Xcode display asset icon filename in code editor - xcode

Is there anyway to show an assets icon image and its file name? I've seen it in videos but I can't seem to get it to display in my code editor.
This is what I get:
And this is what I want:

It used to be this way in Xcode 8, the name would be displayed alongside the image. In Xcode 9 the name has been removed and this behavior does not seem to be customizable.

simply comment the line and you'll see the image resource name.


Is it possible to use custom icon for Xcode file template?

In our project we generate multiple swift files when using the file xctemplate configuration. However, with this configuration, there is no icon displayed in Xcode when generating the files (see attached image). We did try to add two images to the template folder: TemplateIcon-png and TemplateIcon#96.png which yielded no success. Is it possible to use a custom icon for file templates in Xcode?
Not sure if you're still looking for an answer to this, but you should be able to create an .icns icon package named TemplateIcon.icns. This should contain your template image(s) to be displayed in the new project picker.
I suspect your issue was trying to use the PNG assets directly.
See the Base Acceptance Testing Bundle for an example. It is part of the OCSlimProjectXcodeTemplates repository.

ToolbarItem icon set after the loss

my English level is limited, it may be difficult to read, please understand.
I use the NSSidebarTemplate icon in the ToolbarItem control of the project. But every time you open the Xcode, will be lost, there is no way to use NSSidebarTemplate. The missing results are shown in the picture. Open the project will have a pop-up box prompts, probably meaning
The document "Main.storyboard" had an internal inconsistency that was
found and repaired.
I have no way to use this NSSidebarTemplate, but most of the other icons do not have such a problem, such as NSActionTemplate is normal
It comes from a template project from Apple. The image name is NSSidebarTemplate. You can see it by digging into the storyboard or xib xml:
<buttonCell key="cell" type="roundTextured" bezelStyle="texturedRounded" image="NSSidebarTemplate" imagePosition="overlaps" alignment="center" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" state="on" borderStyle="border" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" id="zzz-zzz-zzz">
There might have been a change in Xcode that made the image name displayed as 'Unknown' at some point, though internally it's still there.
This is also discussed here: The Sidebar Icon image name in OSX

Firefox add-on will not display images

I have a blank Firefox Add-On I made using the Getting Started Tutorial. When I run my extension using jpm run I observe the following.
If I navigate to any image it appears like this (image is displayed nicely in the centre):
However, I have the same image store in my extension under: ./data/test.jpg. When I navigate to resource://my-addon/data/test.jpg I get the following blank page:
The image is there, because if I hover over it in the inspector, it shows:
Am I doing something wrong, missing something in the docs about rendering images or is there a bug with how images are being rendered from the extension?
Include the self and then do
This will give you the id of your addon. It is very likely not my-addon it will be something like: jid1-4GP7z3tkUd3Tzg#jetpack - so your path to your image will be resource://jid1-4GP7z3tkUd3Tzg#jetpack/data/test.jpg.

Cannot extract the embedded font - Code Igniter and dompdf

Following the instruction in this link ( https://github.com/EllisLab/CodeIgniter/wiki/PDF-generation-using-dompdf ), I always encounter an error when opening the pdf file created. The error message is:"Cannot extract embedded font 'TradeGothicLT-CondEighteen'.Some characters may not display or print correctly. " and when i click OK, the pdf displays black background and when i start highlighting the body, it captures the text but text are in black font-color. what should I do to get rid of this error?
There may be something wrong with your font cache, located at dompdf/lib/fonts/dompdf_font_family_cache.php (though the exact file name depends on your release and whether you have loaded fonts). This file tells dompdf what fonts are available for use in the PDF. If this file references a font that isn't actually available you can run into major issues on viewing. You may need to re-load your font files. Take a look at the Unicode how-to for an overview of using embedded fonts. This document hasn't been updated to reflect changes implemented in dompdf 0.6.0 beta 3, but the information is still pertinent.

Interface Builder doesn't show some of my resource images

I have almost 20 images in PNG format added to my current project on Xcode (under the proper group, Resources). Unfortunately, library window's Media tab doesn't show some of them. And if I create an UIImageView and set one of these invisible images from code, nothing shows up. I also tried from IB with adding a UIImageView and set its source image.
Is this problem a image format related issue or is there a tiny detail I'm missing.
What log says:
Could not load the "07_clock_icon.png" image referenced from a nib in the bundle
The solution to this is a bit silly, but it definitely works:
Close XCode and the Interface Builder. Now, instead of opening XCode then opening the project, navigate to the project in Finder and double click on the project. When you open your xib file the blue file not found images will flash up, then be replaced with the correct images and the dropdown will show all your images in the Inspector.
Heyy! I figured it out. It's a refreshing bug. So just copy and replace those images that did not load into your project folder, and then hold Shift Command K (to clean your project). After Clean Up it should work perfectly! Enjoy!
If you dragged the images from the Finder into the Resources folder in XCode the images should show up in IB as well. At least it does so in my setup.
Maybe the images are 8-bit PNG images. I believe Cocoa requires them to be 24-bit because of the alpha transparency. PNG 8-bit doesn't support the alpha channel, as it's more like a GIF image.
But from the error you posted It seems IB couldn't find the resource at all. Which is understandable if it doesn't load the resources from XCode in its library.
Assuming you selected the option to let XCode copy the files into your project and neither XCode nor the Finder complain when you make the copy... I wonder if there might be some file corruption? Maybe try recreating them or opening and resaving them from another graphics application (or even Preview.app).
btw- 8-bit PNGs have worked fine for me.
Same problem was encountered by me. The problem is with the image. The image has been some how corrupted.Try to open the image in photoshop and you will see it doesn't open with photoshop.
I solved the problem by changing the image format to PNG-24 and everything works fine for me.
Hope this will solve your issue.
Rupesh R Menon
