Why does VS 2022 always stop on the first code line while debugging - visual-studio

I recently updated my VS Enterprise 2022 installation to version 17.4.2. Since than, when debugging into a method (pressing F11), the debugger does not step into the method, but instead stops at the first line of the code file containing the method.
I tried to use a launchsettings.json file like this:
"profiles": {
"MyProject": {
"stopOnEntry": false
but this does not work e.g. for unit tests.
Also, the solution includes more than 180 projects, which makes it a little bit boring to modify each of them.
So my question: Is there a settings switch to generally disables this behavior? I did not find anything in the options...

I've seen this bug too, not only while debugging, but also when clicking on a result in the find-in-files window or sometimes in the call stack. I suspect the problem happens because it tries to move to a specific line before the file is actually open. The bug does (typically) not happen if the file one wants to step into is already open. A workaround is to double click again on the top of the call stack. That will move the cursor to the correct position.
I'm not sure, but I think I have not seen the bug in the latest preview version (17.5.0 Preview 2).


VS Code debugger toolbar buttons disabled during debugging session

I am a beginner C programmer. Currently, I have Visual Studio version 1.61 September 2021 installed
on my windows 64-bit system. I also installed MingW64 and set up the environment variables to compile and debug with the purpose of writing, debugging and running my c programs.
I have been able to write and run my programs without any issues. I did notice that whenever I wish to debug my program, the debug toolbar that hovers on top has the buttons disabled and no line is pointed by the "yellow arrow".
I modified the "launch.json" file where I set the following:
"stopAtEntry": true,
This set the yellow arrow to point at the beginning of the program instead of the breakpoint and the debug toolbar buttons were activated. Though whenever I step-over on to the next line of code, the yellow arrow disappears and the debug toolbar buttons are deactivated once again.
This happens often on lines where I assign values to variables.
I am a beginner and I find VS Code quite frustrating, I would appreciate your input and suggestions. Thanks
UPDATE: I solved it.
So it turns out that there is nothing wrong with my debugger and it was behaving as it should. I noticed that it would always fall into that behavior whenever the gcc compiler was to execute the line including scanf(). The registers and variables in the watchlist would suddenly become "unavailable" this is because the compiler was waiting for user input.
Since VS Code did not show the running program on PowerShell, I modified the "launch.json" certain configurations to the following:
"externalConsole": true,
This allows for Command Prompt to open up, display the running program and allows for user input.
Once the user input is received the debug toolbar buttons are activated again and I could continue debugging. The watchlist variable also become available to analysis.
"stopAtEntry": false,
I set this configuration to false because I did not wish for the debugger to begin at the beginning of the program.
This was certainly frustrating but after finding the solution to this "issue", I bet that my endorphin and oxytocin levels are off the charts.
Very thrilling, this is what I love the most about problem solving.

Break point works just once in library project

We have some library projects with a VPI extension. Defined in the DPR with library at start and {$E vpi} at end (Options > output settings > Application > Target file extension: vpi).
library appname;
{$E vpi}
Problem: When I run a debug in a VPI project it works only once. After any change it won't hit the break again. Now showing a "green" breakpoint when you run the app. The only way to get it back to work is by closing and open the IDE.
My Co-worker asked me if I have this problem last year, which I didn't. In his machine "when you change anything in your source, even a space in a comment, the break points won't work till you close and open the IDE again" he said.
We've compared lots of config from the IDE and we didn't find anything.
Now for some "no reason" my computer also stopped working with the debug.
I have looked into this topic "Delphi: why breakpoints from time to time are not usable (green highlighted line on IDE)?" with no luck.
I've tried the Clear unit Cache, un-check and check again the debug info, include TD32, include remote debug, uncheck optimization.
I've asked to other teams and they said that some machines works others don't. But they also don't know why.
Maybe someone here have another trick that may help.

How to PROPERLY debug node.js with node inspector?

I have an app built in node.js and I use the node inspector in order to debug.
But it's quite hard because of this:
My breakpoints are never saved after I restart the server
I cannot put a breakpoint on a file that has not loaded yet; so I have to step into from the first script to the one I want; REALLY PAINFULL!
How do you really debug node.js with node inspector?
The videos on how to use node.js are quite misleading as everything is into a module...
or this one the scripts appear are already loaded in the first script
Nobody can answer this question? :s
In javascript you can set breakpoints using the debugger; statement. However, they will only pause node if a debugger is actually attached.
So launch your node script using
node --debug-brk myfile.js
then launch node-inspector and press the play button to continue to the next breakpoint and it will hit your debugger; breakpoint (at least that works for me ATM)
(as noted in the comments: in recent versions of node you no longer have to separately install node-inspector. If you launch node using node --debug-brk --inspect myfile.js you get a url that launches the debugger in your browser).
you still need one extra click after restarting, but at least your breakpoints are saved.
if your breakpoint is not hit automatically, but only after some user action you don't need the --debug-brk of course.
The problem with client-side breakpoints is that it's hard to keep track of the breakpoint position when the file changes. Unlike in an editor, it cannot keep track of lines being changed, etc.
#RyanOlds suggestion of using debugger; statements is also a good one, but you have to make sure the debugger is connected before the statement is evaluated, because it is ignored otherwise. Starting with --debug-brk is a good way to force this, because the execution is paused on the first line allowing you to attach the debugger and then continue the execution.
You could try debugging with node's internal debugger.
Edit: However, according to the v8 DebuggerProtocol it's possible to set breakpoints on script that hasn't been loaded yet AND you can set breakpoints by function, script and more. It should therefore be possible for node-inspector to keep track of your breakpoints (in a session, or whatever). It doesn't do so right now, though.
Maybe if v8 allows a certain piece of code to trigger a breakpoint, similar to nodes debugger?
Edit: It does, you should be able to trigger a break by throwing any old exception (caught or uncaught).
The new version (0.3.x) of node inspector saves breakpoints in browser's local storage and restores them automatically.
Try using IntelliJ WebStorm - there's a free trial and licenses aren't outrageously expensive. It lets you save breakpoints in all your files prior to starting up its own internal node process and remembers them across process restarts.
I agree - node-inspector looks brilliant, but is quite useless unless your app has a clear place to set a breakpoint in the top level script just after your source files have loaded, but before you hit the area you want to debug. You can structure your own code this way, but you won't be so lucky with other helpful libraries you want to include. Also... why should a debugging tool dictate your project structure!
Forgetting breakpoints is extremely unhelpful... most of my debug runs take more than one walkthrough, as in other people's code it's easy to step past where you want to be.
You can use node-codein for inspection. It won't do runtime breakpoints but it should ease the inspection process.
Also worth noting.. vscode has a great debugger for node.
Available on Mac, Linux, & Windows.
It does runtime breakpoints (without the need of writing debugger; statements),
supports variable watches, and even has a call stack window (very nice).
Everything is so automated, it is now my goto over sublime text when using nodejs (and I LOVE sublime).
This is built in now including saving breakpoints. I just tested it in node 7.3.0.
node --inspect --debug-brk app.js
This prints a url like this
To start debugging, open the following URL in Chrome:
Put that in Chrome and you're good to go.
If you want to skip copy/pasting the url, do this:
npm install -g inspect-process
inspect --debug-brk app.js
Unfortunately the inspect-process method doesn't retain the breakpoints :-(.
Here's a video I made: https://youtu.be/rtZKUnks6jI

Prevent VS to jump to call return when breaking debug

When you break the debug in Visual Studio (through the Break All menu or the shortcut CTRL+ALT+BREAK by default), it jumps to the line of the call return.
(In my case, using winforms, it jumps to the Application.Run(); line of the Program.cs file).
It's kind of annoying when you're debugging a method and every time you hit Break All, the focus is set back on a file you weren't working on.
Is it possible to disable that jump? I couldn't find any option in the Debugging part of the VS options.
It's not "jumping" - it's breaking to the currently executing line of code. This is the behavior, and is not configurable.
If you want to have it stop at a specific line of code where you're working, you can just set a break point there, instead. This will cause it to break at your breakpoint as soon as it executes the code there.

Visual Studio debugger problem

In Visual Studio 2008, after debugging about 1-2 minutes, when I press F10 (Step Over), the debugger hangs and Visual Studio freezes for 5-10 seconds and then go to the next line. Then whatever I do (F10, F5, F11, etc), the debugger continues the execution as if i pressed F5 and all my forms that I was debugging close. I always have to restart the application.
It is very hard to reproduce and it does not occurs every time I want to debug something. Does anyone has a solution ?
EDIT : I've managed to reproduce my problem with the following code :
static void Main(string[] args)
XElement e = new XElement("root");
Test(e, 0);
static void Test(XElement parentElement, int i)
if (i < 1000)
XElement element = new XElement("element");
Test(element, ++i);
You need to put a conditional breakpoint on the line "XElement element = new XElement("element");" with the condition "i == 999". Then start the program, wait 2-3 seconds and put normal breakpoint on the line "parentElement.Add(element);". Now VisualStudio freezes and it is impossible to debug. In a WinForm application, it closes all the forms that are open after pressing F10.
But I found that if I disable the debug option "Call string conversion function on objects in variables windows" in "Tools -> Options -> Debugging", I can debug. It is slow but at least VisualStudio doesn't freeze. Does anyone know why it is doing this? Because I don't want to disable this option, it's really annoying to debug without it.
I also noticed that if I only put a breakpoint at the end of the main method, the code runs really fast compare to having a conditional breakpoint in the recursive method.
Try deleting the solution user options file (.suo) where the debug/breakpoint information is stored. You will lose all solution user settings, such as breakpoint locations. When you have "funny" debugging incidents, this is the first thing to try because this file can get corrupted.
If this does not solve the problem, then you have something else going on, such as threading issues, excessive memory fragmentation, garbage collection issues, dispose/finalize issues, and so on.
I found the answer to this question on another Stackoverflow thread. There's a MS hotfix for this issue.
I've found that I get slowdowns like this whenever I have added remote unc shares that don't exist to the list of symbol directories.
Try going to Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols and make sure that all of the directories in that list actually exist.
I have no idea how that would cause your program to continue after that point however.
Not sure I've ever run into this, but if I were you, if you haven't, delete your bin folder, and rebuild your project. Then run a clean solution to be safe. Sometimes, funky things can happen with your PDB's getting out of date -- so you need to clear them out.
Also, if your calling outside assemblies, remove them and reattach them to make sure you have the most up-to-date assemblies.
I have had this exact same problem just as you described. The MS Hotfix addressed the issue and now I install this hotfix whenever I do a fresh 2008 VS install.
Please download the fix from this link
I know this is an old thread but this occurred when debugging an Excel add-in in my case.
Problem was that my breakpoint was in a background thread and in my watch window I had an old check on the ActiveWorkbook in Excel. That call just like many others should only occur on Excel's main thread.
Once I removed that watch, it debugged just fine again.
