uiautomator version is not detected - android-uiautomator

I have uiautomator version 2 is installed in my PC.
but when the appium severs runs below command
adb -s b133582d shell uiautomator runtest AppiumBootstrap.jar -c io.appium.android.bootstrap.Bootstrap -e pkg io.ionic.starter -e disableAndroidWatchers false
the it return a warning as below:
This version of UI Automator is deprecated. New tests should be written using
UI Automator 2.0 which is available as part of the Android Testing Support Library.
See https://developer.android.com/training/testing/ui-testing/uiautomator-testing.html
for more details.
How can I fix this issue?

First, update android sdk tools, check for details here
Second, reinstall appium:
npm uninstall -g appium
npm install -g appium
Third, install appium-doctor and run env setup check:
npm install appium-doctor -g
appium-doctor --android
If you get any errors, fix them. Otherwise, start your tests again


nativescript cli sidekick with nvm

When I use nvm to install a recent version of node, I have to reinstall tns. I can do that with the command npm i -g nativescript#latest. If I check tns --version I get the appropriate version. However, Nativescript Sidekick keeps telling me to run that command and will not launch. Has anyone gotten Nativescript with node to work with nvm?
I figured this out. I had to set the default node version to a lower than current version to work with Nativescript Sidekick.
nvm alias default 10.13.0

How to solve Android Studio problems?

Hello I have installed in my Ubuntu Android Studio with the intention of using them SDK with React Native, Cordova, Phonegap, etc.
I have searched other questions on this site and tried the solutions they offered, but the result so far is that what I show next, after 10 days installing and testing I have decided to ask my question.
I made the installation according to the official page of Android Studio and in several ways, but I can not get it to work.
Now I have the installation of the following way, to avoid problems of permissions:
Copy the downloaded folder from Android Studio to /usr/local/
For the SDK I chose a folder in my personal folder /home/charly/Android/sdk/
Install the necessary libraries for 32-bit sudo apt-get install libc6: i386 libncurses5: i386 libstdc ++ 6: i386 lib32z1 lib32bz2-1.0
To run the Android Studio installer, I placed it in the Android Studio location in the bin folder using the terminal:
Execute: ./studio.sh
I edit the .bashrc file: sudo vim ~/.bashrc and add the following to the end of the file:
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/charly/Android/sdk/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:/home/charly/Android/sdk/platform-tools
sudo apt-get install lib32stdc ++ 6
sudo apt-get install lib32z1
When I run android sdk and android avd the answer is: Order «android» not found. When should I take the SDK Manager and AVD Manager, respectively.
Also, there is another problem and when executing printenv ANDROID_HOME the result of the console is: /opt/android-sdk/ And in this folder is not Android Studio.
When I try to run an Android application from React Native: react-native run-android I get an error:
S server already running.
Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && ./gradlew installDebug) ...
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ': app'.
> The SDK directory '/ opt / android-sdk' does not exist.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.
Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have
set up your Android development environment:
Command failed: ./gradlew installDebug
Error: Command failed: ./gradlew installDebug
    at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js: 611: 11)
    at Object.execFileSync (child_process.js: 629: 13)
    at runOnAllDevices (/home/charly/proyec/App/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js:299:19)
    at buildAndRun (/home/charly/proyect/App/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js:135:12)
    at isPackagerRunning.then.result (/home/charly/proyect/App/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/runAndroid/runAndroid.js:65:12)
    at process._tickCallback (internal / process / next_tick.js: 68: 7)
How can I solve these problems?
Why does it tell me that SDKs do not exist in '/opt/android-sdk' if I set up .bashrc to say they are in home/charly/Android/sdk?
Maybe the question is extensive, but I want to explain the whole installation and they can see the mistakes I've made in this one.
Thank you
You need to set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable in one of your bash startup scripts. This is explained in detail elsewhere on Stackoverflow.
Alternatively, you could add a local.properties file to configure the SDK location.

Appcelerator CLI - can't login

I've reinstalled my Windows machine and I have installed the Appc CLI from npm (did not install Appcelerator Studio this time).
When I do appc setup I get to the login phase, and after entering my credentials it's stuck. Even tried closing the console window and starting a new one and doing appc login - again entering my credentials and it's stuck....
What am I missing?
If I run the following appc login -l trace then after putting my username and password I see that it does not go beyond Get the registry...
I also faced the same problem with node v10.15.0 & googled about the problem. I found lots of posts suggesting me to clean the installation of node & delete all the related directories from Program Files or User Profile or Appdata. I did the same & reinstalled node v10.15.0 and then installed appcelerator cli. But i couldn't able to get it working.
After that, i discussed about it with one of my colleague & he suggested to install some earlier version of node ( 8.11.4 instead of 10.15.0 ). I tried it after cleaning previous installations & This time i ended up with success.
So try with earlier versions of node.
Try to run the below commands in Administrative command prompt.
rm -rf ~/.appcelerator
rm -rf ~/.titanium
npm uninstall -g titanium
npm uninstall -g appcelerator
npm install -g appcelerator
appc config set proxyServer null
appc use latest
appc setup

Trying to lauch Appcelerator "Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading"

I was using the appcelerator and it asked me to upgrade, after this, the program was not responding, I closed it while the program was installing an update and when I tried to launch again, the program returned an error:
"Appcelerator CLI is currently installing or upgrading" [...]
Now I can't open the appcelerator.. and there aren't any process running for I can close and stop the "download"(if there is some download in process).
I don't know if there is some download in process and neither your progress...
I found a way to resolve.
Just delete ~/.appcelerator /.installing file
The problem is about Appcelerator Command Line . Make sure that you nstall the Appcelerator Command Line properly .
Follow the steps to Install the Appcelerator Command Line .
1. Ensure that you have Node.JS installed
node --version
If it works, you will see a version such as v0.10.37.
2. Install the Appcelerator CLI
sudo npm install appcelerator -g
3. After installation, you need to run setup to kick things off.
appc setup

NativeScript installation troubles

I installed NativeScript with the script "Quick Setup" from the http://docs.nativescript.org/start/ns-setup-win, I would like to know if all was installed succesfull. Because in command prompt run this: "tns doctor" and give error that tns is not recognized.
Does anyone know what to do to get this running?
I have Windows 10 Home.
You’ll need to npm install -g nativescript to get the tns command. See http://docs.nativescript.org/start/quick-setup#quick-setup.
