After update tfs version couldn't connect tfs from visual studio - visual-studio

We update our tfs version from 2013 to 2017. After update tfs version couldn't connect tfs from visual studio.
Everytime i am getting "You are not authorized to access"
but i can connect from browser with same credentials.
I deleted generic tfs credentials from "Credential Manager" and add again but i didn't work.
I tried to type ipconfig / flushdns to cmd and it didn't work.
I tried to delete TeamExplorer.config from "C:\Users\youruser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_674a43b7\Team Explorer" and i didn't work.
By the way my computer on business domain. I think theres is something wrong with this domain but i can't figure out what can i do.

It should be a Visual Studio 2017 credential cached token issue. You could try below ways to clear cache:
Close all Visual Studio instances.
Delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\.IdentityService.
(By default it should be C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\.IdentityService)
There are some identity related caching going on in there, deleting the folder will force the identity system to rebuild its cache.
Also Clear TFS related caches %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team
Run Visual Studio as another user:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE
runas /netonly /user:<account> devenv.exe
Enter the user possword, then Team Explorer > Manage Connections
If the issue still exists, also take a look at this blog for more ways.


TFS Error - Unexpected End of File

When I open Visual Studio and attempt to connect to TFS, I get the following error message:
Unexpected end of file.
I've found a handful of places online (like here and here) where people have run into similar situations but clearing the Team Foundation cache as recommended doesn't solve the issue.
I even completely uninstalled Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 and installed Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 and still get the same error.
I recently created a new TFS instance on another server for testing out some automated build features without messing with our current setup and can connect to the new TFS instance just fine.
What would cause this error?
First you could use another machine with VS installed to connect the same TFS under your account. This will narrow down if the issue only occurs on your local machine or not.
You could try to clear both TFS and VS cache issue.(You may not uninstalled the previous VS clearly).
For TFS cache:
close all instances of Visual Studio on the client machine,
manually delete the corresponding Tfs client cache folder, and then
start Visual Studio
The corresponding Tfs folders to manually delete are as follows:
Tfs 2017: "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache\"
Tfs 2015: "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\6.0\Cache\"
For VS cache:
Delete the contents from the following folders
C:\Users\<<Your Alias>>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio
C:\Users\<<Your Alias>>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VSCommon
Moreover, also give a try with removing the tfs related credentials from Credential Manager, close all Visual Studio instances, deleting %LOCALAPPDATA%\.IdentityService, use another user account connect to the TFS server.
Update: Op ended up doing an OS reload and haven't had any issues since.
I ended up doing a full OS reload
It was likely overkill as I'm convinced there was a cached file somewhere I couldn't locate that was holding those settings but I didn't have the extra time to fiddle with it and I needed to move to Windows 10 at some point anyway.
I'd venture to guess #PatrickLu-MSFT's answer will work for most people but for whatever reason it didn't for me.
In my case I closed Visual Studio 2017, went to the solution's directory and deleted the .vssscc file.
The file was then regenerated and the problem was solved.

another instance of an application is already in process - visual studio 2013

I am attempting to log into Microsoft Visual Studio, so I can connect to TFS, and I am unable to login.
After I enter my credentials, it acts like everything is good to go but I do not login in the top right. When I hover over Sign in I get an error stating "Another instance of the application is already in the process of signing in."
I did just remove my user settings because of another issue not allowing me to actually connect to anything because I just branched a product.
I have attempted to shutdown the computer, restart visual Studio, reinstall visual studio and I also reinstalled microsoft office; as well as. added the two sites mentioned from another forum to my trusted sites (* if anyone has any information on this that would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
Just try below things to narrow down the VS sign in issue:
Disable any Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware software on your
computer, navigate to <Visual Studio Installation Path>\Common7\IDE
and run the following commands: devenv.exe /resetuserdata, it will
take a couple of minutes to run as Visual Studio cleans up and sets
itself back to its original state.
Close visual studio --> delete the following registry key
--> restart visual studio --> Try and sign in
Remove credenticals from Credential Manager (Control Panel\All
Control Panel Items\Credential Manager)
Clean VS caches:
Close Visual Studio (ensure devenv.exe is not present in the Task
Delete the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ComponentModelCache directory
Restart Visual Studio.
Open the following file in notepad:
Add and then re-open vs and try the sign in again.
However it's not necessary to sing in Visual Studio if you just want to connect to TFS. You can only manage the connections in Team Explorer. When you add a new TFS server and try to connect, it will prompt to enter the credetical. Just enter the appropriate TFS credentical to connect the TFS server.

How to disconnect from VSTS from VS2013

Our project is within Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), and we use VS2013 to connect to VSTS.
When we click on Connect to Team Project option from VS2013 IDE, no credentials dialog appears, and VS2013 automatically connects my project to the online Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS).
When I click on Disconnect option from the IDE Team Menu, and try again my project is still connects to VSTS. I tried deleting all the cookies and passwords from Internet Explorer but still issue is not resolved.
I checked Windows Credentials too, but I did not find any there. Here is a screen shot image.
Can you help me to find out where I need to remove VSTS credentials from my computer. Every time that I open that project and click on Connect to Team Project, I want VS2013 to ask for credentials to connect to VSTS.
Please help me find the correct method to accomplish this goal. Thank you.
Seems the system will remember the credential once you conneted to the VSTS.
So, we cannot achieve that as you said "every time i open that project and when i click on connect to team project then VS2013 ask for credentials to connect to VSTS." unless you clean/reset the user data every time or run Visual Studio with another user ever time.
You can try below items to clean the credentials to popup the enter credential dialog:
Remove all related credentials from Credential Manager as you did.
Clear the IE(or any other browser) stored passwords, reference below screenshot.
Delete the key from registry:
Delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\{Ver}\Cache\Volatile\{SomeGUID}_https\VersionContr‌​ol.config
Delete the credential stored json file under :
Run Visual Studio with another user: (See Runas for details)
Runas /profile /user:[DOMAIN]\[user] "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
Reset user data by running this command : devenv.exe /resetuserdata

TF30063 error from Visual Studio Team Explorer but connected from the web

We are trying to setup TFS for our project installed in a Windows Server. All the collection(s) and projects are already created in TFS but while connecting through Visual Studio 2015 Team Explorer we are getting the below error in mapping section:
TF30063: You are not authorized to access\ABCDEFGH.
While the same user is able to connect the TFS Collection from IE/Chrome.
Have you ever login the VS Team Explorer with other accounts? Can you connect to the TFS on another client machine?
Anyway, please try below ways to narrow down the issue:
Log out of Visual Studio Online from all browsers and VS.
Remove the existing credential from credential manager(Control panel > Credential manager, which contained the previous password)
Clear cache from C:\Users\ [your username]
\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation{version}\Cache password.)
Run "devenv /resetuserdata" to clear your logon for Visual Studio.
Let it finish, it may take a while.
Launch Visual Studio, connect to the TFS project again with your
You can also reference this similar thread: Error TF30063: You are not authorized to access ... \DefaultCollection

TFS 2012 + Visual studio 2012: some settings options return "The user name or password is incorrect"

I've upgraded our TFS 2010 to TFS 2012 without any issues. I can connect to the source control, checkin, everything I need to Work.
But if I go to the settings page for the team project I'm connected to, the following options work as expected:
Team project: Source Control
Team project: Portal settings
Team Project Collection: Source Control
Team Project Collection: Process Template Manager
But the rest of the options on the settings page just gives me this error
I've tried looking at the requests Visual Studio makes to the TFS server using Fiddler, and with the ones that don't work, no requests are actually being made to the server. So it seems like the server is never being contacted for those specific options.
I've tested this on two independent installations of Visual studio 2012, runnning on Windows 8.
I just installed VS2010 SP1 on one of the machines, and I can just fine access all of the following settings options: Security, Group Membership, Areas and Iterations, Portal Settings and Source Control.
Looks like a VS2012 issue of some sort.
We resolved our issue with this by running VS 2012 with our domain credentials. We use VMs for development, so we do not directly login into the domain. To run VS, we use the following (as a batch file):
runas /netonly /user: username "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
where username is your domain credential.
It sounds like the code is still using some values that are cached on the client after the upgrade. How long ago was it that you upgraded the server?
To test whether that is it, rename your cache folder (with VS 2012 closed) and launch VS 2012 again so it recreates the cache from scratch.
C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0
