Switch Condition in Laravel service provider - laravel-5

I was trying to get a french month using service provider.
my code is,
Blade::directive('frenchmonth', function($arguments){
case "January":
case "February":
case "March":
return "<?php echo \"{$frmonth}\"; ?>";
But it returns Undefined variable: frmonth.
How to solve this issue?


How can I invoke an error in my Stripe.card.createToken function?

I'm using stripe in React and processing the charge through an AJAX call.
I've tried to strip down the Stripe.card.createToken function to the bare essentials for this question.
The if else statement checks if the response has any errors.
I use the 4100000000000019 card number to ensure a card declined error but the else statement(the successful charge) fires regardless which card number is entered.
Entering the 4100000000000019 card number results in a blocked charge in the Stripe dashboard. An error definitely gets generated:
"error": {
"message": "Your card was declined.",
"type": "card_error",
"code": "card_declined",
"decline_code": "generic_decline",
"charge": "ch_19gMBaIWHxnqld7LCdbCtdNz"
But the if(response.error) is ignored and runs the else statement.
number: $('.card-number').val(),
cvc: $('.card-cvc').val(),
exp_month: $('.card-expiry-month').val(),
exp_year: $('.card-expiry-year').val(),
name: $('.first-name').val()
}, function(status, response){
if (response.error) {
} else { // No errors, submit the form.
var token = response.id;
type: 'POST',
url: 'components/charge.php',
data : {
stripeToken: token
success: function(data,response) {
error: function(data,textStatus) {
console.log("Ajax Error!");
Any help is much appreciated.
UPDATE: Thanks to this awesome tutorial by Larry Ullman and it's section on stripe error handling, I came up with a fairly good solution.
So I added the if else statment inside the AJAX success function.
success: function(data,response) {
if(data == "success"){
$('#payment-error-copy').text("Your payment was successful. Thank you for ordering!");
} else {
};//success function
Inside the charge we can return the error response and the precise reason for the error.
my charge.php file
// Get the payment token submitted by the form:
$token = $_POST['stripeToken'];
$customer = \Stripe\Customer::create(array(
"source" => $token,
"email" => $email
// Charge the Customer instead of the card
"amount" => $price, // amount in cents, again
"currency" => "aud",
"description" => $email." ".$first_name,
"customer" => $customer->id
echo "success";
} catch (\Stripe\Error\ApiConnection $e) {
// Network problem, perhaps try again.
$e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
$error = $e_json['error'];
echo "Sorry, your charge couldn't be processed. Reason: ".$error['message'];
} catch (\Stripe\Error\InvalidRequest $e) {
// You screwed up in your programming. Shouldn't happen!
$e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
$error = $e_json['error'];
echo "Sorry, your charge couldn't be processed. Reason: ".$error['message'];
} catch (\Stripe\Error\Api $e) {
// Stripe's servers are down!
$e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
$error = $e_json['error'];
echo "Sorry, your charge couldn't be processed. Reason: ".$error['message'];
} catch (\Stripe\Error\Card $e) {
// Card was declined.
$e_json = $e->getJsonBody();
$error = $e_json['error'];
echo "Sorry, your charge couldn't be processed. Reason: ".$error['message'];
The try catch statement returns a precise message about the charge error and returns it to our success function, so if the charge is anything other than success it runs the error function.
Although my question remains unanswered, the build works as expected and still remains safe for the user to enter their billing info.
Thanks to the other SO users for their input, it is really appreciated.
I think this particular card number only gives an error when Stripe actually tries to use it.
Just built a change-card-function for my SaaS and noticed that when I update my StripeCustomer default source with the token received, it fails.

list message using ajax refresh

Hi I want to list emails using context io.But some times it returns zero messages and show blank page.So I decided to do it using ajax.
Step1 :First I take the count of messages
Step2 : Check if count>0
Step 3: if count>0 =>list message
Step 4 : else again take count and repeat step 3 and 4
My code is,
$(function() {
var contid='<?php echo $_GET['contextio_token'];?>';
$("#ajaxloader").html('<img src="<?php echo base_url();?>images/ajax-loader.gif" style="width:60px;">');
url:"<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/gmailControl/countContext",
function refreshContext(){
var contid='<?php echo $_GET['contextio_token'];?>';
$("#ajaxloader").html('<img src="<?php echo base_url();?>images/ajax-loader.gif" style="width:60px;">');
url:"<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/gmailControl/countContext",
{viewContextIO(); }
setTimeout(refreshContext, 10000);
function viewContextIO()
var contid='<?php echo $_GET['contextio_token'];?>';
$("#ajaxloader").html('<img src="<?php echo base_url();?>images/ajax-loader.gif" style="width:60px;">');
url:"<?php echo base_url();?>index.php/gmailControl/view_contextIOmsg",
But some times it takes more than 30 refresh and finally got a 500 internal server error.
I think it is the problem of server overloading.Is it a correct logic or is any other solution?any one please help me
If you're not seeing messages when using one of the API libraries then there's likely a problem with the account connection. Too many requests to the server can cause the email provider to throttle access to the account from outside services.
If you're still having problems just email us at support#context.io.

PhoneGap ajax call fails everytime

I am developing a mobile application using PhoneGap, and I have to access some services from another project.
I am using jquery-2.0.0.js and jquery-mobile-1.3.2.js.
url: 'http://localhost:62465/api/account?email=johndoe#yahoo.com',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
error: function (xhr, type) {
alert("Failed to load data");
alert(xhr + " " + type);
This ajax call fails everytime. In the config.xml I have the following line: <access origin="*" />
Where I might be going wrong!
The problem is that your phonegap application is requesting a local file from something that isn't a webserver. The local file is delivered with NO HTTP HEADERS - that means no "200 OK" header and no "404 Not Found" errors. So, the status code is assumed to be 0.
Straight javascript XHR will need to ignore status and perform your action on readystate == 4 (finished and ready). Like this:
var myrequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
myrequest.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(myrequest.readyState == 4) {
var result = myrequest.responseText;
In MooTools, it's a relatively straightforward task of implementing an altered status test in the Request class - altering the return code test to also accept 0 for true. Like this:
isSuccess: function(){
var status = this.status;
return ((status >= 200 && status < 300) || status === 0);
jQuery.... I have some things I'd like to say about jQuery - but I'll hold my tongue because this seems like a classy place.
To prepare jQuery for status == 0, you need to use the always event instead of the success event, you can test the status code there.
url: '/echo/html/',
type: 'PUT',
data: "email=a#b.com"
}).always(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
switch(textStatus) {
case 200:
case 0:
case 404:
Ajax in Cordova/Phonegap - Yay!
url of your query is localhost, thant means- the same device (android emulator or physical). I'm sure that this is your problem. You should use IP (or domain) of your api json server, maybe (depending on your network configuration)
Are you using a physical device or an emulator ? iOS ? Android ?
I might be wrong, but if you're running your app on a mobile device you can't access to your localhost.
I solved the problem with the "GET" call, but now I am trying to make a "PUT" call and it's the same problem, always fails.
url: '/echo/html/',
type: 'PUT',
data: "email=a#b.com",
success: function(data) {
If the url: 'http://localhost:62465/api/account?email=johndoe#yahoo.com' is not reachable from your mobile, there's a very useful trick to use.
With www.ngrok.com, you can assign an internet domain to your locally unreachable port.
Just signup, get an access token, and then you can use:
ngrok -authtoken myauthtoken -subdomain=mysubdomainname 62465
And then you can access your computer with the url http://mysubdomainname.ngrok.com/api/account?email=johndoe#yahoo.com
(For people with similiar problems)
Use ajax error to know what is wrong:
error: function(jqXHR, exception){
var msg = '';
if (jqXHR.status === 0) {
msg = 'Not connect.\n Verify Network.';
} else if (jqXHR.status == 404) {
msg = 'Requested page not found. [404]';
} else if (jqXHR.status == 500) {
msg = 'Internal Server Error [500].';
} else if (exception === 'parsererror') {
msg = 'Requested JSON parse failed.';
} else if (exception === 'timeout') {
msg = 'Time out error.';
} else if (exception === 'abort') {
msg = 'Ajax request aborted.';
} else {
msg = 'Uncaught Error.\n' + jqXHR.responseText;

Magento Ajax Login - Over SSL

I am working on an ajax login for magento and I have run into a small issue when dealing with ssl.
The request page that I am using to display my login view is a non-secure page. From this page, I am using ajax to post to a secure url (https://client.devserver/customer/account/ajaxLoginPost/). The json response I get back is correct, however when I refresh the page the user is not logged in.
I have tested this function on a non-secure site and it works as intended. It seems to only break when I add in the next layer of SSL.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Here is the code from my controller.
public function ajaxLoginPostAction()
if ($this->_getSession()->isLoggedIn()) {
$session = $this->_getSession();
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$login = $this->getRequest()->getPost('login');
if (!empty($login['username']) && !empty($login['password'])) {
try {
$session->login($login['username'], $login['password']);
if ($session->getCustomer()->getIsJustConfirmed()) {
$this->_welcomeCustomer($session->getCustomer(), true);
$messages = array("isAuthed" => true);
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
switch ($e->getCode()) {
case Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::EXCEPTION_INVALID_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD:
$message = $e->getMessage();
$message = $e->getMessage();
$messages = array("isAuthed" => false, "userName" => $login['username'],"error"=> $message);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Mage::logException($e); // PA DSS violation: this exception log can disclose customer password
} else {
$messages = array("isAuthed" => false, "userName" => $login['username'],"error"=>'Login and password are required.');
There are effectively two cookies (and hence two sessions), one for the "http" connection and one for the "https".
You can either forward to a secure page after performing the login - which negates the need for an AJAX form - or return the SID in the JSON response and find a way to set the non-secure cookie with that value.
A third option is to leave the entire site as secured, it's extra work & cost for the server so not all businesses are willing to take that sensible precaution.

Uploadify: show error message from HTTP response

If the server returns an error (HTTP response code != 200) when uploading a file with Uploadify, the uploaded file gets a red background and a message is show like this:
file.jpg (52.78KB) - HTTP Error
indicating that there was a HTTP Error. But that's not very useful to the the user. How can I make it show a more detailed error message? Like: 'Not a valid image' or 'Quota full'?
I was thinking of passing those messages in the HTTP response body, but Uploadify doesn't pick them up. Is there a known way to pass error messages back to Uploadify?
Take a look at these two posts in the uploadify forum on how to handle errors
onError to display what's happening
Upload script error reporting
there is a lot of useful info in there ..
The following seems to do the trick for me ..
'onComplete': function(a, b, c, d, e){
if (d !== '1')
alert('Filename: ' + c.name + ' was uploaded');
coupled with this version of the uploadify script
if (!empty($_FILES))
$tempFile = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];
$targetPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $_REQUEST['folder'] . '/';
$targetFile = str_replace('//','/',$targetPath) . $_FILES['userfile']['name'];
switch ($_FILES['userfile']['error'])
case 0:
$msg = ""; // comment this out if you don't want a message to appear on success.
case 1:
$msg = "The file is bigger than this PHP installation allows";
case 2:
$msg = "The file is bigger than this form allows";
case 3:
$msg = "Only part of the file was uploaded";
case 4:
$msg = "No file was uploaded";
case 6:
$msg = "Missing a temporary folder";
case 7:
$msg = "Failed to write file to disk";
case 8:
$msg = "File upload stopped by extension";
$msg = "unknown error ".$_FILES['userfile']['error'];
if ($msg)
{ $stringData = "Error: ".$_FILES['userfile']['error']." Error Info: ".$msg; }
{ $stringData = "1"; } // This is required for onComplete to fire on Mac OSX
echo $stringData;
Unfortunately the onUploadError event does not have access to the reponse body. You'll have to return 200 status and handle the errors in onUploadSuccess as far as I'm aware.
Here's how I'm doing it:
'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response) {
var responseObj = JSON.parse(data);
$("#" + file.id).hide(); // this will hide the misleading "complete" message..
Or better yet you could replace the "complete" message with your error message like so:
'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response) {
var responseObj = JSON.parse(data);
$("#" + file.id).find('.data').css('color', 'red').html(' - ' + responseObj.error_message);
console.log(file, data, response);
I've had the same problem. after search for hours I found the problem. I have set "proxy server" in my "internet Options->Lan setting" , and when I returned it to default state, uploadify worked again.
For uploadify version 3.0+ take a look at the onUploadSuccess option - specifically the passed in variable named data - that will have whatever the server echoed. If you echo JSON remember to decode it like so:
'onUploadSuccess' : function(file, data, response) {
if (response){
var json_data=JSON.decode(data);
/* code here */
