How to properly call the SGEMV in Fortran? - visual-studio

I want to perform a Matrix-Vector product in fortran using the SGEMV subroutine from BLAS.
I have a code that is similar to this:
program test
integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
real(kind=DP), dimension (3,3) :: A
real(kind=DP), dimension (3) :: XP,YP
call sgemv(A,XP,YP)
A is a 3x3 Matrix, XP and YP are Vectors.
In the included module one can see the following code:
! Fortran77 call:
REAL(WP), INTENT(IN) :: A(:,:)
I understand that the some of the parameters are optional, so where am i wrong in the method call?

When you look at BLAS or LAPACK routines then you should always have a look at the first letter:
S: single precision
D: double precision
C: single precision complex
Z: double precision complex
You defined your matrix A as well as the vectors XP and YP as a double precision number using the statement:
integer, parameter :: DP = selected_real_kind(15)
So for this, you need to use dgemv or define your precision as single precision.
There is also a difference between calling dgemv and dgemv_f95. dgemv_f95 is part of Intel MKL and not really a common naming. For portability reasons, I would not use that notation but stick to the classic dgemv which is also part of Intel MKL.
DGEMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations
y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, or y := alpha*A**T*x + beta*y,
where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an
m by n matrix.
If you want to know how to call the function, I suggest to have a look here, but it should, in the end, look something like this:
call DGEMV('N',3,3,ALPHA,A,3,XP,1,BETA,YP,1)

The precisions are incompatible. You are calling sgemv which takes single precision arguments but you are passing double precision arrays and vectors.

Perhaps the trans parameter is required?
trans: Must be 'N', 'C', or 'T'.
(As per the note at the bottom of Developer Reference for IntelĀ® Math Kernel Library - Fortran.)


Logarithm of a random number

I wrote a fortran program to code this algorithm ( It works on my computer. But after I asked these two questions (Intrinsic Rand, what is the interval [0,1] or ]0,1] or [0,1[ and How far can we trust calculus with infinity?), I think I could have a problem with log(random()) because call random_number(Xw); Xw = log(Xw) is used.
Indeed, random_number(Xw) could return 0 and log(0)=-infinity.
Therefore, I plan to modify this line as follow call random_number(Xw); Xw = log(1-Xw) to change the random value interval from [0,1[ to ]0,1].
Is it a good idea or is there a best solution ?
While mathematically it is true that if X is uniformly distributed on (the real interval) [0,1) then 1-X is uniformly distributed on (0,1], this does not particularly help you.
As noted in the description of the algorithm to which you link, the underlying assumption is that the base uniform distribution is over the interval (0,1). This is not the same as (0,1].
You can use rejection sampling to generate X uniformly over (0,1) from random_number() (which is [0,1)): throw away all zero occurrences.
Not a good idea. If you want your algorithm to be stable, you need to define bounds. your log function represents a priority, it can likely be as low as you want, but it must be a number. You can bind it to numerical precision:
program t
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
real(real64), parameter :: SAFE = exp(-0.5d0*huge(0.0_real64))
print *, log(randoms_in_range(100,SAFE,1.0_real64))
elemental real(real64) function in_range(f,low,hi) result(x)
real(real64), intent(in) :: f ! in: [0:1]
real(real64), intent(in) :: low,hi
real(real64) :: frac
frac = max(min(f,1.0_real64),0.0_real64)
x = low+frac*(hi-low)
end function in_range
real(real64) function random_in_range(low,hi) result(x)
real(real64), intent(in) :: low,hi
call random_number(x) ! [0,1]
x = in_range(x,low,hi) ! [low,hi]
end function random_in_range
function randoms_in_range(n,low,hi) result(x)
integer , intent(in) :: n
real(real64), intent(in) :: low,hi
real(real64) :: x(n)
call random_number(x) ! [0,1]
x = in_range(x,low,hi) ! [low,hi]
end function randoms_in_range
end program

QR decomposition Fortran error

I have a problem with QR decomposition method. I use dgeqrf subroutine for decomposition but there is no error in the compiler but it gives a problem after that. I haven't found where is the mistake.
Another question is, A=Q*R=> if A matrix has zero, Can decomposition be zero or lose the rank.
program decomposition
!subroutine Qrdecomposition(A_mat, R)
real,dimension(2,2) :: A_mat !real,dimension(2,2),intent(inout)
:: A_mat
real,dimension(2,2) :: R !real,dimension(2,2),intent(out)
:: R
real,dimension(2,2) :: A
integer :: M,N,LDA,LWORK,INFO
real,allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: TAU
real,allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: WORK
external dgeqrf
call dgeqrf(M,N,A,TAU,WORK,LWORK,INFO)
print *,R,WORK,LWORK
!end subroutine Qrdecomposition
end program decomposition
I see three mistakes in your code:
1) You forgot the LDA argument to dgeqrf,
2) TAU and WORK must be explicitly allocated,
3) All arrays should be declared with double precision to be consistent with dgeqrf interface:
program decomposition
!subroutine Qrdecomposition(A_mat, R)
! Note: using '8' for the kind parameter is not the best style but I'm doing it here for brevity.
real(8),dimension(2,2) :: A_mat !real,dimension(2,2),intent(inout)
real(8),dimension(2,2) :: R !real,dimension(2,2),intent(out)
real(8),dimension(2,2) :: A
integer :: M,N,LDA,LWORK,INFO
real(8),allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: TAU
real(8),allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: WORK
external dgeqrf
allocate(tau(M,N), work(M,N))
print *,R,WORK,LWORK
!end subroutine Qrdecomposition
end program decomposition
In certain situations, Fortran does perform automatic allocation of arrays, but it should generally not be counted on and it is not the case here.
EDIT Point 3 was pointed out by roygvib, see below.

Fortran Matrix Division

I am trying to divide matrices in Fortran(f90). X=R/Z =>
X[6x1], R[6x6] and Z[6x1] are matrices.
Normally in Matlab, You can write that equation and easy but in Fortran little bit different because Fortran has no any division properties so that I need to take the inverse of Z matrix (X=R*Z^-1).
The problem is matrix shape because here Z matrix(6x1) and not square so I cant take the inverse of that. Is there any ready function for the division and How can handle if the inverse of the matrix is not square?
program main
implicit none
real, dimension(6,1) :: X
real, dimension(6,6) :: R
real, dimension(6,1) :: Z
real, dimension(6,1) :: Z_inv
call mat_inverse(Z) ! Please ignore inverse part
Z_inv=Z ! Mat_inverse function is already defined in math
! Kernel Library but I just call that mat_inverse
! Because I call mat_inverse subroutine
! X=R*Z^-1
end program main

Constant shape error in simple code

I have an error with this code and I don't understand why
-"The module or main program array 'u' at (1) must have constant shape."
-Moreover, how can I do this code with a choice of parameters, I mean [U]=vector(N) where I can chose N and it returns me U.
program vector
implicit none
integer :: n
integer, parameter :: N=10
real, dimension(N,1) :: U
do n=1,N
end do
end program vector
First up, Fortran is caseINsensitive, so n and N are the same thing, and you can't declare two different variables/parameters n and N.
Then you declare U to have shape (N, 1), but seem to use it in the form (1, N).
As for how to auto-generate something like U, you could use something like this:
function vector(n) result(v)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer :: v(n)
integer :: i
v = [ (i, i=1, n) ]
end function vector
One more thing:
You declare U with dimension(1, N) which creates a 2D array with one dimension having length 1. I'm wondering whether you wanted to create a 1D array with range from 1 to N, for which the declaration would need to be dimension(1:N) (or, since Fortran assumes indices start at 1, just dimension(N)).
Addressing the questions in your comment:
The purpose of intent(in) tells the compiler that n is only read, not written to, in this function. Considering that you want to use n as the size of array v, you want that.
With result(v) I tell the compiler that I want to use the name v to refer to the result of the function, not the default (which is the function name). I do this to avoid confusion.
integer :: v(n) is the same as integer, dimension(n) :: v

Precision not respected

I use Visual Studio (2010 SP1) with Fortran IMSL (2011) and I can't get the right precision for my reals:
program prova
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ikind=selected_real_kind(p=8, r=99)
real(kind=ikind) :: a=0.79
real(real64) :: b=0.79
real(kind=16) :: c=0.79
real(8) :: d=0.79
print *, a
print *, b
print *, c
print *, d
end program prova
give me the same result: 0.790000021457672 (one with more precision, one with less precision but every number is different from the assigned one: 0.79)
Why my willingness is not respected?
How can I set all reals to the needed precision?
NB: my problem has nothing to do with the "limited nature of computer", roundoff numbers and similar. my problem regards type/kind of variable in Fortran.
You are setting the variables to have the desired precision, but then assign constants with default precision. Try:
program prova
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
integer, parameter :: ikind=selected_real_kind(p=8, r=99)
real(kind=ikind) :: a=0.79_ikind
real(real64) :: b=0.79_real64
real(kind=16) :: c=0.79_16
real(8) :: d=0.79_8
print *, a
print *, b
print *, c
print *, d
end program prova
This will set the constants in the correct precision, but since you only provide two significant digits, the result will still be rounded to the nearest representable floating point number (in base 2). 0.79 can be represented exactly in the decimal system (base 10), but not in base 2. Hence the deviations. You should read the Wikipedia Artical on Floating-Point Numbers and, of course, What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
This results in
on my machine.
