How do I rename files found with the find command - bash

I have a series of music folders. Some of the file names contain an underscore which I would like to get rid of.
find /Users/Chris/CDs -type f -name "*_*"
I find all of the files with underscores.
it appears that I can add -execdir mv {} to the command but do not know what to add from there.
I think {} provides the full path and file name as a string of the file with underscores but I do not know how to use something like sed 's/_//g' to remove the _ on the new file name.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

find /Users/Chris/CDs -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'mv -i -- "$1" "${1//_/}"' Mover {} \;
How it works:
-execdir bash -c '...' Mover {} \;
This starts up bash and tells it to run the command in the single quotes with Mover assigned to $0 and the file name assigned to $1.
mv -i -- "$1" "${1//_/}"
This renames file $1. This uses bash's parameter expansion feature, ${1//_/}, to create the target name from $1 by removing all underlines.
The option -i tells mv to ask interactively before overwriting a file.
The option -- tells mv that there are no more options. This is needed so that files whose names begin with - will be processed correctly.
Let's start with a directory with these files:
$ ls
1_2_3_4 a_b c_d
Next we run our command:
$ find . -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'mv -i -- "$1" "${1//_}"' Mover {} \;
After the command completes, the files are:
$ ls
1234 ab cd
The purpose of $0
Observe this command where we have added an error:
$ find . -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'foobar -i -- "$1" "${1//_}"' Mover {} \;
Mover: foobar: command not found
Note that Mover appears at the beginning of the error message. This signals that the error comes from within the bash -c command.
If we replace Mover with -, we would see:
$ find . -type f -name "*_*" -execdir bash -c 'foobar -i -- "$1" "${1//_}"' - {} \;
-: foobar: command not found
When running a single command in a terminal, the source of the error may still be obvious anyway. If this find command were buried inside a long script, however, the use of a more descriptive $0, like Mover or whatever, could be a big help.


I used the'-print0' option to handle filenames with spaces, but I get an error

find /home/data -name '*QQ*' -print0 -exec bash -c ' mv $1 ${0/\-QQ/-TT}' {} \;
I used the'-print0' option to handle filenames with spaces, but I get an error
/home/data/gone to sea.1080p-QQ.mp4mv: target 'sea.1080p-TT.mp4' is not a directory
Which part is wrong?
You don't need -print0, since you're not piping the output to another program.
You just need to quote properly in the bash command.
find /home/data -name '*-QQ*' -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1/\-QQ/-TT}"' {} {} \;
This should work as long as the filenames don't contain double quote or $ characters.
You could also avoid bash -c by using the rename command:
find /home/data -name '*-QQ*' -exec rename 's/-QQ/-TT/' {} +

Rename all files in directory and (deeply nested) sub-directories

What is the shell command for renaming all files in a directory and sub-directory (recursively)?
I would like to add an underscore to all the files ending with *scss from filename.scss to _filename.scss in all the directories and sub-directories.
I have found answers relating to this but most if not all require you to know the filename itself, and I do not want this because the filenames differ and are a lot to know by heart or even type them manually and some of them are deeply nested in directories.
Edit: I was under the impression that the bash -c bit was somehow necessary for multiple expansion of the found element; anubhava's answer proved me wrong. I am leaving that bit in the answer for now as it worked for the OP.
find . -type f -name *scss -exec bash -c 'mv $1 _$1' -- {} \;
find . -- find in current directory (recursively)
-type f -- files
-name *scss -- matching the pattern *scss
-exec -- execute for each element found
bash -c '...' -- execute command in a subshell
-- -- end option parsing
{} -- expands to the name of the element found (which becomes the positional parameter for the bash -c command)
\; -- end the -exec command
You can use -execdir option here:
find ./src/components -iname "*.scss" -execdir mv {} _{} \;
You are close to a solution:
find ./src/components -iname "*.scss" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -I{} mv {} _{}
In this approach, the "loop" is executed by xargs. I prefer this solution overt the usage of the -exec in find. The syntax is clear to me.
Also, if you want to repeat the command and avoid double-adding the underscore to the already processed files, use a regexp to get only the files not yet processed:
find ./src/components -iregex ".*/[^_][^/]*\.scss" -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -I{} mv {} _{}
By adding the -print0/-0 options, you also avoid problems with whitespaces.
find . -type f | while read -r LINE; do
FILE="$( basename "$LINE" )"
case "$LINE" in
DIRNAME="$( dirname "$LINE" )"

Strip ./ from filename in find -execdir

Whole story: I am writing the script that will link all files from one directory to another. New file name will contain an original directory name. I use find at this moment with -execdir option.
This is how I want to use it:
./ 2017_wien 2017/10
And it will create a symbolic link 2017_wien_picture.jpg in 2017/10 pointing to a file 2017_wien/picture.jpg.
This is my current script:
find $SOURCE -type f -execdir echo ln -s {} $DEST/"$1"_{} ";"
It prints:
ln -s ./DSC03278.JPG /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pokus_./DSC03278.JPG
This is what I want:
ln -s ./DSC03278.JPG /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/pokus_DSC03278.JPG
How to implement it? I do not know how to incorporate basename into to strip ./.
To run basename on {} you would need to execute a command through sh:
find "$SOURCE" -type f -execdir sh -c "echo ln -s '{}' \"$DEST/${1}_\$(basename \"{}\")\"" ";"
This won't win any speed contests (because of the sh for every file), but it will work.
All the quoting may look a bit crazy, but it's necessary to make it safe for files that may contain spaces.
You can use this find with bash -c:
find $SOURCE -type f -execdir bash -c 'echo ln -s "$2" "/$DEST/$1"_${2#./}' - "$1" '{}' \;
${2#./} will strip starting ./ from each entry of find command's output.
$1 will be passed as is to bash -c command line.
If you have large number of files to process I suggest using this while loop using a process substitution for faster execution since it doesn't spawn a new bash for every file. Moreover it will also handle filenames with white-spaces and other special characters:
while IFS= read -r file; do
echo ln -s "$file" "/$DEST/${1}_${file#./}"
done < <(find "$SOURCE" -type f -print0)

Interpret bash commands

I checked some resources, but still hard to find a clue to interpret the codes.
$ find . -iname "*.dwp" -exec bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%\.dwp}.html"' {} \;
$ find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm {} \;
To be more specific, what's the difference between -iname and -name? And what does "-c" and "%" symbolize?
Can you interpret the two commands a bit for me?
The first one:
-iname "*.dwp", indicate to the find command to find files whose name matches the pattern *.dwp, ignore case, e.g.: ./a.dwp
-exec expression {} \; part, execute the command bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%\.dwp}.html"' {}. {} will be replaced by the path of each file. The expression is terminated by a semicolon. If there is a file a.dwp in the current directory, bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%\.dwp}.html"' a.dwp will execute.
bash -c 'mv "$0" "${0%\.dwp}.html"' {}:
-c means read command from string, do not start an interactive shell.
$0 is the argument of the command, a.dwp in this example.
${0%\.dwp}.html is string manipulation, % removes the shortest match from the end, so for a.dwp, remove .dwp from end to get the file name a without extension.
So the command is mv a.dwp a.html.
The second one is very simple if you understand first one.

Rename files with dynamic name in bash

I am trying to rename all files which contains 'Name' with dynamic name.
So this file 'NameSomething' should look like this 'SearchSomething'. But script below just removes 'Name' from file name.
find ../../$name-module -name 'Name*' -type f -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1/Name/$Name}"' -- {} \;
You have to export Name, because otherwise the command find will not inherit the variable $Name into its environment. So:
export Name='Search'
find ../../$name-module -name 'Name*' -type f -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" "${1/Name/$Name}"' -- {} \;
\You can escape quotes, no need for an export:
find ../../$name-module -name 'Name*' -type f -exec bash -c "mv \"\$1\" \"\${1/Name/$Name}\"" -- {} \;
You might use find to find a list of the files you want to rename and pipe that to another program to do the renaming.
For example, you could do:
find ../../$name-module -print0 -name 'Name*' -type f | \
xargs -0 rename "s/Name/$Name/"
No need for exporting (ugly + might affect other commands)
Rename might get run only once (if all the found files fit on one command line) (with -exec, you're running two programs -- bash and mv -- per each file. That might be inefficient.
(You could get further performance increase with this approach by using Gnu parallel instead of xargs, if you're on a multicore computer)
You could use the Perl-based rename command:
rename "s/^Name/$Name/" *
