Why X11 automatically shutdown during a calculation? - x11

I was using X11 to calculate crystallization of a primitive magma. The calculation went well in small increments. But when I launch bigger calculations in wider T ranges, X11 shutdown automatically with no reason.


Synchronizing with monitor refreshes without vsync

What is the preferred way of synchronizing with monitor refreshes, when vsync is not an option? We enable vsync, however, some users disable it in driver settings, and those override app preferences. We need reliable predictable frame lengths to simulate the world correctly, do some visual effects, and synchronize audio (more precisely, we need to estimate how long a frame is going to be on screen, and when it will be on screen).
Is there any way to force drivers to enable vsync despite what the user set in the driver? Or to ask Windows when a monitor rerfesh is going to happen? We have issues with manual sleeping when our frame boundaries line up closely to vblank. It causes occasional missed frames, and up to 1 extra frame of input latency.
We mainly use OpenGL, but Direct3D advice is also appreciated.
You should not build your application's timing on the basis of vsync and exact timings of frame presentation. Games don't do that these days and have not do so for quite some time. This is what allows them to keep a consistent speed even if they start dropping frames; because their timing, physics computations, AI, etc isn't based on when a frame gets displayed but instead on actual timing.
Game frame timings are typically sufficiently small (less than 50ms) that human beings cannot detect any audio/video synchronization issues. So if you want to display an image that should have a sound played alongside it, as long as the sound starts within about 30ms or so of the image, you're fine.
Oh and don't bother trying to switch to Vulkan/D3D12 to resolve this problem. They don't. Vulkan in particular decouples presentation from other tasks, making it basically impossible to know the exact time when an image starts appearing on the screen. You give Vulkan an image, and it presents it... at whatever is the next most opportune moment. You get some control over how that moment gets chosen, but even those choices can be restricted based on factors outside of your control.
Design your program to avoid the need for rigid vsync. Use internal timings instead.

windowed OpenGL first frame delay after idle

I have windowed WinApi/OpenGL app. Scene is drawn rarely (compared to games) in WM_PAINT, mostly triggered by user input - MW_MOUSEMOVE/clicks etc.
I noticed, that when there is no scene moving by user mouse (application "idle") and then some mouse action by user starts, the first frame is drawn with unpleasant delay - like 300 ms. Following frames are fast again.
I implemented 100 ms timer, which only does InvalidateRect, which is later followed by WM_PAINT/draw scene. This "fixed" the problem. But I don't like this solution.
I'd like know why is this happening and also some tips how to tackle it.
Does OpenGL render context save resources, when not used? Or could this be caused by some system behaviour, like processor underclocking/energy saving etc? (Although I noticed that processor runs underclocked even when app under "load")
This sounds like Windows virtual memory system at work. The sum of all the memory use of all active programs is usually greater than the amount of physical memory installed on your system. So windows swaps out idle processes to disc, according to whatever rules it follows, such as the relative priority of each process and the amount of time it is idle.
You are preventing the swap out (and delay) by artificially making the program active every 100ms.
If a swapped out process is reactivated, it takes a little time to retrieve the memory content from disc and restart the process.
Its unlikely that OpenGL is responsible for this delay.
You can improve the situation by starting your program with a higher priority.
You can also use the virtuallock function to prevent Windows from swapping out part of the memory, but not advisable unless you REALLY know what you are doing!
EDIT: You can improve things for sure by adding more memory and for sure 4GB sounds low for a modern PC, especially if you Chrome with multiple tabs open.
If you want to be scientific before spending any hard earned cash :-), then open Performance Manager and look at Cache Faults/Sec. This will show the swap activity on your machine. (I have 16GB on my PC so this number is very low mostly). To make sure you learn, I would check Cache Faults/Sec before and after the memory upgrade - so you can quantify the difference!
Finally, there is nothing wrong with the solution you found already - to kick start the graphic app every 100ms or so.....
Problem was in NVidia driver global 3d setting -"Power management mode".
Options "Optimal Power" and "Adaptive" save power and cause the problem.
Only "Prefer Maximum Performance" does the right thing.

How to prevent Windows GPU "Timeout Detection and Recovery"?

If I run a long-running kernel on a GPU device, after 2 seconds (by default) the windows TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) will kill the running kernels. I understand it, but what if you can't predict how long the kernel will run, because you need to do lots of computations and neither you know the capacity/speed of the underlying GPU for the actual user, who runs your program?
What are the best practices for solving this problem?
I found 3 ways to prevent it to happen, but none of those seems a good solution for me:
You need to make sure that your kernels are not too time-consuming:
The kernel is time consuming and though I could do some kind of fragmentation and not run 1 million of them but 2*500k or 4*250k, but I still can't predict if it will fit into the default 2 seconds on the actual user's GPU. (I had the idea to half the number until your kernel won't drop a CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE error, and then you just call it multiple times with the smaller amount, but to be honest it sounds really hackie and have some other drawbacks.)
You can turn-off the watchdog timer (or increase the delay): Timeout Detection and Recovery of GPUs:
It's done by registry edit, and you need to restart Windows to make it effective. You can't do it on a user's machine.
You can run the kernel on a GPU that is not hooked up to a display:
How can you make sure the GPU is not hooked up to a display on a users machine? Even in my laptop my primary GPU is the Intel HD4000 and the NVidia GPU is not in use for display (I think so), but TDR still kills my kernels.
You listed all of the solutions I know of. Since solution 2 leaves the machine in an unusable state while your kernel runs (not a good practice) it should be avoided. Since adding another GPU (solution 3) is not practical for you, your best bet is to focus on solution 1. I don't know why you are trying to maximize the work size to run as long as possible to avoid TDR. You should instead target around 10 ms or less (if you run many kernels that take longer the GUI is very sluggish). So instead of 4*250000, think more like 400*2500. You may need to put in some clFinish calls between each one (or batch of 10, or whatever). Keeping the execution time small (10 ms) and not overfilling the queue will allow the GPU to do other things in between kernels and you won't get TDR resets nor make the machine unusable and yet the GPU will be quite busy.

Rendering for large MatLab figure is slow

I'm using MatLab R2014B on Win 8.1 I have a figure with two sub-plots. The data for the first sub-plot is about 700,000 points; the second is about 50,000 points. When I display it or manipulate it in any way (zoom, say), there's a huge lag in time, up to about 30 seconds. Obviously I'd like to improve performance. Here's what I know:
If I break it into 4 plots, each covering 1/4 of the data, performance is fast. Much more than 4 times as fast. The difference seems exponential.
A colleague (running R2014A I believe) has a machine that should be slower but in fact the figure displays with near-realtime speed.
The problem is perhaps how the figure is being rendered. I ran MatLab's "opengl info" and it reports that the Software flag is false. That should mean it's using the display's hardware rendering.
So maybe the display adapter isn't set quite right. My machine (it's a Lenovo laptop) has two display adapters: Intel HD Graphics 3000 and NVIDIA NVS 4200M. I don't know why there are both or whether there are any relevant settings.
Any thoughts on how to proceed?
It could be that you're running it through your integrated graphics processor (Intel HD Graphics 3000) rather than your dedicated graphics processor (NVIDIA NVS 4200M). If your Lenovo has "switchable graphics" enabled, you should be able to switch to the NVIDIA, or check that you are indeed rendering through that. Right click on your power manager in the taskbar. If you see a menu item that says "switchable graphics," you can change it to your NVIDIA. Note, you'll have to close out of MATLAB to do switch.
It does sound like a slowdown caused by the rendering configuration. When you run opengl info in MATLAB, what device is listed as "Renderer"?
If you don't need to manipulate it (say you only want an image file), you can always create your figure with figure('Visible','Off') and save it without actually showing the figure on screen.
MATLAB releases ever since R2014b use a new graphics engine which is known to be extremely slow with large data sets; see for example
The solution has nothing to do with graphics drivers etc. Revert back to MATLAB R2014a and stay there.
I wrote a function, plotECG, that enables you to show plots with millions of samples. It includes sliders for quick scrolling and zooming.
If you have multiple timeseries and want them to be displayed in a synchronized way, you can pass them as matrix all at once and define the key 'AutoStackSignals', followed by a cell array of strings with the signal's names. Then, the signals are shown one below the other in the same axis with the corresponding name as YTickLabel.

Control LCD backlight on OS X beyond system API

Apple's I/O kit (via IODisplaySetFloatParameter) allows you to set the display brightness within a given range. However, I remember my prior laptops being significantly dimmer at the lowest setting.
Various screen dimming utilities alter the Gamma settings, and this brings the display down even further. However, the qualitative difference in the change and how such these utilities use RGB tables leads me to suspect that the Gamma setting ONLY alters the color tables, not the LED backlight.
Does anyone know of private API's (or how I would find them) that let me set the display to something lower than what IODisplaySetFloatParameter allows?
The hardware for this kind of thing tends to use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), since LEDs are not inherently dimmable; that is, the hardware will switch the LEDs off and on very quickly, ensuring that when it is set to maximum brightness the LEDs are on 100% of the time, while at minimum brightness the LED will actually be switched off for most of each cycle.
That leads to the following observation: there is no particular reason you can't implement your own PWM in software, toggling the backlight on and off and controlling the proportion of the time it spends in each state. The downside is that you want to do this toggling fast to avoid it looking like flickering, and that will burn some CPU. You might want to investigate whether it's best to let the hardware PWM run as well as yours (since then yours can run somewhat slower), by setting the display brightness at a value other than 100% for the “on” part of the cycle.
Anyway, just an idea.
