Rspec check if a method has been called without calling the method - ruby

I am pretty new with RSpec an althought I have been reading a lot about how to check if a method has been called I cannot find a proper solution for the case I need. Sorry if this is a duplicate but couldn't find anything :S
I have an object which implements this function
def link
paths.each do |old,new|
FileUtils.ln_s old, new
Several links are done based on paths (which is a hash pairing old and new files). My test for this looks like this:
context "linking files to new ones" do
it "links a sample to the propper file" do
expect(FileUtils).to have_received(:ln_s).with("/example/path/files/old.root",
Since I want to test that at least on of them has been called have to use the have_received method since the receive ones will fail as soon as the ln_s method gets called with different arguments. The issue is that the test fails because this is a test and I an mot going to actually create the links because the files don't exists so it fails raising an exception because the files don't exists.
How can I test this without actually having to call the method?
This call also fail as soon as a different call is made
it "links a sample with a region subpath to the propper file" do
expect(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s).with("/example/path/files/pathsuff/old.root",
It gives this error:
RSpec::Mocks::MockExpectationError: FileUtils received :ln_s with unexpected
expected: ("/example/path/files/pathsuff/old.root",
got: ("/example/path/files/old.root",
which is on of the other calls with different methods that can happen that can be called

context "linking files to new ones" do
it "links a sample to the propper file" do
allow(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s)
expect(FileUtils).to have_received(:ln_s).with(

If you don't care about actual arguments (but rather simple number of calls)
expect(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s).with(anything, anything).exactly(paths.length).times
If you do care about arguments
expect(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s).with('foo', 'bar').ordered
expect(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s).with('foo2', 'bar2').ordered
expect(FileUtils).to receive(:ln_s).with('foo3', 'bar3').ordered


How can I mock a Ruby "require" statement in RSpec?

I have a Ruby cli program that can optionally load a user-specified file via require. I would like to unit test this functionality via RSpec. The obvious thing to do is to mock the require and verify that it happened. Something like this:
context 'with the --require option' do
let(:file) { "test_require.rb" }
let(:args) { ["--require", "#{file}"] }
it "loads the specified file"
expect(...something...).to receive(:require).with(file).and_return(true)
(That's just typed, not copy/pasted - the actual code would obscure the question.)
No matter what I try, I can't capture the require, even though it's occurring (it raises a LoadError, so I can see that). I've tried a variety of things, including the most obvious:
expect(Kernel).to receive(:require).with(file).and_return(true)
or even:
let(:kernel_class) { class_double('Kernel') }
allow(Kernel).to receive(:require).and_call_original
allow(Kernel).to receive(:require).with(file).and_return(true)
but nothing seems to hook onto the require
So require is defined by Kernel but Kernel is included in Object so when you call require inside this context it is not necessarily the Kernel module that is processing the statement.
I am not sure if this exactly solves your issue but it does not suffer from the strange behavior exhibited below:
file = 'non-existent-file'
allow(self).to receive(:require).with(file).and_return(true)
expect(self).to receive(:require).with(file)
expect(require file).to eq(true)
Working Example
OLD Answer:
This is incorrect and exists only for posterity due to the up-votes received. Some how works without the allow. Would love it if someone could explain why as I assumed it should raise instead. I believe the issue to be related to and_return where this is not part of the expectation. My guess is we are only testing that self received require, with_file, and that the and_return portion is just a message transmission (thus my updated answer)
You can still stub this like so:
file = 'non-existent-file.rb'
allow_any_instance_of(Kernel).to receive(:require).with(file).and_return(true)
expect(self).to receive(:require).with(file).and_return(true)
require file
Since I am unclear on your exact implementation since you have obfuscated it for the question I cannot solve your exact issue.

Rails logger formatting - insert method name calling logger method

I want to insert name of the method calling the logger methods into my log files. Not the whole stack trace, but the class, method and/or line number would be great.
In any method, one can use caller to get an array of strings, each of which contains the file, line number and method name. I've come up with a pretty awful kludge using regexes and Enumerable#find to try to return the first non-logger stack frame. I guess it works, but if the locations of the logging Ruby files change in a different version or Rails, or I name my files something to do with logs, it will break. Same with if I take a given index from the top of the stack (I did this at first, then refactored one thing and naturally it gave me the wrong frame).
Note that I'm not looking to just log the controller or action, as those can be retrieved easily. Mostly this is for stuff in the lib/ directory.
Isn't there an easy way to do this? I don't want to have to pass in __method__ every time I make a logging statement.
I've looked all over at different solutions for capturing the exact place (file, line number, method name) where I invoke any given logger instance method from within my rails app. To do this, you need to override Logger's format_message method, and a good place to do this is in your rails project's config/environment.rb file.
This is what I've come up with, which is good enough for me ;o)
class Logger
def format_message(severity, timestamp, progname, msg)
line = ''
if (entry.include? Rails.root.to_s)
line = " #{entry.gsub(Rails.root.to_s,'').gsub(/\/(.+)\:in `(.+)'/, "\\1 -> \\2")}"
"[#{timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%d.%H:%M:%S")}] #{severity}#{line}: #{msg}\n"
Kernel.caller holds an enumerable array of the entire backtrace. If you look at it in its entirety, you'll see most calls are internal inside of a gem somewhere well outside your project. I've found that by looping through the Kernel.caller until I find the first place that includes my Rails.root, I can get the line with the information I want to parse.
If I call Rails.logger.debug("Streamer class started!") from the start method of my Streamer class, the raw entry would look like this:
/Users/chikoon/www/my_rails_app/lib/streamer.rb:7:in `start'
so by the time it makes it through my formatter, I've got the timestamp, severity mode, the file path, line number, method name, and message:
[20140919.19:23:44] DEBUG lib/streamer.rb:7 -> start: Streamer class started!
I hope that helps get your wheels turning.
How about setting up log_tags to call the __method__?
Blog::Application.configure do
config.log_tags = [lambda { |req| __method__ }]

Is there any way to delay a resource's attribute resolution until the "execute" phase?

I have two LWRPs. The first deals with creating a disk volume, formatting it, and mounting it on a virtual machine, we'll call this resource cloud_volume. The second resource (not really important what it does) needs a UUID for the newly formatted volume which is a required attribute, we'll call this resource foobar.
The resources cloud_volume and foobar are used in a recipe something like the following.
volumes.each do |mount_point, volume|
cloud_volume "#{mount_point}" do
size volume['size']
label volume['label']
action [:create, :initialize]
foobar "#{mount_point}" do
disk_uuid node[:volumes][mount_point][:uuid] # This is set by cloud_volume
action [:do_stuff]
So, when I do a chef run I get a Required argument disk_identifier is missing! exception.
After doing some digging I discovered that recipes are processed in two phases, a compile phase and an execute phase. It looks like the issue is at compile time as that is the point in time that node[:volumes][mount_point][:uuid] is not set.
Unfortunately I can't use the trick that OpsCode has here as notifications are being used in the cloud_volume LWRP (so it would fall into the anti-pattern shown in the documentation)
So, after all this, my question is, is there any way to get around the requirement that the value of disk_uuid be known at compile time?
A cleaner way would be to use Lazy Attribute Evaluation. This will evaluate node[:volumes][mount_point][:uuid] during execution time instead of compile
foobar "#{mount_point}" do
disk_uuid lazy { node[:volumes][mount_point][:uuid] }
action [:do_stuff]
Disclaimer: this is the way to go with older Chef (<11.6.0), before they added lazy attribute evaluation.
Wrap your foobar resource into ruby_block and define foobar dynamically. This way after the compile stage you will have a ruby code in resource collection and it will be evaluated in run stage.
ruby_block "mount #{mount_point} using foobar" do
block do
res = mount_point, run_context )
res.disk_uuid node[:volumes][mount_point][:uuid]
res.run_action :do_stuff
This way node[:volumes][mount_point][:uuid] will not be known at compile time, but it also will not be accessed at compile time. It will only be accessed in running stage, when it should already be set.

Have Cucumber Step Verify Variable Set By A Page Object In Another Step

I am using Cheezy's PageObject to setup some cucumber tests. I have everything pretty much setup like Jeff Morgan's book "Cucumber & Cheese".
Right now I have a page object "PublishPage" setup that has a method that sets a variable #tag. For example I have in the file publish_page.rb
Class PublishPage
def tag
#some steps left out
#tag = "123"
def verify_tag
#some steps left out
#tag.should include "2"
In the Cucumber steps, for one of the steps i have on_page(PublishPage).tag, and then in another step i have on_page(PublishPage).verify_tag. In my env.rb file I have require 'rspec-expectations'.
The problem is that when I run this code I get an error that says undefined method 'include' for #<PublishPage:xxxxxx>. But if I move the code inside the verify_tag method into the steps everything works except it does not have access to #tag...
This should be as simple as adding
include RSpec::Matchers
to your page object.
The other alternative would be to expose #tag through some method and then in your Cucumber step say something like
on_page(PublishPage).the_displayed_tag.should include("2")
Every time you invoke on_page(PublishPage), it will instantiate a new page object. You are most likely getting the "cannot convert nil to string" error because you are referencing an instance variable from a new object, hence it's value being nil. You should no longer get that error if you instantiate your page object only once, between calling page.tag and page.verify_tag.
Doing things this way will use one instance of your page object, allowing you to persist between step definitions.
When /I publish a tag/ do
#publish_page = #browser
Then /I should have my tag/ do
Hope this helps!

Ruby Koans about_methods line 123 object loop

Each time I add in the correct code, it gives me the same error due to AboutMethods:0x00000101841a28 number changing each time. It's like its stuck and I don't know how to get out this loop. It worked once, then I went on to the next step, but then it triggered an error after that.
I must not be inputting the correct line of code given from the console?
def test_calling_private_methods_with_an_explicit_receiver
exception = assert_raise(NoMethodError) do
assert_match "private method `my_private_method' called for #<AboutMethods:0x000001008debf8>", exception.message
The AboutMethods:0x000001008debf8 changes each time, not sure how to approach this problem?
AboutMethods:0x... is the output of the inspect method, which usually (and in this case) includes the class name (AboutMethods) and the object id (0x...). The object id is related to the objects location in memory, so it will change every time.
In my experience, there is very little value to checking the string from an exception (it's brittle). However, if you feel the need, use a regex:
assert_match /private method `my_private_method' called for \#\<AboutMethods:.*/
