Magento 2 checkout page, custom form and save data of custom form in custom table? - magento

During that task i am facing error, 'Enrolment is required field'
Save data into custom table and custom form is working fine.


How to load custom EAV module's attributes dynamically in admin grid magento 2?

I have created an EAV module in Magento 2.4.5 and I am displaying admin grid using Ui Components.
I want to load the Attributes dynamically in admin grid instead of mentioning the column tags in Ui component file.
I want to load the Title column dynamically without declaring it in the Ui component xml file.

How to create custom functionalities on submit to a webform

I am new with Drupal 8 coding and I need some guidance on how to create custom web form with your own submit functionalities that checks in the db with all field match and redirects to another page.
I have tried creating the form but i do not know how to start with creating own submit operation.
I have name, email and case fields in my form with submit button and my db is dr-sp-students with column id,name,email,case
Try the remote post handler. It can be found under:
webform -> settings -> email / handlers.

How to retrieve id of newly added row in custom code event in joomla?

i'm new in joomla and i'm trying to get the id of newly inserted record in URL by custom code event.
If you are using ChronoForms then the record ID will be in the form data. You can use a Debugger action to see exactly where it is saved. It will depend on which version of ChronoForms you are using.

How to save contact us form data in magento2

I am new to Magento 2. Can any one tell me how to save contact us form data into the database using events and observers, and display them in admin grid under the customer section in Magento 2?
If you have set SMPT to your magento2 store then you will receive conatct us data to mail id which you mention at Stores->Configuration->General->Contacts->Email Option->Send Emails to.
On this if you wish to show at admin grid, you must create your own table and grid to show the data in admin and create a before plugin to the controller Magento\Contact\Controller\Index\Post where you save data into your table you created.
You must create a separate module for the contact us a table, admin grid and forms.

Magento Customer Wizard Registration

I'm trying to create a simple registration for the magento visitors using custom steps. I need to create a wizard that helps the users to follow a path previously set in the administration panel.
At the moment I have created the extension but I am having some difficulties to create the front-end wizard form. What I'd like to achieve is a multi registration form where if the user go from the first form to the second one Magento has to save the data and wait if the user wants to go on the next new form and so on...
Here a mockup:
How have I to create a multiform that follow this behaviour?
