elasticsearch - limit number of search request - elasticsearch

When elasticsearch try to search request more than one, sometime it's much slow than search one by one. Therefore I would like to elasticsearch search request work one by one. How should I do this?

This indicates a problem with your data model, queries, or cluster configuration. It is not normal or expected for Elasticsearch to be much slower with two concurrent queries than executing those two queries in sequence. You really, really should investigate the underlying problem (start by looking at your logs, if you haven't already). However, to answer the question, you can accomplish this by updating the search thread pool size to 1 (and perhaps increasing the queue_size to compensate).
I want to stress though, that it's really not a good idea to mess with these settings except for advanced use cases (in case you have very imbalanced use between index and search requests, for example).


is there any issue if i using ElasticSearch instead of relational database?

as the question title, if crud data directly through elasticsearch without relation database(mysql/postgresql), is there any issue here?
i know elasticsearch good at searhing, but if update data frequencies, maybe got bad performance?
if every update-request setRefreshPolicy(IMMEDIATE), maybe got bad performance also?
ElasticSearch will likely outperform a relational db on similar hardware, though workloads can vary. However, ElasticSearch can do this because it has made certain design decisions that are different than the design decisions of a relational database.
ElasticSearch is eventually consistent. This means that queries immediately after your insert might still get old results. There are things that can be done to mitigate this but nothing will eliminate the possibility.
Prior to version 5.x ElasticSearch was pretty good at losing data when bad things happen the 5.x release was all about making Elastic more robust in those regards, and data loss is no longer the problem it was previously, though potential for data loss still exists, particularly if you make configuration mistakes.
If you frequently modify documents in ElasticSearch you will generate large numbers of deleted documents as every update generates a new document and marks an old document as deleted. Over time those old documents fall off, or you can force the system to clean them out, but if you are doing rapid modifications this could present a problem for you.
The application I am working for is using Elasticsearch as the backend. There are 9 microservices connecting to this backend. Writes are fewer when compared to reads. Our write APIs have a performance requirements of max. 3 seconds.
We have configured 1 second as the refresh interval and always using WAIT_FOR instead of IMMEDIATE and fewer times using NONE in the case of asynchronous updates.

ElasticSearch vs. ElasticSearch+Cassandra

My main question is what is the benefit of integrating Cassandra and Elasticsearch versus using only Elasticsearch?
In fact, there are answers to similar questions on StackOverflow (e.g., here and here). But there are some points:
A lot of answers are old. Much may have changed in these years.
One point that is mentioned is that "Sometimes ElasticSearch loses writes". However, it can be imagined those alleged loses may had been because of some bugs that have been solved in these years. It is assumable that e.g., Cassandra may also have some bugs that cause data loses. Is there any fundamental differences between Cassandra and Elasticsearch that cause Elasticsearch to lose data but doesn't cause it for Cassandra?
It is mentioned that "Schema changes are difficult to do in ElasticSearch without blowing everything away and reloading." This may not be a major problem for us, assuming that our data model is relatively stable or at-least backward-compatible. Also, because of dynamic mapping in Elasticsearch it may adapt itself with the new requirements (e.g., extra fields).
With respect to the indexing delay in Elasticsearch, Cassandra also does not provide consistency. So, in Cassandra you may also face delays in reading the written data.
Overall, what extra features does Cassandra offer when used in conjunction with Elasticsearch?
P.S. It may be better if the question is answered in general. But, if it is necessary, assume that we only append rows to the database and never delete or update anything. We want to be able to do full-text search in the data.
So as the author of one of the linked answers (Elasticsearch vs Cassandra vs Elasticsearch with Cassandra), I suppose that I should weigh in here.
those alleged loses may had been because of some bugs that have been solved in these years.
This is an absolutely true statement. The answer I wrote is almost six years old, and ElasticSearch has grown to be a much more reliable product in that time. That being said, there are some things which Cassandra can do that ElasticSearch just wasn't designed to do (and vice-versa).
what extra features does Cassandra offer...
I can think of a few, which I'll summarize here:
Write throughput/performance/latency
ElasticSearch is a search engine based on the Lucene project. Handling large amounts of write throughput at low latencies is just not something that it was designed to do; at least not "out of the box." There are ways to configure ElasticSearch to be better at this, as described here: Techniques to Achieve High Write Throughput With ElasticSearch. But in terms of building a new cluster with minimal config, you'll spend less time engineering Cassandra to accomplish this.
"Sometimes ElasticSearch loses writes"
Yes, I wrote that. Again, ElasticSearch has improved. A lot. But I still see this happen under high write throughput conditions. When a cluster is engineered for a certain level of throughput, and an application exceeds those tolerances causing a node to become overwhelmed from the write back-pressure, writes will be lost.
Cassandra is not immune to this problem, either. It just has a higher tolerance for it. If you were to use them both together, architecting something like Kafka to "throttle" the write throughput to each would be a good approach.
Multi Data center High Availability (MDHA)
With the ability to define logical data centers and availability zones (racks), Cassandra has always been good at replicating a data set over multiple regions.
This is problematic for ElasticSearch, as it does not have a concept of a logical data center, and its "master" nodes are not active/active.
Peer nodes vs. role-based nodes
As a follow-up to my MDHA point, ElasticSearch now allows for nodes to be designated with a "role" in the cluster. You can specify multiple nodes to act as the "master" role, in-charge of adding and updating indexes. Any node can direct search traffic to the nodes which work under the "data" role. In fact, one way to improve write throughput (my first talking point), is to designate a node or two with the "ingest" role, which can prevent read and write traffic from interfering with each other.
This deviates from Cassandra's approach where every node is a peer, and can handle reads and writes. Being able to treat all nodes the same, simplifies maintenance and administration. And "no," despite popular misconception, a "seed" node not is not anything special.
Query vs. Search
To me, this is the fundamental difference between the two. Querying is not the same as searching. They may seem similar, but they are quite different.
Retrieving data by matching a pattern on one or multiple columns/properties is searching. Also with searching, the number of results is more of an unknown beforehand. Sure, Cassandra has added some features in the last few years to allow for pattern matching based on LIKE queries (I don't recommend its use). But when the ability to "search" a data set is required, Cassandra can't compete with ElasticSearch.
Retrieving data by providing a specific value on a specific key (column) is querying. With querying, it is also easier to have accurate expectations on the number of results to be returned. If I was building an app and I knew that I'd only ever have to retrieve data based on a static, pre-defined query with a specific key, I'd choose Cassandra every time.
With Cassandra, I can also tune query consistency, requiring operational acknowledgement from more or fewer replicas. Likewise, I can also direct those operations to a specific geographic region, based on the locality of the application.
...when used in conjunction with Elasticsearch?
They compliment each other well. Cassandra is good at some things (detailed above) that ElasicSearch is not (and vice-versa...saying that a lot). Requirements for an application may require both searching and querying. Sometimes you've got an app that needs that high-speed key lookup "oh, and we also want search."
Summary, tl;dr;
So while I've written quite a bit here, the main point that I'll keep coming back to, is picking the right tool for the job. When I need to search I'll pick ElasticSearch. When I need to query in a highly-available, geographically-aware scenario, I'll pick Cassandra. I still see applications use both (in tandem), so both have their merits.

Is it appropriate to use a search engine as a caching layer?

We're talking about a normalized dataset, with several different entities that must often be accessed along with related records. We want to be able to search across all of this data. We also want to use a caching layer to store view-ready denormalized data.
Since search engines like Elasticsearch and Solr are fast, and since it seems appropriate in many cases to put the same data into both a search engine and a caching layer, I've read at least anecdotal accounts of people combining the two roles. This makes sense on a surface level, at least, but I haven't found much written about the pros and cons of this architecture. So: is it appropriate to use a search engine as a cache, or is using one layer for two roles a case of being penny wise but pound foolish?
These guys have done this...
The problem I see is not in the read speed, but in the write speed. You are incurring a pretty hefty cost for adding things to the cache (forcing spool to disk and index merge).
Things like memcached or elastic cache if you are on AWS, are much more efficient at both inserts and reads.
"Elasticsearch and Solr are fast" is relative, caching infrastructure is often measured in single-digit millisecond range, same for inserts. These search engines are at least measured in 10's of milliseconds for reads, and much higher for writes.
I've heard of setups where ES was used for what is it really good for: full context search and used in parallel with a secondary storage. In these setups data was not stored (but it can be) - "store": "no" - and after searching with ES in its indices, the actual records were retrieved from the second storage level - usually a RDBMS - given that ES was holding a reference to the actual record in the RDBMS (an ID of some sort). If you're not happy with whatever secondary storage gives in you in terms of speed and "search" in general I don't see why you couldn't setup an ES cluster to give you the missing piece.
The disadvantage here is the time spent architecting the ES data structure because ES is not as good as a RDBMS at representing relationships. And it really doesn't need to, its main job and purpose is different. And is, actually, happier with a denormalized set of data to search over.
Another disadvantage is the complexity of keeping in sync the two storage systems which will require some thinking ahead. But, once the initial setup and architecture is in place, it should be easy afterwards.
the only recommended way of using a search engine is to create indices that match your most frequently accessed denormalised data access patterns. You can call it a cache if you want. For searching it's perfect, as it's fast enough.
Recommended thing to add cache for there - statistics for "aggregated" queries - "Top 100 hotels in Europe", as a good example of it.
May be you can consider in-memory lucene indexes, instead of SOLR or elasticsearch. Here is an example

Elastic search runtime metrics

My question is more research related.
We have elastic search handling various tasks including taking log entries from remote clients. The problem is that there are times that the clients overload elastic search.
Is there a way to query ES to get runtime metrics like number of queries in last n minutes and so on. I'm hoping we can use these to throttle the client logging as load increases.
Data on number of search and get requests per second can be obtained by querying indices stats.
There are multiple tools that provide elasticsearch monitoring, most of them open-source. Having a look at their source code may be helpful.
Please also note that throttling requests client-side based on elasticsearch stats may not be optimal solution, as it is hard to coordinate with variable number of clients. Using circuit breakers that trigger on request timeouts may be more robust.
Also an option is to set a reverse proxy in front of elasticsearch. Moreoever, some problems related to many indexing requests can be solved by throttling IO for merge operations in elasticsearch itself, as is discussed here.
Try using LucidWorks SiLK instead - it uses Solr and that's more scalable. Download it from here: http://www.lucidworks.com/lucidworks-silk

Performance issues using Elasticsearch as a time window storage

We are using elastic search almost as a cache, storing documents found in a time window. We continuously insert a lot of documents of different sizes and then we search in the ES using text queries combined with a date filter so the current thread does not get documents it has already seen. Something like this:
"((word1 AND word 2) OR (word3 AND word4)) AND insertedDate > 1389000"
We maintain the data in the elastic search for 30 minutes, using the TTL feature. Today we have at least 3 machines inserting new documents in bulk requests every minute for each machine and searching using queries like the one above pratically continuously.
We are having a lot of trouble indexing and retrieving these documents, we are not getting a good throughput volume of documents being indexed and returned by ES. We can't get even 200 documents indexed per second.
We believe the problem lies in the simultaneous queries, inserts and TTL deletes. We don't need to keep old data in elastic, we just need a small time window of documents indexed in elastic at a given time.
What should we do to improve our performance?
Thanks in advance
Machine type:
An Amazon EC2 medium instance (3.7 GB of RAM)
Additional information:
The code used to build the index is something like this:
Our elasticsearch.json configuration file:
Sorry about the long delay to give you guys some feedback. Things were kind of hectic here at our company, and I chose to wait for calmer times to give a more detailed account of how we solved our issue. We still have to do some benchmarks to measure the actual improvements, but the point is that we solved the issue :)
First of all, I believe the indexing performance issues were caused by a usage error on out part. As I told before, we used Elasticsearch as a sort of a cache, to look for documents inside a 30 minutes time window. We looked for documents in elasticsearch whose content matched some query, and whose insert date was within some range. Elastic would then return us the full document json (which had a whole lot of data, besides the indexed content). Our configuration had elastic indexing the document json field by mistake (besides the content and insertDate fields), which we believe was the main cause of the indexing performance issues.
However, we also did a number of modifications, as suggested by the answers here, which we believe also improved the performance:
We now do not use the TTL feature, and instead use two "rolling indexes" under a common alias. When an index gets old, we create a new one, assign the alias to it, and delete the old one.
Our application does a huge number of queries per second. We believe this hits elastic hard, and degrades the indexing performance (since we only use one node for elastic search). We were using 10 shards for the node, which caused each query we fired to elastic to be translated into 10 queries, one for each shard. Since we can discard the data in elastic at any moment (thus making changes in the number of shards not a problem to us), we just changed the number of shards to 1, greatly reducing the number of queries in our elastic node.
We had 9 mappings in our index, and each query would be fired to a specific mapping. Of those 9 mappings, about 90% of the documents inserted went to two of those mappings. We created a separate rolling index for each of those mappings, and left the other 7 in the same index.
Not really a modification, but we installed SPM (Scalable Performance Monitoring) from Sematext, which allowed us to closely monitor elastic search and learn important metrics, such as the number of queries fired -> sematext.com/spm/index.html
Our usage numbers are relatively small. We have about 100 documents/second arriving which have to be indexed, with peaks of 400 documents/second. As for searches, we have about 1500 searches per minute (15000 before changing the number of shards). Before those modifications, we were hitting those performance issues, but not anymore.
TTL to time-series based indexes
You should consider using time-series-based indexes rather than the TTL feature. Given that you only care about the most recent 30 minute window of documents, create a new index for every 30 minutes using a date/time based naming convention: ie. docs-201309120000, docs-201309120030, docs-201309120100, docs-201309120130, etc. (Note the 30 minute increments in the naming convention.)
Using Elasticsearch's index aliasing feature (http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/admin-indices-aliases/), you can alias docs to the most recently created index so that when you are bulk indexing, you always use the alias docs, but they'll get written to docs-201309120130, for example.
When querying, you would filter on a datetime field to ensure only the most recent 30 mins of documents are returned, and you'd need to query against the 2 most recently created indexes to ensure you get your full 30 minutes of documents - you could create another alias here to point to the two indexes, or just query against the two index names directly.
With this model, you don't have the overhead of TTL usage, and you can just delete the old, unused indexes from over an hour in the past.
There are other ways to improve bulk indexing and querying speed as well, but I think removal of TTL is going to be the biggest win - plus, your indexes only have a limited amount of data to filter/query against, which should provide a nice speed boost.
Elasticsearch settings (eg. memory, etc.)
Here are some setting that I commonly adjust for servers running ES - http://pastebin.com/mNUGQCLY, note that it's only for a 1GB VPS, so you'll need to adjust.
Node roles
Looking into master vs data vs 'client' ES node types might help you as well - http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/modules/node/
Indexing settings
When doing bulk inserts, consider modifying the values of both index.refresh_interval index.merge.policy.merge_factor - I see that you've modified refresh_interval to 5s, but consider setting it to -1 before the bulk indexing operation, and then back to your desired interval. Or, consider just doing a manual _refresh API hit after your bulk operation is done, particularly if you're only doing bulk inserts every minute - it's a controlled environment in that case.
With index.merge.policy.merge_factor, setting it to a higher value reduces the amount of segment merging ES does in the background, then back to its default after the bulk operation restores normal behaviour. A setting of 30 is commonly recommended for bulk inserts and the default value is 10.
Some other ways to improve Elasticsearch performance:
increase index refresh interval. Going from 1 second to 10 or 30 seconds can make a big difference in performance.
throttle merging if it's being overly aggressive. You can also reduce the number of concurrent merges by lowering index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once and index.merge.policy.max_merge_at_once_explicit. Lowering the index.merge.scheduler.max_thread_count can help as well
It's good to see you are using SPM. Its URL in your EDIT was not hyperlink - it's at http://sematext.com/spm . "Indexing" graphs will show how changing of the merge-related settings affects performance.
I would fire up an additional ES instance and have it form a cluster with your current node. Then I would split the work between the two machines, use one for indexing and the other for querying. See how that works out for you. You might need to scale out even more for your specific usage patterns.
