Microservice project structure using Spring boot and Spring Cloud - spring-boot

I am trying to convert a normal monolithic web application into microservices structure using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. I am actually trying to create Angular 2 front-end application and calls these my developed microservices in the cloud. And I am already started to break the modules into independent process's structure for microservice architecture.
Here my doubt is that, when designing the flow of control and microservice structure architecture, can I use only one single Spring Boot project using different controller for this entire web application back end process?
Somewhere I found that when I am reading develop all microservices using 2 different Spring Boot project. I am new to Spring and Spring Cloud. Is it possible to create all services in single project by using different modules?

Actually, it doesn't matter to package all those services into ONE project. But in micro-service's opinion, you should separate them into many independent projects. There are several questions you can ask yourself before transforming original architecture.
Is your application critical? Can user be tolerant of downtime while you must re-deploying whole package for updating only one service?
If there is no any dependency between services, why you want to put them together? Isn't it hard to develop or maintain?
Is the usage rate of each service the same? Maybe you can isolate those services and deploy them which are often to be invoked to a strong server.
Try to read this article Adopting Microservices at Netflix: Lessons for Architectural Design to understand the best practices for designing a microservices architecture. And for developing with Spring Cloud, you can also read this post Spring Cloud Netflix to know which components you should use in your architecture.

Currently I am working on microservices too, according my experience we have designed microservices as step below,
You should create the project with different project. But actually you can separate your project to submodule. So you will be easy to manage your project, the submodule you can use with other project too.
Build the Jar Library put your local repository. it can save your time, you have just find the same component or your functionality then build the jar file put in your local repository , so every project that use this function call point to download this repository, you don't have to write many project same same.
So finally I would like you to create different springboot project, but just create submodule and build local repository.

By creating your modules in different projects you create a more flexible solution.
You could even use different languages and technologies in a service in particular. E.g. one of your services could be NodeJS and the rest Java/Spring.


Consume the REST API of another Spring Boot project locally

I am building a microservice architecture with different Spring Boot projects and two different repositories for each one of them:
One application is called project-api-1
The other one project-api-2.
Now, within the JUnit tests of project-api-2 I need to test some functionality that requires making a REST call to the API exposed by project-api-1.
Is there a way to link these projects together for testing purposes, in such a way that when I run the tests for project-api-2 I can also start the project-api-1 application at runtime, without having to create a mock API of project-api-1 from scratch within project-api-2?
What is the best practice here?
I ended up solving this problem by running a multi-module Maven project, and importing the REST API project with <scope>test</scope>.
In my tests, I then start the Spring Boot application with:
new SpringApplicationBuilder(RestApplication.class)

Client Modules (DTOs) as a Multi-module or Separate Project Repo

Our project team had adopted Client Modules as a way to share DTOs with other Micro-Services (references: https://www.vinsguru.com/microservices-architecture-how-to-share-dto-data-transfer-objects/ and https://www.baeldung.com/java-microservices-share-dto).
However, 1 question that we had in mind was whether to structure the client modules (DTOs) within the Microservice as a multi-module project, or to locate it separately in a different project repo.
In this case, we envision the client-module to be uploaded onto our internal Maven Repository, while the Microservice will be deployed in our Kubernetes clusters.
As such, would like to seek opinion on:
how would you structure your Spring Boot projects if you adopted Client Module to share DTOs and
the pros and cons to structuring the client modules (DTOs) in a multi-module project within the Microservice, or to locate it separately in a different project repo.
Feel free to comment if you have any questions. Thanks in advance! :)
Some of the enterprise projects that I worked on used multi module approaches to separate client and microservice modules. The broad idea is as follows.
Have 3 modules: Client, Integration testing and microservice.
In the client module, place all resources you wish to share with others: DTOs, exception, Feign managers, and enums etc. Package this module as a Jar
Place all service and data layer logic in the micro service modules. This module will be packaged as a boot jar which can be deployed to your targets.
Place integration tests in the integration testing modules. The packaging is optional here.
The pros of this approach is as follows:
There is clear separation of concern between client, service and testing modules.
There is a very tight security: you won't be exposing your service logic unless you would want to.
The cons(Purely my opinion):
Managing the artifacts is cumbersome.

How should be project structure using microservices with gradle or maven?

I want to be sure what is the best practice for project structure while using microservice architecture.
All microservices can be created as a new maven/gradle project or as a subproject/module.
I think dependency inheritance, project repository should be taken into account.
Due to the nature of the microservices, any service can has a different technology but still most of the services can have same dependencies(e.g. spring-boot)).
Another issue is that should team fetch all services or just a service which will be worked on? so repository structure also will be affected by the structure.
The main reasons to have a multi-module project is to manage dependencies (in the maven sense) between the different modules (and build them together in the right order). Your microservices may call each other, but are not dependent on each other in the Maven sense. So I would not use multi-module projects for them.
Nevertheless, you can define a parent pom for your microservices that defines common configuration and dependencies.
I don't recommend you to have a single project with multiple microservices of different technologies.
If you use Java as a programming language you can have a master project and use it as a parent in your microservices projects. Also, you can have common libraries as dependencies of your microservices projects.
If you want to do a microservices with different technology I recommend you to have a repository for each microservice.
Choosing this option you can deploy and versioning each microservice when you do changes in its code and not when you have changes in another microservice.

Recommendations for microservice code / modules

I am new to microservices and am learning Spring Boot
I have IntelliJ Ultimate and am wondering how best to structure my microservice code
For the system that i am building that will have a few microservices should I..
Open 1 IntelliJ containing a module for each Spring Boot microservice
Open multiple instances of IntelliJ and have one Spring Boot microservice per instance of IntelliJ
I think it will be tricky to do 2 if I have a lot of microservices but I do not know if IntelliJ is able to have multiple Spring Boot microservices running at the same time in one instance of IntelliJ
Any advice on how you work with microservice code / projects would be appreciated.
InteliJ is able to have a lot of Spring Boot microserices/application running at the same time. It have no impact on performance, even if you run all microvervices in debug mode. I would choose first option. This is an approach, we are using in our poject:
Start new project in IntelliJ.
For each microservice create new module in InteliJ.
If someone new want to work on that project, he can import one
project and have all microservices imported at once. Even if he would
work only in few of them, he can look how others are build.
in InteliJ you can create Run Configuration as "Compaund". So, when you want to run all your services at once, you can do it with just one click.
But, if you have 1500 employees, want go full netflix way and create 500 microservices, then better way will be to keep them separate :)
One of the benefits of microservices is organisational scalability. You have several teams working on different microservices at the same time. Also, it should be possible to develop, build and run each microservice on its own. If you don't have those goals, you get all the complexities of microservices and very little of the advantages.
In such a scenario, each microservice should live in its own version control. As long as this is given, if the IDE supports multiple version control sources per module, go for 2). Otherwise I guess you must stick with 1).

differentiate between maven multi module and Spring micro services?

I am reading spring micro services for next project. Tut said that "The architecture style the main application divided in a set of sub applications called microservices. One large Application divided into multiple collaborating processes.". So already we have a framework maven multi module There I separated the project in my experience. even though it is. why do we need micro services to separate a project?. please differentiate it. thanks in advance..
Every service in the microservice architecture should be isolated which means that the team in charge of that service is able to put continuous deployment in practice without need to deploy other services. In practice, IMHO I think that we can use two approaches using our favourite build tool such as maven or gradle:
Monoproject: domain, repositories, services and controllers are all in the same project.
Multiproject: domain, repositories, services and controllers can be grouped in different modules. i.e domain and repositories are in repository module and services in another module with the same name and controllers in front module.
But, doesn't matter which approach you use the project (mono or multi) should represent one service.
