Insert checkbox button into database and display in laravel with ajax - laravel

I am using Laravel framework in my project ,I have checkbox button ,and I want to store the value of this checkbox (when the user check it) into database and display them in ajax , can you help me ,please ?


Magento 2 checkout page, custom form and save data of custom form in custom table?

During that task i am facing error, 'Enrolment is required field'
Save data into custom table and custom form is working fine.

Laravel VueJs Pagination Keep the same page number after update

I'm having some trouble with pagination
I get data by the api from laravel backend and start navigating by laravel-vuejs-pagination package
<Pagination :data="laravelData" #pagination-change-page="getResults" />
When i click to update an entry in the table and finish updating.
when i return to the table i start navigation from the top from page 1 not the page where i was working.
Is there anyway to get Results and stay on same page?

How to make create form on Laravel Nova shown as modal

I'am recenly used laravel nova as my CMS. but I still confuse to create modal when create resource button clicked. I was tried to use Resource tool but I got error the resource not found.
my goal, just want to displaying create user form as a modal. so, when user click create user button in this following image. popup will shown instead of redirecting to another page
anyone can help me, please.
Thanks in advance
This old Nova plugin still works, (Nova 3.29), though it's hardcoded for a primaryKey of id and has a few minor bugs.

How to create custom functionalities on submit to a webform

I am new with Drupal 8 coding and I need some guidance on how to create custom web form with your own submit functionalities that checks in the db with all field match and redirects to another page.
I have tried creating the form but i do not know how to start with creating own submit operation.
I have name, email and case fields in my form with submit button and my db is dr-sp-students with column id,name,email,case
Try the remote post handler. It can be found under:
webform -> settings -> email / handlers.

joomla user selection modal (backend) not working, any idea?

I am working on joomla 2.5.8 version.
Everything is working fine, but i have a problem while loading user modal.
2.After clicking set user button this page will appear .
But, modal could not load :( and after clicking user, username couldn't fill on created by section.
i think following image make us clear. but it's not user modal it is menu modal.
what is the problem ?
