New to Firebase. Many warnings in Xcode 9 - xcode

I'm trying Firebase for the first time, and after adding pod 'Firebase/Firestore', Xcode 9.0.1 produces many warnings in the various cocoa pod installed libraries.
Possible misuse of comma operator (in leveldb-library)
Multiple build commands (for a file in BoringSSL (there are like 15 copies of internal.h)
In gRPC-Core there are 51 issues, some "multiple build commands" and several that I've read about elsewhere relating to syntax, like "This function declaration is not a prototype".
I'm new to Firebase and Cocoapods, and I'm just starting a project that I would not need to ship for weeks. What should my strategy be:
a) These warnings are due to the Firebase pods not catching up with new language rules. I should just wait for some time and reinstall and they will go away.
b) I goofed up installation (even though I've tried several times), and there's a step I missed, or a step I shouldn't have taken. Here's what I did:
platform :ios, '10.0'
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'GoogleSignIn' // all this worked fine up to here
pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
added no new code to the boiler plate stuff I copied in to test auth
closed xcode
$pod install
open xcode, clean, rebuild, see 107 warnings
I can live with the warnings and carry on developing, should I? It will be hard to see legit warnings my code generates, and if (when) my newbie code hits an error, I'll be stuck wondering if it's me or one of these warnings manifesting itself.
Can someone share experience? Is it some bad install thing I did or is it just that I'm using stuff that's too new? More importantly, how to proceed?

The answer is (a).
Xcode 9 introduced several new default warnings and the Firebase team is working with its dependency pod providers to address them.
You can expect the warnings to go away in upcoming Firebase, leveldb, and gRPC releases.


Can I manually increase the deployment target for AFNetworking without breaking things?

I was going to ask this on the AFNetworking project on github, but their guidelines suggested that I should post questions like this to StackOverflow instead. I'm not sure that's true because this is less of a specific coding question and more of an investigation question.
My project's minimum deployment target is iOS 15.0. I use several cocoapods, like AFNetworking, which declare a minimum deployment of iOS 9.0, and so Xcode is constantly bothering me with a bunch of warnings during build.
I know they are just warnings, but my brain overloads when there are too many warnings showing up and it can prevent me from noticing warnings that are really important.
I know that I can manually go into the AFNetworking pod project and change the deployment target to 15.0 to make the warning go away.
But I'm wondering if any users or AFNetworking devs know if that will create an underlying problems that aren't obvious, e.g. some kind of legacy behavior that gets changed when the deployment target is raised up to 15.

Adding Pods to a react-native project during upgrade to 0.59.0 raises security concerns

During upgrade to react-native 0.59.9 we're adding the following pods:
- DoubleConversion
- glog
- Folly
(We're adding these to solve some build problems after the upgrade as recommended in a number of places including )
The problem is code in those pods is now being flagged as insecure in many cases by our static code analysis tool 'Checkmarx'. Most of the issues raised are in the form:
"The buffer allocated by [variable] in [file in pods directory] does not correctly account for the actual size of the value, resulting in an incorrect allocation that is off by one."
Will the code in these pods only be used during the build? (We don't reference them from our own react-native app). Even if that is the case, would the pods still add a risk just by being part of our App?
Please don't think I'm trying to say any of these pods are unsafe - merely that our analysis tool is flagging them now that we've added them to our app. If they are not a running part of the final app then perhaps this is not a problem?

Local cocoapods sources in debugger displayed in asm in XCode 8

I am developing number of pods and store them in my own private repo. So I can install pods as usual, from this repository pod "SomePod", or install locally (Development pods) with pod "SomePod", :path => "~/SomePath/ToPod"
When using local pods (2-nd variant) in Xcode 8 I have no possibility to debug, because all sources, that come from pods, are displayed in asm, not in Objective-C, that they are written. In Xcode 7 everything was fine.
When using remote pods (default way, 1-st variant) pods are displayed in Objective-C, but editing them doesn't have impact on real pod sources, because I edit copied from repository version.
I use Cocoapods 1.0.1 version. In Xcode
"Debug" -> "Debug Workflow" -> "Always Use Disassembly" is disabled.
Does anyone face the same problem? Any ideas how to solve this? Thanks for any help.
Update: found out, that this happened because of macOS Sierra and not depends on Xcode version.
Recently found the solution. The issue was in workspace file (don't know, what exactly was wrong there). Solve it by creating new xcworkspace for the projects (I use different name, but I believe, there wasn't naming problem).

Xcode 7.3.1 fails when compiling sources (Cocoapods)

Im pulling my hair out over this. Ive made a duplicate of my an Xcode project and I then went and renamed the target, folders within the project, build config and basically removed every reference to the old project. I then used pod deintegrate to remove cocoa pods completely. As well as deleting the master repo.
I then did a pod install but when it gets to compiling sources it fails, and the only errors that are coming up are those from my project that are basically being caused from the missing header files.
Ive checked my framework and library paths and they both use $(inherited)
Any suggestions would really be appreciated, Ive already wasted 2 days on this.
EDIT: I've noticed that my libPod-ProjectName.a is red and isn't being created in derived data, not sure what to make of it
Is the AFHTTPREQUESTSERIALIZER available ?, it seems to be deprecated so there are no results matching. Confirm you are using the latest version and the framework is not longer deprecated. Please explain your problem with more information.
Alternatively, you can refer this link:-
Screenshot taken from above link:-

Xcode will build/run but archive fails with "No such module Google" - Swift iOS

My app has been working fine until Xcode 7.1. In fact, it still runs on both the simulator and iPhone, but when I archive it, I get the error "No such module Google." I have cocoa pods updated to 0.39 and have tried for hours with tweaking the options, from reinstalling cocoa pods to removing the Google Analytics cocoa pod and adding it manually, etc. However, nothing has worked, and whenever I archive the app, I receive an error, yet it still runs fine.
Any thoughts?
Turns out the issue was with Google Analytics for cocoa pods. I completely removed the cocoapod and switched to Flurry.
For me it turned out, that I had forgotten to put
into the Podfile. After adding this line and updating the pods it worked. Just make sure to import all modules in all depending classes.
Official blog resource from cocoapods
