Strip ./ from filename in find -execdir - bash

Whole story: I am writing the script that will link all files from one directory to another. New file name will contain an original directory name. I use find at this moment with -execdir option.
This is how I want to use it:
./ 2017_wien 2017/10
And it will create a symbolic link 2017_wien_picture.jpg in 2017/10 pointing to a file 2017_wien/picture.jpg.
This is my current script:
find $SOURCE -type f -execdir echo ln -s {} $DEST/"$1"_{} ";"
It prints:
ln -s ./DSC03278.JPG /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pokus_./DSC03278.JPG
This is what I want:
ln -s ./DSC03278.JPG /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pokus_DSC03278.JPG
How to implement it? I do not know how to incorporate basename into to strip ./.

To run basename on {} you would need to execute a command through sh:
find "$SOURCE" -type f -execdir sh -c "echo ln -s '{}' \"$DEST/${1}_\$(basename \"{}\")\"" ";"
This won't win any speed contests (because of the sh for every file), but it will work.
All the quoting may look a bit crazy, but it's necessary to make it safe for files that may contain spaces.

You can use this find with bash -c:
find $SOURCE -type f -execdir bash -c 'echo ln -s "$2" "/$DEST/$1"_${2#./}' - "$1" '{}' \;
${2#./} will strip starting ./ from each entry of find command's output.
$1 will be passed as is to bash -c command line.
If you have large number of files to process I suggest using this while loop using a process substitution for faster execution since it doesn't spawn a new bash for every file. Moreover it will also handle filenames with white-spaces and other special characters:
while IFS= read -r file; do
echo ln -s "$file" "/$DEST/${1}_${file#./}"
done < <(find "$SOURCE" -type f -print0)


bash doing different actions for different filetypes, for all files in directory

So I want to change the meta title of all my movies in a directory and its subdirectories
for file in *; do
if [[ $file == *.mkv ]]
mkvpropedit --set "title=$file" "$file";
elif [[ $file == *.mp4 ]]
exiftool "-Title<Filename" *.mp4 -overwrite_original -r
echo "$file wrong filename"
That's my general idea so far, but it doesn't find the files. The commands should work, but the if conditions aren't even enterd. Also just using * doesn't search subdirectories.
With bash >= 4.0:
shopt -s globstar # enable globstar
for file in **; do
case "${file##*.}" in # extract suffix
mkv) echo "do something with $file"
mp4) echo "do something with $file"
*) echo "unknown suffix at $file"
You can use two find commands:
find . -type f -name '*.mkv' -exec mkvpropedit --set "title={}" "{}" \;
find . -type f -name '*.mp4' -exec exiftool "-Title<Filename" "{}" -overwrite_original -r \;
The first find recursively searches the working directory for any files with names that end in .mkv, and then runs the following command (i.e., the command is everything between the -exec and the \;), replacing all {}s with the name of the file.
The second find does essentially the same thing, but for files with names that end in .mp4.
For more info on find, see its Linux man page or the GNU manual.
If you want to get just the filename to set the title, you can use the following:
find . -type f -name '*.mkv' -exec sh -c 'mkvpropedit --set "title=$(basename "$1")" "$1"' sh '{}' \;
basename takes a path as an argument and returns just the last part of the path (i.e., the directory name or filename).
sh -c 'mkvpropedit --set "title=$(basename "$1")" "$1"' sh '{}' runs sh with the command mkvpropedit --set "title=$(basename "$1")" "$1", where the argument ($1) to the command is one of the filenames found by find. (The filename is passed as an argument this way to avoid command injections.)
This script will attempt to edit all relevant files in the specified directory, recursively:
target_dir=${1:?no target dir provided}
cd "$target_dir" || exit 1
# pass the mkv file paths to a shell loop, to strip the leading path
find . -mindepth 1 -type f -iname '*.mkv' \
-exec sh -c '
for i; do
mkvpropedit --set title="$name" "$i"
' _ {} +
# exiftool can target specific extensions, and operate recursively
# use -r. to include hidden sub-directories
exiftool -r -ext mp4 -overwrite_original -Title'<Filename' .
Use like /path/to/myscript /path/to/media-dir.
File name extensions are case insensitive for both commands.
Remember that you can use . to target the current directory. If you want, you could change the script to use the current directory by default, if no argument is given.
I used sh. Writing for bash would be identical.

How do I rename files found with the find command

I have a series of music folders. Some of the file names contain an underscore which I would like to get rid of.
find /Users/Chris/CDs -type f -name "*_*"
I find all of the files with underscores.
it appears that I can add -execdir mv {} to the command but do not know what to add from there.
I think {} provides the full path and file name as a string of the file with underscores but I do not know how to use something like sed 's/_//g' to remove the _ on the new file name.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
find /Users/Chris/CDs -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'mv -i -- "$1" "${1//_/}"' Mover {} \;
How it works:
-execdir bash -c '...' Mover {} \;
This starts up bash and tells it to run the command in the single quotes with Mover assigned to $0 and the file name assigned to $1.
mv -i -- "$1" "${1//_/}"
This renames file $1. This uses bash's parameter expansion feature, ${1//_/}, to create the target name from $1 by removing all underlines.
The option -i tells mv to ask interactively before overwriting a file.
The option -- tells mv that there are no more options. This is needed so that files whose names begin with - will be processed correctly.
Let's start with a directory with these files:
$ ls
1_2_3_4 a_b c_d
Next we run our command:
$ find . -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'mv -i -- "$1" "${1//_}"' Mover {} \;
After the command completes, the files are:
$ ls
1234 ab cd
The purpose of $0
Observe this command where we have added an error:
$ find . -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'foobar -i -- "$1" "${1//_}"' Mover {} \;
Mover: foobar: command not found
Note that Mover appears at the beginning of the error message. This signals that the error comes from within the bash -c command.
If we replace Mover with -, we would see:
$ find . -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'foobar -i -- "$1" "${1//_}"' - {} \;
-: foobar: command not found
When running a single command in a terminal, the source of the error may still be obvious anyway. If this find command were buried inside a long script, however, the use of a more descriptive $0, like Mover or whatever, could be a big help.

find + cp spaces in path AND need to rename. Howto?

I need to find all files recursively with the name 'config.xml' and set them aside for analysis. The paths have spaces in them just to keep it interesting. However, I need them to be unique or they will collide in the same folder. What I would like to do is basically copy them off but using the name of the directory they were found in. The command I want is something like from this question except I need it to do something like $(dirname {}). When I do that, nothing gets moved (but I get no error)
Sample, but non-functional command:
find . -name 'config.xml' -exec sh -c 'cp "$1" "$2.xml"' -- {} "$HOME/data/$(dirname {})" \;
To do this with just one shell, not one per file found (as used by prior answers):
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
mkdir -p -- "${outFile%/*}"
cp -- "$filename" "$outFile"
done < <(find . -name 'config.xml' -print0)
This way your find emits a NUL-delimited stream of filenames, consumed one-by-one by the while read loop in the parent shell.
(You could use "$HOME/data/$(dirname "$filename").xml", but from a performance perspective that's really silly: $() fork()s off a subshell, and dirname is an external executable that needs to be exec'd, linked and loaded; no point to all that overhead when you can just do the string manipulation internal to the shell itself).
You may use it like this:
find . -name 'config.xml' -exec bash -c \
'd="$HOME/data/${1%/*}/"; mkdir -p "$d"; command cp -p "$1" "$d"' - {} \;
-exec sh is a little hard to handle, but not impossible. The $(dirname ...) is expanded prior sh is run, so it's equal dirname {} - the dirname of file {}. Do something like -exec sh -c ' .... ' -- {} and put the $(dirname ... ) inside sh script using $1.
find . -name 'config.xml' -exec sh -c 'cp "$1" "$2/data/$(dirname "$1").xml"' -- {} "$HOME" \;

need help utilizing find command and xargs command

I'm trying to write a simple scripts that can mv every file within a folder to a folder generated from the current date.
This is my initiatives.
storage_folder=`date +%F` # date is generated to name the folder
mkdir "$storage_folder" #createing a folder to store data
find "$PWD" | xargs -E mv "$storage_folder" # mv everyfile to the folder
xargs is not needed. Try:
find . -exec mv -t "$storage_folder" {} +
Find's -exec feature eliminates most needs for xargs.
Because . refers to the current working directoy, find "$PWD" is the same as the simpler find ..
The -t target option to mv tells mv to move all files to the target directory. This is handy here because it allows us to fit the mv command into the natural format for a find -exec command.
If you do not have GNU tools, then your mv may not have the -t option. In that case:
find . -exec sh -c 'mv -- "$1" "$storage_folder"' Move {} \;
The above creates one shell process for each move. A more efficient approach, as suggested by Charles Duffy in the comments, passes in the target directory using $0:
find . -exec sh -c 'mv -- "$#" "$0"' "$storage_folder" {} +
As Gordon Davisson points out in the comments, for safety, you may want to use the -i or -n options to mv so that files at the destination are not overwritten without your explicit approval.

How to cd into grep output?

I have a shell script which basically searches all folders inside a location and I use grep to find the exact folder I want to target.
for dir in /root/*; do
grep "Apples" "${dir}"/*.* || continue
While grep successfully finds my target directory, I'm stuck on how I can move the folders I want to move in my target directory. An idea I had was to cd into grep output but that's where I got stuck. Tried some Google results, none helped with my case.
Example grep output: Binary file /root/ant/containers/secret/Documents/2FD412E0/file.extension matches
I want to cd into 2FD412E0and move two folders inside that directory.
dirname is the key to that:
cd $(dirname $(grep "...." ...))
will let you enter the directory.
As people mentioned, dirname is the right tool to strip off the file name from the path.
I would use find for such kind of task:
while read -r file
target_dir=`dirname $file`
# do something with "$target_dir"
done < <(find /root/ -type f \
-exec grep "Apples" --files-with-matches {} \;)
Consider using find's -maxdepth option. See the man page for find.
Well, there is actually simpler solution :) I just like to write bash scripts. You might simply use single find command like this:
find /root/ -type f -exec grep Apples {} ';' -exec ls -l {} ';'
Note the second -exec. It will be executed, if the previous -exec command exited with status 0 (success). From the man page:
-exec command ;
Execute command; true if 0 status is returned. All following arguments to find are taken to be arguments to the command until an argument consisting of ; is encountered. The string {} is replaced by the current file name being processed everywhere it occurs in the arguments to the command, not just in arguments where it is alone, as in some versions of find.
Replace the ls -l command with your stuff.
And if you want to execute dirname within the -exec command, you may do the following trick:
find /root/ -type f -exec grep -q Apples {} ';' \
-exec sh -c 'cd `dirname $0`; pwd' {} ';'
Replace pwd with your stuff.
When find is not available
In the comments you write that find is not available on your system. The following solution works without find:
grep -R --files-with-matches Apples "${dir}" | while read -r file
target_dir=`dirname $file`
# do something with "$target_dir"
echo $target_dir
