Customize SQL Server Report Builder Wizard - reportbuilder3.0

I'm a new NAV dev and currently learning how to generate reports. Everything works, but I always end up having to do the exact same steps over and over. What I am wanting to do, is create a custom template for the wizard that already has some things preconfigured, like the interactive sorting, the header being the caption params, etc.
Is something like this possible or will I have to do it one by one from now until the end of time?

Not Really. What you can do is create your report object templates, and export them as .fob/.txt, and then All you have to do is import them in when you need to.
What I also do is to copy existing report objects that are similar to the report I have to design, and work from that.


interactive report filter text is not getting translated in Oracle APEX Application translation

I have a problem in french translation of an application. The application is translated completely fine, but when we run an Interactive Report, the string showing current filter is still in English, not in French. See the following screen shot
Is there a way that we can translate the string showing filter text (in this example "Running" and "Highlight Failed")? Can someone please help with this?
Thanks in Advance.
Interactive Report and Interactive Grid settings are being set in the frontend rather than the backend where all the translation logic is located. Therefore, I don't think it is possible to do this with the standard APEX translation methods.
If you have a basic Report with only little customatization and you really need to translate these filters, I would suggest to create two Reports in the Backend, one for the english version, one for the french version, and use the language application item (usually FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE) to display one or another.
If you have a complicated report with several private reports or heavy customization, I would advise against this solution and just use both language to name your Report settings like you did in your example.
Another option would be to use Javascript to rename the display filter. Try $('.a-IG-controlsLabel[data-setting="highlight"]') to select the appropriate items. However, it will be kind of hard to find the correct event handlers to trigger this at the right moment.

Export functionality in embedded pivot4j report

I am embedding a pivot4j report using pivot4j component in pentaho.
Is it possible to have a export to excel OR PDF facility like it has while designing the report?
If so, how can I do that?
Got the solution from the developers. Posting as it is from the URL
It's something doable but it will require a bit of custom modification
of the view template. When you embed a Pivot4J report, embed.xhtml is
used as the view template instead of view.xhtml. If you compare them
with each other, you can that the former is just a minimal version of
the latter.
So you can probably copy the necessary components related to the
export feature (look for 'mi-export-*') and paste into the embeded
template and modify it if necessary.

How to find Oracle APEX Interactive report template

I need to make style changes to Oracle apex IR (apex version 4.2). For that purpose where can i find the template of it. ? is it saved inside table or procedure ?
Interactive reports are held in a region and the region can have a template, but has no effect on its content, such as an IR.
While you can define report templates for classic reports, this is not possible for interactive reports.
You cannot control the structure (html) it puts out.
You can however change the style of it by applying CSS to the appropriate elements. You don't have need to alter the source it puts out. Defining selectors and using your browser tools to inspect everything you can definitely influence the look and feel.
Word of warning though: heavily applying CSS will bring some trouble when upgrading to apex 5, as IRs have been changed a lot. This means you'll have to change selectors quite a bit while also doing more setup on the IR.
If you'd supply more info on the kind of change you'd want to make to the IR, answers could be more specific and concrete.
You can find Oracle Interactive reports template from
Click Edit Report Attributes
Then template is under Layout and Pagination Section
But i doubt you can edit the template in there.
If you are looking for adding a template to be used in your report then follow these steps
Go to the Main Page of your application
Then go to Shared Components
Then Search for User Interface Section
Under this section, Click Templates, this is where you can add template for any type of item(report, region, page, etc..)
Read these article for customizing report template
You can create new template under apex:
Application Builder/Application #/Shared Components/Templates

Choosing between Excel Add-In, Template and Workbook?

I'm looking for some high-level help with determining the best type of Visual Studio 2010 project to use for an Excel custom application.
I will be developing a program that requires the user to enter a dataset in a particular way. Not using a form per se, but rather in columns and the program will need to do some custom validation on the items in order to prep the data. From there, the user will be able to conduct various operations on the data via a custom Ribbon and associated options. The program will also transmit the data via web service.
I've fooled around with the Add-In project and that gives me a lot of what I need but I'm wondering if a Template or Workbook project is better for this in terms of data entry and being able to "guide" the user a little more.
How do you go about choosing between which project type to use? Do all the project types support a custom Ribbon?
Sorry if this is too far off topic. I'm referring to VBA, not Visual Studio, but it might still be relevant.
With an AddIn, compared to a Workbook, you can separate your code from the user's data. So, if the code is complex, and you'll need to update it separately from user's workbooks with data, this is not a bad idea.
With an AddIn, you can add buttons that do things like check to make sure the user data workbook is ok, or process it in someway. However, the AddIn custom buttons will load ever time a user opens any Excel worksheet. This doesn't sound good, but in practice, isn't so bad. You can code your AddIn so it does nothing as long as no one uses a button, so it almost doesn't hurt load times, etc...
A Workbook might be useful if you need to really guide the user - that is, you cannot rely on the user to hit a button to verify something, and instead you need to verify on every change, for example. However, the workbook solution incorporates the user data and your code in the same workbook, so if you need to update the code for existing users' data, that's harder.
I use a combination of AddIn (.xlam) with buttons, and a template (with minimal self-describing data only).
I'm not sure about the template-only option, so won't comment on that.

is it possible to create a Form that will be used by a T4 template

I was wondering if it is possible to create a form that will be run on the execution of a t4 template. I would like the values inputted into the form to be used by the template to generate code, similarly to add view in an mvc project i.e. right click add view and a form would appear to add a new view.
Also in the add view (example discussed above) would it be possible to edit the form that appears i.e. add a new text box?
Something similar can be done with MVC Scaffolding. Only difference is it uses Powershell as the "UI" and environment. Pretty powerful stuff, you can configure it via command line parameters. Part 5-6-7 contains customization/modification related informations.
No dialog boxes, and forms aout of the box, but powershell (and any command line) is pretty useful if you are a developer. You can queue up tasks, etc...
