Nuxt Firefox scrolls to bottom of page - firefox

I am new to Nuxt and decided to give it a shot and to make a webpage.
However I have this weird thing where when I click on a link the Firefox browser shows the page at the bottom, while Chrome scrolls automaticly up.
This only happens with Firefox and have no idea what is causing it, does anyone have a idea?
Ps: I am using the footer component in the default lay-out

Figured out that when i go directly to the url Firefox shows the top at the page as it should, but when using nuxt link it loads and shows the bottom


blank top menu on the Google cloud console

I'm using the Google cloud console for online training with the last version of Firefox (75.0) and Ubuntu (18.04.4). Just after the login, the home page is briefly displayed correctly, then the top menu disappears, leaving just a blank stripe below the blue header with the search field and the project Id. The page is displayed correctly with Chrome, however.
I think this is related to some obscure Firefox config. Does anyone have an idea about what is going on?

When does firefox take website screen shot for its home page?

When ever I earn a reputation, firefox understand and refresh my thumbnail. I want to know how it works and when does firefox take website screenshot for its home page?
Is there any meta tag or something like this to force firefox to take screenshot?
When you earn reputation firefox has no idea. The javascript code (that stackoverflow loaded into firefox when you loaded the page) does. If you don't have the page loaded and the javascript code running nothing will ever see the change. Look up AJAX if you want to know more.
You can force the images to update but it involves loading the page.
Make Firefox create new images for the new tab page
The images will get re-stored as you use the new tab page to go to
those websites again.
Open the new tab page by clicking the + button on the tab strip.
Click on one of the blank images to go to a website. Note, that it works only for left-click, opening in new tab doesn't do the trick.
This is important - let the website finish loading (wait for the spinning green loading icon in the tab to stop).
Open the new tab page again and you will see a new image for the website you just went to.
Repeat this process for the rest of the missing images.

Firefox won't display an image unless the web inspector is open

Firefox sometimes hasn't been displaying my website's logo image. There's nothing in the code I can find that would make this happen. From what I can tell, the image displays fine in WebKit, and displays fine when the FF web inspector is open, and displays fine after a hard reload (Ctrl+R), but sometimes won't appear after a soft reload. When I right-click on the image, or open the web inspector, the image suddenly appears, as if it had been there the whole time. What could be causing this?
i think it can be something about page resizing.
When you open the webkit your website browser window change dimension, and you see the logo.
maybe this two things are connected.
try to resize the browser window without opening the webkit.
hope this works to catch the problem.
I tried disabling all the Firefox plugins, thinking it was some extension that was causing this, but no luck. I finally got it to work as expected by completely resetting Firefox using this guide.

Opera doesn't recognize links — images and css3 columns

Opera is the only browser I've tested that doesn't recognize the links on my home page. I can click on a few of the images and go to the linked page, but most don't do anything when I click. The cursor even remains an arrow. Works in every other browser.
They are images wrapped in anchor tags and the grid is created with css columns.
Any ideas?
The same links that are not clickable also aren't inspect-able in opera's web inspector.
Please note that some of the images are click-able on the left hand side. Which images are click-able varies with the browser width. If you view the website > 1300px browser width then most of the images are not click-able on the right side.
This seems to be a known bug in Opera 11.6x which is fixed in the most recent previews of Opera 12. I don't know of any workaround right now, but given that a fix is coming in the not too distant future I would simply wait for it.

Second Google+ button invisible in Firefox

We have Google+ buttons one of our website. They are showing fine in all browsers except Firefox. The button above the article works fine, but the button below is invisible in Firefox. Can't find why this is the case, does anyone have some ideas on how to fix this?
You can see the problem on the live website at
After inspecting the HTML once again I noticed someone added the script-tag that you need to insert for the Google Plus button twice. This is not as it should be and Firefox stops rendering Google Plus buttons after the second script-tag.
So I removed the duplicate script-tag and all browsers, including Firefox, are rendering the buttons fine now!
