It this the correct way of extending eslint rules? - yaml

In my eslint config (YAML format), I'm extending 3 different configurations:
- airbnb-base
- plugin:angular/johnpapa
- ionic
My questions are as follows:
Is this the correct format in YAML?
Some of these extensions have overlapping rules (or multiple of them extend eslint:recommended): will I get the same error multiple times if the error is related to one of these "shared" rules?

At first, Yes, it's the correct format in YAML (see for example ESLint - Configuring Plugins). As JSON, it would be
"extends": [
If you have multiple rulesets in your extend section, each following ruleset will extend or overwrite the previous ones. So you will only have one setting for each rule (see ESLint - Extending Configuration Files) Sometimes when the rules from the shareable configs are conflicting and you can't define a specific order for the extend section you have to manually define this specific rule in you rules section.
So the answer to you second question is: No, you won't get the same error multiple times.

The correct way to extend eslint rules is like so:
extends: ["standard", "plugin:jest/recommended"]


Is there a way to specify a where condition for all tests in a model in DBT?

I would like to write some tests for my dbt model. I only want the tests to test certain rows (data within the last month). I could write a where clause for every single test in yml file like so:
- not_null
where: "current_date-date_column<=30"
However, I was wondering if there is some shortcut to put the clause on the model and have the where clause apply to all tests of the model (which is a lot easier to write and also means I don't have to worry about forgetting if I add more tests).
This article givers an example on how to do that for project level but I don't want the whole project just one model.
Any config that can be applied in the dbt_project.yml can be scoped to specific directories or resources. However, tests are their own resources, independent of the models they test, and currently (dbt v1.2), it is not possible apply config to all tests for a given model.
As a workaround, you could consider putting the .yml file that defines the tests for that model in a directory by itself, and applying the config to a directory.
Apply where to a whole project:
+where: "date_column = current_date"
Apply where only to .yml files nested in the models/marts/finance/ directory:
+where: "date_column = current_date"
Apply where to a specific test:
+where: "date_column = current_date"
See the docs for resource-path for more info

Configure sonar.issue.ignore.multicriteria for multiple paths

I want to disable a SonarQube rule for multiple files at different paths. Also I want to make this configuration within the pom.xml and to through the Sonar UI.
I couldn't find any clue on how to do this. My best guess is that I have to create multiple rules:
<!-- disable rule on naming convention -->
I was wondering if there was a more compact way to do this. I was thinking of something like this:
<!-- disable rule on naming convention -->
firstPath, secondPath
However I have no idea if this syntax will be accepted or not. I guess I should try it, but I'd rather not since in order to test it I would need to push the change to my CI server.
This seems not to be supported according to config in answer
I agree it would be really nice when lists would be allowed in rule and resource.

grunt-usemin: exclude file from minification

I use KendoUI library in my project, so it's already minified but incredibly big.
Is it possible to exclude it from being uglified when using grunt-usemin?
In your grunt configuration, use an explanation point to make an exclude. Place those at the end of your src array.
e.g., add to the end of the src array, add:
You'll have to modify your flow for js and use a custom post-processor, which basically consists on adding a flow property to your useminPrepare.options (follow the basic structure in usemin README file), but instead of just adding a step (e.g. 'uglify'), plug a custom post-processor:
name: 'uglify',
createConfig: function (context, block) {
To customize how it will handle files, copy the createConfig from the example file you find most useful (see files in grunt-usemin/lib/config/) and modify it as you need (i.e. excluding the file you want).
I used a custom post-processor to add ngAnnotate to the usemin flow for js, just changing name to ngAnnotate and copying the createConfig from uglify).

Symfony translation inside validation won't work

If I try to use translations inside validation like described here
I get always
as output on Error. It seems like symfony didn't find the message-translation. I placed all my translationfiles inside app/ressources/translations and they are named as
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to place the translationfiles insde each Bundle?
Kind regards
EDIT: Problem ist clear and fixed, but when I try to use "MinLength" I get an strange error:
Attempted to load class "MinLength" from namespace
"Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints" in /var/www/symfony/webprojekt/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Validator/Mapping/Loader/AbstractLoader.php line 64.
Do you need to "use" it from another namespace?
I already included
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Email;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\MinLength;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\MaxLength;
AM I missing something?
To translate validation messages you need to create files with the following name structure inside translations folder:
Also, you can check in your config.yml, inside framework, if exists the translator:
translator: { fallback: %locale% }
This is required.
The accepted answer applies to using the magical default translation domain for the validator config. You can also override this in config/packages/validator.yaml
enable_annotations: true
translation_domain: 'validations'
Then in translations/ make a file validations.LANG.yaml, for example translations/validations.en.yaml. You don't need to do this but sometimes it's better to explicitly set these magical bit and know where they're coming from.

How to disable Sonar rules for specific files?

I've got a project I'm working on and some of the files violate some of the rules, but in ways that are not real issues, and are thus distracting noise. However, I don't want to disable these rules globally, and I would prefer not to have to mark 'em as false positives one by one.
Is there a way to disable Sonar rules for specific files, and if so, how?
Since SonarQube 4.0, you can define issue exclusion patterns based on rule key and file path pattern.
On previous versions, you can rely upon the Switch Off Violations plugin.
You can annotate a class or a method with SuppressWarnings.
Here is an example:
squid:S00111 in this case is a Sonar issue ID. You can find this issue id from the Sonar web ui.
Building on Mithfindel's answer and dpk's comment, this removes the warning
System.out and System.err should not be used as loggers
from all classes in packages named log (or any subpackage thereof) by adding an ignore pattern for the rule squid:S106:
For a list of the keys to all your rules go to your profile under Quality Profiles and select Download to get a .csv file containing all the rules' keys.
I'm using SonarQube version 4.1.1.
You can set specific files and rules under with following contents:
# Ignore Issues
# Skip Bold Check
# Skip Tag Check
Change the ruleKey and resourceKey based on your specific need.
Using below annotation we can ignore the rule from the specific files
For one rule
public class PaymentServiceImpl implements PaymentService {....
For more than one rule
#java.lang.SuppressWarnings({"squid:S2696", "squid:S1172", "squid:CommentedOutCodeLine"})
public class PaymentServiceImpl implements PaymentService {...
Yes, it is possible.
1.Goto Administration tab->Analysis Scope->Issues
2.There , you will find "Ignore Issues on Multiple Criteria".
3.Provide Rule ID in "Rule Key pattern" textbox [Rule ID can be found by clicking on the particular rule and find it in top right corner]
4.Provide Filepath for which you need to ignore rule in "File Path Pattern" textbox
5.Click on Save Issues settings
Image to know where Rule ID will be present in the page
Image where Rule key pattern and File Key pattern text boxes are present
