How to inspect variables on the fly - visual-studio

I installed the Unity Tools for Visual Studio.
Now I created a variable x which is incremented on every frame at the Update function.
private int x = 0;
void Update()
However, if I go to visual studio and press "Attach to unity and play" and then hover over x at x++ then I don't see any value.
If I right click on x then there is no option add watch or similar.
I can only see the value if I set a breakpoint, but then I have to hit continue after every frame.
Is it possible to add a watch and see the value how it is updating live while I play? Otherwise I have to add many Debug.Log() statements everywhere in my code for each variable which I need to watch, but I don't think that this is the intended way.
There is an article where the author says:
When I was in school the first way I learned how to debug a wonky
application was by sticking “print()” statements all over the place,
running my code, and looking back through the log of output seeing if
I noticed that something looked wrong. Then if I wanted to look at the
value of another variable I would have to add a new “print()”
statement, recompile, and re-run the application again. This can be a
tedious process, so I am pleased to tell you there is a better way
than littering your code with a slew of “print()” statements you’ll
have to remove later. You can use the tools of the Visual Studio
debugger to inspect variables on the fly.
But this does not seem to be true.

You can't inspect variables without pausing at a breakpoint. Alternatively you can observe them in Unity's inspector. To do so:
Switch the inspector to debug mode (right click on the tab)
Set it public temporarily
Use the [SerializeField] attribute temporarily

This does not work with visual studio, you need to use Debug.Log() for every variable which you need to track.
void Update()


Why does VS 2022 always stop on the first code line while debugging

I recently updated my VS Enterprise 2022 installation to version 17.4.2. Since than, when debugging into a method (pressing F11), the debugger does not step into the method, but instead stops at the first line of the code file containing the method.
I tried to use a launchsettings.json file like this:
"profiles": {
"MyProject": {
"stopOnEntry": false
but this does not work e.g. for unit tests.
Also, the solution includes more than 180 projects, which makes it a little bit boring to modify each of them.
So my question: Is there a settings switch to generally disables this behavior? I did not find anything in the options...
I've seen this bug too, not only while debugging, but also when clicking on a result in the find-in-files window or sometimes in the call stack. I suspect the problem happens because it tries to move to a specific line before the file is actually open. The bug does (typically) not happen if the file one wants to step into is already open. A workaround is to double click again on the top of the call stack. That will move the cursor to the correct position.
I'm not sure, but I think I have not seen the bug in the latest preview version (17.5.0 Preview 2).

Can I change code/values while in debugging mode?

In Visual Studio 2010 (Ultimate), is it possible to step through some code, and, if a variable is not correct (e.g. you want to get all records beginning with 'A' but there is none, so you want to try 'B' instead), is it possible to change the code while in debug mode, to do this (change variables while in debug mode)?
It is quite annoying to have to stop debugging, change a value, then debug again and see the result. It'd be much easier to do it all in debug mode, anyway.
In the watch window just enter the statement you want executed. For example if you want to set the variable prefix to "B" then just type prefix = "B" and hit enter.
You may also change code while running, however there are a number of limitations to this feature. See Microsoft's Edit and Continue documentation for details:
In the Solution Explorer view, right-click on each reference of References, choose Properties. In the Properties view, sign False to the field of Embed Interop Types. This works for me.

Visual Studio debugger problem

In Visual Studio 2008, after debugging about 1-2 minutes, when I press F10 (Step Over), the debugger hangs and Visual Studio freezes for 5-10 seconds and then go to the next line. Then whatever I do (F10, F5, F11, etc), the debugger continues the execution as if i pressed F5 and all my forms that I was debugging close. I always have to restart the application.
It is very hard to reproduce and it does not occurs every time I want to debug something. Does anyone has a solution ?
EDIT : I've managed to reproduce my problem with the following code :
static void Main(string[] args)
XElement e = new XElement("root");
Test(e, 0);
static void Test(XElement parentElement, int i)
if (i < 1000)
XElement element = new XElement("element");
Test(element, ++i);
You need to put a conditional breakpoint on the line "XElement element = new XElement("element");" with the condition "i == 999". Then start the program, wait 2-3 seconds and put normal breakpoint on the line "parentElement.Add(element);". Now VisualStudio freezes and it is impossible to debug. In a WinForm application, it closes all the forms that are open after pressing F10.
But I found that if I disable the debug option "Call string conversion function on objects in variables windows" in "Tools -> Options -> Debugging", I can debug. It is slow but at least VisualStudio doesn't freeze. Does anyone know why it is doing this? Because I don't want to disable this option, it's really annoying to debug without it.
I also noticed that if I only put a breakpoint at the end of the main method, the code runs really fast compare to having a conditional breakpoint in the recursive method.
Try deleting the solution user options file (.suo) where the debug/breakpoint information is stored. You will lose all solution user settings, such as breakpoint locations. When you have "funny" debugging incidents, this is the first thing to try because this file can get corrupted.
If this does not solve the problem, then you have something else going on, such as threading issues, excessive memory fragmentation, garbage collection issues, dispose/finalize issues, and so on.
I found the answer to this question on another Stackoverflow thread. There's a MS hotfix for this issue.
I've found that I get slowdowns like this whenever I have added remote unc shares that don't exist to the list of symbol directories.
Try going to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols and make sure that all of the directories in that list actually exist.
I have no idea how that would cause your program to continue after that point however.
Not sure I've ever run into this, but if I were you, if you haven't, delete your bin folder, and rebuild your project. Then run a clean solution to be safe. Sometimes, funky things can happen with your PDB's getting out of date -- so you need to clear them out.
Also, if your calling outside assemblies, remove them and reattach them to make sure you have the most up-to-date assemblies.
I have had this exact same problem just as you described. The MS Hotfix addressed the issue and now I install this hotfix whenever I do a fresh 2008 VS install.
Please download the fix from this link
I know this is an old thread but this occurred when debugging an Excel add-in in my case.
Problem was that my breakpoint was in a background thread and in my watch window I had an old check on the ActiveWorkbook in Excel. That call just like many others should only occur on Excel's main thread.
Once I removed that watch, it debugged just fine again.

Can VS be made to eval a debug watch even while the application is still running?

Normally in Visual Studio, a watch cannot be evaluated unless the debugger is stopped at a breakpoint. Is there a trick or add-on to make Visual Studio evaluate a watch while the application is still running? For example, evaluate the watch every time execution passes a point in the code while it's still running and without changing the code to insert statements like Debug.WriteLine.
Not sure this is possible, but I thought I'd ask.
Yes, this is possible. Set a breakpoint at the location where you'd want to see the value. Right-click the breakpoint and choose "When Hit...". Tick "Print a message" and write an expression like { value }. The message is displayed in the Output window while your program runs.
I would do that using compiler directives.
#end if
No this is not possible to do. The evaluation feature in Visual Studio is a stack frame based mechanism. That is that every evaluation is done in the context of a given stack frame (as viewed through the stack window). When the program is running the set of stack frames is currently changing and hence it's not possible to do a stable evaluation.
Additionally there are other limitations in the CLR which prevent this from managed code. It's not possible for instance to execute a function unless the debugee process is in a very specific state.

Debugging in Dynamics AX

I'm facing some troubles still while learning, so I guess it tends to get worse once I play with the big kids: warnings in dynamics aren't as precise and informative as VS's, there are no mouse-over tips, and exceptions to show me exactly where I've got it wrong.
I'm just too used to Visual Studio, it's intellisense and all the tools (dynamics is quite new when compared to Visual Studio)
More than solving simple code issues, i'd like to learn how to solve upcomming ones i might have in code not written by me or anything else i'd solve in 3 minutes in Visual Studio, as well as tips on how to survive in dynamics ax without all the Visual Studio tools.
The code editor in Dynamics AX has some intellisense, typing the name of a table or class variable followed by . or :: will give you a list of fields or methods available for that item. After you type the ( to start a method call, a tooltip pops up with parameters available on that method. When starting a new line, you can right click and List Tables, List Classes, List Types, etc. Most of those commands are also available via Shortcut Keys. Note that the intellisense only works if all the code in the method up to the location of your cursor is syntactically correct.
Make sure you have updated the cross reference in your development environment (Tools/Development tools/Cross-reference/Periodic/Update). With an updated cross reference, you can right click an any table, field, class, method, extended data type, or enum in the AOT and choose Add-Ins/Cross-reference/Used by to see where that item is used in the system.
You can also use Tools/Development tools/Code explorer to view the source to the application with all types, variables, and methods turned into hyperlinks so you can click to go right to the definition of that item.
Another useful tool is Application hierarchy tree, available either under Tools/Development tools, or on the right click Add-Ins menu. This will show you the class hierarchy, so you can easily see, for example, that SalesFormLetter derives from FormLetter, which derives from RunBaseBatch.
In the editor, you can highlight text and right click to Lookup Properties/Methods or Lookup Definition.
If you are trying to track down where in the system a particular infolog message is generated there are two strategies to use:
Set a breakpoint on the first line
of the method Info.add(). Then when
you run the code generating the
message, you will pop into the
debugger as soon as the infolog is
generated. You can then look at the stack
trace in the debugger to see where the code is that
generated the message.
Run Tools/Development
tools/Label/Label editor and search
for the text of the message. Select
the Label ID of the message, then
click Used by to see where that
message is used in the system.
There is also which extends intellisense and many other extensions
What these guys said already is very interesting and helpful.
I'd like to add that within AX in real life you are probably working with multiple contexts. e.g. Code running in the client, code running in server, code running in p-code and in IL, COM integrations, Enterprise portal and so on.
My point is, if you want to figure something out through debugging, you must first understand where the code(s) you'd like to debug is running.
Knowing that is important because you might have to allow debugging or give permissions in multiple places.
Windows AD debugging users (add yourself)
Allow debugging on client
Allow it on server
Disable IL if you want to use MorphX, otherwise attach the process in VS.
Allow World Wide Web Publishing Service to interact with desktop for EP.
One last thing, you are starting to work with ax right now, perhaps you will need to work with AX7(Dynamics 365 for Operations). This version of the system works only with visual studio. It is still x++, but you have a lot of the things VS provides you.
Take a look on EditorScripts Class,On AX Editor you can use it by right click and choose "Scripts". It is a kind of intellisense that can make by your self, for example: here is my in-line comment whenever I type "mycom" and press "tab"
public void template_flow_mycom(Editor editor)
xppSource xppSource = new xppSource(editor.columnNo());
int currentline = editor.currentLineNo();
int currentcol = editor.columnNo();
Source template = "//Partner comment "+date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll )+" at "+time2str(timenow(), 1, 1)+" by MAX - Begin\n";
template+=strRep(" ", currentcol)+ "\n";
template+=strRep(" ", currentcol)+ "//Partner comment "+date2str(today(),123,2,1,3,1,4, DateFlags::FormatAll )+" at "+time2str(timenow(), 1, 1)+" by MAX - End\n";
//move cursor to the empty line between the comments
