How to import a document in UCM using ridc - oracle-ucm

I am trying to import a archived document that was checked-in earlier, but I want to import it using RIDC program, following is the code I am working on:
IdcClientManager manager = new IdcClientManager();
IdcClient idcClient= manager.createClient("http://localhost/idc/idcplg");
IdcContext idcContext = new IdcContext("sysadmin", "idc");
// get the binder
DataBinder binder = idcClient.createBinder();
//populate the binder with the parameters
binder.putLocal("IdcService", "IMPORT_DOCUMENT");
binder.putLocal("Idc_Name", "idc");
binder.putLocal("aArchiveName", "idc//test1");
binder.putLocal("dDocName", "000022");
binder.putLocal("dCollectionName", "test_checkin");
ServiceResponse response = idcClient.sendRequest(idcContext, binder);
DataBinder binderResult = response.getResponseAsBinder();
But I am getting the following error:
Unable to execute service IMPORT_DOCUMENT and function executeArchiveMethod.
(System Error: The collection name must be specified.)
I specified dCollectionID, dCollectionName,dCollectionLocation, but faced same result.
Can anyone guide me about this error, or where I am getting wrong in implementing this code.
For better understanding I would like to tell that the specified document was earlier checked in using WebDAV.
Any kind of help will be grateful.

Parameters are case-sensitive. You need to use IDC_Name.


log4j2: How do you create & set level for LevelMatchFilter in Java?

I'm trying to migrate the following Java code to log4j2:
private Filter setupWarningLevelFilter()
LevelMatchFilter levelFilter = new LevelMatchFilter();
return levelFilter;
I have not found an example googling. (XML config won't help since custom appender doesn't recognize it - have to pass filter & layout in to custom appender via Java instead.) I don't understand how to interpret the cryptic apache documentation. I have gone in all the hacking circles I can think of using all kinds of combinations of build(), newBuilder(), etc. to create the LevelMatchFilter.
Related to this problem is a compilation error that appears to not like me importing both
org.apache.logging.log4j.filter.LevelMatchFilter.Builder and org.apache.logging.log4j.layout.PatternLayout.Builder
It gives error for PatternLayout.Builder stating " a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of Builder".
Appreciate any insight/examples anyone can offer.

How to unit test api if using Application

In my globals.asax.cs, I am creating a dictionary object that I want to use in my APIs to add and get data from in the life of the application.
I do the following:
Application["MyDictionary"] = myDictionary;
In my ApiController I get a handle of it, in this way:
MyDictionary myDictionary= (MyDictionary)HttpContext.Current.Application["MyDictionary"];
So far so good, the issue is that I need to do the same in the unit test, I need to add this dictionary into my Application as well, so when I call my controller, I will be able to retrieve it, how do I do that ?
doing this:
HttpContext.Current.Application.Add("MyDictionary", myDictionary);
enter code here
doesn't work, I get an exception:
An exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in RESTServices.Tests.dll but was not handled in user code
My HttpContext.Current is null.
Any ideas how to work around this ?
The HttpContext.Current is created when a request is received, so you need to set the Current property, before using it.
See the example below:
var myDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
HttpContext.Current = new HttpContext(new HttpRequest("default.aspx", "http://localhost", string.Empty), new HttpResponse(new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
HttpContext.Current.Application.Add("MyDictionary", myDictionary);

Unable to query using a pointer using Android SDK

I am trying to run a query using com.parse:parse-android:1.13.0 version of the parse android SDK. I am creating a query on the local storage and using ParseQuery$whereMatchesQuery() method to match a column storing pointer to another class in my database. The code that I have is the following:
ParseQuery<PracticeSessionDetails> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(PracticeSessionDetails.class);
query.whereEqualTo("user", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());
ParseQuery courseQuery = new ParseQuery("Course");
query.whereMatchesQuery("course", courseQuery);
When I run the query using query.getFirst(), I do not get anything retrieved from the local storage. I have already checked running the courseQuery separately and it fetches me Course object that I need. Is this a known issue? I proceeded with this way by getting help from this post.
I think you are mixing query while storing pointer to another class in your database. Use following code to resolve your problem:
ParseQuery<PracticeSessionDetails> query = ParseQuery.getQuery(PracticeSessionDetails.class);
query.whereEqualTo("user", ParseUser.getCurrentUser());
ParseQuery<ParseObject> courseQuery = ParseQuery.getQuery("Course");
courseQuery.whereMatchesQuery("course", query);

AX2012 - Pre-Processed RecId parameter not found

I made a custom report in AX2012, to replace the WHS Shipping pick list. The custom report is RDP based. I have no trouble running it directly (with the parameters dialog), but when I try to use the controller (WHSPickListShippingController), I get an error saying "Pre-Processed RecId not found. Cannot process report. Indicates a development error."
The error is because in the class SrsReportProviderQueryBuilder (setArgs method), the map variable reportProviderParameters is empty. I have no idea why that is. The code in my Data provider runs okay. Here is my code for running the report :
WHSWorkId id = 'LAM-000052';
WHSPickListShippingController controller;
Args args;
WHSShipmentTable whsShipmentTable;
WHSWorkTable whsWorkTable;
clWHSPickListShippingContract contract; //My custom RDP Contract
whsShipmentTable = WHSShipmentTable::find(whsWorkTable.ShipmentId);
args = new Args(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
contract = new clWHSPickListShippingContract();
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
I don't know if I'm clear enough... But I've been looking for a fix for hours without success, so I thought I'd ask here. Is there a reason why this variable (which comes from the method parameter AifQueryBuilderArgs) would be empty?
I'm thinking your issue is with these lines (try removing):
The style I'd expect to see with your contract would be like this:
controller = new WHSPickListShippingController();
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
And for the DataProvider clWHSPickListShippingDP, usually if a report is using a DataProvider, you don't manually set it, but the DP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase and has an attribute SRSReportParameterAttribute(...) decorating the class declaration in this style:
class MyCustomDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
// Vars
You are using controller.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract(contract); wrong, as this is more for run-time modifications. It's typically used for accessing the contract for preRunModifyContract overloads.
Build your CrossReference in a development environment then right click on \Classes\SrsReportDataContract\parmRdpContract and click Add-Ins>Cross-reference>Used By to see how that is generally used.
Ok, so now I feel very stupid for spending so much time on that error, when it's such a tiny thing...
The erronous line is that one :
controller.parmReportName(ssrsReportStr(WHSPickListShipping, Report));
Because WHSPickListShipping is the name of the AX report, but I renamed my custom report clWHSPickListShipping. What confused me was that my DataProvider class was executing as wanted.

No signature of method: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException.makeKey()

I've installed titan-0.5.0-hadoop2 with hbase and elasticsearch support
I've loaded the graph with
g ='conf/')
and a then I loaded the test application
Now when I'm trying to create a new index key with:
and I got this error:
No signature of method: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException.makeKey() is applicable for argument types: () values: []
Possible solutions: every(), any()
Display stack trace? [yN]
Can someone help me with this ?
when I want to see the indexed keys I see this
I'm not completely following what you are trying to do. It appears that you loaded Graph of the Gods to g and then you want to add userId as a new property to the schema. If that's right, then i think your syntax is wrong, given the Titan 0.5 API. The method for managing the schema is very different from previous versions. Changes to the schema are performed through the ManagementSystem interface which you can get an instance of through:
mgmt = g.getManagementSystem()
The syntax for adding a property then looks something like:
birthDate = mgmt.makePropertyKey('birthDate').dataType(Long.class).cardinality(Cardinality.SINGLE).make()
Note that g.getIndexKeys(Class) is not the appropriate way to get schema information either. You should use the ManagementSystem for that too.
Please see the documentation here for more information.
