Does the current directory exist in %PATH%? - windows

I tried so many possibilities to achieve this but I keep on getting errors.
I dont know why I can't pass %CD% and %PATH% to FINDSTR.
#echo off
findstr %cd% %path%
echo %errorlevel%
The result is findstr can't take value from %path% because it is not a file so I tried to echo it to file.
#echo off
echo %path% > path.txt
findstr %cd% path.txt
echo %errorlevel%
For now findstr could open path.txt but couldn't get the string to compare. The %cd% didn't appear to work so I tried to put it manually like this:
#echo off
echo %path% > path.txt
findstr c:\foo path.txt
echo %errorlevel%
It works!
So how can I get the current directory value and pass the value to findstr? or more plainly, how do I detect if the current directory exists within %PATH% variable.

for %%a in (echo "%path:;=" "%") do if /i "%cd%"=="%%a" echo "found it"
should do this for most situations but there are exceptions.
path may contain relative paths (. or ..) which will not be detected.
path may contain "some;directory" which will not play nicely
and there is no requirement that the drivename appears in path.
So - use with caution.

Run the following small example script which uses FIND and FINDSTR with conditionals and also an IF/ELSE:
#Echo Off
Echo(%PATH%|Find/I "%CD%;">Nul&&(Echo(Found)||Echo(Not Found
Timeout 2
Echo(%PATH%|FindStr/I "%CD%;">Nul&&(Echo(Found)||Echo(Not Found
Timeout 2
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If /I "!PATH:%CD%;=!"=="!PATH!" (Echo(Not Found) Else Echo(Found
Timeout -1
So that is three different attempts at the same task, how do they work for you?

There is not any universal, simple, direct way to check if the current folder is included in the path variable using findstr because for each referenced folder inside path: it can be an absolute or relative reference, it can include or not an ending backslash, it can be or not quoted, it can include or not special characters, it can include (if quoted) semicolons, ...
In top of that, in order to use findstr to do the check you will need to handle problems with the backslash characters as they are used as escape characters in regular expressions but also in literals when preceding a non alphanumeric character. Try
echo x:\_uno\ | findstr /L /c:"x:\_uno" && echo Yes || echo No
So, you will need to process each value inside the path variable dealing with quoted semicolons, special characters, backslashes, ...
Fortunately this was solved by Jeb and dbenham in the 'Pretty print' windows %PATH% variable - how to split on ';' in CMD shell. Using their code to enumerate the elements it the path variable, and the approach in the Magoo's answer in this question, we can write somenthing like
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
rem Flag variable. Assume current folder is not present in path variable
set "present="
rem This code uses:
rem Q: Pretty print %path%
rem A: Jeb answer
rem A: dbenham enhancement
set "var=%path:"=""%"
set "var=%var:^=^^%"
set "var=%var:&=^&%"
set "var=%var:|=^|%"
set "var=%var:<=^<%"
set "var=%var:>=^>%"
set "var=%var:;=^;^;%"
set var=%var:""="%
set "var=%var:"=""Q%"
set "var=%var:;;="S"S%"
set "var=%var:^;^;=;%"
set "var=%var:""="%"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=!var:"Q=!"
rem Get a reference to current folder (%%c) and check against each
rem delimited value inside the processed variable
for %%c in (.) do for %%a in ("!var:"S"S=";"!") do (
if "!!"=="" endlocal
if %%a neq "" for %%b in ("%%~fa.") do (
if /i "%%~fb"=="%%~fc" set "present=1"
if defined present (
echo Current folder is INCLUDED in path variable
) else (
echo Current folder is NOT included in path variable
For each element in the path, resolve it to the full qualified path and check against the full qualified path of the current folder.


Remove unwanted path name from %path% variable via batch

Scope: Windows XP or newer
Tools: Batch script
I need to be able to remove an unneeded path name from the system %PATH% variable. I know how to add a new path name to the system %PATH% variable, using a tool such as SETX.EXE, which also makes it immediately available within the existing CMD environment. It's probably a matter of using FIND and/or a FOR loop of some kind, but I'm not quite sure how to accomplish this. Here's a sample path statement...
%PATH% = C:\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\bin;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;
From this, I need to be able to remove the full path name related to "oracle." So, in the above example, I need to be able to remove the "C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\bin" from the above path statement. Unfortunately, not only could the oracle path name be different than shown above, there could be multiple oracle path names and all need to be removed. I tried implementing the solution here...
How can I extract a full path from the PATH environment variable?
However, it just isn't working. The script wouldn't find the path name. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
This removes the substring C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin; from the PATH string and re-assigns:
set PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;=%
You might use this to see the change:
echo %PATH:C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;=% | tr ; \n
Note: be exact on the substring. It's case-sensitive and slash-sensitive.
If you need to make it a persistent change use setx instead of set and open another console for changes to take effect.
setx /M PATH "%PATH:C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;=%"
You can try something like this :
#echo off&cls
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set $line=%path%
set $line=%$line: =#%
set $line=%$line:;= %
for %%a in (%$line%) do echo %%a | find /i "oracle" || set $newpath=!$newpath!;%%a
set $newpath=!$newpath:#= !
echo set path=!$newpath:~1!
I putted an echo to the last line. Check the result and If it's OK for you, remove it.
After trying SachaDee's answers I got errors with paths like
C:\Program Files (x86)
with brackets:
Program Files (x86)\Directory
gave me
Directorywas unexpected at this time. (no matter what time I tried it)
I added
set $line=%$line:)=^^)%
before the for-loop and
set $newpath=!$newpath:^^=!
after the loop (not sure if it is necessary)
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set path
set $line=%path%
set $line=%$line: =#%
set $line=%$line:;= %
set $line=%$line:)=^^)%
for %%a in (%$line%) do echo %%a | find /i "oracle" || set $newpath=!$newpath!;%%a
set $newpath=!$newpath:#= !
set $newpath=!$newpath:^^=!
set path=!$newpath:~1!
And it is now working.
I found the other solutions to this problem a bit awkward, I don't really want to rely on exact paths, complex 'delayed expansion' syntax, removing spaces for the 'for /f' loop and then adding them back in...
I think this is more elegant, and I commented the hell out of it so even someone new to the horrors of Batch can follow along.
::Turn off command display and allows environmental variables to be overridden for the current session
#echo off & setlocal
::Creates a unique file to use for the 'for loop'
set "TMPFILE="%temp%\tmp%RANDOM%%RANDOM%.txt""
::Duplicate PATH into OLDPATH
::Declare label for the 'goto' command
::Extract the first text token with the default delimiter of semicolon
for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%G in ("%OLDPATH%") do (
REM Copy text token to TMPFILE unless what we want to remove is found
<NUL set /p="%%G" | find /i "StRiNgThAtMaTcHeSwHaTtOrEmOvE" >NUL 2>&1 || <NUL set /p="%%G;" >>%TMPFILE%
REM Remove text token from OLDPATH
::Repeat loop until OLDPATH no longer has any delimiters, and then add any remaining value to TMPFILE
echo %OLDPATH% | findstr /C:";" >NUL && (goto :Loop) || <NUL set /p="%OLDPATH%" >>%TMPFILE%
::Set the path to TMPFILE
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in (%TMPFILE%) do (set "PATH=%%G")
del %TMPFILE% >NUL 2>&1
::An echo and pause just for debug purposes
echo %PATH%
I use this in CYGWIN to filter out CYGWIN paths before starting some Windows commands:
export PATH=`perl -e '#a=grep {$_ =~ /^\/cygdrive\//} split(":", $ENV{PATH});print join(":",#a)'`
I'm quite sure it's easy to adapt to Windows-native perl and bat files. Advantage: the flexible power of regular expressions.
I wanted to remove %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\WindowsApps; from PATH. But this was not possible due to using a another variable in the environment variable for Windows. The CALL hack is worked in SS64. (Also, thanks to Jens A. Koch for the base command.)
CALL set PATH=%PATH:%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\WindowsApps;=%
Of course, the PATH changing by SET will not be permanent. For fixed change, it is necessary to use the SETX command or directly change the entries in the Registry.
Actually, this solution was not needed to delete %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\WindowsApps; from PATH.
The %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\WindowsApps; is stored in the PATH entry of the Registry's HKCU\Environment key. Although it is more practical to delete this entry with the REG DELETE command, if there are another directories in the PATH entry, they will also be deleted, so new solution is needed.
I failed to remove the %USERPROFILE% variable syntax from SET (The %% symbol dilemma). Fortunately, PShell came to the rescue:
SET userprofile=
Powershell -c "$UserEnvironmentPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', 'User'); $UserEnvironmentPath = $UserEnvironmentPath.Replace('%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;',''); [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::SetValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment', 'Path', $UserEnvironmentPath, [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::ExpandString)"
Special thanks to vonpryz for the last command. Because PowerShell's [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable command saves variables to Registry as REG_SZ even if their original value type is REG_EXPAND_SZ, which it's the known issue.
I wrote this code to simply remove any python executeable path from the path variable,
and insert my own specefic python version in the path so i can run python with
the versoin i wanted.
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set path`enter code here`
set $line=%path%
set $line=%$line: =#%
set $line=%$line:;= %
set $line=%$line:)=^^)%
set newpath=
for %%a in (%$line%) do (
echo %%a | find /i "python" ||set newpath=!newpath!;%%a
set path=!newpath!
set PATH=D:\python2.7\;%PATH%
#REM Rest of your script
python --version
#REM to exit the batch but not the window
exit /b
also, the first line is important! don't remove it or it wont work.
Notice: this code must run from a batch ".bat" file , if u want to copy paste this code in cmd window, you must replace all "%%a" to "%a" in this code.
If you know a file that exists within the directory you want to remove (e.g. want to remove all paths that might include java.exe), the following will work very straightforwardly by simply doing string replacement, no need to parse the path, etc:
#REM Executable to look for
set CMD=java.exe
#REM Find the executable anywhere in the path
for %%a in (%CMD%) do set FOUND=%%~$PATH:a
if "%FOUND%"=="" goto done
#REM Strip \cmd.ext so we just have the directory
#echo Found %CMD% in %FOUND%
#echo Removing %FOUND% from path...
set "PATH=!PATH:%FOUND%=!"
#REM Clean up any lone leftover \ in the path (in case the path was C:\foo\ instead of C:\foo)
set PATH=%PATH:;\;=;%
goto search

How would you write a .bat or .cmd file to remove an element from the PATH?

How to list the elements of the path in a batch file?
How does FOR work?
How would you write a batch file or CMD file to remove an element from the path? It should handle gracefully:
differences in case
shortnames and long names
I've done this using tr.exe but it's slow and complicated and uses temporary files, which makes it even more complicated.
I think the answer is something like this:
set tpath=""
set _path="%PATH:;=" "%"
for %%p in (%_path%) do (
call :KeepIfNotEqual %%p %elementToRemove%
endlocal & set path=%tpath%
...where %elementToRemove% is the path element to remove. KeepIfUnique would have to be a subroutine that takes two arguments - directory names, normalizes them, and appends the first argument to tpath if it is not equal to the 2nd argument (elementToRemove).
As I said, I can do this with tr.exe, but can I do it with just built-in commands in the windows cmd.exe shell?
EDIT: I guess when you get right down to it, the question is, how to do case-conversion in cmd.exe?
This is what I came up with, using Igor's hint.
#echo off
goto START
remove a path element from path
Created Tue Sep 15 21:33:54 2009
#REM require one argument (the path element to remove)
if _%1==_ goto USAGE
#REM ~fs = remove quotes, full path, short names
set fqElement=%~fs1
#REM convert path to a list of quote-delimited strings, separated by spaces
set fpath="%PATH:;=" "%"
#REM iterate through those path elements
for %%p in (%fpath%) do (
#REM ~fs = remove quotes, full path, short names
set p2=%%~fsp
#REM is this element NOT the one we want to remove?
if /i NOT "!p2!"=="%fqElement%" (
if _!tpath!==_ (set tpath=%%~p) else (set tpath=!tpath!;%%~p)
set path=!tpath!
set _path="%PATH:;=" "%"
for %%p in (%_path%) do if not "%%~p"=="" echo %%~p
goto :EOF
echo usage: rmpath ^<arg^>
echo removes a path element from the path.
ENDLOCAL & set path=%tpath%
if command has ignore case option
if /I "Blah"=="blah" (echo true) else (echo false)
See if /? for more help on using it. I generally found these commands helpful in determining how to do some cmd line trickery:
if /?
call /?
for /?
set /?
I want to add something to Cheeso's answer... but I don't have enough rep to add a comment.
If you want the script he provided to work even after the batch file is finished, then change the last line like this this:
#echo off
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
endlocal & set path=%tpath%
This employs a neat trick: the 'tpath' variable is available when that line is read-in and parsed by cmd.exe and expanded prior to getting deleted by 'endlocal'.
This allows the changes to the 'PATH' variable to persist even after the batch file exits.

Resolve absolute path from relative path and/or file name

Is there a way in a Windows batch script to return an absolute path from a value containing a filename and/or relative path?
I need the absolute path relative to the batch file.
"somefile.txt" is located in "C:\Foo\"
"test.bat" is located in "C:\Foo\Bar".
User opens a command window in "C:\Foo" and calls Bar\test.bat ..\somefile.txt
In the batch file "C:\Foo\somefile.txt" would be derived from %1
In batch files, as in standard C programs, argument 0 contains the path to the currently executing script. You can use %~dp0 to get only the path portion of the 0th argument (which is the current script) - this path is always a fully qualified path.
You can also get the fully qualified path of your first argument by using %~f1, but this gives a path according to the current working directory, which is obviously not what you want.
Personally, I often use the %~dp0%~1 idiom in my batch file, which interpret the first argument relative to the path of the executing batch. It does have a shortcoming though: it miserably fails if the first argument is fully-qualified.
If you need to support both relative and absolute paths, you can make use of Frédéric Ménez's solution: temporarily change the current working directory.
Here's an example that'll demonstrate each of these techniques:
#echo off
echo %%~dp0 is "%~dp0"
echo %%0 is "%0"
echo %%~dpnx0 is "%~dpnx0"
echo %%~f1 is "%~f1"
echo %%~dp0%%~1 is "%~dp0%~1"
rem Temporarily change the current working directory, to retrieve a full path
rem to the first parameter
pushd .
cd %~dp0
echo batch-relative %%~f1 is "%~f1"
If you save this as c:\temp\example.bat and the run it from c:\Users\Public as
c:\Users\Public>\temp\example.bat ..\windows'll observe the following output:
%~dp0 is "C:\temp\"
%0 is "\temp\example.bat"
%~dpnx0 is "C:\temp\example.bat"
%~f1 is "C:\Users\windows"
%~dp0%~1 is "C:\temp\..\windows"
batch-relative %~f1 is "C:\Windows"
the documentation for the set of modifiers allowed on a batch argument can be found here:
I came across a similar need this morning: how to convert a relative path into an absolute path inside a Windows command script.
The following did the trick:
#echo off
set REL_PATH=..\..\
rem // Save current directory and change to target directory
pushd %REL_PATH%
rem // Save value of CD variable (current directory)
rem // Restore original directory
echo Relative path: %REL_PATH%
echo Maps to path: %ABS_PATH%
Most of these answers seem crazy over complicated and super buggy, here's mine -- it works on any environment variable, no %CD% or PUSHD/POPD, or for /f nonsense -- just plain old batch functions. -- The directory & file don't even have to exist.
CALL :NORMALIZEPATH "..\..\..\foo\bar.txt"
:: ========== FUNCTIONS ==========
Without having to have another batch file to pass arguments to (and use the argument operators), you can use FOR /F:
FOR /F %%i IN ("..\relativePath") DO echo absolute path: %%~fi
where the i in %%~fi is the variable defined at /F %%i. eg. if you changed that to /F %%a then the last part would be %%~fa.
To do the same thing right at the command prompt (and not in a batch file) replace %% with %...
This is to help fill in the gaps in Adrien Plisson's answer (which should be upvoted as soon as he edits it ;-):
you can also get the fully qualified path of your first argument by using %~f1, but this gives a path according to the current path, which is obviously not what you want.
unfortunately, i don't know how to mix the 2 together...
One can handle %0 and %1 likewise:
%~dpnx0 for fully qualified drive+path+name+extension of the batchfile itself,
%~f0 also suffices;
%~dpnx1 for fully qualified drive+path+name+extension of its first argument [if that's a filename at all],
%~f1 also suffices;
%~f1 will work independent of how you did specify your first argument: with relative paths or with absolute paths (if you don't specify the file's extension when naming %1, it will not be added, even if you use %~dpnx1 -- however.
But how on earth would you name a file on a different drive anyway if you wouldn't give that full path info on the commandline in the first place?
However, %~p0, %~n0, %~nx0 and %~x0 may come in handy, should you be interested in path (without driveletter), filename (without extension), full filename with extension or filename's extension only. But note, while %~p1 and %~n1 will work to find out the path or name of the first argument, %~nx1 and %~x1 will not add+show the extension, unless you used it on the commandline already.
You can also use batch functions for this:
#echo off
goto MAIN
:: "%~f2" get abs path of %~2.
::"%~fs2" get abs path with short names of %~2.
set __absPath=%~f2
endlocal && set %1=%__absPath%
goto :eof
call :setAbsPath ABS_PATH ..\
echo %ABS_PATH%
Small improvement to BrainSlugs83's excellent solution. Generalized to allow naming the output environment variable in the call.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem Example input value.
set RelativePath=doc\build
rem Resolve path.
call :ResolvePath AbsolutePath %RelativePath%
rem Output result.
echo %AbsolutePath%
rem End.
exit /b
rem === Functions ===
rem Resolve path to absolute.
rem Param 1: Name of output variable.
rem Param 2: Path to resolve.
rem Return: Resolved absolute path.
set %1=%~dpfn2
exit /b
If run from C:\project output is:
I have not seen many solutions to this problem. Some solutions make use of directory traversal using CD and others make use of batch functions. My personal preference has been for batch functions and in particular, the MakeAbsolute function as provided by DosTips.
The function has some real benefits, primarily that it does not change your current working directory and secondly that the paths being evaluated don't even have to exist. You can find some helpful tips on how to use the function here too.
Here is an example script and its outputs:
#echo off
set scriptpath=%~dp0
set siblingfile=sibling.bat
set siblingfolder=sibling\
set fnwsfolder=folder name with spaces\
set descendantfolder=sibling\descendant\
set ancestorfolder=..\..\
set cousinfolder=..\uncle\cousin
call:MakeAbsolute siblingfile "%scriptpath%"
call:MakeAbsolute siblingfolder "%scriptpath%"
call:MakeAbsolute fnwsfolder "%scriptpath%"
call:MakeAbsolute descendantfolder "%scriptpath%"
call:MakeAbsolute ancestorfolder "%scriptpath%"
call:MakeAbsolute cousinfolder "%scriptpath%"
echo scriptpath: %scriptpath%
echo siblingfile: %siblingfile%
echo siblingfolder: %siblingfolder%
echo fnwsfolder: %fnwsfolder%
echo descendantfolder: %descendantfolder%
echo ancestorfolder: %ancestorfolder%
echo cousinfolder: %cousinfolder%
:: Function declarations
:: Handy to read for how dos functions
:: work.
:MakeAbsolute file base -- makes a file name absolute considering a base path
:: -- file [in,out] - variable with file name to be converted, or file name itself for result in stdout
:: -- base [in,opt] - base path, leave blank for current directory
:$created 20060101 :$changed 20080219 :$categories Path
set "src=%~1"
if defined %1 set "src=!%~1!"
set "bas=%~2"
if not defined bas set "bas=%cd%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%bas%.\%src%") do set "src=%%~fa"
IF defined %1 (SET %~1=%src%) ELSE ECHO.%src%
And the output:
scriptpath: C:\Users\dayneo\Documents\
siblingfile: C:\Users\dayneo\Documents\sibling.bat
siblingfolder: C:\Users\dayneo\Documents\sibling\
fnwsfolder: C:\Users\dayneo\Documents\folder name with spaces\
descendantfolder: C:\Users\dayneo\Documents\sibling\descendant\
ancestorfolder: C:\Users\
cousinfolder: C:\Users\dayneo\uncle\cousin
I hope this helps... It sure helped me :)
P.S. Thanks again to DosTips! You rock!
You can just concatenate them.
SET REL_PATH=..\SomeFile.txt
it looks odd with \..\ in the middle of your path but it works. No need to do anything crazy :)
In your example, from Bar\test.bat, DIR /B /S ..\somefile.txt would return the full path.
PowerShell is pretty common these days so I use it often as a quick way to invoke C# since that has functions for pretty much everything:
#echo off
set pathToResolve=%~dp0\..\SomeFile.txt
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -Command "[System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( '%projectDirMc%' )"') do #set resolvedPath=%%a
echo Resolved path: %resolvedPath%
It's a bit slow, but the functionality gained is hard to beat unless without resorting to an actual scripting language.
stijn's solution works with subfolders under C:\Program Files (86)\,
#echo off
set projectDirMc=test.txt
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('powershell -Command "[System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath( '%projectDirMc%' )"') do #set resolvedPath=%%a
echo full path: %resolvedPath%
Files See all other answers
With .. being your relative path, and assuming you are currently in D:\Projects\EditorProject:
cd .. & cd & cd EditorProject (the relative path)
returns absolute path e.g.
SET REL_PATH=%CD%..\..\build\
exit /b
SET %1=%~f2
exit /b

How do I find full path to an application in a batch script

How do I in a batch script find the full path to application XYZ if it is installed
The application is not in the PATH
All I have is it's name in this case "ISTool.exe" and I would like to get C:\Program\ISTool\ISTool.exe
You can locate an executable on the path (or other path-like string if necessary):
c:\> for %i in (cmd.exe) do #echo. %~$PATH:i
c:\> for %i in (python.exe) do #echo. %~$PATH:i
Details can be found at the end of the help text for the "for" command, "for /?" but the summary is:
%~i - expands %i removing any surrounding quotes.
%~fi - expands %i to a fully qualified path name.
%~di - expands %i to a drive letter only.
%~pi - expands %i to a path only.
%~ni - expands %i to a file name only.
%~xi - expands %i to a file extension only.
%~si - expanded path contains short names only.
%~ai - expands %i to file attributes of file.
%~ti - expands %i to date/time of file.
%~zi - expands %i to size of file.
%~$P:i - searches the directories listed in the P environment variable
and expands %i to the fully qualified name of the first one found.
If the environment variable name is not defined or the file is not
found by the search, then this modifier expands to the empty string.
The modifiers can be combined to get compound results:
%~dpi - expands %i to a drive letter and path only.
%~nxi - expands %i to a file name and extension only.
%~fsi - expands %i to a full path name with short names only.
%~dp$P:i - searches the directories listed in the P environment variable
for %i and expands to the drive letter and path of the first
one found.
%~ftzai - expands %i to a DIR like output line.
If your executable isn't on the path (as per your edit), your best bet is to use the bare/subdirectory format of dir which will do it for you. From the root directory:
dir /b /s ISTool.exe
will get you all of the files on that drive with that name. You then just have to parse the output. My own preference would be to use Cygwin's "find /cygdrive -name ISTool.exe" but that's because I already have it installed. You may not want that (or even have that option).
That dir /b /s command will take a while since it's basically searching the whole disk. If that's a problem you may want to consider periodically creating a cached record of all files on all disks with a cmd file like:
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
del c:\files.cache.tmp >nul: 2>nul:
for %%d in (c d e) do (
cd /d %%d:\
dir /b /s >>c:\files.cache.tmp
del c:\files.cache >nul: 2>nul:
move c:\files.cache.tmp c:\files.cache
You could do this with scheduled tasks either nightly (for an always-on server) or on boot (for a desktop). You could even make the script more intelligent to do it only every couple of days (I have an automated backup script that does a similar thing on the family machines I support). This creates the list in a temporary cache file then overwrites the original one to ensure the time when the file doesn't exist is minimized.
Then you can just use:
findstr \\ISTool.exe c:\files.cache
to locate all your files.
Based on the really helpful answers here I hacked up these two batches which I thought I share here (I know this thread is now 3 years old, but its found as 1st match when googling ...):
1) which.bat:
#echo off
REM emulate the Linux which command
if "%1" == "" (
echo Usage: %~nx0 ^<command[.ext]^>
exit /b
for %%P in (%PATHEXT%) do (
for %%I in (%1 %1%%P) do (
if exist "%%~$PATH:I" (
echo %%~$PATH:I
exit /b
not perfect because there are allways two tests, but its fast enough so I didnt further bother about; sure its possible to 1st do a separate test with %1 only ...
2) findfile.bat:
#echo off
REM emulate the Linux find command
if "%1" == "" (
echo Usage: %~nx0 ^<startdir^> ^<file^>
exit /b
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir /b /s %1\%2') do set F=%%A
if exist "%F%" echo %F%
This is the closest I got. One drawback is that it works only for one drive per execution, but that could made more flexible. Another is the output, that always contains a // between the path and the filename. But per definition thats a valid path.
SET filename=autoexec.bat
FOR /R C:\ %%a IN (\) DO (
IF EXIST "%%a\%filename%" (
SET fullpath=%%a%filename%
GOTO break
ECHO %fullpath%
Will deliver: C:\\autoexec.bat
For explanation, the for loop iterates through all directories starting at the given path (C:\) and check if the filename exists in that directory. If so, both variables are concatenated and stored in %fullpath% and the loop is terminated by a jump.
Sometimes this simple solution works, where you check to see if the output matches what you expect. The first line runs the command and grabs the last line of standard output.
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in (' "xcopy /? 2> nul" ') do SET xcopyoutput=%%i
if "%xcopyoutput%"=="" echo xcopy not in path.
Alternately, programs like Everything, and UltraSearch (freeware), SwiftSearch can search the MFT (of your NTFS partition) for files (so it can do so very quickly), (but Wikipedia claims this kind of thing can breach your security model by finding things it's not supposed to) -- some of them look like they have some command line parameters, I've not used them, but maybe it could be helpful, if you're resorting to a full drive search.
The answers I got from others worked (but slow or used extra files) and worked for any exe but didn't really suit my needs.
Since I wanted to find a particular exe I went looking in the registry using REG QUERY instead. I found a key that contained the data I wanted to find and extracted that.
The result is fast, has few lines of code but is not very pretty nor reusable.
Short example:
#ECHO off
set found=
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%a IN ('REG QUERY "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\ISTool.exe\shell\OpenWithISTool\command"') DO (
set found=%%c
for /f "tokens=1-2" %%a in ("%found%") do (
set my_exe=%%a
echo %my_exe%
This results in "C:\Program\ISTool\ISTool.exe" (with quotes)
Note: delims= above is followed by a tab-char

How to check if a directory exists in %PATH%

How does one check if a directory is already present in the PATH environment variable? Here's a start. All I've managed to do with the code below, though, is echo the first directory in %PATH%. Since this is a FOR loop you'd think it would enumerate all the directories in %PATH%, but it only gets the first one.
Is there a better way of doing this? Something like FIND or FINDSTR operating on the %PATH% variable? I'd just like to check if a directory exists in the list of directories in %PATH%, to avoid adding something that might already be there.
FOR /F "delims=;" %%P IN ("%PATH%") DO (
#ECHO %%~P
First I will point out a number of issues that make this problem difficult to solve perfectly. Then I will present the most bullet-proof solution I have been able to come up with.
For this discussion I will use lower case path to represent a single folder path in the file system, and upper case PATH to represent the PATH environment variable.
From a practical standpoint, most people want to know if PATH contains the logical equivalent of a given path, not whether PATH contains an exact string match of a given path. This can be problematic because:
The trailing \ is optional in a path
Most paths work equally well both with and without the trailing \. The path logically points to the same location either way. The PATH frequently has a mixture of paths both with and without the trailing \. This is probably the most common practical issue when searching a PATH for a match.
There is one exception: The relative path C: (meaning the current working directory of drive C) is very different than C:\ (meaning the root directory of drive C)
Some paths have alternate short names
Any path that does not meet the old 8.3 standard has an alternate short form that does meet the standard. This is another PATH issue that I have seen with some frequency, particularly in business settings.
Windows accepts both / and \ as folder separators within a path.
This is not seen very often, but a path can be specified using / instead of \ and it will function just fine within PATH (as well as in many other Windows contexts)
Windows treats consecutive folder separators as one logical separator.
C:\FOLDER\\ and C:\FOLDER\ are equivalent. This actually helps in many contexts when dealing with a path because a developer can generally append \ to a path without bothering to check if the trailing \ already exists. But this obviously can cause problems if trying to perform an exact string match.
Exceptions: Not only is C:, different than C:\, but C:\ (a valid path), is different than C:\\ (an invalid path).
Windows trims trailing dots and spaces from file and directory names.
"C:\test. " is equivalent to "C:\test".
The current .\ and parent ..\ folder specifiers may appear within a path
Unlikely to be seen in real life, but something like C:\.\parent\child\..\.\child\ is equivalent to C:\parent\child
A path can optionally be enclosed within double quotes.
A path is often enclosed in quotes to protect against special characters like <space> , ; ^ & =. Actually any number of quotes can appear before, within, and/or after the path. They are ignored by Windows except for the purpose of protecting against special characters. The quotes are never required within PATH unless a path contains a ;, but the quotes may be present never-the-less.
A path may be fully qualified or relative.
A fully qualified path points to exactly one specific location within the file system. A relative path location changes depending on the value of current working volumes and directories. There are three primary flavors of relative paths:
D: is relative to the current working directory of volume D:
\myPath is relative to the current working volume (could be C:, D: etc.)
myPath is relative to the current working volume and directory
It is perfectly legal to include a relative path within PATH. This is very common in the Unix world because Unix does not search the current directory by default, so a Unix PATH will often contain .\. But Windows does search the current directory by default, so relative paths are rare in a Windows PATH.
So in order to reliably check if PATH already contains a path, we need a way to convert any given path into a canonical (standard) form. The ~s modifier used by FOR variable and argument expansion is a simple method that addresses issues 1 - 6, and partially addresses issue 7. The ~s modifier removes enclosing quotes, but preserves internal quotes. Issue 7 can be fully resolved by explicitly removing quotes from all paths prior to comparison. Note that if a path does not physically exist then the ~s modifier will not append the \ to the path, nor will it convert the path into a valid 8.3 format.
The problem with ~s is it converts relative paths into fully qualified paths. This is problematic for Issue 8 because a relative path should never match a fully qualified path. We can use FINDSTR regular expressions to classify a path as either fully qualified or relative. A normal fully qualified path must start with <letter>:<separator> but not <letter>:<separator><separator>, where <separator> is either \ or /. UNC paths are always fully qualified and must start with \\. When comparing fully qualified paths we use the ~s modifier. When comparing relative paths we use the raw strings. Finally, we never compare a fully qualified path to a relative path. This strategy provides a good practical solution for Issue 8. The only limitation is two logically equivalent relative paths could be treated as not matching, but this is a minor concern because relative paths are rare in a Windows PATH.
There are some additional issues that complicate this problem:
9) Normal expansion is not reliable when dealing with a PATH that contains special characters.
Special characters do not need to be quoted within PATH, but they could be. So a PATH like
C:\THIS & THAT;"C:\& THE OTHER THING" is perfectly valid, but it cannot be expanded safely using simple expansion because both "%PATH%" and %PATH% will fail.
10) The path delimiter is also valid within a path name
A ; is used to delimit paths within PATH, but ; can also be a valid character within a path, in which case the path must be quoted. This causes a parsing issue.
jeb solved both issues 9 and 10 at 'Pretty print' windows %PATH% variable - how to split on ';' in CMD shell
So we can combine the ~s modifier and path classification techniques along with my variation of jeb's PATH parser to get this nearly bullet proof solution for checking if a given path already exists within PATH. The function can be included and called from within a batch file, or it can stand alone and be called as its own inPath.bat batch file. It looks like a lot of code, but over half of it is comments.
#echo off
:inPath pathVar
:: Tests if the path stored within variable pathVar exists within PATH.
:: The result is returned as the ERRORLEVEL:
:: 0 if the pathVar path is found in PATH.
:: 1 if the pathVar path is not found in PATH.
:: 2 if pathVar is missing or undefined or if PATH is undefined.
:: If the pathVar path is fully qualified, then it is logically compared
:: to each fully qualified path within PATH. The path strings don't have
:: to match exactly, they just need to be logically equivalent.
:: If the pathVar path is relative, then it is strictly compared to each
:: relative path within PATH. Case differences and double quotes are
:: ignored, but otherwise the path strings must match exactly.
:: Error checking
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 2
if not defined %~1 exit /b 2
if not defined path exit /b 2
:: Prepare to safely parse PATH into individual paths
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "var=%path:"=""%"
set "var=%var:^=^^%"
set "var=%var:&=^&%"
set "var=%var:|=^|%"
set "var=%var:<=^<%"
set "var=%var:>=^>%"
set "var=%var:;=^;^;%"
set var=%var:""="%
set "var=%var:"=""Q%"
set "var=%var:;;="S"S%"
set "var=%var:^;^;=;%"
set "var=%var:""="%"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=!var:"Q=!"
set "var=!var:"S"S=";"!"
:: Remove quotes from pathVar and abort if it becomes empty
set "new=!%~1:"=!"
if not defined new exit /b 2
:: Determine if pathVar is fully qualified
echo("!new!"|findstr /i /r /c:^"^^\"[a-zA-Z]:[\\/][^\\/]" ^
/c:^"^^\"[\\][\\]" >nul ^
&& set "abs=1" || set "abs=0"
:: For each path in PATH, check if path is fully qualified and then do
:: proper comparison with pathVar.
:: Exit with ERRORLEVEL 0 if a match is found.
:: Delayed expansion must be disabled when expanding FOR variables
:: just in case the value contains !
for %%A in ("!new!\") do for %%B in ("!var!") do (
if "!!"=="" endlocal
for %%C in ("%%~B\") do (
echo(%%B|findstr /i /r /c:^"^^\"[a-zA-Z]:[\\/][^\\/]" ^
/c:^"^^\"[\\][\\]" >nul ^
&& (if %abs%==1 if /i "%%~sA"=="%%~sC" exit /b 0) ^
|| (if %abs%==0 if /i "%%~A"=="%%~C" exit /b 0)
:: No match was found so exit with ERRORLEVEL 1
exit /b 1
The function can be used like so (assuming the batch file is named inPath.bat):
set test=c:\mypath
call inPath test && (echo found) || (echo not found)
Typically the reason for checking if a path exists within PATH is because you want to append the path if it isn't there. This is normally done simply by using something like path %path%;%newPath%. But Issue 9 demonstrates how this is not reliable.
Another issue is how to return the final PATH value across the ENDLOCAL barrier at the end of the function, especially if the function could be called with delayed expansion enabled or disabled. Any unescaped ! will corrupt the value if delayed expansion is enabled.
These problems are resolved using an amazing safe return technique that jeb invented here:
#echo off
:addPath pathVar /B
:: Safely appends the path contained within variable pathVar to the end
:: of PATH if and only if the path does not already exist within PATH.
:: If the case insensitive /B option is specified, then the path is
:: inserted into the front (Beginning) of PATH instead.
:: If the pathVar path is fully qualified, then it is logically compared
:: to each fully qualified path within PATH. The path strings are
:: considered a match if they are logically equivalent.
:: If the pathVar path is relative, then it is strictly compared to each
:: relative path within PATH. Case differences and double quotes are
:: ignored, but otherwise the path strings must match exactly.
:: Before appending the pathVar path, all double quotes are stripped, and
:: then the path is enclosed in double quotes if and only if the path
:: contains at least one semicolon.
:: addPath aborts with ERRORLEVEL 2 if pathVar is missing or undefined
:: or if PATH is undefined.
:: Error checking
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 2
if not defined %~1 exit /b 2
if not defined path exit /b 2
:: Determine if function was called while delayed expansion was enabled
set "NotDelayed=!"
:: Prepare to safely parse PATH into individual paths
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "var=%path:"=""%"
set "var=%var:^=^^%"
set "var=%var:&=^&%"
set "var=%var:|=^|%"
set "var=%var:<=^<%"
set "var=%var:>=^>%"
set "var=%var:;=^;^;%"
set var=%var:""="%
set "var=%var:"=""Q%"
set "var=%var:;;="S"S%"
set "var=%var:^;^;=;%"
set "var=%var:""="%"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=!var:"Q=!"
set "var=!var:"S"S=";"!"
:: Remove quotes from pathVar and abort if it becomes empty
set "new=!%~1:"^=!"
if not defined new exit /b 2
:: Determine if pathVar is fully qualified
echo("!new!"|findstr /i /r /c:^"^^\"[a-zA-Z]:[\\/][^\\/]" ^
/c:^"^^\"[\\][\\]" >nul ^
&& set "abs=1" || set "abs=0"
:: For each path in PATH, check if path is fully qualified and then
:: do proper comparison with pathVar. Exit if a match is found.
:: Delayed expansion must be disabled when expanding FOR variables
:: just in case the value contains !
for %%A in ("!new!\") do for %%B in ("!var!") do (
if "!!"=="" setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
for %%C in ("%%~B\") do (
echo(%%B|findstr /i /r /c:^"^^\"[a-zA-Z]:[\\/][^\\/]" ^
/c:^"^^\"[\\][\\]" >nul ^
&& (if %abs%==1 if /i "%%~sA"=="%%~sC" exit /b 0) ^
|| (if %abs%==0 if /i %%A==%%C exit /b 0)
:: Build the modified PATH, enclosing the added path in quotes
:: only if it contains ;
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if "!new:;=!" neq "!new!" set new="!new!"
if /i "%~2"=="/B" (set "rtn=!new!;!path!") else set "rtn=!path!;!new!"
:: rtn now contains the modified PATH. We need to safely pass the
:: value accross the ENDLOCAL barrier
:: Make rtn safe for assignment using normal expansion by replacing
:: % and " with not yet defined FOR variables
set "rtn=!rtn:%%=%%A!"
set "rtn=!rtn:"=%%B!"
:: Escape ^ and ! if function was called while delayed expansion was enabled.
:: The trailing ! in the second assignment is critical and must not be removed.
if not defined NotDelayed set "rtn=!rtn:^=^^^^!"
if not defined NotDelayed set "rtn=%rtn:!=^^^!%" !
:: Pass the rtn value accross the ENDLOCAL barrier using FOR variables to
:: restore the % and " characters. Again the trailing ! is critical.
for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2" %%A in ('%%^ ^"') do (
endlocal & endlocal & endlocal & endlocal & endlocal
set "path=%rtn%" !
exit /b 0
This may work:
echo ;%PATH%; | find /C /I ";<string>;"
It should give you 0 if the string is not found and 1 or more if it is.
Another way to check if something is in the path is to execute some innocent executable that is not going to fail if it's there, and check the result.
As an example, the following code snippet checks if Maven is in the path:
mvn --help > NUL 2> NUL
if errorlevel 1 goto mvnNotInPath
So I try to run mvn --help, ignore the output (I don't actually want to see the help if Maven is there) (> NUL), and also don't display the error message if Maven was not found (2> NUL).
After reading the answers here I think I can provide a new point of view: if the purpose of this question is to know if the path to a certain executable file exists in %PATH% and if not, insert it (and this is the only reason to do that, I think), then it may solved in a slightly different way: "How to check if the directory of a certain executable program exist in %PATH%"? This question may be easily solved this way:
for %%p in (programname.exe) do set "progpath=%%~$PATH:p"
if not defined progpath (
rem The path to programname.exe don't exist in PATH variable, insert it:
set "PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\progranname"
If you don't know the extension of the executable file, just review all of them:
set "progpath="
for %%e in (%PATHEXT%) do (
if not defined progpath (
for %%p in (programname.%%e) do set "progpath=%%~$PATH:p"
Using for and delims, you cannot capture an arbitrary number of fields (as Adam pointed out as well) so you have to use a looping technique instead. The following command script will list each path in the PATH environment variable on a separate line:
#echo off
if "%~1"=="" (
) else (
set PATHQ=%~1 )
if "%PATHQ%"=="" goto WEND
for /F "delims=;" %%i in ("%PATHQ%") do echo %%i
for /F "delims=; tokens=1,*" %%i in ("%PATHQ%") do set PATHQ=%%j
goto WHILE
It simulates a classical while…wend construct found in many programming languages.
With this in place, you can use something like findstr to subsequently filter and look for a particular path. For example, if you saved the above script in a file called tidypath.cmd then here is how you could pipe to findstr, looking for paths under the standard programs directory (using a case-insensitive match):
> tidypath | findstr /i "%ProgramFiles%"
This will look for an exact but case-insensitive match, so mind any trailing backslashes etc.:
for %P in ("%path:;=";"%") do #if /i %P=="PATH_TO_CHECK" echo %P exists in PATH
or, in a batch file (e.g. checkpath.bat) which takes an argument:
#for %%P in ("%path:;=";"%") do #if /i %%P=="%~1" echo %%P exists in PATH
In the latter form, one could call e.g. checkpath "%ProgramFiles%" to see if the specified path already exists in PATH.
Please note that this implementation assumes no semicolons or quotes are present inside a single path item.
Just to elaborate on Heyvoon's response (2015-06-08) using PowerShell, this simple PowerShell script should give you detail on %path%:
$env:Path -split ";" | % {"$(test-path $_); $_"}
It is generating this kind of output which you can independently verify:
False;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin
To reassemble for updating Path:
$x = $null; foreach ($t in ($env:Path -split ";") ) {if (test-path $t) {$x += $t + ";"}}; $x
I took your implementation using the for loop and extended it into something that iterates through all elements of the path. Each iteration of the for loop removes the first element of the path (%p) from the entire path (held in %q and %r).
#echo off
for /f "delims=; tokens=1,2*" %%p in ("%MYPATHCOPY%") do (
#echo %%~p
if "%MYPATHCOPY%"==";" goto done;
goto search;
Sample output:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (November 2007)\Utilities\Bin\x86
c:\program files\imagemagick-6.3.4-q16
c:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows
C:\Program Files\Nmap
You can also use substring replacement to test for the presence of a substring. Here I remove quotes to create PATH_NQ, then I remove "c:\mydir" from the PATH_NQ and compare it to the original to see if anything changed:
set PATH_NQ=%PATH:"=%
if not "%PATH_NQ%"=="%PATH_NQ:c:\mydir=%" goto already_in_path
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\mydir
I've combined some of the above answers to come up with this to ensure that a given path entry exists exactly as given with as much brevity as possible and no junk echos on the command line.
set myPath=<pathToEnsure | %1>
echo ;%PATH%; | find /C /I ";%myPath%;" >nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 set PATH=%PATH%;%myPath%
If your question was "why doesn't this cmd script fragment work?" then the answer is that for /f iterates over lines. The delims split lines into fields, but you're only capturing the first field in %%P. There is no way to capture an arbitrary number of fields with a for /f loop.
This version works fairly well. It simply checks whether executable vim71 (Vim 7.1) is in the path, and prepends it if not.
#echo off
echo %PATH% | find /c /i "vim71" > nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto jump
PATH = C:\Program Files\Vim\vim71\;%PATH%
This demo is to illustrate the errorlevel logic:
#echo on
echo %PATH% | find /c /i "Windows"
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Found Windows
echo %PATH% | find /c /i "Nonesuch"
if "%errorlevel%"=="0" echo Found Nonesuch
The logic is reversed in the vim71 code since errorlevel 1 is equivalent to errorlevel >= 1. It follows that errorlevel 0 would always evaluate true, so "not errorlevel 1" is used.
Postscript: Checking may not be necessary if you use SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL to localise your environment settings, e.g.,
#echo off
PATH = C:\Program Files\Vim\vim71\;%PATH%
rem your code here
After ENDLOCAL you are back with your original path.
You mention that you want to avoid adding the directory to search path if it already exists there. Is your intention to store the directory permanently to the path, or just temporarily for batch file's sake?
If you wish to add (or remove) directories permanently to PATH, take a look at Path Manager (pathman.exe) utility in Windows Resource Kit Tools for administrative tasks, With that you can add or remove components of both system and user paths, and it will handle anomalies such as duplicate entries.
If you need to modify the path only temporarily for a batch file, I would just add the extra path in front of the path, with the risk of slight performance hit because of duplicate entry in the path.
Just as an alternative:
In the folder you are going to search the PATH variable for, create a temporary file with such an unusual name that you would never ever expect any other file on your computer to have.
Use the standard batch scripting construct that lets you perform the search for a file by looking up a directory list defined by some environment variable (typically PATH).
Check if the result of the search matches the path in question, and display the outcome.
Delete the temporary file.
This might look like this:
SET "mypath=D:\the\searched-for\path"
SET unusualname=nowthisissupposedtobesomeveryunusualfilename
FOR %%f IN (%unusualname%) DO SET "foundpath=%%~dp$PATH:f"
ERASE "%mypath%\%unusualname%"
IF "%mypath%" == "%foundpath%" (
ECHO The dir exists in PATH
) ELSE (
ECHO The dir DOES NOT exist in PATH
Known issues:
The method can work only if the directory exists (which isn't always the case).
Creating / deleting files in a directory affects its 'modified date/time' attribute (which may be an undesirable effect sometimes).
Making up a globally unique file name in one's mind cannot be considered very reliable. Generating such a name is itself not a trivial task.
You can accomplish this using PowerShell;
Test-Path $ENV:SystemRoot\YourDirectory
Test-Path C:\Windows\YourDirectory
This returns TRUE or FALSE
Short, simple and easy!
Building on Randy's answer, you have to make sure a substring of the target isn't found.
if a%X%==a%PATH% echo %X% is in PATH
echo %PATH% | find /c /i ";%X%"
if errorlevel 1 echo %X% is in PATH
echo %PATH% | find /c /i "%X%;"
if errorlevel 1 echo %X% is in PATH
Add the directory to PATH if it does not already exist:
set myPath=c:\mypath
For /F "Delims=" %%I In ('echo %PATH% ^| find /C /I "%myPath%"') Do set pathExists=%%I 2>Nul
If %pathExists%==0 (set PATH=%myPath%;%PATH%)
In general, this is to add an EXE or DLL file on the path. As long as this file won’t appear anywhere else:
#echo off
where /q <put filename here>
if %errorlevel% == 1 (
setx PATH "%PATH%;<additional path stuff>"
) else (
echo "already set path"
This is a variation of Kevin Edwards's answer using string replacement.
The basic pattern is:
IF "%PATH:new_path=%" == "%PATH%" PATH=%PATH%;new_path
For example:
IF "%PATH:C:\Scripts=%" == "%PATH%" PATH=%PATH%;C:\Scripts
In a nutshell, we make a conditional test where we attempt to remove/replace new_path from our PATH environment variable. If new_path doesn't exist, the condition succeeds and the new_path will be appended to PATH for the first time. If new_path already exists then the condition fails and we will not add new_path a second time.
rem Don't get mess with %PATH%, it is a concatenation of USER+SYSTEM, and will cause a lot of duplication in the result.
for /f "usebackq tokens=2,*" %%A in (`reg query HKCU\Environment /v PATH`) do set userPATH=%%B
rem userPATH should be %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('echo ";%userPATH%;" ^| find /C /I ";%WINAPPS%;"') do set pathExists=%%A
If %pathExists%==0 (
echo Inserting user path...
setx PATH "%WINAPPS%; %userPATH%"
-contains worked for me
$pathToCheck = "c:\some path\to\a\file.txt"
$env:Path - split ';' -contains $pathToCheck
To add the path when it does not exist yet I use
$pathToCheck = "c:\some path\to\a\file.txt"
if(!($env:Path -split ';' -contains $vboxPath)) {
$documentsDir = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")
$profileFilePath = Join-Path $documentsDir "WindowsPowerShell/profile.ps1"
Out-File -FilePath $profileFilePath -Append -Force -Encoding ascii -InputObject "`$env:Path += `";$pathToCheck`""
Invoke-Expression -command $profileFilePath
This routine will search for a path\ or file.ext in the path variable.
It returns 0 if found. Path\ or file may contain spaces if quoted.
If a variable is passed as the last argument, it will be set to d:\path\file.
#echo off&goto :PathCheck
echo.PathCheck.CMD: Checks for existence of a path or file in %%PATH%% variable
echo.Usage: PathCheck.CMD [Checkpath] or [Checkfile] [PathVar]
echo.Checkpath must have a trailing \ but checkfile must not
echo.If Checkpath contains spaces use quotes ie. "C:\Check path\"
echo.Checkfile must not include a path, just the filename.ext
echo.If Checkfile contains spaces use quotes ie. "Check File.ext"
echo.Returns 0 if found, 1 if not or -1 if checkpath does not exist at all
echo.If PathVar is not in command line it will be echoed with surrounding quotes
echo.If PathVar is passed it will be set to d:\path\checkfile with no trailing \
echo.Then %%PathVar%% will be set to the fully qualified path to Checkfile
echo.Note: %%PathVar%% variable set will not be surrounded with quotes
echo.To view the path listing line by line use: PathCheck.CMD /L
exit/b 1
if "%~1"=="" goto :PathCheck.CMD
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "PathVar=%~2"
set "pth="
set "pcheck=%~1"
if "%pcheck:~-1%" equ "\" (
if not exist %pcheck% endlocal&exit/b -1
set/a pth=1
for %%G in ("%path:;=" "%") do (
set "Pathfd=%%~G\"
set "Pathfd=!Pathfd:\\=\!"
if /i "%pcheck%" equ "/L" echo.!Pathfd!
if defined pth (
if /i "%pcheck%" equ "!Pathfd!" endlocal&exit/b 0
) else (
if exist "!Pathfd!%pcheck%" goto :CheckfileFound
endlocal&exit/b 1
if not "%PathVar%"=="" (
call set "%~2=%Pathfd%%pcheck%"
) else (echo."%Pathfd%%pcheck%")
exit/b 0
