Constant shape error in simple code - algorithm

I have an error with this code and I don't understand why
-"The module or main program array 'u' at (1) must have constant shape."
-Moreover, how can I do this code with a choice of parameters, I mean [U]=vector(N) where I can chose N and it returns me U.
program vector
implicit none
integer :: n
integer, parameter :: N=10
real, dimension(N,1) :: U
do n=1,N
end do
end program vector

First up, Fortran is caseINsensitive, so n and N are the same thing, and you can't declare two different variables/parameters n and N.
Then you declare U to have shape (N, 1), but seem to use it in the form (1, N).
As for how to auto-generate something like U, you could use something like this:
function vector(n) result(v)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: v(n)
integer :: i
v = [ (i, i=1, n) ]
end function vector
One more thing:
You declare U with dimension(1, N) which creates a 2D array with one dimension having length 1. I'm wondering whether you wanted to create a 1D array with range from 1 to N, for which the declaration would need to be dimension(1:N) (or, since Fortran assumes indices start at 1, just dimension(N)).
Addressing the questions in your comment:
The purpose of intent(in) tells the compiler that n is only read, not written to, in this function. Considering that you want to use n as the size of array v, you want that.
With result(v) I tell the compiler that I want to use the name v to refer to the result of the function, not the default (which is the function name). I do this to avoid confusion.
integer :: v(n) is the same as integer, dimension(n) :: v


Logarithm of a random number

I wrote a fortran program to code this algorithm ( It works on my computer. But after I asked these two questions (Intrinsic Rand, what is the interval [0,1] or ]0,1] or [0,1[ and How far can we trust calculus with infinity?), I think I could have a problem with log(random()) because call random_number(Xw); Xw = log(Xw) is used.
Indeed, random_number(Xw) could return 0 and log(0)=-infinity.
Therefore, I plan to modify this line as follow call random_number(Xw); Xw = log(1-Xw) to change the random value interval from [0,1[ to ]0,1].
Is it a good idea or is there a best solution ?
While mathematically it is true that if X is uniformly distributed on (the real interval) [0,1) then 1-X is uniformly distributed on (0,1], this does not particularly help you.
As noted in the description of the algorithm to which you link, the underlying assumption is that the base uniform distribution is over the interval (0,1). This is not the same as (0,1].
You can use rejection sampling to generate X uniformly over (0,1) from random_number() (which is [0,1)): throw away all zero occurrences.
Not a good idea. If you want your algorithm to be stable, you need to define bounds. your log function represents a priority, it can likely be as low as you want, but it must be a number. You can bind it to numerical precision:
program t
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
real(real64), parameter :: SAFE = exp(-0.5d0*huge(0.0_real64))
print *, log(randoms_in_range(100,SAFE,1.0_real64))
elemental real(real64) function in_range(f,low,hi) result(x)
real(real64), intent(in) :: f ! in: [0:1]
real(real64), intent(in) :: low,hi
real(real64) :: frac
frac = max(min(f,1.0_real64),0.0_real64)
x = low+frac*(hi-low)
end function in_range
real(real64) function random_in_range(low,hi) result(x)
real(real64), intent(in) :: low,hi
call random_number(x) ! [0,1]
x = in_range(x,low,hi) ! [low,hi]
end function random_in_range
function randoms_in_range(n,low,hi) result(x)
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(real64), intent(in) :: low,hi
real(real64) :: x(n)
call random_number(x) ! [0,1]
x = in_range(x,low,hi) ! [low,hi]
end function randoms_in_range
end program

Understanding different types in Fortran

I was reading a Fortran code, came across the following code, couldn't understand what it does.
m%AllOuts( BAzimuth(k) ) = m%BEMT_u(indx)%psi(k)*R2D
I know that % here works like a pipe indicator to access values in a way similar to a dictionary in Python. I have a dictionary m let's say and the first key is AllOuts, but what does anything inside parentheses mean? Is it like another dictionary?
The percent sign is not denoting a dictionary. There are no native dictionaries in Fortran.
The percent sign denotes the component of a type. For example:
! Declare a type
type :: rectangle
integer :: x, y
character(len=8) :: color
end type rectangle
! Declare a variable of this type
type(rectangle) :: my_rect
! Use the type
my_rect % x = 4
my_rect % y = 3
my_rect % color = 'red'
print *, "Area: ", my_rect % x * my_rect % y
The parentheses could either indicate the index of an array, or the arguments of a call.
So, for example:
integer, dimension(10) :: a
a(8) = 16 ! write the number 16 to the 8th element of array a
Or, as a prodedure:
print *, my_pow(2, 3)
function my_pow(a, b)
integer, intent(in) :: a, b
my_pow = a ** b
end function my_pow
In order to figure out what m is, you'd need to look at the declaration of m, which would be something like
type(sometype) :: m
class(sometype) :: m
Then you'd need to find out the type declaration, which would be something like
type :: sometype
! component declarations in here
end type
Now one of the components, BEMT_u, is almost certainly an array of a different type, which you'd also need to look up.

How to properly call the SGEMV in Fortran?

I want to perform a Matrix-Vector product in fortran using the SGEMV subroutine from BLAS.
I have a code that is similar to this:
program test
integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
real(kind=DP), dimension (3,3) :: A
real(kind=DP), dimension (3) :: XP,YP
call sgemv(A,XP,YP)
A is a 3x3 Matrix, XP and YP are Vectors.
In the included module one can see the following code:
! Fortran77 call:
REAL(WP), INTENT(IN) :: A(:,:)
I understand that the some of the parameters are optional, so where am i wrong in the method call?
When you look at BLAS or LAPACK routines then you should always have a look at the first letter:
S: single precision
D: double precision
C: single precision complex
Z: double precision complex
You defined your matrix A as well as the vectors XP and YP as a double precision number using the statement:
integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
So for this, you need to use dgemv or define your precision as single precision.
There is also a difference between calling dgemv and dgemv_f95. dgemv_f95 is part of Intel MKL and not really a common naming. For portability reasons, I would not use that notation but stick to the classic dgemv which is also part of Intel MKL.
DGEMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, or y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
m by n matrix.
If you want to know how to call the function, I suggest to have a look here, but it should, in the end, look something like this:
call DGEMV('N',3,3,ALPHA,A,3,XP,1,BETA,YP,1)
The precisions are incompatible. You are calling sgemv which takes single precision arguments but you are passing double precision arrays and vectors.
Perhaps the trans parameter is required?
trans: Must be 'N', 'C', or 'T'.
(As per the note at the bottom of Developer Reference for IntelĀ® Math Kernel Library - Fortran.)

Operations with big real numbers in Fortran

I wrote a Fortran code that calculates the ith-permutation of a given list {1,2,3,...,n}, without computing all the others, that are n! I needed that in order to find the ith-path of the TSP (Travelling salesman problem).
When n! is big, the code gives me some error and I tested that the ith-permutation found is not the exact value. For n=10, there are not problems at all, but for n=20, the code crashes or wrong values are found. I think this is due to errors that Fortran makes operating with big numbers (sums of big numbers).
I use Visual Fortran Ultimate 2013. In attached you find the subroutine I use for my goal. WeightAdjMatRete is the distance matrix between each pair of knots of the network.
! Fattoriale
RECURSIVE FUNCTION factorial(n) RESULT(n_factorial)
REAL :: n_factorial
IF(n>0) THEN
! ith-permutazione di una lista
SUBROUTINE ith_permutazione(lista_iniziale,n,i,ith_permutation)
INTEGER :: k,n
REAL :: j,f
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:n), INTENT(IN) :: lista_iniziale
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:n) :: lista_lavoro
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:n), INTENT(OUT) :: ith_permutation
DO k=1,n
ENDSUBROUTINE ith_permutazione
! Funzione modulo, adattata
PURE FUNCTION mood(k,modulo) RESULT(ris)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: k,modulo
INTEGER :: ris
IF(MOD(k,modulo)/=0) THEN
! Funzione quoziente, adattata
PURE FUNCTION quoziente(a,p) RESULT(ris)
INTEGER :: ris
IF(MOD(a,p)/=0) THEN
! Vettori contenenti tutti i payoff percepiti dagli agenti allo state vector attuale e quelli ad ogni sua singola permutazione
SUBROUTINE tuttipayoff(n,m,nodi,nodi_rete,sigma,bvector,MatVecSomma,VecPos,lista_iniziale,ith_permutation,lunghezze_percorso,WeightAdjMatRete,array_perceived_payoff_old,array_perceived_payoff_neg)
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: n,m,nodi,nodi_rete
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nodi), INTENT(OUT) :: bvector
REAL, DIMENSION(1:m,1:n), INTENT(OUT) :: MatVecSomma
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nodi_rete), INTENT(IN) :: lista_iniziale
INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:nodi_rete), INTENT(OUT) :: ith_permutation
REAL, DIMENSION(1:nodi_rete), INTENT(OUT) :: lunghezze_percorso
REAL, DIMENSION(1:nodi_rete,1:nodi_rete), INTENT(IN) :: WeightAdjMatRete
REAL, DIMENSION(1:nodi), INTENT(OUT) :: array_perceived_payoff_old,array_perceived_payoff_neg
INTEGER :: i,j,k
DO k=1,nodi
IF(VecPos(mood(k,m))<=factorial(REAL(nodi_rete))) THEN
CALL ith_permutazione(lista_iniziale,nodi_rete,VecPos(mood(k,m))-1.,ith_permutation)
IF(VecPos(mood(k,m))-SIGN(1,sigma(m*(quoziente(k,m)-1)+mood(k,m)))*2**(n-quoziente(k,m))<=factorial(REAL(nodi_rete))) THEN
CALL ith_permutazione(lista_iniziale,nodi_rete,VecPos(mood(k,m))-SIGN(1,sigma(m*(quoziente(k,m)-1)+mood(k,m)))*2**(n-quoziente(k,m))-1.,ith_permutation)
Don't use floating-point numbers to represent factorials; factorials are products of integers and are therefore best represented as integers.
Factorials grow big fast, so it may be tempting to use reals, because reals can represent huge numbers like 1.0e+30. But floating-point numbers are precise only with relation to their magnitude; their mantissa still has a limited size, they can be huge because their exponents may be huge.
A 32-bit real can represent exact integers up to about 16 million. After that, only every even integer can be represented up to 32 million and every fourth integer up to 64 million. 64-bit integers are better, because they can represent exact integers up to 9 quadrillion.
64-bit integers can go 1024 times further: They can represent 2^63 or about 9 quintillion (9e+18) integers. That is enough to represent 20!:
20! = 2,432,902,008,176,640,000
2^63 = 9,223,372,036,854,775,808
Fortran allows you to select a kind of integer based on the decimal places it should be able to represent:
integer, (kind=selected_int_kind(18))
Use this to do your calculations with 64-bit integers. This will give you factorials up to 20!. It won't go further than that, though: Most machines support only integers up to 64 bit, so selected_int_kind(19) will give you an error.
Here's the permutation part of your program with 64-bit integers. Note how all the type conversions ald floors and ceilings disappear.
program permute
implicit none
integer, parameter :: long = selected_int_kind(18)
integer, parameter :: n = 20
integer, dimension(1:n) :: orig
integer, dimension(1:n) :: perm
integer(kind=long) :: k
do k = 1, n
orig(k) = k
end do
do k = 0, 2000000000000000_long, 100000000000000_long
call ith_perm(perm, orig, n, k)
print *, k
print *, perm
print *
end do
end program
function fact(n)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: long = selected_int_kind(18)
integer(kind=long) :: fact
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: i
fact = 1
i = n
do while (i > 1)
fact = fact * i
i = i - 1
end do
end function fact
subroutine ith_perm(perm, orig, n, i)
implicit none
integer, parameter :: long = selected_int_kind(18)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer(kind=long), intent(in) :: i
integer, dimension(1:n), intent(in) :: orig
integer, dimension(1:n), intent(out) :: perm
integer, dimension(1:n) :: work
integer :: k
integer(kind=long) :: f, j
integer(kind=long) :: fact
work = orig
j = i
do k = 1, n
f = fact(n - k)
perm(k) = work(j / f + 1)
work = pack(work, work /= perm(k))
j = mod(j, f)
end do
end subroutine ith_perm

What's the formal term for a function that can be written in terms of `fold`?

I use the LINQ Aggregate operator quite often. Essentially, it lets you "accumulate" a function over a sequence by repeatedly applying the function on the last computed value of the function and the next element of the sequence.
For example:
int[] numbers = ...
int result = numbers.Aggregate(0, (result, next) => result + next * next);
will compute the sum of the squares of the elements of an array.
After some googling, I discovered that the general term for this in functional programming is "fold". This got me curious about functions that could be written as folds. In other words, the f in f = fold op.
I think that a function that can be computed with this operator only needs to satisfy (please correct me if I am wrong):
f(x1, x2, ..., xn) = f(f(x1, x2, ..., xn-1), xn)
This property seems common enough to deserve a special name. Is there one?
An Iterated binary operation may be what you are looking for.
You would also need to add some stopping conditions like
f(x) = something
f(x1,x2) = something2
They define a binary operation f and another function F in the link I provided to handle what happens when you get down to f(x1,x2).
To clarify the question: 'sum of squares' is a special function because it has the property that it can be expressed in terms of the fold functional plus a lambda, ie
sumSq = fold ((result, next) => result + next * next) 0
Which functions f have this property, where dom f = { A tuples }, ran f :: B?
Clearly, due to the mechanics of fold, the statement that f is foldable is the assertion that there exists an h :: A * B -> B such that for any n > 0, x1, ..., xn in A, f ((x1,...xn)) = h (xn, f ((x1,...,xn-1))).
The assertion that the h exists says almost the same thing as your condition that
f((x1, x2, ..., xn)) = f((f((x1, x2, ..., xn-1)), xn)) (*)
so you were very nearly correct; the difference is that you are requiring A=B which is a bit more restrictive than being a general fold-expressible function. More problematically though, fold in general also takes a starting value a, which is set to a = f nil. The main reason your formulation (*) is wrong is that it assumes that h is whatever f does on pair lists, but that is only true when h(x, a) = a. That is, in your example of sum of squares, the starting value you gave to Accumulate was 0, which is a does-nothing when you add it, but there are fold-expressible functions where the starting value does something, in which case we have a fold-expressible function which does not satisfy (*).
For example, take this fold-expressible function lengthPlusOne:
lengthPlusOne = fold ((result, next) => result + 1) 1
f (1) = 2, but f(f(), 1) = f(1, 1) = 3.
Finally, let's give an example of a functions on lists not expressible in terms of fold. Suppose we had a black box function and tested it on these inputs:
f (1) = 1
f (1, 1) = 1 (1)
f (2, 1) = 1
f (1, 2, 1) = 2 (2)
Such a function on tuples (=finite lists) obviously exists (we can just define it to have those outputs above and be zero on any other lists). Yet, it is not foldable because (1) implies h(1,1)=1, while (2) implies h(1,1)=2.
I don't know if there is other terminology than just saying 'a function expressible as a fold'. Perhaps a (left/right) context-free list function would be a good way of describing it?
In functional programming, fold is used to aggregate results on collections like list, array, sequence... Your formulation of fold is incorrect, which leads to confusion. A correct formulation could be:
fold f e [x1, x2, x3,..., xn] = f((...f(f(f(e, x1),x2),x3)...), xn)
The requirement for f is actually very loose. Lets say the type of elements is T and type of e is U. So function f indeed takes two arguments, the first one of type U and the second one of type T, and returns a value of type U (because this value will be supplied as the first argument of function f again). In short, we have an "accumulate" function with a signature f: U * T -> U. Due to this reason, I don't think there is a formal term for these kinds of function.
In your example, e = 0, T = int, U = int and your lambda function (result, next) => result + next * next has a signaturef: int * int -> int, which satisfies the condition of "foldable" functions.
In case you want to know, another variant of fold is foldBack, which accumulates results with the reverse order from xn to x1:
foldBack f [x1, x2,..., xn] e = f(x1,f(x2,...,f(n,e)...))
There are interesting cases with commutative functions, which satisfy f(x, y) = f(x, y), when fold and foldBack return the same result. About fold itself, it is a specific instance of catamorphism in category theory. You can read more about catamorphism here.
