use eloquent whereRaw($query) if $query not null - laravel

i wanna use whereRaw() in laravel app.
can i use laravel eloquent whereRaw($query) just when $query has exist?

Hard to say what exactly you want to achieve because you haven't showed a piece of code but you could use:
$yourQuery->when($query, function($q) use ($query) {
of course you can also use condition:
if ($query) {


how to use whereHas in laravel

I am new to laravel,
I need to create a query for the db,
$query = Deal::query();
I want to use the wherehas operator.
this is my code that is worked.
else if ($group_by == 'precedence') {
if($get_deals_for == 'noprecedence'){
$get_deals_for = 0;
$precedenceStatus = $get_deals_for;
$query-> where('precedence', '=', $precedenceStatus);
// \Log::info('The request precedence: '.$precedenceStatus);
I want to add this code also to the query
if($person) {
$query->whereHas('personnel', function ($subQuery) use ($person) {
$subQuery->where('id', '=', $person);
So I need to change the first code?
how I can convert the first code to wherehas?
the first code is from table called deal, the second section is from realtionship called personnel.
the second section worked in other places in the code, I just need to fix the first section and not understand what to write in the use
I try this and get error on the last }
else if ($group_by == 'precedence') {
if($get_deals_for == 'noprecedence'){
$get_deals_for = 0;
$precedenceStatus = $get_deals_for;
$query-> where('precedence', '=', $precedenceStatus)
-> when ($person, function($query) use($person) {
$query->whereHas('personnel', function ($query) use ($person) {
$query->where('id', '=', $person);
There is a method you can use called when(, so that you can have cleaner code. The first parameter if true will execute your conditional statement.
$result = $query
->where('precedence', '=', $precedenceStatus)
->when($person, function ($query) use ($person) {
$query->whereHas('personnel', fn ($q) => $q->where('id', '=', $person));
You should also be able to clean up your precedence code prior to that using when( to make the entire thing a bit cleaner.
Querying to DB is so easy in laravel you just need to what you want what query you want execute after that you just have to replace it with laravel helpers.Or you can write the raw query if you cant understand which function to use.
using,DB::raw('write your sql query').
Now Most of the time whereHad is used to filter the data of the particular model.
Prefer this link,[Laravel official doc for queries][1] like if you have 1 to m relation ship so u can retrive many object from one part or one part from many i want to filter many comments done by a user,then i will right like this.
$comments = Comment::whereHas('user', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'title%');
$comments = Here will be the model which you want to retrive::whereHas('relationship name', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'title%');
you can also write whereHas inside whereHas.

How to write a query conditionally in laravel?

I am new to the laravel, i am joining three tables based on conditions every thing is working fine but i need to write conditionally if the $field is array it should run with whereIn otherwise it should run where condition,can you please help me to acheive this thing
//$field sometimes it's an array sometimes it's a string.
public function find($field){
For conditional constraints, you can use the when() clause:
$query = DB::table(...);
$data = $query
->when(is_array($field), function ($query) use ($field) {
$query->whereIn('my_field', $field);
}, function ($query) use ($field) {
$query->where('my_field', $field);
Now, as a tip, you could do this: Wrap the $fields variables to an array and then use always the whereIn clause. You can achieve this with the Arr::wrap() function:
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
// ...
$query = DB::table(...);
$data = $query
->whereIn('my_field', Arr::wrap($field))
PS: I have linked the relevant functions to the docs so you can know how they work and their params.

How to start a query in Laravel with Eloquent?

I'm trying to write the following code:
foreach($relations as $relation){
$query->orWhereHas($relation, function ($query) use ($filter) {
$query->where('name', 'like', '%'.$filter.'%');
but I don't know how to initialize the $query variable, I'd prefer not to write the first orWhereHas before the foreach starts.
Anyone knows how to achieve this?
Eloquent models has query() method. Then, you can do this
$query = App\User::query();

Getting a relationship with a condition?

I have category and article tables, they are in a many to many relationship. i have the relationships set up on the models.
How can I get all articles where a category id is = 1?
I've tried:
Article::whereHas('category', function ($query) use ($id) {
$query->where('category_id', $id);
The above works, but seems clunky, is there a more efficient way in eloquent to do this?
You can use eager loading technique.
Article::with(['category', function ($query) use ($id) {
$query->where('category_id', $id);
The following groupBy code is assuming that Category::find($id)->articles is not an option for whatever reason.
What about groupBy?
->having('category', $id)
whereHas will return articles that match that condition, but won’t filter articles then fetched by the same conditions. You could therefore create an anonymous function that contains the constraints, and pass it to both the whereHas and with methods:
$filter = function ($query) use ($categoryId) {
$query->where('category_id', '=', $categoryId);
Article::whereHas('category', $filter)
->with(['category' => $filter])

WhereBetween on many-to-many relationships

in my sensory model i have this query helper method
public function asAroma()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\SensoryEvaluationForm')->wherePivot('sensory_type', '=', 2);
How can I add a query to this?
I am using it like this
$cs = App\Sensory::first();
$cs->asAroma()->whereBetween('created_at', [$startingDate, $endingDate])->get();
It returns nothing. I think there is a different way on building queries with relationships?
What I'm trying to do is to add a wherebetween filter to the resulting relationship.
Use whereHas() and pass a callback to it.
CsModel::with('asAroma')->whereHas('asAroma', function($query) use ($start, $end) {
$query->whereBetween('created_at', [$start, $end]);
I already found an answer, it seems I need to specify the table name of the created_at attribute I want to refer to in this case sensory_evaluation_forms.created_at
