How to upload an image with metadata like Description and title - image

I'm currently writing an WebApi endpoint that is to accept image uploads with associated Descriptions and titles. I want to be able to send this information up in one post rather than sending the image and then the meta data in a subsequent call.
The client sending this is a mobile application written in Xamarin.
Searching the internet I struggled to fine any direction to doing this kind of thing although I'm sure it's possible.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated.

upload image to cloud with easy api like,h_150,c_thumb,g_face,r_20,e_sepia/l_cloudinary_icon,,x_5,y_5,w_50,o_60,e_brightness:200/a_10/front_face.png
The DotNet SDK is here
and a tutorial to add metadata along


Upload pdf files from bot with Bot Framework Composer

I want to select a pdf file from the bot and send it through a Web Api but I have not obtained any documentation, if you could support me with this it would be very helpful.
Thank you.
You can send a PDF, but you cannot send a local fie. It has to be uploaded somewhere or encoded. So, sending with activity and contentUrl of either data:image/png;base64,${imageBase64} or
Please see more info explained in this comment. Also be aware that different channels behave differently with attachments (See end of conversation in that same thread).
Edit: Actually, the change to be able to send a binary is currently in the works. Please watch here.

Is there any way we can modify Json data coming in the network tab of chrome and see the changes in the web page?

The webpage Template loads data via some json data we get from the endpoint.
I have a Rest Api and a Angular Front end . The Angular app populates the template from the data coming in from the rest api which we can see in the Network Tab of Chrome Developer Tools.
Is there any way we can modify the Rest data in Network tab and see the changes that occurs in the Webpage.
Is that even possible, It might sound a stupid question but i guess this might be a very special tool if there is not much interaction between the Back end and Front end teams.
I am not quite sure if i am able to explain it properly but this was the best i could edit please bear with me thanks
Just a Screen Shot of the type of data in Network tab.
Sample Data Network Tab
It is not possible from chrome's network tab. You have to use BurpSuite for example which is available in Kali linux as a default. With that you can intercept http requests and responses and modify it's payload.
You can get it from here:
No, you're not able to modify XHR data as you can other sources. What I do is just copy the file to my local drive and temporarily modify it's source. I test responses from API's using Postman and it's pretty awesome.
I have to say I'm a little bit afraid for you though. It's not a great idea to be consuming services from external api's from the client side. Are your API keys and passwords hanging out in that client side code somewhere?

In Brightcove, can I retrieve a video's thumbnail WITHOUT a media API token?

I would like to use Javascript to retrieve thumbnail URLs from Brightcove-hosted videos.
I can't see a way to do that without exposing my Media API token to the client browser. (The with-token method is documented here.)
I don't need a token to show the whole video, so it seems insane and unnecessary that I need a token to get the thumbnail url, which obviously I would want to show to the user anyway.
The only workaround I can devise is to create a middleman interface on the server. (The client JS makes a request to my server, which uses the token to request the thumbnail from BC, then returns it back to the JS.) That's just annoying.
Am I missing something? Is there an alternate way to retrieve video thumbnails in the client without exposing the Media API key?
According to Brightcove's support, they tell me that the answer is "NO".
They do recommend a server-side relay, which is what I ended up writing, and it works fine.
Disappointing, though.

Get image from marketplace WP7

I'd like to do a best of application list. It is just a list with a title and an image.
I saw the MarketplaceDetailTask(); who take the marketPlaceId (marketplaceDetailTask.ContentIdentifier).
My question is, is there a way, knowing this Id, to get the image url of the corresponding app ?
I've done some research but nothing about an API or something to return this url.
There is no built-in API in Windows Phone to retrieve this kind of information. However, you can try querying directly the service used by the Zune client. This service isn't publicly documented, but there's a few blog posts explaining how to use it. For instance:

Is there a general image service "unshort" api service?

I am currently updating my Twitter client Nymphicus to use to unshorten all the links in tweets. Before that I implemented all the url shortener APIs myself but there are so many...
With images it is quite the same: I do implement all the different APIs out there to get thumbnails but I wonder if anyone knows a service similar to which gives you back the url of a thumbnail if you send the image link? does it, 10k requests free. otherwise it's a pay service.
