Should point on the edge of polygon be inside polygon? - algorithm

Recently I've faced with one little but majour problem: is point on the edge of polygon be inside polygon?
What I mean - currently I am trying to implement 2D geometry library in JS for custom needs and there is method, lets say polygon.contains(point).
So my question is - when point is situated on one of the polygon's edges - as result the point is inside or outside of the polygon? Additional question for vertices: if point is right on top of polygon's vertex - is it inside or outside?
Algo that I've used is taken from here and looks like:
int pnpoly(int nvert, float *vertx, float *verty, float testx, float testy)
int i, j, c = 0;
for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
Also, there is a quote from the site:
PNPOLY partitions the plane into points inside the polygon and points outside the polygon. Points that are on the boundary are classified as either inside or outside.
And it is total true, in some situations it returns TRUE, and in some FALSE.
Actually, this is not what I'm needed. So my question is beginning to expand - which behaviour is correct when point is on the edge of polygon - is it inside or outside. And do you have a better algo with predictable behaviour?
Okay, I'm found another algo, which is called "winding number" and to test this I'm using only polygons and points with integer values:
function isLeft(p0, p1, p2){
return ( Math.round((p1.x - p0.x) * (p2.y - p0.y)) - Math.round((p2.x - p0.x) * (p1.y - p0.y)) );
function polygonContainsPoint(polygon, point){
var i, j, pointi, pointj;
var count = 0;
var vertices = polygon.vertices;
var length = vertices.length;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++){
j = (i + 1) % length;
pointi = vertices[i];
pointj = vertices[j];
if (pointi.y > point.y){
if (pointj.y <= point.y && (isLeft(pointi, pointj, point) < 0)){
} else if (pointj.y > point.y && (isLeft(pointi, pointj, point) > 0)){
return 0 !== count;
As you can see there is no division; multiplication is wrapped into round() method, so there is no way for floating point errors. Anyway, I'm getting same result as with even-odd algo.
And I think I started to see the "pattern" in this strange behaviour: the left and top edges may tell that point is inside of polygon, but when you're tryed to put point on one of the right or bottom edges - it may return false.
This is not good for me. Maybe some of you know some algo with more predictable behaviour?

The simple answer to the question is that a point on the edge is neither inside, nor outside of polygon, it is on the boundary of the polygon - the third option. But typically it does not matter (as supported by your quotations), and what matters is to avoid the errors in classification of points, which are really deep inside or outside.
Point-in-polygon problem is sometimes called the Parity Algorithm:
Let r be the horizontal half-line whose left endpoint is the test point.
Count the number of intersections between r and the edges of the polygon. If that number is odd, then the test point lies within the polygon, and if the number is even, then it lies outside the polygon.
Here are some examples:
(a), (b) - not-degenerate cases, where half-line either does not intersect the edge or crosses it.
(c), (d), (e), (f) - four degenerate cases that have to be taken into account.
A correct answer is obtained if cases (c) and (e) are counted as one crossing and cases (d) and (f) are not counted at all. If we write the code for the above algorithm, we realize that a substantial amount of the efforts is required to cover the four degenerated cases.
With more complex algorithms and especially in 3D, the amount of efforts to support degenerate cases increases dramatically.
The above problem and explanation appear in the introduction to Simulation of Simplicity article by Herbert Edelsbrunner and Ernst Peter Mucke. And proposed solution is to get rid of all degenerations by virtual minimal perturbation of input points. After that a tested point will never be on the edge, but only inside or outside of polygon.


Winding Number Algorithm Not Yielding Expected Result

So I've implemented a very unoptimized version of the Winding Number and Crossing Number algorithms found at, but I've come across a case where the Winding Number algorithm fails to yield the expected result.
I've created a polygon and three points as graphed here. For P0 and P2 both algorithms behave predictably. However, for point P1 (a point contained by a "null space" within the polygon's bounds) the crossing number algorithm succeeds while the winding number algorithm fails to recognize the point as not being contained by the polygon.
This is the algorithm as implemented:
int wn_PnPoly(Vector2 P, Vector2[] V)
int n = V.Length - 1;
int wn = 0; // the winding number counter
// loop through all edges of the polygon
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
{ // edge from V[i] to V[i+1]
if (V[i].y <= P.y)
{ // start y <= P.y
if (V[i + 1].y > P.y) // an upward crossing
if (isLeft(V[i], V[i + 1], P) > 0) // P left of edge
++wn; // have a valid up intersect
{ // start y > P.y (no test needed)
if (V[i + 1].y <= P.y) // a downward crossing
if (isLeft(V[i], V[i + 1], P) < 0) // P right of edge
--wn; // have a valid down intersect
return wn;
float isLeft(Vector2 P0, Vector2 P1, Vector2 P2)
return ((P1.x - P0.x) * (P2.y - P0.y)
- (P2.x - P0.x) * (P1.y - P0.y));
Am I missing something obvious here? Why does the crossing number algorithm succeed in this case while winding number fails?
These two methods are not the same criterion.
In the non-zero or winding rule, the directions of the line segments matter. The algorithm checks whether a line segment crosses the outgoing ray from the left or from the right and counts how often each case occurs. The point is considered ouside only if
The crossing-number or even-odd rule just counts how often a line is crossed. Every time you cross a line you go either from inside to outside or vice versa, so an even number of crossings means the point is outside.
If you go right from P1 in your example, you cross two lines, so the even-odd rule tells you P1 isn't in the polygon. But these two lines have the same orientation: If your overall shape is drawn in a clockwise fashion, both lines are drawn from top to bottom. In the words of the article you linked, the polygon winds around P1 twice. According to the winding rule, P1 is part of your polygon. Your program shows the correct behaviour.
Vector graphics programs and formats distinguish between these two rules. For example SVG has a fill-rule attribute, where you can set the behaviour. Postscript has fill and eofill operators for filling paths with the winding rule and even-odd rule respectively. The default is usually the winding rule, so that designers must take care to orient their paths correctly.

Creating cubic and/or quadratic Bezier curves to fit a path

I am working on a 2D game in Lua.
I have a path which is made up of a number of points, for example, points A to L:
I want to move an object smoothly along this path. To accomplish this, I wanted to create quadratic or cubic Bezier curves based on the points, and interpolate these curves. However, how do I fit the curves properly, such that the path isn't broken if eg. a curve stops and another starts in point F?
Curve fitting is explained in this question: How can I fit a Bézier curve to a set of data?
However, there is a must easier method to interpolate the points. It goes this way:
Refine: Place a point in the middle of each edge.
Dual: Place a point in the middle of each edge and remove the old points.
Repeat the Dual step several times.
Repeat from step one until the curve is smooth enough.
You can easily see that it works on paper. The resulting curve begins to approximate a series of bezier splines.
It is described more formally in this PDF file (Section 3):
Here is some Javascript code to do it:
function bspline_smooth(points, order) {
// insert a point in the middle of each edge.
function _refine(points) {
var i, index, len, point, refined;
points = [points[0]].concat(points).concat(points[points.length-1]);
refined = [];
index = 0;
for (i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
point = points[i];
refined[index * 2] = point;
if (points[index + 1]) {
refined[index * 2 + 1] = _mid(point, points[index + 1]);
index += 1;
return refined;
// insert point in the middle of each edge and remove the old points.
function _dual(points) {
var dualed, i, index, len, point;
dualed = [];
index = 0;
for (i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i++) {
point = points[i];
if (points[index + 1]) {
dualed[index] = _mid(point, points[index + 1]);
index += 1;
return dualed;
function _mid(a, b) {
return new Point(
a.x + ((b.x - a.x) / 2),
a.y + ((b.y - a.y) / 2) );
if (!order) {
return points;
return bspline_smooth(_dual(_dual(_refine(points))), order - 1);
You don't need to know math to do this.
Connect each point with the next point with a separate Bezier curve.
Bezier curves have "handles" attached to their end points. These handles are tangent to the curve (at the end points). To make a "smooth" path all you need to do is make the handles of every two adjacent Bezier curves "sit" on one line.
To understand this, experiment with a drawing program like GIMP (but probably almost any other software will do). Such programs even have a special key to make the "handles" of adjacent curves sit on a straight line (and be of the same length).
The only "hard" mathematical decision you'll have to make is to determine the lengths of these handles. Experiment. You might want to make it dependent on how far each 3 consecutive points deviate from being on a straight line, or on the distance between the points.
Lastly, as for moving a point (your "object") along the curve at a seemingly constant speed: You can use an adaptation of a method like this one.

Find indices of polygon vertices nearest to a point

I need to find the indices of the polygon nearest to a point
So in this case the ouput would be 4 and 0. Such that if the red point is added I know to where to place the vertex in the array. Does anyone know where to start?
(Sorry if the title is misleading, I wasnt sure how to phrase it properly)
In this case the ouput would be 0 and 1, rather than the closest 4.
Point P lies on the segment AB, if two simple conditions are met together:
AP x PB = 0 //cross product, vectors are collinear or anticollinear, P lies on AB line
AP . PB > 0 //scalar product, exclude anticollinear case to ensure that P is inside the segment
So you can check all sequential vertice pairs (pseudocode):
if (P.X-V[i].X)*(V[i+1].Y-P.Y)-(P.Y-V[i].Y)*(V[i+1].X-P.X)=0 then
//with some tolerance if point coordinates are float
if (P.X-V[i].X)*(V[i+1].X-P.X)+(P.Y-V[i].Y)*(V[i+1].Y-P.Y)>0
then P belongs to (i,i+1) segment
This is fast direct (brute-force) method.
Special data structures exist in computer geometry to quickly select candidate segments - for example, r-tree. But these complicated methods will gain for long (many-point) polylines and for case where the same polygon is used many times (so pre-treatment is negligible)
I'll assume that the new point is to be added to an edge. So you are given the coordinates of a point a = (x, y) and you want to find the indices of the edge on which it lies. Let's call the vertices of that edge b, c. Observe that the area of the triangle abc is zero.
So iterate over all edges and choose the one that minimizes area of triangle abc where a is your point and bc is current edge.
a = input point
min_area = +infinity
closest_edge = none
n = number of vertices in polygon
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
{ b = poly[ i - 1 ];
c = poly[ i % n ];
if(area(a, b, c) < min_area)
{ min_area = area(a, b, c);
closest_edge = bc
You can calculate area using:
/* Computes area x 2 */
int area(a, b, c)
{ int ans = 0;
ans = (a.x*b.y + b.x*x.y + c.x*a.y) - (a.y*b.x + b.y*c.x + c.y*a.x);
return ABS(ans);
I think you would be better off trying to compare the distance from the actual point to a comparable point on the line. The closest comparable point would be the one that forms a perpendicular line like this. a is your point in question and b is the comparable point on the line line between the two vertices that you will check distance to.
However there's another method which I think might be more optimal for this case (as it seems most of your test points lie pretty close to the desired line already). Instead of find the perpendicular line point we can simply check the point on the line that has the same X value like this. b in this case is a lot easier to calculate:
X = a.X - 0.X;
Slope = (1.Y - 0.Y) / (1.X - 0.X);
b.X = 0.X + X;
b.Y = 0.Y + (X * Slope);
And the distance is simply the difference in Y values between a and b:
distance = abs(a.Y - b.Y);
One thing to keep in mind is that this method will become more inaccurate as the slope increases as well as become infinite when the slope is undefined. I would suggest flipping it when the slope > 1 and checking for a b that lies at the same y rather than x. That would look like this:
Y = a.Y - 0.Y;
Inverse_Slope = (1.X - 0.X) / (1.Y - 0.Y);
b.Y = 0.Y + Y;
b.X = 0.Y + (Y * Inverse_Slope);
distance = abs(a.X - b.X);
Note: You should also check whether b.X is between 0.X and 1.X and b.Y is between 0.Y and 1.Y in the second case. That way we are not checking against points that dont lie on the line segment.
I admit I don't know the perfect terminology when it comes to this kind of thing so it might be a little confusing, but hope this helps!
Rather than checking if the point is close to an edge with a prescribed tolerance, as MBo suggested, you can fin the edge with the shortest distance to the point. The distance must be computed with respect to the line segment, not the whole line.
How do you compute this distance ? Let P be the point and Q, R two edge endpoints.
Let t be in range [0,1], you need to minimize
D²(P, QR) = D²(P, Q + t QR) = (PQ + t QR)² = PQ² + 2 t PQ.QR + t² QR².
The minimum is achieved when the derivative cancels, i.e. t = - PQ.QR / QR². If this quantity exceeds the range [0,1], just clamp it to 0 or 1.
To summarize,
if t <= 0, D² = PQ²
if t >= 1, D² = PR²
otherwise, D² = PQ² - t² QR²
Loop through all the vertices, calculate the distance of that vertex to the point, find the minimum.
double min_dist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
int min_index=-1;
for(int i=0;i<num_vertices;++i) {
double d = dist(vertices[i],point);
if(d<min_dist) {
min_dist = d;
min_index = i;

An algorithm for inflating/deflating (offsetting, buffering) polygons

How would I "inflate" a polygon? That is, I want to do something similar to this:
The requirement is that the new (inflated) polygon's edges/points are all at the same constant distance from the old (original) polygon's (on the example picture they are not, since then it would have to use arcs for inflated vertices, but let's forget about that for now ;) ).
The mathematical term for what I'm looking for is actually inward/outward polygon offseting. +1 to balint for pointing this out. The alternative naming is polygon buffering.
Results of my search:
Here are some links:
A Survey of Polygon Offseting Strategies
Polygon offset, PROBLEM
Buffering Polygon Data
I thought I might briefly mention my own polygon clipping and offsetting library - Clipper.
While Clipper is primarily designed for polygon clipping operations, it does polygon offsetting too. The library is open source freeware written in Delphi, C++ and C#. It has a very unencumbered Boost license allowing it to be used in both freeware and commercial applications without charge.
Polygon offsetting can be performed using one of three offset styles - squared, round and mitered.
August 2022:
Clipper2 has now been formally released and it supercedes Clipper (aka Clipper1).
The polygon you are looking for is called inward/outward offset polygon in computational geometry and it is closely related to the straight skeleton.
These are several offset polygons for a complicated polygon:
And this is the straight skeleton for another polygon:
As pointed out in other comments, as well, depending on how far you plan to "inflate/deflate" your polygon you can end up with different connectivity for the output.
From computation point of view: once you have the straight skeleton one should be able to construct the offset polygons relatively easily. The open source and (free for non-commercial) CGAL library has a package implementing these structures. See this code example to compute offset polygons using CGAL.
The package manual should give you a good starting point on how to construct these structures even if you are not going to use CGAL, and contains references to the papers with the mathematical definitions and properties:
CGAL manual: 2D Straight Skeleton and Polygon Offsetting
For these types of things I usually use JTS. For demonstration purposes I created this jsFiddle that uses JSTS (JavaScript port of JTS). You just need to convert the coordinates you have to JSTS coordinates:
function vectorCoordinates2JTS (polygon) {
var coordinates = [];
for (var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i++) {
coordinates.push(new jsts.geom.Coordinate(polygon[i].x, polygon[i].y));
return coordinates;
The result is something like this:
Additional info: I usually use this type of inflating/deflating (a little modified for my purposes) for setting boundaries with radius on polygons that are drawn on a map (with Leaflet or Google maps). You just convert (lat,lng) pairs to JSTS coordinates and everything else is the same. Example:
Sounds to me like what you want is:
Starting at a vertex, face anti-clockwise along an adjacent edge.
Replace the edge with a new, parallel edge placed at distance d to the "left" of the old one.
Repeat for all edges.
Find the intersections of the new edges to get the new vertices.
Detect if you've become a crossed polygon and decide what to do about it. Probably add a new vertex at the crossing-point and get rid of some old ones. I'm not sure whether there's a better way to detect this than just to compare every pair of non-adjacent edges to see if their intersection lies between both pairs of vertices.
The resulting polygon lies at the required distance from the old polygon "far enough" from the vertices. Near a vertex, the set of points at distance d from the old polygon is, as you say, not a polygon, so the requirement as stated cannot be fulfilled.
I don't know if this algorithm has a name, example code on the web, or a fiendish optimisation, but I think it describes what you want.
In the GIS world one uses negative buffering for this task:
The JTS library should do this for you. See the documentation for the buffer operation:
For a rough overview see also the Developer Guide:
Each line should split the plane to "inside" and "outline"; you can find this out using the usual inner-product method.
Move all lines outward by some distance.
Consider all pair of neighbor lines (lines, not line segment), find the intersection. These are the new vertex.
Cleanup the new vertex by removing any intersecting parts. -- we have a few case here
(a) Case 1:
0--7 4--3
| | | |
| 6--5 |
| |
if you expend it by one, you got this:
| | |
| | |
| b |
| |
| |
7 and 4 overlap.. if you see this, you remove this point and all points in between.
(b) case 2
0--7 4--3
| | | |
| 6--5 |
| |
if you expend it by two, you got this:
| || |
| || |
| || |
| 56 |
| |
| |
| |
to resolve this, for each segment of line, you have to check if it overlap with latter segments.
(c) case 3
0--X9 | |
| 78 | |
| 6--5 |
| |
expend by 1. this is a more general case for case 1.
(d) case 4
same as case3, but expend by two.
Actually, if you can handle case 4. All other cases are just special case of it with some line or vertex overlapping.
To do case 4, you keep a stack of vertex.. you push when you find lines overlapping with latter line, pop it when you get the latter line. -- just like what you do in convex-hull.
Here is an alternative solution, see if you like this better.
Do a triangulation, it don't have to be delaunay -- any triangulation would do.
Inflate each triangle -- this should be trivial. if you store the triangle in the anti-clockwise order, just move the lines to right-hand-side and do intersection.
Merge them using a modified Weiler-Atherton clipping algorithm
Big thanks to Angus Johnson for his clipper library.
There are good code samples for doing the clipping stuff at the clipper homepage at
but I did not see an example for polygon offsetting. So I thought that maybe it is of use for someone if I post my code:
public static List<Point> GetOffsetPolygon(List<Point> originalPath, double offset)
List<Point> resultOffsetPath = new List<Point>();
List<ClipperLib.IntPoint> polygon = new List<ClipperLib.IntPoint>();
foreach (var point in originalPath)
polygon.Add(new ClipperLib.IntPoint(point.X, point.Y));
ClipperLib.ClipperOffset co = new ClipperLib.ClipperOffset();
co.AddPath(polygon, ClipperLib.JoinType.jtRound, ClipperLib.EndType.etClosedPolygon);
List<List<ClipperLib.IntPoint>> solution = new List<List<ClipperLib.IntPoint>>();
co.Execute(ref solution, offset);
foreach (var offsetPath in solution)
foreach (var offsetPathPoint in offsetPath)
resultOffsetPath.Add(new Point(Convert.ToInt32(offsetPathPoint.X), Convert.ToInt32(offsetPathPoint.Y)));
return resultOffsetPath;
One further option is to use boost::polygon - the documentation is somewhat lacking, but you should find that the methods resize and bloat, and also the overloaded += operator, which actually implement buffering. So for example increasing the size of a polygon (or a set of polygons) by some value can be as simple as:
poly += 2; // buffer polygon by 2
Based on advice from #JoshO'Brian, it appears the rGeos package in the R language implements this algorithm. See rGeos::gBuffer .
I use simple geometry: Vectors and/or Trigonometry
At each corner find the mid vector, and mid angle. Mid vector is the arithmetic average of the two unit vectors defined by the edges of the corner. Mid Angle is the half of the angle defined by the edges.
If you need to expand (or contract) your polygon by the amount of d from each edge; you should go out (in) by the amount d/sin(midAngle) to get the new corner point.
Repeat this for all the corners
*** Be careful about your direction. Make CounterClockWise Test using the three points defining the corner; to find out which way is out, or in.
There are a couple of libraries one can use (Also usable for 3D data sets).
One can also find corresponding publications for these libraries to understand the algorithms in more detail.
The last one has the least dependencies and is self-contained and can read in .obj files.
This is a C# implementation of the algorithm explained in here . It is using Unity math library and collection package as well.
public static NativeArray<float2> ExpandPoly(NativeArray<float2> oldPoints, float offset, int outer_ccw = 1)
int num_points = oldPoints.Length;
NativeArray<float2> newPoints = new NativeArray<float2>(num_points, Allocator.Temp);
for (int curr = 0; curr < num_points; curr++)
int prev = (curr + num_points - 1) % num_points;
int next = (curr + 1) % num_points;
float2 vn = oldPoints[next] - oldPoints[curr];
float2 vnn = math.normalize(vn);
float nnnX = vnn.y;
float nnnY = -vnn.x;
float2 vp = oldPoints[curr] - oldPoints[prev];
float2 vpn = math.normalize(vp);
float npnX = vpn.y * outer_ccw;
float npnY = -vpn.x * outer_ccw;
float bisX = (nnnX + npnX) * outer_ccw;
float bisY = (nnnY + npnY) * outer_ccw;
float2 bisn = math.normalize(new float2(bisX, bisY));
float bislen = offset / math.sqrt((1 + nnnX * npnX + nnnY * npnY) / 2);
newPoints[curr] = new float2(oldPoints[curr].x + bislen * bisn.x, oldPoints[curr].y + bislen * bisn.y);
return newPoints;
Thanks for the help in this topic, here's the code in C++ if anyone interested. Tested it, its working. If you give offset = -1.5, it will shrink the polygon.
typedef struct {
double x;
double y;
} Point2D;
double Hypot(double x, double y)
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
Point2D NormalizeVector(const Point2D& p)
double h = Hypot(p.x, p.y);
if (h < 0.0001)
return Point2D({ 0.0, 0.0 });
double inverseHypot = 1 / h;
return Point2D({ (double)p.x * inverseHypot, (double)p.y * inverseHypot });
void offsetPolygon(std::vector<Point2D>& polyCoords, std::vector<Point2D>& newPolyCoords, double offset, int outer_ccw)
if (offset == 0.0 || polyCoords.size() < 3)
Point2D vnn, vpn, bisn;
double vnX, vnY, vpX, vpY;
double nnnX, nnnY;
double npnX, npnY;
double bisX, bisY, bisLen;
unsigned int nVerts = polyCoords.size() - 1;
for (unsigned int curr = 0; curr < polyCoords.size(); curr++)
int prev = (curr + nVerts - 1) % nVerts;
int next = (curr + 1) % nVerts;
vnX = polyCoords[next].x - polyCoords[curr].x;
vnY = polyCoords[next].y - polyCoords[curr].y;
vnn = NormalizeVector({ vnX, vnY });
nnnX = vnn.y;
nnnY = -vnn.x;
vpX = polyCoords[curr].x - polyCoords[prev].x;
vpY = polyCoords[curr].y - polyCoords[prev].y;
vpn = NormalizeVector({ vpX, vpY });
npnX = vpn.y * outer_ccw;
npnY = -vpn.x * outer_ccw;
bisX = (nnnX + npnX) * outer_ccw;
bisY = (nnnY + npnY) * outer_ccw;
bisn = NormalizeVector({ bisX, bisY });
bisLen = offset / std::sqrt((1 + nnnX * npnX + nnnY * npnY) / 2);
newPolyCoords.push_back({ polyCoords[curr].x + bisLen * bisn.x, polyCoords[curr].y + bisLen * bisn.y });
To inflate a polygon, one can implement the algorithm from "Polygon Offsetting by Computing Winding Numbers" article.
The steps of the algorithm are as follows:
Construct outer offset curve by taking every edge from input polygon and shifting it outside, then connecting shifted edged with circular arches in convex vertices of input polygon and two line segments in concave vertices of input polygon.
An example. Here input polygon is dashed blue, and red on the left - shifted edges, on the right - after connecting them in continuous self-intersecting curve:
The curve divides the plane on a number of connected components, and one has to compute the winding number in each of them, then take the boundary of all connected components with positive winding numbers:
The article proofs that the algorithm is very fast compared to competitors and robust at the same time.
To avoid implementing winding number computation, one can pass self-intersecting offset curve to OpenGL Utility library (GLU) tessellator and activate the settings GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY=GL_TRUE (to skip triangulation) and GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE=GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE (to output the boundary of positive winding number components).

How do I efficiently determine if a polygon is convex, non-convex or complex?

From the man page for XFillPolygon:
If shape is Complex, the path may self-intersect. Note that contiguous coincident points in the path are not treated as self-intersection.
If shape is Convex, for every pair of points inside the polygon, the line segment connecting them does not intersect the path. If known by the client, specifying Convex can improve performance. If you specify Convex for a path that is not convex, the graphics results are undefined.
If shape is Nonconvex, the path does not self-intersect, but the shape is not wholly convex. If known by the client, specifying Nonconvex instead of Complex may improve performance. If you specify Nonconvex for a self-intersecting path, the graphics results are undefined.
I am having performance problems with fill XFillPolygon and, as the man page suggests, the first step I want to take is to specify the correct shape of the polygon. I am currently using Complex to be on the safe side.
Is there an efficient algorithm to determine if a polygon (defined by a series of coordinates) is convex, non-convex or complex?
You can make things a lot easier than the Gift-Wrapping Algorithm... that's a good answer when you have a set of points w/o any particular boundary and need to find the convex hull.
In contrast, consider the case where the polygon is not self-intersecting, and it consists of a set of points in a list where the consecutive points form the boundary. In this case it is much easier to figure out whether a polygon is convex or not (and you don't have to calculate any angles, either):
For each consecutive pair of edges of the polygon (each triplet of points), compute the z-component of the cross product of the vectors defined by the edges pointing towards the points in increasing order. Take the cross product of these vectors:
given p[k], p[k+1], p[k+2] each with coordinates x, y:
dx1 = x[k+1]-x[k]
dy1 = y[k+1]-y[k]
dx2 = x[k+2]-x[k+1]
dy2 = y[k+2]-y[k+1]
zcrossproduct = dx1*dy2 - dy1*dx2
The polygon is convex if the z-components of the cross products are either all positive or all negative. Otherwise the polygon is nonconvex.
If there are N points, make sure you calculate N cross products, e.g. be sure to use the triplets (p[N-2],p[N-1],p[0]) and (p[N-1],p[0],p[1]).
If the polygon is self-intersecting, then it fails the technical definition of convexity even if its directed angles are all in the same direction, in which case the above approach would not produce the correct result.
This question is now the first item in either Bing or Google when you search for "determine convex polygon." However, none of the answers are good enough.
The (now deleted) answer by #EugeneYokota works by checking whether an unordered set of points can be made into a convex polygon, but that's not what the OP asked for. He asked for a method to check whether a given polygon is convex or not. (A "polygon" in computer science is usually defined [as in the XFillPolygon documentation] as an ordered array of 2D points, with consecutive points joined with a side as well as the last point to the first.) Also, the gift wrapping algorithm in this case would have the time-complexity of O(n^2) for n points - which is much larger than actually needed to solve this problem, while the question asks for an efficient algorithm.
#JasonS's answer, along with the other answers that follow his idea, accepts star polygons such as a pentagram or the one in #zenna's comment, but star polygons are not considered to be convex. As
#plasmacel notes in a comment, this is a good approach to use if you have prior knowledge that the polygon is not self-intersecting, but it can fail if you do not have that knowledge.
#Sekhat's answer is correct but it also has the time-complexity of O(n^2) and thus is inefficient.
#LorenPechtel's added answer after her edit is the best one here but it is vague.
A correct algorithm with optimal complexity
The algorithm I present here has the time-complexity of O(n), correctly tests whether a polygon is convex or not, and passes all the tests I have thrown at it. The idea is to traverse the sides of the polygon, noting the direction of each side and the signed change of direction between consecutive sides. "Signed" here means left-ward is positive and right-ward is negative (or the reverse) and straight-ahead is zero. Those angles are normalized to be between minus-pi (exclusive) and pi (inclusive). Summing all these direction-change angles (a.k.a the deflection angles) together will result in plus-or-minus one turn (i.e. 360 degrees) for a convex polygon, while a star-like polygon (or a self-intersecting loop) will have a different sum ( n * 360 degrees, for n turns overall, for polygons where all the deflection angles are of the same sign). So we must check that the sum of the direction-change angles is plus-or-minus one turn. We also check that the direction-change angles are all positive or all negative and not reverses (pi radians), all points are actual 2D points, and that no consecutive vertices are identical. (That last point is debatable--you may want to allow repeated vertices but I prefer to prohibit them.) The combination of those checks catches all convex and non-convex polygons.
Here is code for Python 3 that implements the algorithm and includes some minor efficiencies. The code looks longer than it really is due to the the comment lines and the bookkeeping involved in avoiding repeated point accesses.
TWO_PI = 2 * pi
def is_convex_polygon(polygon):
"""Return True if the polynomial defined by the sequence of 2D
points is 'strictly convex': points are valid, side lengths non-
zero, interior angles are strictly between zero and a straight
angle, and the polygon does not intersect itself.
NOTES: 1. Algorithm: the signed changes of the direction angles
from one side to the next side must be all positive or
all negative, and their sum must equal plus-or-minus
one full turn (2 pi radians). Also check for too few,
invalid, or repeated points.
2. No check is explicitly done for zero internal angles
(180 degree direction-change angle) as this is covered
in other ways, including the `n < 3` check.
try: # needed for any bad points or direction changes
# Check for too few points
if len(polygon) < 3:
return False
# Get starting information
old_x, old_y = polygon[-2]
new_x, new_y = polygon[-1]
new_direction = atan2(new_y - old_y, new_x - old_x)
angle_sum = 0.0
# Check each point (the side ending there, its angle) and accum. angles
for ndx, newpoint in enumerate(polygon):
# Update point coordinates and side directions, check side length
old_x, old_y, old_direction = new_x, new_y, new_direction
new_x, new_y = newpoint
new_direction = atan2(new_y - old_y, new_x - old_x)
if old_x == new_x and old_y == new_y:
return False # repeated consecutive points
# Calculate & check the normalized direction-change angle
angle = new_direction - old_direction
if angle <= -pi:
angle += TWO_PI # make it in half-open interval (-Pi, Pi]
elif angle > pi:
angle -= TWO_PI
if ndx == 0: # if first time through loop, initialize orientation
if angle == 0.0:
return False
orientation = 1.0 if angle > 0.0 else -1.0
else: # if other time through loop, check orientation is stable
if orientation * angle <= 0.0: # not both pos. or both neg.
return False
# Accumulate the direction-change angle
angle_sum += angle
# Check that the total number of full turns is plus-or-minus 1
return abs(round(angle_sum / TWO_PI)) == 1
except (ArithmeticError, TypeError, ValueError):
return False # any exception means not a proper convex polygon
The following Java function/method is an implementation of the algorithm described in this answer.
public boolean isConvex()
if (_vertices.size() < 4)
return true;
boolean sign = false;
int n = _vertices.size();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
double dx1 = _vertices.get((i + 2) % n).X - _vertices.get((i + 1) % n).X;
double dy1 = _vertices.get((i + 2) % n).Y - _vertices.get((i + 1) % n).Y;
double dx2 = _vertices.get(i).X - _vertices.get((i + 1) % n).X;
double dy2 = _vertices.get(i).Y - _vertices.get((i + 1) % n).Y;
double zcrossproduct = dx1 * dy2 - dy1 * dx2;
if (i == 0)
sign = zcrossproduct > 0;
else if (sign != (zcrossproduct > 0))
return false;
return true;
The algorithm is guaranteed to work as long as the vertices are ordered (either clockwise or counter-clockwise), and you don't have self-intersecting edges (i.e. it only works for simple polygons).
Here's a test to check if a polygon is convex.
Consider each set of three points along the polygon--a vertex, the vertex before, the vertex after. If every angle is 180 degrees or less you have a convex polygon. When you figure out each angle, also keep a running total of (180 - angle). For a convex polygon, this will total 360.
This test runs in O(n) time.
Note, also, that in most cases this calculation is something you can do once and save — most of the time you have a set of polygons to work with that don't go changing all the time.
To test if a polygon is convex, every point of the polygon should be level with or behind each line.
Here's an example picture:
The answer by #RoryDaulton
seems the best to me, but what if one of the angles is exactly 0?
Some may want such an edge case to return True, in which case, change "<=" to "<" in the line :
if orientation * angle < 0.0: # not both pos. or both neg.
Here are my test cases which highlight the issue :
# A square
assert is_convex_polygon( ((0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)) )
# This LOOKS like a square, but it has an extra point on one of the edges.
assert is_convex_polygon( ((0,0), (0.5,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)) )
The 2nd assert fails in the original answer. Should it?
For my use case, I would prefer it didn't.
This method would work on simple polygons (no self intersecting edges) assuming that the vertices are ordered (either clockwise or counter)
For an array of vertices:
vertices = [(0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1)]
The following python implementation checks whether the z component of all the cross products have the same sign
def zCrossProduct(a,b,c):
return (a[0]-b[0])*(b[1]-c[1])-(a[1]-b[1])*(b[0]-c[0])
def isConvex(vertices):
if len(vertices)<4:
return True
signs= [zCrossProduct(a,b,c)>0 for a,b,c in zip(vertices[2:],vertices[1:],vertices)]
return all(signs) or not any(signs)
I implemented both algorithms: the one posted by #UriGoren (with a small improvement - only integer math) and the one from #RoryDaulton, in Java. I had some problems because my polygon is closed, so both algorithms were considering the second as concave, when it was convex. So i changed it to prevent such situation. My methods also uses a base index (which can be or not 0).
These are my test vertices:
// concave
int []x = {0,100,200,200,100,0,0};
int []y = {50,0,50,200,50,200,50};
// convex
int []x = {0,100,200,100,0,0};
int []y = {50,0,50,200,200,50};
And now the algorithms:
private boolean isConvex1(int[] x, int[] y, int base, int n) // Rory Daulton
final double TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI;
// points is 'strictly convex': points are valid, side lengths non-zero, interior angles are strictly between zero and a straight
// angle, and the polygon does not intersect itself.
// NOTES: 1. Algorithm: the signed changes of the direction angles from one side to the next side must be all positive or
// all negative, and their sum must equal plus-or-minus one full turn (2 pi radians). Also check for too few,
// invalid, or repeated points.
// 2. No check is explicitly done for zero internal angles(180 degree direction-change angle) as this is covered
// in other ways, including the `n < 3` check.
// needed for any bad points or direction changes
// Check for too few points
if (n <= 3) return true;
if (x[base] == x[n-1] && y[base] == y[n-1]) // if its a closed polygon, ignore last vertex
// Get starting information
int old_x = x[n-2], old_y = y[n-2];
int new_x = x[n-1], new_y = y[n-1];
double new_direction = Math.atan2(new_y - old_y, new_x - old_x), old_direction;
double angle_sum = 0.0, orientation=0;
// Check each point (the side ending there, its angle) and accum. angles for ndx, newpoint in enumerate(polygon):
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Update point coordinates and side directions, check side length
old_x = new_x; old_y = new_y; old_direction = new_direction;
int p = base++;
new_x = x[p]; new_y = y[p];
new_direction = Math.atan2(new_y - old_y, new_x - old_x);
if (old_x == new_x && old_y == new_y)
return false; // repeated consecutive points
// Calculate & check the normalized direction-change angle
double angle = new_direction - old_direction;
if (angle <= -Math.PI)
angle += TWO_PI; // make it in half-open interval (-Pi, Pi]
else if (angle > Math.PI)
angle -= TWO_PI;
if (i == 0) // if first time through loop, initialize orientation
if (angle == 0.0) return false;
orientation = angle > 0 ? 1 : -1;
else // if other time through loop, check orientation is stable
if (orientation * angle <= 0) // not both pos. or both neg.
return false;
// Accumulate the direction-change angle
angle_sum += angle;
// Check that the total number of full turns is plus-or-minus 1
return Math.abs(Math.round(angle_sum / TWO_PI)) == 1;
And now from Uri Goren
private boolean isConvex2(int[] x, int[] y, int base, int n)
if (n < 4)
return true;
boolean sign = false;
if (x[base] == x[n-1] && y[base] == y[n-1]) // if its a closed polygon, ignore last vertex
for(int p=0; p < n; p++)
int i = base++;
int i1 = i+1; if (i1 >= n) i1 = base + i1-n;
int i2 = i+2; if (i2 >= n) i2 = base + i2-n;
int dx1 = x[i1] - x[i];
int dy1 = y[i1] - y[i];
int dx2 = x[i2] - x[i1];
int dy2 = y[i2] - y[i1];
int crossproduct = dx1*dy2 - dy1*dx2;
if (i == base)
sign = crossproduct > 0;
if (sign != (crossproduct > 0))
return false;
return true;
For a non complex (intersecting) polygon to be convex, vector frames obtained from any two connected linearly independent lines a,b must be point-convex otherwise the polygon is concave.
For example the lines a,b are convex to the point p and concave to it below for each case i.e. above: p exists inside a,b and below: p exists outside a,b
Similarly for each polygon below, if each line pair making up a sharp edge is point-convex to the centroid c then the polygon is convex otherwise it’s concave.
blunt edges (wronged green) are to be ignored
This approach would require you compute the centroid of your polygon beforehand since it doesn’t employ angles but vector algebra/transformations
Adapted Uri's code into matlab. Hope this may help.
Be aware that Uri's algorithm only works for simple polygons! So, be sure to test if the polygon is simple first!
% M [ x1 x2 x3 ...
% y1 y2 y3 ...]
% test if a polygon is convex
function ret = isConvex(M)
N = size(M,2);
if (N<4)
ret = 1;
x0 = M(1, 1:end);
x1 = [x0(2:end), x0(1)];
x2 = [x0(3:end), x0(1:2)];
y0 = M(2, 1:end);
y1 = [y0(2:end), y0(1)];
y2 = [y0(3:end), y0(1:2)];
dx1 = x2 - x1;
dy1 = y2 - y1;
dx2 = x0 - x1;
dy2 = y0 - y1;
zcrossproduct = dx1 .* dy2 - dy1 .* dx2;
% equality allows two consecutive edges to be parallel
t1 = sum(zcrossproduct >= 0);
t2 = sum(zcrossproduct <= 0);
ret = t1 == N || t2 == N;
