How do we import the listener events of LibreOffice Writer in Visual Basic 6 - vb6

How do we import the listener events of LibreOffice writer in Visual Basic 6?
I am trying to create a UNO service to get container listener event like following code,
Dim oListener As Object
oListener = CreateUnoListener("ContListener_",
I am getting an error
Compile error : Sub or Function not defined
Can anyone please help?

As explained here, CreateUnoListener does not work in VB6. So instead, it is necessary to implement the listener interface a different way.
Here is a VBScript example from
set xContext = objServiceManager.getPropertyValue( "DefaultContext" )
set xCoreReflection = xContext.getValueByName( "/singletons/" )
set xClass = xCoreReflection.forName( "" )
set xMethod = xClass.getMethod( "addEventListener" )
dim invokeargs(0)
invokeargs(0) = myListener
set value = objServiceManager.Bridge_GetValueObject()
call value.InitInOutParam("[]any", invokeargs)
call xMethod.invoke( objDocument, value )
Define a subroutine called myListener.
It may also help to check out the information at
There is a discussion of someone attempting similar code at, although the final solution uses Javascript.
Disclaimer: I do not have any way to test VB6 code, so this information may not be entirely accurate. If you switch to Python or another language commonly used with LibreOffice then I can be of more help.


How to import a document in UCM using ridc

I am trying to import a archived document that was checked-in earlier, but I want to import it using RIDC program, following is the code I am working on:
IdcClientManager manager = new IdcClientManager();
IdcClient idcClient= manager.createClient("http://localhost/idc/idcplg");
IdcContext idcContext = new IdcContext("sysadmin", "idc");
// get the binder
DataBinder binder = idcClient.createBinder();
//populate the binder with the parameters
binder.putLocal("IdcService", "IMPORT_DOCUMENT");
binder.putLocal("Idc_Name", "idc");
binder.putLocal("aArchiveName", "idc//test1");
binder.putLocal("dDocName", "000022");
binder.putLocal("dCollectionName", "test_checkin");
ServiceResponse response = idcClient.sendRequest(idcContext, binder);
DataBinder binderResult = response.getResponseAsBinder();
But I am getting the following error:
Unable to execute service IMPORT_DOCUMENT and function executeArchiveMethod.
(System Error: The collection name must be specified.)
I specified dCollectionID, dCollectionName,dCollectionLocation, but faced same result.
Can anyone guide me about this error, or where I am getting wrong in implementing this code.
For better understanding I would like to tell that the specified document was earlier checked in using WebDAV.
Any kind of help will be grateful.
Parameters are case-sensitive. You need to use IDC_Name.

AX2012 - Pre-Processed RecId parameter not found

I made a custom report in AX2012, to replace the WHS Shipping pick list. The custom report is RDP based. I have no trouble running it directly (with the parameters dialog), but when I try to use the controller (WHSPickListShippingController), I get an error saying "Pre-Processed RecId not found. Cannot process report. Indicates a development error."
The error is because in the class SrsReportProviderQueryBuilder (setArgs method), the map variable reportProviderParameters is empty. I have no idea why that is. The code in my Data provider runs okay. Here is my code for running the report :
WHSWorkId id = 'LAM-000052';
WHSPickListShippingController controller;
Args args;
WHSShipmentTable whsShipmentTable;
WHSWorkTable whsWorkTable;
clWHSPickListShippingContract contract; //My custom RDP Contract
whsShipmentTable = WHSShipmentTable::find(whsWorkTable.ShipmentId);
args = new Args(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
contract = new clWHSPickListShippingContract();
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
I don't know if I'm clear enough... But I've been looking for a fix for hours without success, so I thought I'd ask here. Is there a reason why this variable (which comes from the method parameter AifQueryBuilderArgs) would be empty?
I'm thinking your issue is with these lines (try removing):
The style I'd expect to see with your contract would be like this:
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
And for the DataProvider clWHSPickListShippingDP, usually if a report is using a DataProvider, you don't manually set it, but the DP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase and has an attribute SRSReportParameterAttribute(...) decorating the class declaration in this style:
class MyCustomDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
// Vars
You are using controller.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract(contract); wrong, as this is more for run-time modifications. It's typically used for accessing the contract for preRunModifyContract overloads.
Build your CrossReference in a development environment then right click on \Classes\SrsReportDataContract\parmRdpContract and click Add-Ins>Cross-reference>Used By to see how that is generally used.
Ok, so now I feel very stupid for spending so much time on that error, when it's such a tiny thing...
The erronous line is that one :
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
Because WHSPickListShipping is the name of the AX report, but I renamed my custom report clWHSPickListShipping. What confused me was that my DataProvider class was executing as wanted.

VBA - User-defined type not defined

I am trying to update an VBA module to use the System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog class. I declared my object as follows:
Dim MyFolderBrowser As New System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
Running this gave me the error User-defined type not defined. I figured the compiler didn't know about that class so I tried going to Tools > References and adding Systems_Windows_Forms, but I'm still getting the same error. Does anyone know what I'm missing here? Do I need a reference to the library in my code as well?
System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog looks like something from .Net to me, not VBA.
You can use Application.FileDialog in Access VBA. This sample uses late binding and allows the user to select a folder from a browse dialog.
Const msoFileDialogFolderPicker As Long = 4
Dim objFileDialog As Object ' FileDialog
Set objFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With objFileDialog
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show Then
Debug.Print .SelectedItems(1)
End If
End With
If you prefer to use early binding, set a reference to the Microsoft Office [version] Object Library. You could then declare the object like this ...
Dim objFileDialog As FileDialog
And you wouldn't need to define the constant, so discard this line if using early binding ...
Const msoFileDialogFolderPicker As Long = 4

Burning CD/DVD using IMAPI2.dll

I am trying to add the facility to burn CD/DVD into my app by using IMAPI2.dll. I am using Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9 SP 2 to devolopment. When I invork the method Write() which is a member of the IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data class (Last line of the sample code) Visual FoxPro gives the following error message. Error Msg : "OLE error code 0x80004002: No such interface supported."
OS : Windows 7
Please Help.
**--Creating MsftDiscMaster2 object to connect to optical drives.
loDiscMaster = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscMaster2")
**--Creating MsftDiscRecorder2 object for the specified burning device.
loRecorder = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscRecorder2")
lcUniqueId = loDiscMaster.ITEM(0)
**--Create an image stream for the specified directory.
loFileSystem = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage")
loRootDir = loFileSystem.Root
**--Create the new disc format and set the recorder.
loDataWriter = CREATEOBJECT("IMAPI2.MsftDiscFormat2Data")
loDataWriter.Recorder = loRecorder
loDataWriter.ClientName = "IMAPIv2 TEST"
**--Add the directory and its contents to the file system.
**--Create an image from the file system
loResultImage = loFileSystem.CreateResultImage()
loStream = loResultImage.ImageStream
**--Write stream to disc using the specified recorder.
I'm afraid you are out of luck there. FoxPro interacts with COM objects at a fairly high level. In fact, it works in much the same way that VBScript interacts with COM. Normally, if your code works in VBScript, it will also work in FoxPro.
This is actually a common problem with some ActiveX/COM libraries. While the objects implemented in imapi2.dll and imapi2fs.dll all use IDispatch - the highest level and most interoperable form of COM interface - some of the method parameters, method returns, and properties of those objects are not IDispatch.
Specifically, the ImageStream property returns something called an IStream which inherits from IUnknown instead of IDispatch. Because of this, the ImageStream property returns something that FoxPro doesn't know how to deal with. FoxPro knows that it is a COM interface, but it doesn't know how to find or call the methods on that object.

Legacy VB6 app throwing type mismatch error during ActiveX create object

I've been tasked with making a change to a legacy VB6 Winform app. What I found is that this app was unnecessarily split up into multiple DLLs (some of the DLL were simply a couple of classes). So, I'm working on consolidating some of the DLLs into the main program but I've run into a problem that I could use some help on.
One of the dlls contained a class called CTest(Test.cls). The main program used it in the following lines of code. strProgId is a string naming another DLL.
Dim objTest As CTest
Set objTest = CreateTestObject(strProgId)
Public Function CreateTestObject(strProgId As String) As Object
10 On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
20 Set CreateTestObject = CreateObject(strProgId)
30 Exit Function
40 UpdateErrorInfo "CreateTestObject", "Globals", strProgId
50 HandleError
End Function
Here are the contents of CTest
Option Explicit
Private m_strName As String
Private m_strDescription As String
Private m_cnnADO As ADODB.Connection
Public Property Get Name() As String
10 Name = m_strName
End Property
Public Property Let Name(strNewName As String)
10 m_strName = strNewName
End Property
Public Property Get Connection() As ADODB.Connection
10 Set Connection = m_cnnADO
End Property
Public Property Set Connection(cnnADO As ADODB.Connection)
10 Set m_cnnADO = cnnADO
End Property
Public Property Get Description() As String
10 Description = m_strDescription
End Property
Public Property Let Description(strNewDescription As String)
10 m_strDescription = strNewDescription
End Property
Public Function Run(ByVal strSTMType As String, _
instInstruments As CInstruments, objResults As CTestResults) As Boolean
End Function
If CTest is still part of a DLL and I have a reference to it in the Main Program, it gets through the CreateTestObject line without an error. If I bring in the class into the main program it throws a type mismatch error.
Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance.
CreateObject will only work with publicly visible COM classes. Therefore, because you've brought CTest into your main program, CreateObject will no longer work and will raise errors just like you describe.
Create the object via Set obj = New CTest
Or just leave the class in a separate DLL? Are you sure there's no other side effects of it being in a separate DLL? No other app using it?
I just solved this one after a day and a half. In my case I invoke the dll twice. The first time it worked and the second time it threw the error above. I have several projects open and each has its' own compatibility setting. For some unexplained reason the second reference to the common dll had compatibility set off. By setting the correct path in the version compatability and setting it to binary compatibility the problem cleared up.
If you're bringing CTest into your main program directly, then you don't need the CreateObject call - just instantiate it the normal way, now that it's part of your program, and it should work fine.
