually owns the gift he wants to give? And how would I do that without reading from the database?
There are different views and opinions about validation in command handlers.
Command can be rejected, we can say No to the command if it is not valid.
Typically you would have a validation that occurs on the UI and that might be duplicated inside the command handler (some people tend to put it in the domain too). Command handler then can run simple validation that can occur outside of the entity like is data in correct format, are there expected values, etc.
Business logic, on the other hand, should not be in a command handler. It should be in your domain.
So I think that the underlying question is...
Should I query the read side from Command Handlers?
I would say no. Do not use the read model in the command handlers or domain logic. But you can always query your read model from the client to fetch the data you need in for your command and to validate the command. You would query the read side on the client to check would if Chris actually owns the gift he wants to give. Of course, the validation involving a read model is likely to be eventually consistent, which is of course another reason a command could be rejected from the aggregate, inside the command handler.
Some people disagree saying that if you require your commands to contain the data the handler needs to validate your command, than you can never change the validation logic within your handler/domain without affecting the client as well. This exposes too much of the domain knowledge to the client and go against the fact that the client only wants to express an intent. So they would tend to provide an GiftService interface (which are part of the ubiquitous language) to your command handler and then implement the interface as needed - which might include querying the read side.
I think that the client should always assume that the commands it issues will succeed. Calling the read side to validate the command shouldn't be needed. Getting two contradictory commands is very unlikely (users creating accounts with the same email address). Then you should have a mean to issue a corrective action, something like for example a Saga/Process Manager. So instead making a corrective action would be less problematic that if the command could have been validated and not dispatched in the first place.
It depends if the operation is async or not i.e does the user expect some immediate response. Gift ownership is basically a security feature and that can be done as a 'prep' operation before invoking the actual service or sending the GiveGiftCommand.
The only command validation you can do is to make sure it contains the data in the required format (UI validation) and that the user has the permissions to do that action. But after the command is sent it's up to the Domain to decide if other business constraints are respected.
If the user expects some immediate feedback, you can actually 'wait' until the command is completed and for that you can use an approach where a command handler can provide a result to the sender using a mediator . But this implies that at least some commands are executed in an immediate manner and that might not be the case in your app. However, this is the simplest approach if you want to just return a message error as opposed to implementing compensations and other stuff. Some use cases are simple.
About command handlers and business logic, I disagree with Tomasz Jaskuλa . A command handler is a function, a technical detail. You can put business logic in a command handler or a static function, it doesn't matter. Messages and their handlers are infrastructural components that can be used to implement functionality. For example, in an app you can have Domain Events, Application Events etc . They're all events i.e notification that something changed and you can have event handlers that reside in Domain or in other places.
There's no rule preventing you to 'read' from the db, however at least the read model theoretically is stale. However this might not be such a problem in 99% of cases. For the rest 1% you need very specific solutions.
I just asked the exact same question from a knowledgeable friend of mine and his answer was that it is OK to do this validation inside the command handler (in my case inside an akka persistent actor that interprets commands and writes events to the journal).
However if that is not possible for performance reasons (because processing validation inside a persistent actor would block the actor and that would be a scalability bottleneck for the whole app) then optimistic locking (OCC) can be used.
In other words the validation can be performed in an other actor (lets call it the validator actor - which is not in the persistent actor) , this will not block the persistent actor but it might happen that the data that is used for the validation has changed in the persistent actor while the validation was running in the validator actor) .
If the validator actor returns with an OK and all the data that has been used for the validation is still the same in the persistent actor (has the same version - version as in OCC) as it has been at the point when the command arrived to the command handler (persistent actor) then the command is accepted by the persistent actor , otherwise the validation needs to be resubmitted for re-evaluation to the validator actor.
