Maven artifacts for multiple environments - maven

I am working on a project that uses Maven for build and Artifactory as Maven repository where the build is published. All works fine when there is just one set of configuration - build is created and published to Artifactory.
I need to be able to create a single WAR that contains necessary binaries and one additional artifact for each environment that contains environment specific resources (MongoDB connection URL and log4j2 xml). Deployment job in Jenkins should deploy WAR and environment specific resource JAR to the server.
I am stuck in creating and publishing artifacts. Approaches I tried and rejects are:
Maven profiles - rejected as it creates a separate WAR file for each environment. I find it illogical to create WAR files of few tens of MBs just to change few configurations.
Spring profiles - rejected as it uses code to solve deployment problem by deploying all configurations on all servers and relying on setting profile in environment + code change to read based on configured profile name.
Maven resources plugin - can be used to copy environment specific resources in appropriate directory structure; but does not get published to Artifactory during "deploy" phase.
Maven Jar plugin - can create attached JAR artifact, but attached artifacts cannot contain resource (or at least I could not figure out a way to include resources in attached JAR)
Maven build helper plugin - can publish individual files as attached artifacts, but file names are changed when deploying to Artifactory.
Multimodule POM - this approach could work to create resource artifact for each environment but has 2 disadvantages:
Updating version of main artifact needs update to all POMs (easy to miss out)
Not scalable - need to create separate POM if new environment is added.
It seems that Maven + Artifactory is not geared towards multi-environment scenario as there simply does not seem to be any straightforward solution. Am I missing something? What approach should I take?
I solved the problem by using This lets me create one WAR and multiple JAR files:
- myapp.0.1.0.war
- myapp.0.1.0-dev.jar
- myapp.0.1.0-qa.jar
- myapp.0.1.0-prod.jar
I am stuck at next step. Install phase installs the JARs as WARs and subsequently Deploy phase uploads them to Artifactory as WARs. Any way to keep packaging type as JAR for the JARs?


Automated deployment of EAR project without obtain dependencies from a repository

Is it possible deploy an artifact (.ear) into a application server (AS) without obtain its dependencies from a repository?
Let's me explain: the maven project I'm trying to configure for deploy into a AS has 3 modules:
Web (.war - front end)
EJB (.ejb - back end)
Entity (.jar - entities classes)
These modules are wrapped into a EAR module and none of then are available in some repository (like Nexus or JFrog Artifactory). When I try to use Cargo Maven plugin or JBoss Deployment Maven Plugin, both notify that cannot resolve dependencies for these modules.
UPDATED (03/01/2019)
The issue is similar to that quoted in items 6 and 7 of the following link:
It's a workaround but worked. Instead of the project depends on an internal repository (like Nexus or JFrog Artifactory), it's possible defines a folder as a repository on the local machine using the Maven's parameter -Dmaven.repo.local. Thus, the plugin to deploy the artifact also can use this property and obtaining the others artifacts.
That is, to build the application on the current folder:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=. package
To deploy the application (.ear, in this case) using Cargo Maven Plugin, for example, without depending on an internal repository:
mvn -pl app-ear/ -Dmaven.repo.local=. cargo:redeploy
OBS: Using the maven.repo.local property, the folder defined as value will be fill with all dependencies of the project. In my case, it isn't a problem because this commands are been used on a continuous integration pipeline and all files and folder are discard on the final.

Maven WAR Plugin / Jenkins repository connector: Omitting transitive dependencies?

I have a multi-module Maven project. In it, I have several JAR artefacts, it then gets assembled as a WAR file. Thus, the WAR artefact depends on all kinds of JAR artefacts (it also has a WAR overlay), most of them with scope "compile".
Build and deployment to a repository are fine. But when I try to retrieve the WAR artefact, I have issues. previously, I used a simple wget to retrieve it from the Nexus API, but I wanted to try the Jenkins Repository Connector - not the least reason being that it actually shows a list of available versions.
I configure a repository in
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Artifact Resolver
with the URL for our repo:
then in the job, i add a parameter:
Maven Repository Artifact
and use the repository configured above, then i add
Artifact Resolver
as a build step and set it up.
I am not even sure on which side this should be solved: When I run the job to try to get the WAR file from the nexus, it also starts trying to retrieve all kinds of transitive dependencies (some of which are unaccessible to this user) and fails. What I need is just the WAR file. No transitive dependencies (since they're already packaged in the WAR).
The Repository Connector plugin doesn't seem to have a switch for this, and the Maven side it's probably perfectly OK to include those dependencies in the output POM.
What can I do to either stop the repository connector from retrieving transitive dependencies or retrieve the WAR artefact in a different way? Also interesting for me (but a bit broad as a question) would be general ideas about doing this kind of workflow. E.g., does anyone use other ways of deploying the WAR into their Nexus?
i submitted a patch to the repository connector plugin.
my fork:
working on getting it to be merged:

How to download maven dependencies from Jenkins without a binary repository

Are there any plugins or ways to download the dependencies for a maven project from Jenkins? I am using Jenkins for a multi-module desktop application. Although I know I could just archive all dependencies, I don't see why there isn't the ability to download dependencies using maven which installed on the same machine as Jenkins. Preferably one would specify the location of a pom and then have the ability with one click to download all the dependencies for that pom. Can you do this? I do not need or want an entire binary repository for this feature.
Edit: I will try and rephrase this as I don't think people are understanding.
In Jenkins one has the ability to archive artifacts at the end of a build. Also in jenkins you have integration with maven. When building a jar in maven you have arguablly 2 options:
You can either use the assembly plugin which zips all .class files
together with those produced from your source code resulting in 1 jar
You can create a jar just source code which references all
dependency jars which are located in a separate folder.
In Jenkins one also has the ability to download the latest artifact. Now if I am using Option 2, I can either archieve just the jar which my sources produced, which I would say is more desirable for space and is the whole purpose of the archive functionality, or you can also archive the libraries too.
Here is the PROBLEM!! If I don't archive the libraries then I cannot easily run this jar, as it is a desktop application and its dependencies cannot be obtained in the same mannor as clicking on a link from jenkins. So lets say my question is what is the easiest way to obtain them? Extra info: assume jenkins is running as a server and you can't use artifactory or another server application, that seems to me to be massive over kill.
Use the maven plugin and create a maven job for your project. Jenkins will then use the maven command you provide in the job configuration to build the project. This means maven will download the projects dependencies and store them on the machine jenkins is running. Normally this would be <JENKINS_HOME>/.m2/repository. This way you get a local repository that only contains the dependencies of the projects you created maven jobs for.

Jenkins: deploying war files from artifactory

We are using Jenkins to build (maven) & deploy artifacts (JARs & *WAR*s) to an in-house artifactory server (both snapshots and releases).
For deployment, currently, we got Jenkins jobs that package the war file (from a release scm tag) and deploy to different environments/servers. We want to skip the package phase as it seems unnecessary to package it again & again for a released version because it's not possible to get a different copy of war file even after trying 1000 times.
We are looking for a way in Jenkins to get the artifact (war) from Artifactory and deploy it to a container. I am sure other people would have faced this situation too but I am not able to find any online material regarding this.
Is there any Jenkins plugin that takes a war file from Artifactory (based on a version) and deploy it to a remote container?
If this is not the right way of doing it then what are the recommendations for any other approach?
I don't know about a plugin which takes a version # and deploys that, but you can build a Jenkins job to deploy the last successful release to a previous environment (thus copying from DEV-->QA for example.)
To do this, you would use the copy-artifact-plugin.
Here's an easy to follow run-through of this kind of setup:
Every artifact stored in Artifactory will have a unique URL that includes the version number. It will take the format
(depending on how you do your packaging, the WAR file name may include the version number as well).
So your deployment job can construct the Artifactory URL and download the file. Depending on how you have security set up in Artifactory, you may need to authenticate the request.

Access Maven build properties in Jenkins post-build script to retrieve deployed artifact

I've got a Maven project that Jenkins builds and deploys to a remote repository. I then need to copy the deployed .war to an external location. I've been trying to do this with a post-build shell script but I don't see any way to get the build information from maven (for example, the URL of the deployed artifact). Is there a way to get it, or a way to do this that's more integrated into maven? I can calculate the deployment path using Jenkins build parameters but it seems like a hack.
After a maven build you should always find the build artifact at
You can access this path within the maven pom.xml by using the maven properties (see pom reference)
To copy the artifact to another location after the build you can use several approaches described e.g. in this thread.
