Magento 2.2 - adding name field to newsletter module - magento

I'm using magento 2.2 and I want to add name field for newsletter module, so there has to be input box in front-end, and also it needs to show in backend, how to achieve this? There is a lot of posts about this, but they all are on older magento versions. So can someone explain how to achieve this?


How can i add custom fields in prestashop 1.7.6 newsletter form?

i need funneling the subscriptions in my 1.7.6 Prestashop newsletter. I should add custom fiels in newsletter registration form. How can i do this?
Thanks a lot guys
I suggest you to use Module for creating new custom field. Because you are going to create also new table in the database as well. Then using the front controller to add new field.
You can read the official docs here:

development magento form for frontend

I am developing an extension for magento. I want to add a form in frontend to add "title" and "description". I searched a lot but failed to find good magento module development tutorial
Someone please guide me how to add form and its validation for magento
See below your it is very help full to you.
Custom Module with Custom Database Table
Front-End Editor Extension for Magento Commerce
please see above the URL and let me know if not working.

How to add a custom field button in Virtuemart

I hope this question has a simple answer. I am creating a product catalogue with Joomla 2.5.6 and VirtueMart version 2.0.8e. On the product details page I want to include my own pdf button which will link to the brochure of the product.
Under the suggestion of a reply on the Virtuemart form, I created an image custom field in virtuemart but encountered two major problems.
I don't know now to link the image to a pdf.
I can't seem to remove the title from the image.
Please advise.
My suggestion would be to use the Virtuemart Files feature. From the admin control panel, under "Shop", choose "Media". There you can upload the file(s) that you want to have downloaded. Be sure to associate them with a product, and they'll be included on the product page for download. To make a button out of the link(s), you could investigate using CSS to style them as a button. The only alternative I can think of would be to build a custom plugin for VM, which would be a great deal of extra work.
To make Custom fields in Joomla Virtuemart 2.0 is so simple.
You need to open your administrator and then go to:
Virtuemart->Products->Custom Field
there you will find a link to create new custom fiels and you can create your custom field with your choice. It provides various Custom Field Types. After creating and saving your custom field you need to go to product whom you want to add it. like:
Products->your product name->
open your product and go to Custom Fields and there at bottom you can see your custom field. add your custom field to product, save it and check this product from front-end of your site.
I hope this makes sense.

Magento: adding product from frontend form

I have magento demo shop and for example i want registered user to be available to post a product from frontend? Can anyone hook me up with some code showing how to make it? Is it even possible in magento?
It's certainly possible. It actually shouldn't be all that difficult. You're going to create a module, programmatically create an order, and link this page from somewhere. You should be able to hack one together with the following resources:
Programmatically Creating Orders - Inchoo
Creating a Custom Module part 1-8
yes dear it is possible, you have to create a module for that and i think you give to link/tab in customer account page in front account page you provide form of add new have also provide all option like in magento back end. but some customization are required

magento attributes on back end

Hey guys
I have a problem, that is I have a d.o.b attribute
displayed on the front-end but the info that gets written
by the customer, I don't get on the back-end or the magento dashboard
can I please get help on how to get the d.o.b info on the back-end customer info
please help.....
In the latest Magento 1.5, there is a Date of Birth attribute for the Customer entity. This attribute is on the Account Information section of the Customer Information tab in the admin. I'm not sure if this is the case prior to 1.5 as I currently don't have access to an earlier install. But this attribute is not available for entry on the front end (in customer/account/create/ or customer/account/edit/) in the latest or previous versions.
Which leads me to believe that you're using a pre 1.5 version of Magento and that you or someone you know may have modified a core design template to add that field to the front end. If this is the case, then that field needs to be an actual attribute of the Customer entity. Once it is so, you can rewrite the content block for the Account Information section of the Customer Information tab to a block in a new module of yours to display that field.
