How to avoid "unused variable in a for loop" error - for-loop

How to avoid "unused variable in a for loop" error with code like
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 500)
go func() {
for t := range ticker.C {
fmt.Println("Tick at", t)
if I actually don't use the t variable?

You don't need to assign anything, just use for range, like this (on play)
package main
import (
func main() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 500)
go func() {
for range ticker.C {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)

Use a predefined _ variable. It is named "blank identifier" and used as a write-only value when you don't need the actual value of a variable. It's similar to writing a value to /dev/null in Unix.
for _ = range []int{1,2} {
fmt.Println("One more iteration")
The blank identifier can be assigned or declared with any value of any type, with the value discarded harmlessly. It's a bit like writing to the Unix /dev/null file: it represents a write-only value to be used as a place-holder where a variable is needed but the actual value is irrelevant.
From Golang docs:
Up until Go 1.3, for-range loop had two forms
for i, v := range x {
for i := range x {
If one was not interested in the loop values, only the iteration itself, it was still necessary to mention a variable (probably the blank identifier, as in for _ = range x), because the form
for range x {
was not syntactically permitted.
This situation seemed awkward, so as of Go 1.4 the variable-free form is now legal. The pattern arises rarely but the code can be cleaner when it does.


Parallel table - driven testing in go fails miserably

I have the following test function
func TestIntegrationAppsWithProductionSelf(t *testing.T) {
// here is where the apps array that will act as my test suite is being populated
myapps, err := RetrieveApps(fs)
for _, v := range apps {
v := v
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
expectedOutput = `=` + v + `
cmpOpts.SingleApp = v
t.Logf("\t\tTesting %s\n", v)
buf, err := VarsCmp(output, cmpOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ERROR executing var comparison for %s: %s\n", v, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedOutput, buf.String())
The test fails, despite the fact that when I remove t.Parallel() (even keeping the sub-testing structure) it succeeds.
The failure (happens as said before only when t.Parallel() is incorporated) has to do with the fact that the values to be compared passed to assert are out of sync, i.e. the assert method compares values that it shouldn't)
Why is that?
I also perform this cryptic re-assignment of the test suite variable (v := v) which I do not understand)
edit: Wandering if it was the usage of the assert method from this package, I made the following substitution, nonetheless the end result is the same,
//assert.Equal(t, expectedOutput, buf.String())
if expectedOutput != buf.String() {
t.Errorf("Failed! Expected %s - Actual: %s\n", expectedOutput, buf.String())
Let's dissect the case.
First, let's refer to the docs on testing.T.Run:
Run runs f as a subtest of t called name.
It runs f in a separate goroutine <…>
(Emphasis mine.)
So, when you call t.Run("some_name", someFn), that SomeFn is being run by the test suite as if you would manually do something like
go someFn(t)
Next, let's notice that you do not pass a named function into your call to t.Run, but rather you pass it a so-called function literal; let's cite the language spec on them:
Function literals are closures: they may refer to variables defined in a surrounding function. Those variables are then shared between the surrounding function and the function literal, and they survive as long as they are accessible.
In your case, it means when the compiler compiles the body of your function literal, it makes the function "close over" any variable its body mentions, and which is not one of the formal function parameters; in your case, the only function parameter is t *testing.T, hence every other accessed variable is captured by the created closure.
In Go, when a function literal closes over a variable, it does so by retaining a reference to that variable — which is explicitly mentioned in the spec as («Those variables are then shared between the surrounding function and the function literal <…>», again, emphasis mine.)
Now notice that loops in Go reuse iteration variables on each iteration; that is, when you write
for _, v := range apps {
that variable v is created once in the "outer" scope of the loop and then gets reassigned on each iteration of the loop. To recap: the same variable, whose storage is located at some fixed point in memory, gets assigned a new value on each iteration.
Now, since a function literal closes over external variables by keeping references to them — as opposed to copying their values at the "time" of its definition into itself, — without that funky-looking v := v "trick" each function literal created at each call to t.Run in your loop would reference exactly the same iteration variable v of the loop.
The v := v construct declares another variable named v which is local to the loop's body and at the same time assigns it the value of the loop iteration variable v. Since the local v "shadows" loop iterator's v, the function literal declared afterwards would close over that local variable, and hence each function literal created on each iteration will close over a distinct, separate variable v.
Why is this needed, you may ask?
This is needed because of a subtle problem with the interaction of loop iteration variable and goroutines, which is detailed on the Go wiki:
when one does something like
for _, v := range apps {
go func() {
// use v
A function literal closing over v is created, and then it's run with the go statement—in parallel both with the goroutine which runs the loop and with all the other goroutines started on the len(apps)-1 other iterations.
These goroutines running our function literals all refer to the same v and so they all have a data race over that variable: the goroutine running the looop writes to it, and the goroutines running function literals read from it—concurrently and without any synchronization.
I hope, by now you should see the puzzle's pieces coming together: in the code
for _, v := range apps {
v := v
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
expectedOutput = `=` + v + `
// ...
the function literal passed to t.Run closes over v, expectedOutput,
cmpOpts.SingleApp (and may be something else),
and then t.Run() makes that function literal run in a separate goroutine, as documented,—producing the classic data race on expectedOutput and cmpOpts.SingleApp, and whatever else which is not v (a fresh variable on each iteration) or t (passed to the call of the function literal).
You might run go test -race -run=TestIntegrationAppsWithProductionSelf ./... to see the engaged race detector crashing your test case's code.
I am going to post what actually worked, but (unless the question is closed) I will accept the answer that actually elaborates on it.
The problem was that the variable used to store the expectedOutput was declared with a declaration inside the TestIntegrationAppsWithProductionSelf function but outside the for loop (this is now reflected in the code snippet of the initial question).
What worked was to remove the var expectedOutput string statement and do within the for loop
for _, v := range apps {
v := v
expectedOutput := `=` + v + `
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
cmpOpts.SingleApp = v
t.Logf("\t\tTesting %s\n", v)
buf, err := VarsCmp(output, cmpOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ERROR executing var comparison for %s: %s\n", v, err)
//assert.Equal(t, expectedOutput, buf.String())
if expectedOutput != buf.String() {
t.Errorf("Failed! Expected %s - Actual: %s\n", expectedOutput, buf.String())

defining function inside of function

When defining a inner function which utilizes the variables of outer scope, should I pass the variables to the inner function as parameters?
In my example, generate and generate2 both give me same result, is there a reason I should choose any one of them?
The code picks key 1 to generate combinations with key 3,4,5,
then picks key 2 to generate combinations with key 3,4,5.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
src := map[int][]string{
1: []string{"1", "11", "111"},
2: []string{"2", "22"},
3: []string{"3"},
4: []string{"4"},
5: []string{"5", "55"},
result2 := generate2(src)
result := generate(src)
func generate(src map[int][]string) []string {
var combo []string
var add = func(f []string) {
for _, v := range f {
for _, p := range src[3] {
for _, q := range src[4] {
for _, r := range src[5] {
combo = append(combo, v+p+q+r)
return combo
func generate2(src map[int][]string) []string {
var combo []string
var add = func(f []string, combo []string, src map[int][]string) []string {
for _, v := range f {
for _, p := range src[3] {
for _, q := range src[4] {
for _, r := range src[5] {
combo = append(combo, v+p+q+r)
return combo
combo = add(src[1], combo, src)
combo = add(src[2], combo, src)
return combo
When defining a inner function which utilizes the variables of outer scope, should I pass the variables to the inner function as parameters?
It depends on what you want to achieve.
What you call "a function inside a function" is actually called "a closure" (and some people call it "lambda").
Closures capture variables from the outer lexical scope, referenced in its body. In Go, this capturing is done "by reference" or "by name" which basically means each time a closure is called it will "see" current values of the variables it closes over, not the values these variables had at the time the closure was created—observe that the program:
package main
import (
func main() {
i := 42
fn := func() {
i = 12
would output
Conversely, when you pass values as arguments to calls to a closure, each call will see exactly the values passed to it.
I hope you now see that what strategy to pick largely depends on what you want.
Conceptually, you may think of a closure as being an instance of an ad-hoc anonymous struct data type, the fields of which are pointers to the variables the closure closes over, and each call to that closure being analogous to calling some (anonymous, sole) method provided by that type (actually, that's what the compiler usually does behind your back to implement a closure).
Such "method" may have arguments, and whether it should have them, and what should go to the type's fields and what should be that method's arguments can be judged using the usual approach you employ with regular types.
In this context, there is no functional difference between the two functions. As you noticed, local functions have access to local variables without explicitly passing them. In your example you might prefer to use generate1 for easier reading.

How to understand this behavior of goroutine?

package main
import (
type field struct {
name string
func (p *field) print() {
func main() {
data := []field{ {"one"},{"two"},{"three"} }
for _,v := range data {
go v.print()
<-time.After(1 * time.Second)
why does this code print 3 "three" instead of "one" "two" "three" in any order?
There is a data race.
The code implicitly takes address of variable v when evaluating arguments to the goroutine function. Note that the call v.print() is shorthand for the call (&v).print().
The loop changes the value of variable v.
When goroutines execute, it so happens that v has the last value of the loop. That's not guaranteed. It could execute as you expected.
It's helpful and easy to run programs with the race detector. This data race is detected and reported by the detector.
One fix is to create another variable scoped to the inside of the loop:
for _, v := range data {
v := v // short variable declaration of new variable `v`.
go v.print()
With this change, the address of the inner variable v is taken when evaluating the arguments to the goroutine. There is a unique inner variable v for each iteration of the loop.
Yet another way to fix the problem is use a slice of pointers:
data := []*field{ {"one"},{"two"},{"three"} } // note '*'
for _, v := range data {
go v.print()
With this change, the individual pointers in the slice are passed to the goroutine, not the address of the range variable v.
Another fix is to use the address of the slice element:
data := []field{ {"one"},{"two"},{"three"} } // note '*'
for i:= range data {
v := &data[i]
go v.print()
Because pointer values are typically used with types having a pointer receiver, this subtle issue does not come up often in practice. Because field has a pointer receiver, it would be typical to use []*field instead of []field for the type of data in the question.
If the goroutine function is in an anonymous function, then a common approach for avoiding the issue is to pass the range variables as an argument to the anonymous function:
for _, v := range data {
go func(v field) {
v.print() // take address of argument v, not range variable v.
Because the code in the question does not already use an anonymous function for the goroutine, the first approach used in this answer is simpler.
As stated above there’s a race condition it’s result depends on delays on different processes and not well defined and predictable.
For example if you add time.Sleep(1*time.Seconds) you likely to get a correct result. Because usually goroutine prints faster than 1second and will have correct variable v but it’s a very bad way.
Golang has a special race detector tool which helps to find such situations. I recommend read about it while reading testing. Definitely it’s worth it.
There’s another way - explicitly pass variable value at goroutine start:
for _, v := range data {
go func(iv field) {
Here v will be copied to iv (“internal v”) on every iteration and each goroutine will use correct value.

Go: Assign multiple return value function to new and old variable

In go there are functions which return two values or more values, commonly one is an error. Suppose that I want to store the first return value into an already initialized variable, but I would like to initialize the variable to contain the error inline. Is there a way to do this?
For example, say I had this code
var a int
//This code doesn't compile because err doesn't exist
a, err = SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
//This code doesn't compile either
a, err := SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
I know you could do this, but I was hoping there was a way to do it all inline
var a int
var err error
a, err = SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
a, err := SomeFuncWithTwoReturnValues()
EDIT: The code above actually compiles, so I looked back at my code to drill down more and have created a quick sample that actually replicates the problem (not just in my mind...).
package main
func myfunc() (int, int) {
return 1, 1
func main() {
a := make([]int, 1)
a[0], b := myfunc()
a[0] = b
Compiler says main.go|9| non-name a[0] on left side of :=. If I make it = instead of := though then b is never created. I get the feeling that there is not shorthand way to do it though.
As you've mentioned in the comments, you'll need to use the = operator in order to assign to a variable you've already declared. The := operator is used to simultaneously declare and assign a variable. The two are the same:
var x int
x = 5
//is the same as
x := 5
This solution will at least compile:
package main
func myfunc() (int, int) {
return 1, 1
func main() {
var b int
a := make([]int, 1)
a[0], b = myfunc()
a[0] = b
To answer your question, I don't think there is a way to simultaneously use an undeclared and a declared variable when returning multiple values. That would be trying to use two different operators simultaneously.
Edit: just saw your example from the code that compiles, so it appears you're already familiar with go's assignment operators. I'll leave the example up anyway.
Golang is not a very consistent language. This is a good example. At the beginning I was confused and it would be much simpler if they would always allow the := operator. The compiler is smart enough to detect already declared variables:
package main
import "fmt"
func testFunc() (int,error) {
return 42,fmt.Errorf("Test Error")
func main() {
number1,err := testFunc() // OK
number2,err := testFunc() // OK, even if err is already defined
number1,err = testFunc() // OK
// number1,err := testFunc() // ERROR: no new variables on left side of :=
Playground Link:
It's not consistent, because golang allows you to use := for already declared variables if you assign to them while also introducing a new variable. So the compiler can detect that variables already exists and skip their declaration. But the golang developers decided to allow that only if you introduce at least one new value. The last example shows that.
I ran into this situation like this:
package main
import "os"
func main() {
var cache struct { dir string }
// undefined: err
cache.dir, err = os.UserCacheDir()
// non-name cache.dir on left side of :=
cache.dir, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil {
as you discovered, this issue does not have a clean solution. You can declare
an extra variable:
dir, err := os.UserCacheDir()
if err != nil {
cache := userCache{dir}
Or, while more verbose, you can declare the error beforehand. This can save
memory, as Go does not use a Rust ownership model:
var (
cache struct { dir string }
err error
cache.dir, err = os.UserCacheDir()
As mention in the spec, while using:=, if one of the variables is new, then the old one will just be assigned with the new data.
Unlike regular variable declarations, a short variable declaration may redeclare variables provided they were originally declared earlier in the same block (or the parameter lists if the block is the function body) with the same type, and at least one of the non-blank variables is new. As a consequence, redeclaration can only appear in a multi-variable short declaration. Redeclaration does not introduce a new variable; it just assigns a new value to the original.
field1, offset := nextField(str, 0)
field2, offset := nextField(str, offset) // redeclares offset
As mentioned by the other answers you cannot use assignment and declaration in the same return statement. You have to use either.
However I guess the main reason for your question is cleaning up the code so you don't have to declare an extra err variable above the method or function statement.
You can solve this in two ways:
Declare a global var err error variable and use it in the assignment:
var err error
func MyFunc(someInput string) {
var a int
a, err = someOtherFunction()
If your method or function returns an error you can use the declared return variable
func MyFunc(someInput string) (err error) {
var a int
a, err = someOtherFunction()
I mainly have the problem in methods when I want to assign something to a struct member, e.g.:
type MyStruct struct {
so string
func (m *MyStruct) SomeMethod() (err error) {, err = SomeFunction()
// handle error and continue or return it

how to make function support one or two return value

in go tutorial following code is often seen:
a := foo()
b, c := foo()
or actually what I see is:
m["Answer"] = 48
a := m["Answer"]
v, ok := m["Answer"]
how many foo() is defined?
Is it two, one with one return type, another with two return type?
Or just one foo() with two return type defined, and somehow magically when only need one return value (a := foo()), another return value is omitted?
I tried
package main
func main() {
a := foo()
a = 1
func foo() (x, y int) {
x = 1
y = 2
func foo() (y int) {
y = 2
But I got error message foo redeclared in this block
While some built in operations support both single and multiple return value modes (like reading from a map, type assertions, or using the range keyword in loops), this feature is not available to user defined functions.
If you want two versions of a function with different return values, you will need to give them different names.
The Effective Go tutorial has some good information on this.
Basically, a function defines how many values it returns with it's return statement, and it's function signature.
To ignore one or more of the returned values you should use the Blank Identifier, _(Underscore).
For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func singleReturn() string {
return "String returned"
func multiReturn() (string, int) {
return "String and integer returned", 1
func main() {
s := singleReturn()
s, i := multiReturn()
fmt.Println(s, i)
The v, ok := m["answer"] example you've given is an example of the "comma, ok" idiom (Also described in the Effective Go link above). The linked documentation uses type assertions as an example of it's use:
To extract the string we know is in the value, we could write:
str := value.(string)
But if it turns out that the value does not contain a string, the program will crash with a run-time error. To guard against that, use the "comma, ok" idiom to test, safely, whether the value is a string:
str, ok := value.(string)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("string value is: %q\n", str)
} else {
fmt.Printf("value is not a string\n")
If the type assertion fails, str will still exist and be of type string, but it will have the zero value, an empty string.
