Xcode - Hide View Controller Scene Panel - xcode

I am completely new to Xcode. I would like to hide the View Controller Scene panel, so that I can follow on with a tutorial, and have more screen real estate. I understand that I can hide the left and right panels, but it's the panel I have highlighted in red which I want to hide. Many thanks.

There's a small icon representing that panel at the bottom of the storyboard view. It's just to the left of the spot that says "View as: iPhone 8..." in your image. Click that icon to toggle the visibility of the storyboard outline view.
There's also a menu command: Editor->Hide Document Outline that does the same thing.

Press the highlighted icon to hide the side panel.

For xcode 11.3 you may hide the preview by
make sure it is not checked.


How to change the orientation of the editor in Xcode?

Currently, the assistant editor is on the bottom view:
I've gone to View > Change Editor Orientation, but it doesn't change anything. It just looks as it did before. I'm working on a 13 inch display if that could be a reason. I would like the display to have the storyboard and assistant editor side by side.
View > Change Editor Orientation does change something.
Please look at the little icon at the top right side of the editor window.
By default the assistant editor is opened at the right side
After selecting View > Change Editor Orientation the editor is opened on the bottom .
You can change the orientation temporarily by holding the ⌥ key

how to view panel which opens while storyboard is active?

By mistake the panel which appears on left while clicking the storyboard has disappeared. I want to view it again, How can I bring it back on storyboard. I have attached the for clarification. Kindly help we with this.
You can expand (/collapse) it by clicking on the small button in the footerbar (see my screenshot).

Scroll View and Toolbar

In Xcode 6, I am designing an app whose view has a scroll view and a toolbar. However, when I run my app in iOS Simulator, the toolbar stays where it was placed in interface builder and does not stay directly at the bottom as I scroll. How can I fix this?
Thanks for your help.
Have you placed the toolbar inside the scroll view? If so, you will want to move it outside of the scroll view and anchor it instead at the bottom of the parent view. Then you will want to reduce the size of your scroll view so that it does not get cut off by the toolbar.

Xcode osx scroll view

I am going round in circles trying to get a custom view to scroll correctly.
To simplify this.
I create a new OSX cocoa application.
Go to the xib file, select the window. drag a custom view, then drag a few buttons into it.
Run the program, you have a button in the screen.
Now go back the custom view, select editor -> embed in -> Scroll view
Everything looks fine, and suggests you will have two buttons with scroll bars in the custom view.
Run the program, the custom view shows with scroll bars, but the button do not show.
What am I doing wrong?
Following your instructions I have created and changed the project. No problem.
Run in IB your "app", CMD R. The user interface itself can be checked in this way.
If problem remains
Check the layer position->Click on the custom View
Is it possible to Layout->Send to back? If yes, then your button-scrollview is not embedded.
Unembed the button, view and repeat the process, by checking in IB if now the interface shows appears correctly.

How to Turn a View into Landscape Mode in Xcode 4

In xcode 3 there is that little arrow next to the view title. That little button has gone in xcode 4.
Click the icon on the right hand menu: attribute inspector, this should show Orientation under Simulated Metrics. The Utilites should be opened for that. Look at the screenshot:
