Jmeter unable to pass + in the email id - jmeter

In the variable '' in my jmeter request, + is not be send to jmeter, in the view results i am seeing, how to handle this.
Trying to create a JMeter test for registration to a site where my username is my email. I've tried with encode checked and unchecked but it keeps coming back saying invalid login, and in the HTTP request i see it not posting the variable with + symbol. Any suggestions on what i'm doing wrong?
eg: User name :
Thanks & Regards,

In general if you record your request using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder JMeter should populate a "good" HTTP Request sampler configuration.
Alternatively there are 2 options on how you can proceed. Given you have somevar JMeter Variable with the value of
Tick Encode? box for the relevant parameter in the HTTP Request sampler
Wrap your variable in __urlEncode() function like ${__urlencode(${somevar})} if for some reason point 1 is not applicable for your scenario.
See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction to learn more about JMeter Functions concept.


Unable to get right jmeter response

I have a post request and the response is success
Initially, I was able to execute the jmeter script and get the correct response but from today Im getting the below issue while testing a portal even though there is no changes made in the portal.
Im not understanding were am I going wrong. Kindly help me
Most probably you recorded your test using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and the recording included some hard-coded Cookie or Token
Initially it was working because the Cookie or token was active and "today" is expired and cannot be used anymore.
Basically it means that your script is missing correlation, you need to:
Identify the dynamic parameters used in your test
Use suitable JMeter Post-Processors to extract them into JMeter Variables
Replace recorded hard-coded values with the JMeter Variables from the previous step
See Advanced Load Testing Scenarios with JMeter: Part 1 - Correlations article for more information and examples if needed.

Jmeter - Parameters missing

We are using the jmeter recording template to see the api requests by our unsigned app.
When we use charles as the proxy, we are getting all the urls properly.
But when we use the jmeter recording template, we get 'MISSING PARAMETERS' for all GET requests. Essentially, jmeter does not get any parameters that are sent with the GET request.
POST requests work properly.
Any advice?
For convenience JMeter stores the request parameters under "Parameters" section of the HTTP Request sampler
it's better to work with attribute-value pairs for parameterization or correlation purposes than having to edit the URL string which might be very long.
If you replay your recorded request(s) and look into Request tab of the View Results Tree listener you will see that the parameters are concatenated to protocol, domain, etc. in the URL:

Apache Jmeter is not giving any error even we gave wrong credentials

I am new to JMeter. I am using it for load testing for Microstrategy web dossiers. I am loading the users from CSV Config file. I have generated steps using Badboy software and exported as Jmeter file. I have added variables for userID and password. I have enabled "Retrieve all Embedded Resources". When I ran the testing. I observed that its giving same response even if password is wrong. taskProcs are giving connection closed error. I have searched with dossier ID in both the cases , I am able to see the request and response same even if password is wrong. Can you help me how to identify whether the credentials matched or not ? I would like to throw error when password didn't match ? I thought of adding Response Assertions but responses are same.
JMeter automatically treats HTTP Response Status codes below 400 as successful. So if HTTP Request sampler returns status 200 (or any other between 100 and 399) it's treated as success.
JMeter doesn't perform any checks for content, if you need to add explicit pass/fail criteria basing on the response body, presence or absence of certain text, sampler execution time, etc. you need to add a relevant Assertion and put the anticipated success criteria into the assertion.
First JMeter doesn't generate any error codes or error messages itself, what it actually do is working as client and giving back what application sends to JMeter.
I think first you have to make sure application works correctly, then check whether Jmeter scripts work correctly. For that add debug sampler before the API request and check whether variables username, password has evaluated correctly from the csv.

Response message: Unauthorized in Jmeter

I'm new to using Jmeter tool.
I have recorded my application using blazemeter (v3.1) and then trying to run that .jmx file in Jmeter, however I am running into an authorization issue and the script fails to run.
I have also tried setting my "HTTP Authorization Manager" with username, url, password but it does not help. If anyone can, please guide me on this Issue. Thanks.
As per 4 Things You Should Never Do with Your JMeter Script article:
Don’t run the script exactly as you recorded it
After recording your script, there is still some work to do before you run it. It’s necessary to correlate variables, parameterize and add elements, to faithfully simulate users.
There are too many ways of possible authentication implementation in your application, most probably you need to send some dynamic value along with credentials which can be fetched from the previous request.
Record your test scenario 2 times and compare recorded requests. Be careful as differences might be in response headers and URL, not only in response data. It makes sense to add View Results Tree listener directly to HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - this way you will be able to see what data is captured by JMeter and amend its configuration so simulated request would look exactly like the request from the real browser.

Why is only my first HTTP request running?

I'm still pretty new to jmeter. I'm using jmeter 2.9.
I have created a thread group with two threads in it. I have set up an HTTP Request Defaults for the thread group. I have created User Parameters to define person IDs that I'm going to be working with in each thread.
I then set up two HTTP requests. One for login, one for retrieve person. For the login one, I created a regular expression extractor to extract the session key that comes back. I then supply the session key as the parameter for the retrieve person request.
I then sniffed the net traffic and started jmeter test. I wanted to make sure the session key was getting passed into the second parameter OK, but it appears to be running on the login twice and then ending. I am getting a 200 return on the HTTP packet and my jmeter test was set to continue regardless.
I believe I followed chapter 5 of the jmeter user manual to set up this test with the addition of parameters, user parameters, and the regex extractor.
Can anyone give me an idea what i might have done so that the second request never runs?
Add "View Results Tree" listener to see what jMeter is actually doing? You should also check jmeter.log to see if there are any exceptions while generating the 2nd request.
