Unsaved changes in Umbraco 7.6 - umbraco7

I am experiencing a weird problem with one of my document types.
When I save, publish, and go to another node - the following notification appears: "You have unsaved changes".
My document type consists of:
RTE Tags Media picker Textbox Multinode Treepicker True False
I cant find the declaration dirty on any of them.
Help anyone?


Dynamics CRM: Model Driven App: When showing Custom Page as pop up Dialog, formatting error occurs

I am working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM and have a question.
I want to show a custom page as a pop up dialog in an entity form. So far, I am able to show it, but the formatting is broken. It looks like everything is on top of each other:
While checking, I saw that every element in the edit form (contained in the custom page) have its CSS position set to Absolute. This seems to be the problem here. The next picture confirms it. I changed the Top value of one of the element and got the following result:
Now, after having had a look into it, my question is the following:
Could you tell me, how exactly do I have to configure the editing form in the custom page to get the correct result (in the page designer)? I am also open for a JavaScript - solution. But I am not sure how to run it in this type of context.
Designer:Left side
Designer:right side 1
Designer: right side 2
I did not solve it. It was solved with the last Microsoft CRM update. (The one which hides the Advanced Find - Icon on certain parts of the system). I cannot say what exactly got changed. What I know is that I have not changed anything on my solution at all.

Umbraco Backoffice not registering changes made to custom property editor

I'm new to Umbraco and creating my own property editors. I am currently trying to implement the example from the Umbraco Belle site:
I managed to get it working, showing the alert message when I add the property editor to my document type.
However after I've added the Pagedown-bootstrap files, saved and rebuilt the project, as well as refreshing my browser cache, it still gives me the alert message from before when adding the editor. I tried recreating the datatype in the developer section as well, but this gives me the same result.
I've no clue why this happens and how to fix it. Is there something about the way Umbraco caches data that I am unaware of?
You could try updating the clientdependency number in Config/ClientDependency.config
Update the version number below by 1
<clientDependency version="{version number}" fileDependencyExtensions=".js,.css" loggerType="Umbraco.Web.UI.CdfLogger, umbraco">

Alert on custom identification

I use TFS 2013 Update 2 and Visual Studio 2013 Update 2.
How can I create an identification to a workitem where I can create an alert on?
I have workitems for a specific customer. I added a tag to those workitems. I want an alert when something changes with a workitem with that tag. Because alerts don't support tags, I created a custom field but I also can't set an alert with the "=" operator on that field.
Please help.
Rather than using tags can you try setting an area path for your specific customer, and put the work items under this area? Then you can use the custom alert template "A work item under a specified area path changes" to receive your alerts.
The only solution that I can think of is to add a "tag" to the title of the workitem. We have the taggging and set the tag Foo. We also place the tag in the title like this (Foo). Than we have a query that searches for workitems that only have the real tag and not the title tag. Of course also the other way around.
We are going to use this until the next version were hopefully this feature is added. See for the uservoices the following:
Custom fields in work item alerts and Use tags in alerts.

Display areas of unmanaged entities

I have a custom entity in CRM 4.0 called Mark. Areas that display this entity is none. After importing this organization to CRM2011 beta, i tried to make this entity appear in Workplace area, so i navigated to the settings >>Solutions>>Entities then i checked Workplace in areas that display this entity, Then saved and published the form.
The unexpected happened, i didn't find the Mark entity in the workplace area.
I tried to refresh, restarted the IIS, closed the brower, .. nothing changed, any ideas ?
[...] Then saved and published the form.
For your changes to be effective, you must publish the whole solution or at least the entity and the Sitemap component under Client extensions.
Make your customizations in the site map portion of the customizations.xml and import and publish all customizations. Then it will show up wherever you choose to put it.

CKEditor 3.0 Plugins - Getting selected text/HTML

I have a plug in in the old FCKEditor I would like to rebuild. I saw an example that leveraged the iFrame code. The I've got the button defined and working, I get the dialog, but I cannot figure out how to get the selected text/html into the dialog so I can manipulate it.
My plug in is an approximaiton of the MS File dialog box. When the user clicks on a file that is listed (or an html page in the list) my code updates the link text box with the URL to be used in the HREF property... I cannot find anything that will tell me how to get selected text from the editor and replace it with the edited code once my dialog does it's work... Any suggestions? I am intermediate with this so if you post code please comment on what's happening so I can understand. Thanks.
Seems my cookies got cleared.... Here is an update. I use the following code:
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.insertHtml('<a href=\x22www.google.com\x22>'
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getNative() + '</a>');
I get the appropriate code pasted into the CKEditor instance on FireFox, but on IE (6.0 here at the office) it posts [object Object] and the source URL displays:
[object Object]
Is there some issue i am missing? I am on CKE3.0 and will be downloading 3.01 but their changelog did not seem to have anything related to this so I am not sure if this is a bug or not.
