wcstombs & allocating memory for character array on heap - c++11

I'm reading a file with a single wide character line in it. But, I never know how long it is going to be. I've read this into a std::wstring, inString, and have managed to create the multi byte string out of thin air (Q1 - are these called r-values?). Q2 - Now, how do I allocate memory for this in the heap and obtain a smart pointer to it ? I do not want to use new or malloc (and call free or delete eventually) or any constant to store it on the stack (for I can never know the max length). Q3 - Can I make use of the make_shared or make_unique function templates here ? Q4 - To be specific, can I get a pointer like shared_ptr<char> pointing to the char array allocated on the heap ?
I tried something like the following,
std::shared_ptr<char> MBString(const_cast<char*>(std::string(inString.begin(), inString.end()).c_str()));
it did not work. I tried a few suggestions on the internet but I don't know how to do it yet.
Q5 - Let alone Wide char to multi -byte conversion, in general, how do I allocate an arbitrary length char string on the heap and get a smart pointer to it ?
std::wfstream inFile(L"lengthUnkown.txt", std::ios::in);
std::wstring inString;
inFile >> inString;
std::wcout << inString << std::endl; //prints correctly
std::cout << (const_cast<char*>(std::string(inString.begin(), inString.end()).c_str())) << std::endl; //this prints the line correctly as expected
//convert wide character string to multi-byte on the heap pointed, to by MBString
//std::cout << MBString << std::endl; //I want to print the multi-byte string like this
return 0;

Not resource optimal but reliable:
wchar_t* mb2wstr(const char* inval) {
size_t size = std::strlen(inval);
#define OUTSZ (size+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)
auto buf = (wchar_t*)std::malloc(OUTSZ);
std::memset(buf, 0, OUTSZ);
std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); // необходима, чтобы отработала "mbstowcs"
size = std::mbstowcs(buf, inval, size);
if ( size == (size_t)(-1) ) {
buf = nullptr;
} else {
buf = (wchar_t*)std::realloc(buf,OUTSZ);
return buf;
#undef OUTSZ
char* wstr2mb(const wchar_t* inval) {
size_t size = std::wcslen(inval);
#define OUTSZ (size+1)*MB_CUR_MAX // Maximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale
auto buf = (char*)std::malloc(OUTSZ);
std::memset(buf, 0, OUTSZ);
std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); // необходима, чтобы отработала "wcstombs"
size = std::wcstombs(buf, inval, size*sizeof(wchar_t));
if ( size == (size_t)(-1) ) {
buf = nullptr;
} else {
buf = (char*)std::realloc(buf,size+1);
return buf;
#undef OUTSZ
const std::string pwchar2string(const wchar_t* inval) {
char* tmp = wstr2mb(inval);
string out{tmp};
return out;
const std::wstring pchar2wstring(const char* inval) {
wchar_t* tmp = mb2wstr(inval);
wstring out{tmp};
return out;
const wstring string2wstring(const string& value) {
return pchar2wstring(value.c_str());
const string wstring2string(const wstring& value) {
return pwchar2string(value.c_str());
const wchar_t* char2wchar(const char* value) {
return pchar2wstring(value).c_str();
const char* wchar2char(const wchar_t* value) {
return pwchar2string(value).c_str();


sendmsg() with Unix domain socket blocks forever on Mac with specific sizes

I'm sending messages on Unix domain sockets on Mac with sendmsg(). However, it sometimes hangs forever.
I've called getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ...) to get the size of the send buffer. (The default is 2048).
If I try sending a message larger than 2048 bytes, I correctly get
EMSGSIZE and know I need to send a smaller message.
If I try sending a message less than 2036 bytes, the message is sent fine.
If I try sending a message between 2036 and 2048 bytes, the
sendmsg call...hangs forever.
What's going on here? What's the correct way to deal with this? Is it safe to just subtract 13 bytes from the maximum size I try sending, or could I run into issues if e.g. there's other messages in the buffer already?
Here's the (simplified) code I'm using:
// Get the maximum message size
int MaxMessageSize(int socket) {
int sndbuf = 0;
socklen_t optlen = sizeof(sndbuf);
if (getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf, &optlen) < 0) {
return -1;
return sndbuf;
// Send a message
static int send_chunk(int socket, const char *data, size_t size) {
struct msghdr msg = {0};
char buf[CMSG_SPACE(0)];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
int iov_len = size;
if (iov_len > 512) {
int stat = send_size(socket, iov_len);
if (stat < 0) return stat;
char iov_buf[iov_len];
memcpy(iov_buf, data, size);
struct iovec io = {.iov_base = (void *)iov_buf, .iov_len = iov_len};
msg.msg_iov = &io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = buf;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(buf);
struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0);
msg.msg_controllen = CMSG_SPACE(0);
std::cerr << "Attempting to send message of size " << iov_len << std::endl;
ssize_t ret = sendmsg(socket, &msg, 0);
std::cerr << "sendmsg returned: " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;

apply 'with<>' to a skipper parser to get context

My first version of this question was rich with misunderstandings. My answer below suits my needs. But I kept at it to understand what could be done with with<>. What I get is that it intended to inject context into a parser. Then the parser is called from with_directive::parse (in x3's with.hpp) In the following code, that is just what happens.
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
using namespace boost::spirit::x3;
struct eol_parser_cnt : parser<eol_parser_cnt>
struct context {
int line = 0;
std::string::iterator iter_pos;
template <typename Iterator, typename Context, typename Attribute>
bool parse(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
, Context const& context, unused_type, Attribute& attr) const
//std::cout << context.line;
auto& ctx = context;
return boost::spirit::x3::parse(first, last, lit(' ') | (lit("//") >> *(char_ - eol) >> eol));
const auto& our_skipper = eol_parser_cnt{};
eol_parser_cnt::context lines;
auto with_skipper = with<eol_parser_cnt::context>(lines)[our_skipper];
int main()
std::string str("12 word");
auto first = str.begin();
phrase_parse(first, str.end(), int_ >> *char_("a-z"), with_skipper);
Putting a break point in eol_parser_cnt::parse and I see it working. The debugger consistently shows the context is there and that it is the structure of eol_parser_cnt::context. I can change the value of line in the debugger and the next hit shows that value, it is a real object. But, try to uncomment the line std::cout << context.line; and the compiler complains that is it an unused_type. So, I just don't get it.
test.cpp(15,30): error C2039: 'line': is not a member of 'boost::spirit::x3::context<ID,T,Context>'
F:\cpp\boost_1_76_0\boost\spirit\home\x3\support\context.hpp(18): message : see declaration of 'boost::spirit::x3::context<ID,T,Context>'
F:\cpp\boost_1_76_0\boost\spirit\home\x3\directive\with.hpp(62): message : see reference to function template instantiation 'bool eol_parser_cnt::parse<Iterator,boost::spirit::x3::context<ID,T,Context>,Attribute>(Iterator &,const Iterator &,const boost::spirit::x3::context<ID,T,Context> &,boost::spirit::x3::unused_type,Attribute &) const' being compiled
Attribute=const boost::spirit::x3::unused_type
Well, it took a while but I was going to understand this. I re-read C++ Template Metaprogramming seriously this time. Then looking at the x3 code I finally understood that with<> is just another parser wrapper. It is interesting to debug an optimized build and see just how much code disappears. VS shows all the disappeared stuff on the stack as inlined and what was 9 layers of parser calls becomes 2 into the likes of with_error_handling::on_error. Everything from my call to parse_rhs_main (in rule.hpp, line 232), is gone.
So because with<> is just another parser wrapper and if the skipper is wrapped, the context is only avaliable to the skipper. But no big deal as the skipper is in the context of the main parser. The difference is that in the skipper object a get<skipper_eol_cnt>(context) returns a reference to the skipper_eol_cnt::context{}. Whereas in the main parser we have to us get<skipper_tag>(context) and this returns the with<> parser object. val is a member of that parser, the reference to the skipper_eol_cnt::context{}. So get<skipper_tag>(context).val retrieves the context we are looking for.
So here it is, using with<> applied to a skipper.
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
using namespace boost::spirit::x3;
struct skipper_eol_cnt : parser<skipper_eol_cnt>
struct context {
int line = 1;
std::string::iterator iter_pos;
template <typename Iterator, typename Context, typename Attribute>
bool parse(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last
, Context const& context, unused_type, Attribute& attr) const
const char* start_cmt = "/*";
const char* end_cmt = "*/";
if (first == last)
return false;
bool matched = false;
//here we are getting from the 'with<>' wrapper
auto& ctx = get<skipper_eol_cnt>(context);
//skip: space | '//comment'
boost::spirit::x3::parse(first, last, lit(' ') | (lit("//") >> *(char_ - eol)));//eol counted below
//skip: '/*comment*/'
if (detail::string_parse(start_cmt, first, last, unused, case_compare<Iterator>())) {
for (; first != last; ++first) {
if (detail::string_parse(end_cmt, first, last, unused, case_compare<Iterator>()))
if (*first == '\n')
++ctx.line, ctx.iter_pos = first;
Iterator iter = first;
for (; iter != last && (*iter == '\r' || *iter == '\n'); ++iter) {
matched = true;
if (*iter == '\n') // LF
++ctx.line, ctx.iter_pos = iter;
//{static int pos = 0; if (pos < ctx.line) { pos = ctx.line; std::cout << pos << std::endl; }}
if (matched) first = iter;
return matched;
auto const& skip_eol_cnt = skipper_eol_cnt{};
struct with_error_handling {
template<typename It, typename Ctx>
error_handler_result on_error(It f, It l, expectation_failure<It> const& ef, Ctx const& ctx) const {
It erit = f + std::distance(f, ef.where());
//here we are getting the wrapped skipper so need the 'with<>.val'
const auto& sctx = get<skipper_tag>(ctx).val;
It bit = erit;
for (; *bit != '\n'/* && bit != f*/; --bit)
It eit = erit;
for (; *eit != '\n' && eit != l; ++eit)
int str_pos = erit - bit - 1;
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Expecting " << ef.which() << "\n at line: " << sctx.line
<< "\n\t" << std::string(bit + 1, eit)
<< "\n\t" << std::setw(str_pos) << std::setfill('-') << "" << "^";
return error_handler_result::fail;
//attr sections
struct section_type {
std::string name;
int line;
std::string::iterator iter_pos;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(section_type, name)
using sections_type = std::vector<section_type>;
struct parser_find_sections : parser<parser_find_sections> {
template<typename Iterator, typename Context, typename RContext, typename Attribute>
bool parse(Iterator& first, Iterator const& last, Context const& context, RContext const& rcontext, Attribute& section) const {
const auto& sssctx = get<skipper_eol_cnt>(context); //now here this doesn't work, unused_type, but
const auto& sctx = get<skipper_tag>(context).val;
auto to_line = [&sctx, first](auto& ctx) {
_attr(ctx).line = sctx.line;
//_attr(ctx).iter_pos = first; // this one will get at 'section color(x,x)'
_attr(ctx).iter_pos = _where(ctx).begin(); // this one is '(x,x)'
static_assert(BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 >= 77);
////NOTE!!! if you have a boost version of less than 1.77, x3::seek will fail here
////quick fix, copy from: https://github.com/boostorg/spirit/blob/boost-1.78.0/include/boost/spirit/home/x3/directive/seek.hpp
////and paste to your boost file...
return phrase_parse(first, last, *(seek["section"] >> (*alpha)[to_line]), get<skipper_tag>(context), section);
auto const parse_section = rule<with_error_handling, std::pair<int, int>>("the_sec_parser") = [] {
return '(' > int_ > ',' > int_ > ')';
template<typename T>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, std::pair<T, T>& t) {
return os << t.first << ',' << t.second;
std::vector<std::string> errors;
auto with_errors = with<with_error_handling>(errors)[parse_section];
auto test_section = [](auto& content, auto& section) {
std::pair<int, int> attr;
skipper_eol_cnt::context ctx{ section.line, section.iter_pos };
auto with_skip_cnt = with< skipper_eol_cnt>(ctx)[skip_eol_cnt];
auto first(section.iter_pos);
return std::tuple(phrase_parse(first, content.end(), with_errors, with_skip_cnt, attr), attr);
int main() {
std::string str(R"(//line 1
section red(5, 6)
section green( 7, 8) //line 3
section blue(9, 10) //no error
bunch of lines of stuff....
*/ section white(11, a 12) //error on line 7
section black( 13,14)
//get the list of sections
auto with_skip_cnt = with<skipper_eol_cnt>(skipper_eol_cnt::context{})[skip_eol_cnt];
sections_type secs;
auto first(str.begin());
phrase_parse(first, str.end(), parser_find_sections(), with_skip_cnt, secs);
for (auto& item : secs)
std::cout << item.name << "\t at line: " << item.line << std::endl;
//section 'blue', at 2, has no error
auto [r, attr] = test_section(str, secs.at(2));
if (r)
std::cout << "\nthe " << secs.at(2).name << " hase vals: " << attr << "\n\n";
//section 'white', at 3, has an error
test_section(str, secs.at(3));
if (errors.size())
std::cout << errors.front() << std::endl;
return 0;

Pointer not printing char[] array

I'm writing some code to take in a string, turn it into a char array and then print back to the user (before passing to another function).
Currently the code works up to dat.toCharArray(DatTim,datsize); however, the pointer does not seem to be working as the wile loop never fires
String input = "Test String for Foo";
void InputParse (String dat)
//Write Data
datsize = dat.length()+1;
const char DatTim[datsize];
//Debug print back
for(int i=0;i<datsize;i++)
//Debug pointer print back
const char *b;
while (*b)
I can't figure out the difference between what I have above vs the template code provided by Majenko
void PrintString(const char *str)
const char *p;
p = str;
while (*p)
The expression *DatTim is the same as DatTim[0], i.e. it gets the first character in the array and then assigns it to the pointer b (something the compiler should have warned you about).
Arrays naturally decays to pointers to their first element, that is DatTim is equal to &DatTim[0].
The simple solution is to simply do
const char *b = DatTim;

RegQueryValueEx return ERROR_MORE_DATA when the buffer is already large enough

Sorry for my pure english.
I have two processes which can Read and Write data to the same value(my tests do it).
Sometimes(one per ten times) the read method is fail with error ERROR_MORE_DATA and Value is 12.
But I call Read method from the tests with 32 bytes.
By chance I looked to #err,hr in watch (GetLastError()) and saw ERROR_NOT_OWNER error code.I understand that second process is block the key and I must try again.
Can anybody approve my conclusions (MSDN is not say anything about this)?
Can anybody will tell me other strange effects?
Thank you.
I have UAC Virtualization. All changes are stored to the
May be it is effect virtualization???
char name[32] = "";
grandchild.OpenValue("name").Read(name, _countof(name));
bool RegisteryStorageValue::Read(void* Buffer, size_t Size) throw (IOException)
DWORD Value = DWORD(Size);
DWORD rez = ::RegQueryValueEx(mKey, mName.c_str(), NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)Buffer, &Value);
if (rez != ERROR_SUCCESS) // here I have 'rez = ERROR_MORE_DATA' and 'Value = 12'
throw IOException(rez);
return true;
bool RegisteryStorageValue::Write(Type type, const void* Buffer, size_t Size) throw (IOException)
DWORD rez = ::RegSetValueEx(mKey, mName.c_str(), NULL, getRegType(type), (const BYTE*)Buffer, (DWORD)Size);
if (rez != ERROR_SUCCESS)
throw IOException(rez);
return true;
Registry functions do not use GetLastError() to report errors. They return error codes directly. So the ERROR_NOT_OWNER is misleading, it is from an earlier Win32 API call, not the Registry calls.
There is no possible way you can pass in a Size value of 32 to RegQueryValueEx() and get back an ERROR_MORE_DATA error saying the data is actually 12 in size. RegQueryValueEx() does not work that way. Make sure your Size value is actually set to 32 upon entry to the Read() function and is not set to some other value.
Update: it is, however, possible for RegQueryValueEx() to report ERROR_MORE_DATA and return a data size that is twice as larger as what you requested, even if RegSetValueEx() is not actually passed that much data. When I ran your test code, I was able to get RegQueryValueEx() to sometimes (not every time) report a data size of 64 even though 32 was being requested. The reason is because RegSetValueExA(), which your code is actually calling, performs a data conversion from Ansi to Unicode for string types (REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ and REG_EXPAND_SZ), and RegQueryValueExA(), which your code is actually calling, queries the raw bytes and performs a Unicode to Ansi conversion for string types. So while your writing code may be saving 32 char values, thus 32 bytes, the Registry is actually storing 32 wchar_t values instead, thus 64 bytes (it would be more if your input strings had non-ASCII characters in them). Chances are, RegQueryValueEx() is returning the raw bytes as-is instead of converting them, such as if RegSetValueEx() is saving the raw bytes first and then saving the data type afterwards, but RegQueryValueEx() is reading the raw bytes before the data type has been saved and thus does not know the data is a string type that needs converting.
Either way, this is a race condition between one thread/process reading while another thread/process is writing, issues with reading while the writing is caching data internally before flushing it, etc. Nothing you can do about this unless you synchronize the reads and writes, since the Registry API does not synchronize for you.
I write sample for my question. I have repeate it issue on the third start.
If sample is complite you can see "Query complite" and "SetComplite" messages
On err you should saw: "error more data: ??"
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
bool start(char* path, char* args)
std::string cmd = path;
cmd.push_back(' ');
BOOL res = ::CreateProcess(NULL, (LPSTR)cmd.c_str(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
if (res == FALSE)
return false;
return true;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
HANDLE hEvent = ::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, "Local/blah");
if (argc == 1)
HKEY hKey;
if (::RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\TestRegistry", &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return -1;
char buffer[] = "Hello, Stack!";
::RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Value", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)buffer, _countof(buffer));
if (start(argv[0], "r") == false ||
start(argv[0], "w") == false)
return -2;
if (argv[1][0] == 'r')
HKEY hKey;
if (::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\TestRegistry", &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return -1;
char buffer[1024] = {0};
if (::WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 10000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
return -3;
for (size_t index = 0; index < 1000000; ++index)
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwSize = _countof(buffer);
DWORD result = ::RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Value", 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)buffer, &dwSize);
if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (result == ERROR_MORE_DATA)
::printf_s("\nError more data: %d\n", dwSize);
return 1;
::printf_s("\nQuery completed\n");
HKEY hKey;
if (::RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\TestRegistry", &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return -1;
const size_t word_size = 32;
char dict[][word_size] =
"help me",
"rape me",
"in the pines",
char buffer[1024] = {0};
if (::WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 10000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
return -3;
for (size_t index = 0; index < 1000000; ++index)
DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
DWORD dwSize = word_size;
DWORD result = ::RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Value", 0, dwType, (LPBYTE)dict[rand() % _countof(dict)], dwSize);
if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
::printf_s("\nSet completed\n");
return 0;

What Time Is This Returning

Deep in the sauce here. I haven't worked with time to much so I'm a little confused here. I know there is FILETIME and SYSTEMTIME. What I am trying to get at this point (because it might change) are file that are less than a 20 seconds old. This returning the files and their size and something in seconds, What I'd like to know is where it is filtering by time if it is, and how can I adjust it to suit my needs. Thank you.
using namespace std;
typedef vector<WIN32_FIND_DATA> tFoundFilesVector;
std::wstring LastWriteTime;
int getFileList(wstring filespec, tFoundFilesVector &foundFiles)
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
int validResult=true;
int numFoundFiles = 0;
h = FindFirstFile(filespec.c_str(), &findData);
return 0;
while (validResult)
validResult = FindNextFile(h, &findData);
return numFoundFiles;
void showFileAge(tFoundFilesVector &fileList)
unsigned _int64 fileTime, curTime, age;
tFoundFilesVector::iterator iter;
//__int64 nFileSize;
//li.LowPart = ftNow.dwLowDateTime;
//li.HighPart = ftNow.dwHighDateTime;
curTime = ((_int64) ftNow.dwHighDateTime << 32) + ftNow.dwLowDateTime;
for (iter=fileList.begin(); iter<fileList.end(); iter++)
fileTime = ((_int64)iter->ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + iter->ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
age = curTime - fileTime;
cout << "FILE: '" << iter->cFileName << "', AGE: " << (_int64)age/10000000UL << " seconds" << endl;
int main()
string fileSpec = "*.*";
tFoundFilesVector foundFiles;
tFoundFilesVector::iterator iter;
int foundCount = 0;
getFileList(L"c:\\Mapper\\*.txt", foundFiles);
getFileList(L"c:\\Mapper\\*.jpg", foundFiles);
foundCount = foundFiles.size();
if (foundCount)
cout << "Found "<<foundCount<<" matching files.\n";
return 0;
I don't know what you've done to try to debug this but your code doesn't work at all. The reason is you're passing getFileList() a wstring but then passing that to the ANSI version of FindFirstFile(). Unless you #define UNICODE or use the appropriate compiler option, all system calls will expect char *, not UNICODE.
The easiest fix is to simply change the declaration of getFileList() to this:
int getFileList(const char * filespec, tFoundFilesVector &foundFiles)
Change the call to FindFirstFile() to this:
h = FindFirstFile((LPCSTR)filespec, &findData);
And then change the calls to it to this:
getFileList("c:\\Mapper\\*.txt", foundFiles);
getFileList("c:\\Mapper\\*.jpg", foundFiles);
Your other option is to switch all char strings to wide chars, but either way you need to be consistent throughout. Once you do that the program works as expected.
As for your final question, your program is not filtering by time at all.
Not quite an answer, but you might want to read about file system tunneling.
It may prevent you from what you're trying to do in some situations.
