how to make function support one or two return value - go

in go tutorial following code is often seen:
a := foo()
b, c := foo()
or actually what I see is:
m["Answer"] = 48
a := m["Answer"]
v, ok := m["Answer"]
how many foo() is defined?
Is it two, one with one return type, another with two return type?
Or just one foo() with two return type defined, and somehow magically when only need one return value (a := foo()), another return value is omitted?
I tried
package main
func main() {
a := foo()
a = 1
func foo() (x, y int) {
x = 1
y = 2
func foo() (y int) {
y = 2
But I got error message foo redeclared in this block

While some built in operations support both single and multiple return value modes (like reading from a map, type assertions, or using the range keyword in loops), this feature is not available to user defined functions.
If you want two versions of a function with different return values, you will need to give them different names.

The Effective Go tutorial has some good information on this.
Basically, a function defines how many values it returns with it's return statement, and it's function signature.
To ignore one or more of the returned values you should use the Blank Identifier, _(Underscore).
For example:
package main
import "fmt"
func singleReturn() string {
return "String returned"
func multiReturn() (string, int) {
return "String and integer returned", 1
func main() {
s := singleReturn()
s, i := multiReturn()
fmt.Println(s, i)
The v, ok := m["answer"] example you've given is an example of the "comma, ok" idiom (Also described in the Effective Go link above). The linked documentation uses type assertions as an example of it's use:
To extract the string we know is in the value, we could write:
str := value.(string)
But if it turns out that the value does not contain a string, the program will crash with a run-time error. To guard against that, use the "comma, ok" idiom to test, safely, whether the value is a string:
str, ok := value.(string)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("string value is: %q\n", str)
} else {
fmt.Printf("value is not a string\n")
If the type assertion fails, str will still exist and be of type string, but it will have the zero value, an empty string.


How to combine two return params into one value

What I have many times in different versions in my code:
func f() (bool, bool) {
value, successFulOperation := someStuff()
return value, successFulOperation
// somewhere else
value, successfulOperation := f()
if value && successfulOperation {
// do stuff
// do stuff should only be executed if value is true AND the operation that retrieved value succeeded without an error. In other words: I don't care about value or successfulOperation. I only care about value && successfulOperation.
A solution I want to avoid (seems verbose):
value, successfulOperation := f()
actualValue := value && successfulOperation
if actualValue {...}
Above code is really simplified. In reality the if conditions will be nested and more complicated.
What I want:
A wrapper for f that combines both values into one. How do I do that? The solution should work for any function taking any parameters and returning two bools.
The following does not work:
type doubleBoolFunc func(...interface{}) (bool, bool)
func and(fn doubleBoolFunc, params ...interface{}) bool {
b1, b2 := fn(params...)
return b1 && b2
actualValue := and(f())
You can't write a wrapper function to turn the two bools into one until generics are in the language in go 1.181. Or at least you can, using reflect, but it's a mess.
But you can write this with go 1.17:
func both(x, y bool) bool {
return x && y
func f() (bool, bool) {
return true, false
func main() {
r := both(f())
But more practical (in my opinion) is to eschew this complication, and use a 1-line if. Not everything needs to be a function or abstracted away:
if a, b := f(); a && b {
[1] Even when generics are introduced in go 1.18, I don't think there'll be a way to specific a generic type that represents a function with arbitrary arguments that returns two bools.
func and(a, b bool) bool {
return a && b
then if f return 2 bool
value := and(f())
will work
To fix the code at the end of your question, don't invoke the function f(), simply reference the function name f and then list its args:
// actualValue := and(f(args...))
actualValue := and(f, args...)

Function types in Go - particular type casting to more general type

What cast / assertion need I do in Go in order to pass to a function expecting a generic function like func(interface{}) interface{}, a more specific function like func(int) int instead?
For example, in code like this, fooA can be passed to MakeExclamer, but not fooB:
func MakeExclamer(foo func (interface{}) interface{}, n int) func () {
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!", foo(n))
func fooA(x interface{}) interface{} {
return x.(int)*2
func fooB(x int) int {
return x * 10
func main() {
exclamerA := MakeExclamer(fooA, 12)
exclamerB := MakeExclamer(fooB, 66)
// >> cannot use fooB (type func(int) int) as type func(interface {}) interface {} in argument to MakeExclamer
(Go Playground link:
I'm not interested much in alternative code structure patterns, since this is how I want it to work: a specific function should be passed to a general function transformer (accepting function of type Any -> Any) that will return another general function (Any -> Any). This may not be idiomatic in Go, but it is the pattern that I want my code to follow.
To use type assertions, every possible type must be enumerated in MakeExclamer:
func MakeExclamer(fn interface{}, arg interface{}) func() {
switch fn := fn.(type) {
case func(int) int:
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", fn(arg.(int)))
case func(interface{}) interface{}:
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", fn(arg))
panic("not supported")
To accept a function of any type, the fn argument is declared as type interface{}. The code uses a type switch to handle the different function types.
playground example
Reflection can be used to write a more general function.
func MakeExclamer(fn interface{}, arg interface{}) func() {
fnr := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
argr := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
return func() {
resultr := fnr.Call([]reflect.Value{argr})
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", resultr[0].Interface())
playground example
First things first : When it comes to typing in Go, everything is theoretically possible. That's because even though the compiler does a lot of checks at compile-time, it is possible to change the runtime... at runtime. So-called runtime hacks, where you dynamically manipulate runtime structs that you're NOT supposed to handle.
Now, you have an interesting question, whose answer doesn't include the need to use the 'unsafe' package. However, the way I found of generalizing a function involves heavy reflection.
How to call a function (via reflection) ?
The documentation for the reflect package can be found here.
So, like all elements in Golang, functions have a Type. Without going through all fields, functions do take an array of arguments and produce an array of results. It is possible to investigate the Type of arguments and results through the In(int) and Out(int) method.
func investigate(fn interface{}) {
fnType := reflect.TypeOf(fn)
for idx := 0; idx < fnType.NumIn(); idx ++ {
fmt.Printf("Input arg %d has type %v\n", idx, fnType.In(idx))
for idx := 0; idx < fnType.NumOut(); idx ++ {
fmt.Printf("Output arg %d has type %v\n", idx, fnType.Out(idx))
We won't use this code. However, two important things are to be noted at this point :
The generic type under which a function can be passed around without caring about its type is interface{}. Something like "func(interface{}) interface{}" is not a generalization of a function, it is already a concrete type. Hence, "func(interface{}) interface{}" is not a generalization of "func(int) int", those are two different function types entirely. This is why you can't use type assertions/cast to convert from one function type to another.
A function can be represented as something that takes an input array and produces and output array.
Now, in order to call a function, you have to get not its Type, but its Value. Once you get its value, you can call it using an array of arguments, which must all be Values.
The prototype is:
func (v Value) Call(in []Value) []Value
Using this method, it is possible to call any function.
The code
So, the only thing you need is to convert whichever arguments array you have to an array of Values, then you will be able to call your function.
Here is your code:
package main
import (
func MakeExclamer(foo interface{}, n int) func() {
exclamer := generalize(foo, n)
return func() {
fmt.Printf("%v!!!\n", exclamer())
func fooA(x interface{}) interface{} {
return x.(int) * 2
func fooB(x int) int {
return x * 10
func generalize(implem interface{}, args ...interface{}) func() interface{} {
valIn := make([]reflect.Value, len(args), len(args))
fnVal := reflect.ValueOf(implem)
for idx, elt := range args {
valIn[idx] = reflect.ValueOf(elt)
ret := func() interface{} {
res := fnVal.Call(valIn)
// We assume the function produces exactly one result
return res[0].Interface()
return ret
func main() {
exclamerA := MakeExclamer(fooA, 12)
exclamerB := MakeExclamer(fooB, 66)
The important bit is the generalize function which makes the translation between your arguments and an array of Values, then returns a new function whith all parameters already filled.
Do not hesitate if you need any precision !

What's the difference between these two variants?

I tried to make my own code for learning how to return multiple values in main function:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Enter a integer:")
var I int
fmt.Scanf("%d", &I)
fmt.Println("Accepted:", I)
O := half(I)
fmt.Println("Returned:", O)
func half(N int) (int, bool) {
var NA int
NA = N / 2
if NA%2 == 0 {
return NA, true
} else {
return NA, false
And given error: half.go|11| multiple-value half() in single-value context.
However another variant are working:
package main
import (
func half(number int) (int, bool) {
if x := int(number % 2); x == 0 {
return x, true
} else {
return x, false
func main() {
What am I doing wrong? How to overcome my error?
If a function has 2 return values, you have to "expect" both of them or none at all. More on this: Return map like 'ok' in Golang on normal functions
Your half() function has 2 return values, so when using a short variable declaration to store the returned values in variables, you have to provide 2 variables:
O, even := half(I)
fmt.Println("Returned:", O, even)
In the second case, you're not storing the returned values, you are passing them to fmt.Println() which has the signature:
func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
fmt.Println() has a variadic parameter, so you can pass any number of arguments to it. What happens here is that all the multiple return values of half() are passed as the value of the variadic parameter of Println(). This is allowed and detailed in Spec: Calls:
As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order. The call of f must contain no parameters other than the call of g, and g must have at least one return value. If f has a final ... parameter, it is assigned the return values of g that remain after assignment of regular parameters.
Note that when doing so, you are not allowed to pass / provide extra parameters, so for example the following is also a compile-time error:
fmt.Println("Returned:", half(10))
// Error: multiple-value half() in single-value context
Check out these similar questions:
Go: multiple value in single-value context
Avoid nesting from conjunction with function that returns 2 values in go?
fmt.Println accepts any number of arguments, so is ok accepting the results of half.
In the first one, you need to provide places for both variables. Either:
i,b := half(2)
i, _ := half(2)
if you don't need the second return.

Allowing for a variable number of return values in method declaration

I have a function that solves the problem of Go not allowing for the setting of default values in method declarations. I want to make it just a little bit better by allowing for a variable number of return variables. I understand that I can allow for an array of interfaces as a return type and then create an interface array with all the variables to return, like this:
func SetParams(params []interface{}, args ...interface{}) (...[]interface{}) {
var values []interface{}
for i := range params {
var value interface{}
paramType := reflect.TypeOf(params[i])
if len(args) < (i + 1) {
value = params[i]
} else {
argType := reflect.TypeOf(args[i])
if paramType != argType {
value = params[i]
value = args[i]
values = append(values, value)
return values
This is an example of a method you want to define default values for. You build it as a variadic function (allowing a variable number of parameters) and then define the default values of the specific params you are looking for inside the function instead of in the declaration line.
func DoSomething(args ...interface{}) {
//setup default values
str := "default string 1"
num := 1
str2 := "default string 2"
//this is fine
values := SetParams([]interface{str, num, str2}, args)
str = values[0].(string)
num = values[1].(int)
str = values[2].(string)
//I'd rather support this
str, num, str2 = SetParams(params, args)
I understand that
[]interface{str, num, str2}
in the above example is not syntactically correct. I did it that way to simplify my post. But, it represents another function that builds the array of interfaces.
I would like to support this:
str, num, str2 = SetParams(params, args)
instead of having to do this:
values := SetParams([]interface{str, num, str2}, args)
str = values[0].(string)
num = values[1].(int)
str = values[2].(string)
Any advice? Help?
Please don't write horrible (and ineffective due to reflect) code to solve nonexistent problem.
As was indicated in comments, turning a language into
one of your previous languages is indeed compelling
after a switch, but this is counterproductive.
Instead, it's better to work with the idioms and approaches
and best practices the language provides --
even if you don't like them (yet, maybe).
For this particular case you can roll like this:
Make the function which wants to accept
a list of parameters with default values
accept a single value of a custom struct type.
For a start, any variable of such type, when allocated,
has all its fields initialized with the so-called "zero values"
appropriate to their respective types.
If that's enough, you can stop there: you will be able
to pass values of your struct type to your functions
by producing them via literals right at the call site --
initializing only the fields you need.
Otherwise have pre-/post- processing code which
would provide your own "zero values" for the fields
you need.
Update on 2016-08-29:
Using a struct type to simulate optional parameters
using its fields being assigned default values which happen
to be Go's native zero values for their respective data types:
package main
import (
type params struct {
foo string
bar int
baz float32
func myfun(params params) {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", params)
func main() {
myfun(params{bar: 42})
myfun(params{foo: "xyzzy", baz: 0.3e-2})
main.params{foo:"", bar:0, baz:0}
main.params{foo:"", bar:42, baz:0}
main.params{foo:"xyzzy", bar:0, baz:0.003}
As you can see, Go initializes the fields of our params type
with the zero values appropriate to their respective types
unless we specify our own values when we define our literals.
Playground link.
Providing default values which are not Go-native zero values for
the fields of our custom type can be done by either pre-
or post-processing the user-submitted value of a compound type.
package main
import (
type params struct {
foo string
bar int
baz float32
func (pp *params) setDefaults() {
if == "" { = "ahem"
if == 0 { = -3
if pp.baz == 0 { // Can't really do this to FP numbers; for demonstration purposes only
pp.baz = 0.5
func myfun(params params) {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", params)
func main() {
myfun(params{bar: 42})
myfun(params{foo: "xyzzy", baz: 0.3e-2})
main.params{foo:"ahem", bar:-3, baz:0.5}
main.params{foo:"ahem", bar:42, baz:0.5}
main.params{foo:"xyzzy", bar:-3, baz:0.003}
Playground link.
Pre-processing amounts to creating a "constructor" function
which would return a value of the required type pre-filled
with the default values your choice for its fields—something
like this:
func newParams() params {
return params{
foo: "ahem",
bar: -3,
baz: 0.5,
so that the callers of your function could call newParams(),
tweak its fields if they need and then pass the resulting value
to your function:
ps := newParams() = "xyzzy"
This approach is maybe a bit more robust than post-processing but
it precludes using of literals to construct the values to pass to
your function right at the call site which is less "neat".
Recently I was playing with anonymous functions in Go and implemented an example which accepts and returns undefined parameters:
func functions() (funcArray []func(args ... interface{}) (interface{}, error)) {
type ret struct{
first int
second string
third bool
f1 := func(args ... interface{}) (interface{}, error){
a := args[0].(int)
b := args[1].(int)
return (a < b), nil
funcArray = append(funcArray , f1)
f2 := func(args ... interface{}) (interface{}, error){
return (args[0].(string) + args[1].(string)), nil
funcArray = append(funcArray , f2)
f3 := func(args ... interface{}) (interface{}, error){
return []int{1,2,3}, nil
funcArray = append(funcArray , f3)
f4 := func(args ... interface{}) (interface{}, error){
return ret{first: 1, second: "2", third: true} , nil
funcArray = append(funcArray , f4)
return funcArray
func main() {
myFirst_Function := functions()[0]
mySecond_Function := functions()[1]
myThird_Function := functions()[2]
myFourth_Function := functions()[3]
fmt.Println(myFourth_Function ())
I hope it helps you.

Why would return parameters be named?

What benefits arise from naming a function's return parameter(s)?
func namedReturn(i int) (ret int) {
ret = i
i += 2
func anonReturn(i int) int {
ret := i
i += 2
return ret
There are some benefits to naming them:
It serves as documentation.
They are auto-declared and initialized to the zero values.
If you have multiple return sites, you don't need to change them all if you change the function's return values since it will just say "return".
There are also downsides, mainly that it's easy to accidentally shadow them by declaring a variable of the same name.
Effective Go has a section on named result parameters:
The return or result "parameters" of a Go function can be given names
and used as regular variables, just like the incoming parameters. When
named, they are initialized to the zero values for their types when
the function begins; if the function executes a return statement with
no arguments, the current values of the result parameters are used as
the returned values.
The names are not mandatory but they can make code shorter and
clearer: they're documentation. If we name the results of nextInt it
becomes obvious which returned int is which.
func nextInt(b []byte, pos int) (value, nextPos int) {
Another special use for a named return variable is to be captured by a deferred function literal. A trivial illustration:
package main
import (
func main() {
var harmlessError = errors.New("you should worry!")
func f() (err error) {
defer func() {
if err == harmlessError {
err = nil
return harmlessError
Output is <nil>. In more practical scenarios, the deferred function may handle panics, and may modify other return values besides an error result. The magic in common though, is that the deferred literal has a chance to modify the return values of f after f is terminated, either normally or by panic.
It's useful in at least two cases:
Whenever you have to declare variables that you're going to return. E.g.
func someFunc() (int, error) {
var r int
var e error
ok := someOtherFunc(&r) // contrived, I admit
if !ok {
return r, someError()
return r, nil
func someFunc() (r int, e error) {
ok := someOtherFunc(&r)
if !ok {
e = someError()
This gets more important as the number of execution paths through the function increases.
When you're documenting return values and want to refer to them by name. godoc considers the return variables part of a function's signature.
For example, named return parameters are accessible by, well, name.
func foo() (a, b, c T) {
// ...
if qux {
b = bar()
// ...
This is not easy to replicate w/o named return parameters. One would have to introduce local variables of essentially the same functionality as named return parameters:
func foo() (T, T, T) {
var a, b, c T
// ...
if qux {
b = bar()
// ...
return a, b, c
So it's easier to allow that directly.
Additionally, they are accessible also in the other direction:
func foo() (a, b, c T) {
// ...
if a > c {
b = bar()
// ...
