Firefox add-on will not display images - firefox

I have a blank Firefox Add-On I made using the Getting Started Tutorial. When I run my extension using jpm run I observe the following.
If I navigate to any image it appears like this (image is displayed nicely in the centre):
However, I have the same image store in my extension under: ./data/test.jpg. When I navigate to resource://my-addon/data/test.jpg I get the following blank page:
The image is there, because if I hover over it in the inspector, it shows:
Am I doing something wrong, missing something in the docs about rendering images or is there a bug with how images are being rendered from the extension?

Include the self and then do
This will give you the id of your addon. It is very likely not my-addon it will be something like: jid1-4GP7z3tkUd3Tzg#jetpack - so your path to your image will be resource://jid1-4GP7z3tkUd3Tzg#jetpack/data/test.jpg.


Adding Image in Magento Customized PDF (Extension)

I have an extension installed on my Magento in which I customized it to fit the my expectations.
But in my PDF that I customized, I want to place an image where the picture is placed on the media folder only,
The link of my image is like this
I can open the link onm the browser and it shows the image but when I included it on the XML, it does not show, it shows only a black box with a white X on it.
Am I missing something? I tried placing it on other locations but to no avail.

wkhtmltoimage rendered only bar instead full page

I have a problem with wkhtmltoimage 12.4 and the newest alpha version. I tried to save H&M webpage, but I only get a little bar instead full webpage. I tried use many of switches to change settings but nothing works. Is there any solution for achieve correctly webpage in png format? Thanks very much.
That is saved website...

Load PDF file in codeigniter

I want to load a pdf file located in upload/grilles/ where upload is located in the root.
My code:
<?php echo $nomFichier; ?>
When I click in the link, codeigniter doesn't want to display the document unlike in a site without framework that display.
Thanks !
This is not a codeigniter problem, but a browser (Firefox) issue.
I'd recommend the PDF.JS library, which is a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.
note: your above example behave (checked on localhost ) in other browsers than FireFox as follows:
Chrome Version 34.0.1847.137: shows pdf in new window right away
IE 11: asks for permission to show the pdf, if granted shows pdf in new window right away
Safari (for windows) 5.1.7.: shows pdf in new window right away
Opera 12.11: shows pdf in new window right away
It's just my URL.
The file name contains a space, but I injected the name in the url which gave:
but the url's file is:
Sorry for the inconvenience

images not loading in Internet Explorer. why?

ive been finally polishing off a website i was building but to my dismay i recently checked the website in Internet Explorer and found the images weren't loading fully.. you can see can the borders for the image but nothing loads in between. i thought it might something i altered on wordpress, but the main page has images from from non wordpress html files and they don't load either.. everything works fine on every other browser except Internet Explorer.. any ideas why? probably a simple fix
here's the website.. . all the code and css is viewable there, if you want my wordpress code let me know
maybe the code just needs to rearranged to make window browsers happy?
any help would be great
Looking at the source for the shop.html, it looks like you are specifying the height of the images, but not the width. Opera, and Firefox are ignoring the width="" and using the default width, but IE is setting it to width="1." I don't know how to change this in Wordpress but if you remove the width="" or add a value it will show correct.
You can see this if you r-click the image line in IE and select properties: it shows as 1X290px.
img src="images/shop/julianduron.jpg" width="" height="290"
hope this helps

ckeditor: mediaembed plugin won't work

I'm using CKEditor for my site.
Now I found the plugin called "MediaEmbed". I need it for embedding YouTube videos.
I installed it and the integration worked fine, but embedding won't work.
When you paste the code into the text area in the embedding dialog and then click on OK in IE and Chrome nothing happens and in Firefox it just adds a image as a flash-content-placeholder.
Let's say the flash-content-placeholder image would be just in the wysiwyg interface, but then i should get the embed code when I click on "view source" - but no, there you just see the source of the placeholder image div and img tag.
Then let's say the embed code is saved internally, so I save the file I create with CKEditor, and the out I get is just what I entered without the stuff the MediaEmbed plugin has generated at all.
How to fix this?
Please help!
Yours Joern.
use firebug and see, it'll be giving a cross domain error. the plugin has a bug. use try catch in the place where is accesses the property for a workaround.
Try istead ckeditor youtube plugin
