Jmeter - Parameters missing - jmeter

We are using the jmeter recording template to see the api requests by our unsigned app.
When we use charles as the proxy, we are getting all the urls properly.
But when we use the jmeter recording template, we get 'MISSING PARAMETERS' for all GET requests. Essentially, jmeter does not get any parameters that are sent with the GET request.
POST requests work properly.
Any advice?

For convenience JMeter stores the request parameters under "Parameters" section of the HTTP Request sampler
it's better to work with attribute-value pairs for parameterization or correlation purposes than having to edit the URL string which might be very long.
If you replay your recorded request(s) and look into Request tab of the View Results Tree listener you will see that the parameters are concatenated to protocol, domain, etc. in the URL:


Get request parameters not appending properly in Jmeter

I have running the JMeter for performance testing,
For GET request the parameters are not appending properly
Get Request
Request's response
I don't know what i am missing.
I don't think it's a good idea to have protocol, host and port in "Path" field of the HTTP Request sampler, you should use the relevant inputs for this.
Moreover, having the full URL in the "Path" section might cause malfunction of i.e. HTTP Cookie Manager, HTTP Cache Manager, etc.
If you're uncertain about how to properly build the HTTP Request you can just record it using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or JMeter Chrome Extension.

Page Redirect ErrorPage.aspx

I am executing performance tests in the Jmeter. However, I am an issue in response data. It's showed the following message:
Meantime, the page contains two IDs that is changed each iteration on the page. I've configured and controlled those IDs through regular expression. I do not get because this message is being displayed. This is displayed in all requests.
Has someone any tip to overtake this issue?
Make sure that the JMeter Variables which are coming from the Regular Expression Extractors really contain the anticipated values, you can do this using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
If the variables have the values perform the further cross-check of the network footprint of your JMeter test and the real browser.
Capture the request(s) which is being sent by the browser using browser developer tools (or maybe even better a sniffer tool like Fiddler or Burp)
Do the same for the request(s) which is(are) being sent from JMeter
Compare everything:
Request body
all should be the same (apart from dynamic parameters which need to be correlated)
Given JMeter will be sending the same request as browser does - you will get the same response.

JMeter can't find token in any response

I'm trying to record a script in JMeter. I'm getting a 401 error in the login request. I see that the login request is sending a token to the server and I have to correlate this token however I'm not able to find any token in the response body or response header of any previous request. What should I do?
There are 4 sources where the "token" could come from:
Response body
Response headers (including cookies)
URL (as a result of a redirection), if this is the case you might need to play with Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects checkboxes in the HTTP Request sampler (or HTTP Request Defaults)
The token can be generated by JavaScript. As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
so if this is the case - you will have to replicate the logic of the associated JavaScript function(s) using JSR223 PreProcessor

JMeter Cant make GET HTTP request work, works fine in PostMan

I'm trying to do a GET HTTPS Request via JMeter. It is a simple request with content-type=application/json, and an auth token. Now for unknown reasons it works perfectly without any issues/problems in Postman, but in JMeter I'm getting an error.
I'm new to JMeter so I can only assume I am just setting something incorrectly.
The HTTP Request I am sending is:['id']
In postman I get a 200 response with the expected JSON response.
In JMeter however, it gives me the error:
Could not parse fields query. Must be valid JSON.
I've tried messing with the 'send parameters with the request' option in JMeter by removing the ?fields=['id'] from the Path, and instead setting them in the parameters area, but that gives me the exact same 400 error response code.
Also, if I use the send parameters section, and I look at the request, it doesn't seem to be using the parameters i've set. So I went back to passing the parameter directly in the URL path.
SOLVED:: The issue is that JMeter does not like the usage of double quotes in the Path field. You can get by this by using %22 in place of double quotes. This solved the problem of not receiving an error when passing the parameter through Path.
Add HTTP Request sampler to your Test Plan
Configure it as follows:
You might also need to add HTTP Header Manager as a child of your request and configure it to send the relevant Content-Type header
The sent data can be verified using View Results Tree listener:
Also be aware that you can easily create a JMeter test from Postman by just recording the request using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder

Jmeter - how to pass a csrfmiddlewaretoken to a http request without getting 403 or Forbidden issues?

Can you explain how to construct a relevant HTTP Header or HTTP Request parameter holding CSRF value when an HTTP request has to be passed with a csrfmiddlewaretoken in Jmeter ?
CSRF protection can be handled just like any other dynamic mandatory request parameter or field, the right term to perform search on in performance testing world is Correlation
Check out How to Load Test CSRF-Protected Web Sites guide, it looks like to be exactly what you're looking for.
Try to implement correlation, after you have recorded the script. This is useful to pass dynamic values between different requests.
If you have already implemented correlation and you are still getting errors, then you should bypass the token generation by writing code in Beanshell sampler to generate csrfmiddlewaretoken and then pass it to the next HTTP request (as per requirement).
hope this will help.
