product thumbnail images slider on magento product detail page - magento

How can we add product thumbnail images slider on magento product detail page and when user clicks on thumbnail that image is shown in place of large image


How to change the size of Images on category page in magento 2 from admin panel

i want to resize the image size on the category page. I have made changes in the category page, shows 3 images instead of 4. But the image size is still the same. I want to increase it by admin panel, not to change the code manually.
I don't think this is possible without customizing a lot of stuff first. Image sizes are set in your theme in /app/design/frontend/YOURVENDORNAME/YOURTHEMENAME/etc/view.xml

woocommerce - product images are not even on category page

I am doing a furniture website in woocommerce and my images dont want to line u on the category pages. So the couch is up top and the chair is the full height - I just want it in a nice grid not one up and one down and so on. Any way to fix this?

Putting Alt Text on Magento Category Thumbnail Images

Magento has a simple 'upload file' interface for adding the thumbnail images to category pages which does not allow you to assign alt text while uploading. There is nowhere on the category page to add html for the thumbnail image.
Does anyone know how you assign an alt text to thumbnail images on the main (but not root) category pages?
Thank you.

Change thumbnail options on an OpenCart product page

I'm currently trying to work with opencart but I need to change the way the product page works, currently, I have a primary image of the product and some thumbnails to the right, when you click on a thumbnail it brings up a large image to view. Instead of that I would like it so that when you click on a thumbnail, it changes the primary image to which ever thumbnail you select.
Here is example of what is currently happening:
Does anyone know of a way to change it to what I need?

product thumble image not showing in order by page but it will display in product detail page

product thumble image not showing in order by page but it will display in product detail page...
how can i solve these problem
site url is::
You're using
for the working image and
for the broken image. Spot the difference.
