Recommendations for microservice code / modules - spring-boot

I am new to microservices and am learning Spring Boot
I have IntelliJ Ultimate and am wondering how best to structure my microservice code
For the system that i am building that will have a few microservices should I..
Open 1 IntelliJ containing a module for each Spring Boot microservice
Open multiple instances of IntelliJ and have one Spring Boot microservice per instance of IntelliJ
I think it will be tricky to do 2 if I have a lot of microservices but I do not know if IntelliJ is able to have multiple Spring Boot microservices running at the same time in one instance of IntelliJ
Any advice on how you work with microservice code / projects would be appreciated.

InteliJ is able to have a lot of Spring Boot microserices/application running at the same time. It have no impact on performance, even if you run all microvervices in debug mode. I would choose first option. This is an approach, we are using in our poject:
Start new project in IntelliJ.
For each microservice create new module in InteliJ.
If someone new want to work on that project, he can import one
project and have all microservices imported at once. Even if he would
work only in few of them, he can look how others are build.
in InteliJ you can create Run Configuration as "Compaund". So, when you want to run all your services at once, you can do it with just one click.
But, if you have 1500 employees, want go full netflix way and create 500 microservices, then better way will be to keep them separate :)

One of the benefits of microservices is organisational scalability. You have several teams working on different microservices at the same time. Also, it should be possible to develop, build and run each microservice on its own. If you don't have those goals, you get all the complexities of microservices and very little of the advantages.
In such a scenario, each microservice should live in its own version control. As long as this is given, if the IDE supports multiple version control sources per module, go for 2). Otherwise I guess you must stick with 1).


Consume the REST API of another Spring Boot project locally

I am building a microservice architecture with different Spring Boot projects and two different repositories for each one of them:
One application is called project-api-1
The other one project-api-2.
Now, within the JUnit tests of project-api-2 I need to test some functionality that requires making a REST call to the API exposed by project-api-1.
Is there a way to link these projects together for testing purposes, in such a way that when I run the tests for project-api-2 I can also start the project-api-1 application at runtime, without having to create a mock API of project-api-1 from scratch within project-api-2?
What is the best practice here?
I ended up solving this problem by running a multi-module Maven project, and importing the REST API project with <scope>test</scope>.
In my tests, I then start the Spring Boot application with:
new SpringApplicationBuilder(RestApplication.class)

Spring Cloud Multiproject or Single Projects

Does anyone have experience with running Spring Cloud Micro Services in production?
I have about 10 micro services within one big Maven multi-project. This means that all the source code is under a single repo. The advantages are that it is easy to check out and manage the project in my IDE.
My concern is with CI as it means that the build server will need to figure out which services changed and deploy them respectively. Alternatively all the micro services will be deployed every time a change is committed.
I'm eyeing exploding the project into a source repo per micro service (my gut feel is that this is the correct approach). This way only the affected service is deployed.
My goal is to run every micro service as a container on Kubernetes.
Do you have any advise / tips / concerns that you can raise that might be an unwelcome surprise down the line?
More important than separating codebase is to create a separate CI/CD pipeline per microservice (running its own unit and integration tests), and another pipeline to integrate all microservices and run end-to-end tests.
Since you plan to release your microservices as Docker containers, consider a Docker Registry for versioning and distribution of your images.
Here are some references that follow this idea: DZone, Microsoft

SpringBoot with Jetty Vs Core Java with OSGI Jetty

My project has requirement to deploy a Java Based application as an operating system Job (and not use any container). The application need to have following capabilities:-
Few HTTPS based services
Ability to make JMX calls
Storage: Data for last 5 to 10 minutes of transactions (not more than 600 rows X 20 columns). Something like embedded H2 or in-memory options
Decision Tree: Something like Drools..
My manager wants to write this application as a core Java with OSGized Jetty version. I am suggesting to use Spring Boot with embedded Jetty(which will give me ready to use capabilities for Scheduling, JMX Integration and REST Services).
His bend towards core Java is emerging from the requirement that this application needs to be extremely efficient, fast and self-contained. He wants to reduce dependency on any open source. I have never worked directly on OSGI but have used products coming out of it - like eclipse.
Can somebody guide how OSGI based development might benefit over SpringBoot?
For many people, OSGi is superfluous, because they don't see the value in being modular. Not being worth the trouble.
Think about the application lifecycle, more or less being plan-develop-test-deploy.
How many developers you have? If many, OSGi helps a lot, because being modular make the boundaries very clear. You can delegate things very easily.
If outsourcing is your thing, you can just handle the module APIs and tell them to develop against it. They will never know how the rest was implemented, no fear of secrets being leaked.
Unit tests are so easy. You obviously see what you can test, every else you mock/stub/spy/fake. Unit tests can be can be reused in Integration tests, of course that isn't news, but the trick is running Unit tests outside the OSGi container, and Integration tests inside. So if you decide OSGi was not worth it, your code stills works fine (unit tests being the proof).
You can make your app a collection of modules, and every module having independent versioning and source repositories. Makes easier to handle and find bugs. For example, the current app crashed, you find out that sub-module-1.2 is throwing errors, try with version sub-module-1.1(still bad), then version 1.0(good), bug was introduced in 1.1 (avoids bisecting the source code). Programmers don't need to be perfectly synchronized with each other if they are working in different modules.
How do you plan to update the app? Most frameworks are of the all-or-nothing approach, where you have to stop the world, update, then restart the app. If you make things modular, you just need to update that thing. Making the downtime very small, and sometimes even zero.
If you need to make a big change in your app, but can't afford to refactor everything right now. With OSGi you can run the system with both my-module-1.0 and my-module-2.0. You can even adapt my-module-1.0 to redirect calls to my-module-2.0, but that is a kind of last resort hack (just saying that you can, if you want to).
I can do everything you say without OSGi, right? Well, probably you can, but in the end, would be something like OSGi.
I love the Dependency Injection of my framework. No problem, OSGi have something like that.
I hate Dependency Injection, it kills my app perfomance. No problem, you can use something like osgi.getService(MyService.class);. The OSGi container isn't concerned about intercepting every call of your app.
OSGi is like Java++, Java plus modules.
You can mix Spring Boot with OSGi, can't say if this is good or bad. There are many libraries and frameworks that fit your list, many will work out-of-the-box with OSGi.

Microservice project structure using Spring boot and Spring Cloud

I am trying to convert a normal monolithic web application into microservices structure using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. I am actually trying to create Angular 2 front-end application and calls these my developed microservices in the cloud. And I am already started to break the modules into independent process's structure for microservice architecture.
Here my doubt is that, when designing the flow of control and microservice structure architecture, can I use only one single Spring Boot project using different controller for this entire web application back end process?
Somewhere I found that when I am reading develop all microservices using 2 different Spring Boot project. I am new to Spring and Spring Cloud. Is it possible to create all services in single project by using different modules?
Actually, it doesn't matter to package all those services into ONE project. But in micro-service's opinion, you should separate them into many independent projects. There are several questions you can ask yourself before transforming original architecture.
Is your application critical? Can user be tolerant of downtime while you must re-deploying whole package for updating only one service?
If there is no any dependency between services, why you want to put them together? Isn't it hard to develop or maintain?
Is the usage rate of each service the same? Maybe you can isolate those services and deploy them which are often to be invoked to a strong server.
Try to read this article Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design to understand the best practices for designing a microservices architecture. And for developing with Spring Cloud, you can also read this post Spring Cloud Netflix to know which components you should use in your architecture.
Currently I am working on microservices too, according my experience we have designed microservices as step below,
You should create the project with different project. But actually you can separate your project to submodule. So you will be easy to manage your project, the submodule you can use with other project too.
Build the Jar Library put your local repository. it can save your time, you have just find the same component or your functionality then build the jar file put in your local repository , so every project that use this function call point to download this repository, you don't have to write many project same same.
So finally I would like you to create different springboot project, but just create submodule and build local repository.
By creating your modules in different projects you create a more flexible solution.
You could even use different languages and technologies in a service in particular. E.g. one of your services could be NodeJS and the rest Java/Spring.

Spring Integration Invoking Spring Batch

Just looking for some information if others have solved this pattern. I want to use Spring Integration and Spring Batch together. Both of these are SpringBoot applications and ideally I'd like to keep them and their respective configuration separated, so they are both their own executable jar. I'm having problems executing them in their own process space and I believe I want, unless someone can convince me otherwise, each to run like they are their own Spring Boot app and initialize themselves with their own profiles and properties. What I'm having trouble with though is the invocation of the job in my SpringBatch project from my SpringIntegration project. At first I couldn't get the properties loaded from the batch project, so I realized I need to pass the as a Job Parameter and that seemed to solve that. But there are other things in the Spring Boot Batch application that aren't loading correctly like the schema-platform.sql file and the database isn't getting initialized, etc.
On this initial launch of the job I might want the response to go back to Spring Integration for some messaging on Job Status. There might be times when I want to run a job without Spring Integration kicking off the job, but still take advantage of sending statuses back to the Spring Integration project providing its listening on a channel or something.
I've reviewed quite a few Spring samples and have yet to find my exact scenario, most are with the two dependencies in the same project, so maybe I'm doing something that's not possible, but I'm sure I'm just missing a little something in the Spring configuration.
My questions/issues are:
I don't want the Spring Integration project to know anything about the SpringBatch configuration other than the job its kicking off. I have found a good way to do that reference to the Job Bean without getting my entire batch configuration loading.
Should I keep these two projects separated or would it be better to combine them since I have two-way communication between both.
How should the Job be launch from the integration project. We're using the spring-batch-integration project with JobLaunchRequest and JobLauncher. This seems to run it in the same process as the Spring Integration project and I'm missing a lot of my SpringBootBatch projects initialization
Should I be using a CommandLineRunner instead to force it to another process.
Is the answer?
Looking for some general project configuration setup to meet these requirements.
Spring Cloud Data Flow in combination with Spring Cloud Task does exactly what you're asking. It launches Spring Cloud Task applications (which can contain batch jobs) as new processes on the platform you choose. I'd encourage you to check out that project here:
