IntelliJ IDEA 2017 - Missing Debug window - debugging

My Intellij Debugger window went missing and I can't find any resources on how to get it back, the closest think I can get to my problem is a missing console window but that doesn't help. So I'm hoping someone here can help me retrieve it.
This pic shows a normal Intellij IDE (that I got from my friend) that shows the tab that's missing for me (in red) and the area in which this tab normally shows (in yellow).
And this pic shows my IDE with the missing Debugger window.
I also opened Intellij's help dialogue which claims that the window will show up when your code hits a break point but that didn't do it for me either.

Try the "restore layout" button at the left toolbar of the debugger toolwindow

Showing a tool window:
"Choose View" | "Tool Windows" | "Debug Tool Window" in the main menu.
It as simple as that.
There are multiple other things you can try, look here:
For example reset your Tool Windows:
You can return to the default workspace layout by choosing "Window" | "Restore Default Layout" (Shift+F12).

To enable the debug window
Click on View -> Tool Windows -> Debug
Or press (Alt+5)

This is not an answer to the specific question asked but a possible solution to My debug window has disappeared!. My situation was actually with Android Studio but should apply elsewhere.
My symptoms were:
I use multiple monitors and after a system crash my debug window
Before the crash my debug window was in window mode on a separate
monitor. After the crash it was gone.
There was no Debug tab showing on the main window.
The Debug entry in the View menu was greyed.
The solution that finally worked was to set a break-point at a location I knew the code would hit, debug my project and make it hit the break-point. The Debug window magically appeared.
Remember to reposition the window correctly before exiting.

Try button on the right (there should be debugger, console....)

Try to Restore default layout in console/debugger screen. Its give in image please do check.

Remove the dev option from run/debug configurations from Command line.

You would have undocked, just look for "dock" sign, click on it.
Now debugger will restored to default view


WebStorm - prevent search window from closing

I am using WebStorm. Every time I open the search window (of WebStorm) it is closed when I switch between the window/ tabs of the computer.
How can I prevent that and keep the window open when I get back to WebStorm?
Assuming that by "search window" you mean the "Find in Path" functionality which got a new design in 2017.1...
When switching between the apps -- it's a bug in 2017.1 -- it's fixed and should be available in 2017.1.1
If the question is about "it closes when clicking outside of new search popup (e.g. in the code)" then please follow IDEA-168640 ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
P.S. You may revert to the old style dialog if you so desire: in Help | Edit Custom VM Options will restore the original dialog.
clicking on the "Pin" icon in the upper right helped me.

Google Chrome dev tools automatically opens the 'drawer' pane

As of a few days ago, whenever I open the developer tools in Chrome on OSX the 'drawer' automatically opens - 2nd screen shot
The icon in blue shows/hides the drawer (now defaults to on) - First screen shot
This is so annoying and I cant figure out a way to stop this behaviour. It never did this before....
This was annoying me to no end and I could never figure out why it was automatically opening. Apparently the fix, at least in my case, is that I went into the Emulation tab inside of the drawer and disabled any of the overrides. Everything in blue is highlighted as an override. Disabling those seems to have fixed the problem for me.
Offering Phil Rykoff's comment as a solution...
Disabling JavaScript source maps seems to do the trick for me.
Settings > Enable JavaScript source maps
I was getting an error parsing my source maps so this could well be the cause for those with similar errors:
Failed to parse SourceMap: https://myapp/
Found the solution press the "Escape" key when you're on the Developer Tools
There is also a setting under Appearance -> Show 'Emulation'/'Rendering' view in console drawer which will turn them off by default. But if you have some overrides then the panel still popup when you open Developer Tools.
In the DevTools, click the hamburger-icon.
Click 'Hide console'
Further to Ed's solution (which did fix my problem) the issue appears to be that the whatever page you are viewing is generating a console error- which in this case just happens to be a SourceMap error.
Because the default tab on the Dev Tools pane is "Elements" it appears that Chrome opens the console drawer so that the error message is visible when you reload. Rearranging the tabs in the Dev Tools so that console is the first item solves the issue, and I could re-enable SourceMap errors.

Xcode doesn't open a project normally

I'm using Xcode 4.1 and it has always worked perfectly but today something wrong has happened. Instead of opening my project as it usually does it opens just code editor and nothing else. I have restarted my computer but it doesn't help. Other projects are opened normally. Can you give me a hint about what's going on and what should i do to fix it?
View --> Show Toolbar ,
View --> Show Assistant Editor ,
View --> Show Project navigator
and so on.
The solution, as others wrote before, is to reopen the missing panes and toolbar via the menu.
The cause of the problem is simple: If you open a source file in its own window (by double clicking it in the navigator or so) it just shows the editor pane. if you then close the main project window and the single source window afterwards, Xcode saves that last window state as the current view configuration in the project.
The intermediate solution is to never close the project window before closing all other source windows. But Apple should really fix this stupid bug. It has been around for too long.
Go to
View --> Show Toolbar.
I've had this before, don't know how it happened, but this fixed it.

default debug window setting in VS 2010

I would like to have the default window during a debug session be 'Locals'.
I think there a way to do this by blowing away all other devenv settings, but I'm reluctant to do that as the latest R# seems related somehow.
How can I make the Locals window be the default while debugging?
Berryl, I am not really an expert but I hope this helps:
When I am debugging in VS2010, I choose Debug --> Windows --> Local.
That Local windows stays there if I stop and Debug again.
You can also right click this window and choose "Dock as Tabbed Document", which makes it appear as a tab right next to the pages you are currently debugging.

Visual Studio Dual Monitor Layout : Watch/Debug Window keeps Popping on Left Screen

Every Time I launch a Debug Session VS 2010 pops the Watch/Debug Windows on the left Screen. I then move it manually to the Right One. After ending the session, going back to code, and relaunching a debug session, that damned Watch window pops on the left again. It turns me crazy ! Why isn't VS memorizing where I have put that window ???
Do you stop debug session with Shift+F5 or by quitting application which is being debugged? VS seems to forget window positions if debugging process was stopped by Shift+F5.
I tried the solution I found on this post. Did not work.
Seems like it's the exact same problem as with the find dialog (see this post)
Ended-up docking the heck out of the Watch/debug window into a more "stable" panel (Class view in my case).
This still looks like an annoying known bug in VS 2010. This sucks.
Visual studio 2010 has at least 3 screen modes.
You should export the window settings after entering into the desired screen mode(in your case, debug).
Start 'debug' your project
Move the desired windows(watch/debug) to the 2nd monitor on right
Goto Tools>Import and Export Settings>Export selected environment settings>General Settings>Window Layouts and export it into a file.
Load the settings by using the import settings in the same window
Visual studio would remember your settings and would move the window to the 2nd monitor on the right, whenever you enter 'debug' mode.
As a tip, it is a great idea to create macros to load window settings and to assign keystrokes to switch between window modes, depending on the kind of development you are on.
code to create a macro to import a vssetting file:
DTE.ExecuteCommand("Tools.ImportandExportSettings", "-import:Path to VSSetting File")
