How to compile JSPs via Maven, but without failing on errors? - maven

I've just started working on a large project that has many JSPs, many of which were created long ago, and some of which were generated. I would like to use the jetty-jspc-maven-plugin from org.eclipse.jetty to compile our JSPs for use in Tomcat 8.5. Unfortunately, some of the JSPs do not compile cleanly, and when there is a compilation problem, the maven build fails and stops.
The JspcMojo class does most of the work. It has an embedded class, JspcMojo.JettyJspC that extends org.apache.jasper.JspC and has a failOnError property. The documentation for JettyJspC says, "JettyJspC Add some extra setters to standard JspC class to help configure it for running in maven." So, it seems like I ought to be able to set the failOnError property to false and be done. I have tried all of the following, without success. How can I pass the failOnError property from maven to the JSP compiler?
BTW, compiling JSPs using ant is fairly well documented. I want to do the equivalent using maven.

Under the configuration section, you can use a subelement of the jspc element, like so:
<!-- The comma separated list of patterns for file extensions to be processed. -->


Maven : exclude target/generated-sources from compilation

This question, just to be sure my interpretation is correct :
I'm using Mojohaus jaxb2-maven-plugin to generate java classes from .xsd files, and by default it puts them in target/generated-sources
Now, I want to get track of these classes in source control (target is of course excluded), and I may one day slightly customize one with an annotation or a line of code, and I may even change my class generation plugin, so what do is I copy these classes and packages in src/main/java
This upsets Maven when I try to compile because he considers "target/generated-sources" as a source directory and he finds all clases twice. For what I understand, I can exclude classes inside a source directory, but I can't remove a source directory from Maven build, am I right ?
So the only solution would be to configure my jaxb2 plugin to generate the classes elsewhere, right ?
Ok, this doesn't work as I thought, if I change the outputDirectory of my jaxb plugin, it's still included as a source directory by Maven, and I have no clue why.
UPDATE 2 : The explanation is the plugin is adding the outputDirectory as a maven source directory during the generate-sources phase of the build, and it's not optionnal or customizable.
First things first, do not add generation code to source control. Do not modify it manually. You will get into trouble. Believe me, I've seen it too many times. A new version of the schema and you're lost.
Ok, now to your question.
With maven-jaxb2-plugin you could turn off adding generation directory as a compile source root with:
Disclaimer: I'm the author of maven-jaxb2-plugin.
The answer from Lexicore is an interesting lead but my question was about the plugin I'm currently using, not how to do it with an other plugin.
So here is the workaround for the Mojohaus plugin : you can just skip the generate-sources by default (no need to do this task at every build when your model changes once in a week, then once in a year), and trigger it only when needed using a dedicated maven profile : How to skip generate-sources in Maven
you can always specify the target directory(generateDirectory) in pom config file as below. Hope it helps
<!-- <url>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/test.wsdl</url> -->
<!-- Defaults to schemaDirectory. -->
<!-- Defaults to schemaIncludes. -->

Setup baseline for Maven Findbugs

I have this issue that I have been trying to solve for the better part of a day, but can't really seem to do.
I have set up my maven so that it fails if findbugs finds any bugs. However, because of reasons, I would like to ignore all the bugs that currently exist in the project, and only fail if new bugs are found. A baseline.
I am able to generate an XML file containing a <BugCollection>
with all my current bugs, using FindBugs plugin for IntelliJ. However, supplying this to the maven plugin does nothing.
It seems the maven plugin requires a filter file in this format:
<Class name="com.foobar.MyClass" />
My question is then: How do I generate this filter file?
It seems that the findbugs:gui is not a great option, as it only allows me to filter on bug type and class. Meaning new bugs of the same type in the same class but a different method would be ignored.
Alternatively: How do I make findbugs for maven ignore existing bugs and only fail on new ones?
Thank you :)
You should use the excludeBugsFile configuration, something like below. The findbugs-baseline.xml is the file exported with the FindBugs-IDEA plugin in Intellij

GWT-Maven only compile gwt.rpc

I have a situation where I am debugging via -noserver and it forces me to recompile my gwt application everytime one of my RPC objects changes or I get a serialization error (This is well described in the GWT documentation and I understand why it is happening).
That being said, our project is getting quite big and the compile takes a while to complete, which is slowing down our development process. I have optimzed this as much as I can (Using -draftCompile, only doing a single permutation, and skipping all tests) but it's still pretty slow and I have a pretty beastly computer.
This led me to wonder if a better option here would be to get the compiler to only output the necessary files to make serialization work correctly.
Anyone know if this is possible?
You can do it using maven goals.
In Eclipse "run configurations" I have a specific configuration for that.
Goals: gwt:generateAsync gwt:i18n gwt:css
Profiles: dev-ff
The gwt:generateAsync goal is for generating your RPC. This is a standard goal with gwt-maven-plugin (assuming you are using it, of course).
Profiles: dev-ff ensures I'll only generate the code for Firefox.
Here is a part of the maven plugin config. Notice the goals definitions. You'll at least need the servicePattern attribute to tell the plugin where are your RPC interfaces.
<!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see gwt-maven-plugin
documentation at -->
After doing this kind of operation, I often had to open my generated async files to get them in sync with Eclipse. Afterwards we found out we could just delete the gwt-unitCache/ folder in the target/ folder to force the application to use the new RPC classes.
More information about the plugin is available here.

Providng maven build output as a plugin dependency

I have a custom factory implementation I'd like to provide to wro4j maven plugin through a string parameter. Trouble is the factory is built in the same project as the plugin so the plugin doesn't get passed the output from the build and i get a nice ClassNotFoundException.
I'm aware that there is an annotation I could attach to the wro4j mojo to make it aware of the build output but that would require patching and building wro4j from source which doesn't sound smart. I'm also not keen on creating a whole different artifact just to contain my 5 line factory implementation. It feels like there should be an easier way, so the question is
Is there a way to pass build artifacts to a plugin in the same pom WITHOUT editing the mojo?
Have to guess what the issue is without an actual plugin configuration. But generally, if you need to add dependency (or class) to some of your plugins, you will have to wrap that class into its own artifact, i.e. move it into a separate project.
Fundamentally Maven does plugin dependency resolution before kicking in the rest of build cycle, so your classes may haven't been compiled yet at that point.
Try instructing the wro4j plugin to execute in the process-classes phase instead of the compile phase, when your factory class is compiled (process-classes happens right after compile):

maven 3 javadoc plugin doesn't take the excludepackagename config

I'm trying to exclude a bunch of packages from a javadoc site.
Unfortunately this plugin seems to live its own life and when it was configured as a report plugin it failed with access denied when moving files, so it was changed to be a normal plugin and then configured to run with the site goal (aggregated). By doing that we have the javadoc generated and it's published under the site as it should be.
But it seems that the configuration parameters for the plugin doesn't take effect at all. I've tried to move the <excludePackageNames> element around - both being a general config and to be a specific config for the aggregate goal - and I even added an exclusion for our entire code base and all files was still generated.
What I'm trying to do is to simply remove a couple of packages that shouldn't be in the javadoc. Anyone who got this plugin and the config to play nicely, to exclude packages?
This is the config I use right now, the javadoc is created but all packages, including the excluded, is generated.
<!-- Hook up the Javadoc generation on the site phase -->
Any ideas, pretty please?
I solved identical problem by adding the sourcepath parameter to the configuration:
The configuration above will exclude all packages below but not itself. To exclude also use <excludePackageNames></excludePackageNames> instead.
