I've tried to scroll a page using:
page.execute_script "window.scrollBy(0,10000)"
But the page simply doesn't scroll.
The url i'm trying to scroll is https://next.me/propostas
Can anyone help me? I'm newer to Ruby and Capybara, thanks
I am new to Nuxt and decided to give it a shot and to make a webpage.
However I have this weird thing where when I click on a link the Firefox browser shows the page at the bottom, while Chrome scrolls automaticly up.
This only happens with Firefox and have no idea what is causing it, does anyone have a idea?
Ps: I am using the footer component in the default lay-out
Figured out that when i go directly to the url Firefox shows the top at the page as it should, but when using nuxt link it loads and shows the bottom
I am new on Appium.
I am testing hybrid android app using Appium. I want to scroll to top of page and then click on one link. Could anyone please tell me how to scroll to page bottom.
Many thanks
I am using the save_screenshot(filename) method and noticed a difference between my Selenium option and the PhantomJS option (with capybara and poltergeist).
Selenium will take a screen shot of the whole page. PhantomJS only captures part of the page, cropping off the bottom.
How do I specify in the PhantomJS driver that I would like the whole page, not just the partial page?
I found my solution.
save_screenshot(filename,:full => true)
I have to click on a jquery dropdown with selenium. Found that
works in IDE. But am at loss, as I cannot simulate this in ruby webdriver. Is it possible to simulate it with actions class? If so how? Kindly help me out.
Check out the Filling out forms part on the Selenium WebDriver Docs http://seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.jsp#user-input-filling-in-forms
This should lead you in the right direction for your problem.
I'd like to scrape a website that dynamically generates more content as I scroll down the web browser. I have seen a related post, Auto-Scroll in FireFox, but it doesn't answer my question.
Is it possible to scroll a webpage until the end of page (no more content is generated by the web server) or until a few refreshes using Watir web-driver?
I have recently tried to do something like that, and to my surprise looks like webdriver does not have support for scrolling. I did find two workarounds.
This will send space to the browser, and it will scroll down (works on twitter.com, for example):
browser.send_keys :space
This will scroll to the element, and if the element is at the bottom of the page, it will load more content: