open luakit windows of specific size from shell script - shell

can anybody help me achieving this with luakit?
I'm running raspbian on rpi3 and for my application I need one luakit window constantly running in full screen mode and triggered by a bash script, I want another browser window open from time to time in a certain size e.g. 800x600. Would be nice if I could also determine the position of the second window.
I was able to launch luakit in full screen or specific size by overwriting the window function in my rc.lua config. I then launch luakit with either the one or the other rc.lua file (-c parameter) . However if one instance of luakit is already running, the second luakit window uses the config of the first one that is already running.
Can I somehow trigger the window size of a new luakit window from bash script?
Thanks for any help.

I found a solution to my problem: instead of giving the browser instance the window size, I let itself decide whether or not to launch in fullscreen by checking the URL.
in my rc.lua I added require "userconf" and created a file userconf.lua in which I have overwritten the function like so:
local w =
-- Set window metatable
setmetatable(w, {
__index = function (_, k)
-- Check widget structure first
local v = rawget(w, k)
if v then return v end
-- Call each window index function
for _, index in ipairs(window.indexes) do
v = index(w, k)
if v then return v end
-- Setup window widget for signals
-- Call window init functions
for _, func in pairs(window.init_funcs) do
-- Call window init functions
for _, func in pairs(window.init_funcs) do
-- Populate notebook with tabs
for _, uri in ipairs(uris or {}) do
w:new_tab(w:search_open(uri), false)
-- Make sure something is loaded
if w.tabs:count() == 0 then
w:new_tab(w:search_open(globals.homepage), false)
-- Set initial mode
-- Show window
-- we check the url, if it points to the URL i want to see in fullscreen we launch in fullscreen otherwise we leave the default.
-- open myapplication.html in fullscreen, every other window in normal mode = false
for _, uri in ipairs(uris or {}) do
if string.match(uri, "myapplication.html") then
print "got myapplication.html" = true
return w
It's probably not a 100% solution, but for me it's ok


How do I make a script affect all its children in Roblox LUA?

I'm new to programming in LUA, although I've learned similar languages like JS. It's frustrating if I have to alter the same script in many parts in a group by replacing each script, and I don't know of an elegant way to do it. Instead, I decided to nest all the parts inside of the script. I've seen some examples and I've tried to adapt some of them, but they don't exactly apply to what I want to do and I can't get them to work.
In essence, what I'm trying to do is monitor all the bricks for a player to contact them. I took the original disappearing brick script that was nested inside each brick and modified it. If a part (brick) is touched, that should call the onTouch function, which will make the brick's transparency decrease over time until the in pairs loop is done, after which the brick disappears and CanCollide is turned off. After 2 seconds, it then returns back to normal. I think the problem is with the coding I used to monitor the parts as I don't really understand the right way to monitor multiple objects. Can someone please help? Thanks!
File structure:
function onTouched(brick)
local delay = .1 -- the delay between each increase in transparency (affects speed of disappearance)
local RestoreDelay = 2 -- delay before the brick reappears
local inc = .1 -- how much the brick disappears each time
-- All characters have a Humanoid object
-- if the model has one, it is a character
local h = script.Child:findFirstChild("Humanoid") -- Find Humanoids in whatever touched this
if (h ~=nil) then -- If there is a Humanoid then
h.Health = h.MaxHealth -- Set the health to maximum (full healing)
for x=0,1, inc do
script.Child.Transparency = x+inc
script.Child.CanCollide = true
script.Child.Transparency = 1
script.Child.CanCollide = false
script.Child.Transparency = 0
script.Child.CanCollide = true
while true do
local bricks=script:GetChildren():IsA("basic.part")
for x=1,brick in pairs(bricks) do
brick.Touched:connect(onTouched(brick)) -- Make it call onTouched when touched
For the most part, you've gotten it right, but you've got a few syntax errors where there are different conventions between JavaScript and Lua.
In JS, you would fetch an array of objects and then bee able to filter it immediately, but in Lua, there is limited support for that. So a JavaScript line like :
var bricks = script.GetChildren().filter(function(item) {
return item === "basic.part"
cannot be done all in one line in Lua without assistance from some library. So you'll need to move the check into the loop as you iterate over the objects.
Other than that, the only other thing to change is the onTouched handler's function signature. The BasePart.Touched event tells you which object has touched the brick, not the brick itself. But by creating a higher order function, it's easy to get access to the brick, and the thing that touched it.
-- create a helper function to access the brick and the thing that touched it
function createOnTouched(brick)
-- keep track whether the animation is running
local isFading = false
return function(otherPart)
-- do not do the animation again if it has already started
if isFading then
local delay = .1 -- the delay between each increase in transparency (affects speed of disappearance)
local restoreDelay = 2 -- delay before the brick reappears
local inc = .1 -- how much the brick disappears each time
-- All characters have a Humanoid object, check for one
local h = otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if h then
-- heal the player
h.Health = h.MaxHealth
-- start fading the brick
isFading = true
brick.CanCollide = true
for i = 0, 1, inc do
brick.Transparency = i
-- turn off collision for the brick
brick.Transparency = 1
brick.Anchored = true
brick.CanCollide = false
-- turn the part back on
brick.Transparency = 0
brick.CanCollide = true
-- reset the animation flag
isFading = false
-- loop over the children and connect touch events
local bricks = script:GetChildren()
for i, brick in ipairs(bricks) do
if brick:IsA("BasePart") then
local onTouchedFunc = createOnTouched(brick)

My toplevel window in tkinter is no longer being destroyed. It was working fine until I tried changing other aspects of my function

I'm trying to get a popup window to display random text and a picture every time a button is pressed in tkinter. My original code was going to use an if/elif statement to do this. It worked as intended but I thought it might be easier to pair the data in a dictionary since there would be 50 elif statements otherwise (is it frowned upon to use so many? I actually found it easier to read).I was able to get this working but now the toplevel window in tkinter is not being destroyed like it was in the original function. A new Label is just being created on top of it and I can't figure out why. The function code is below. Thanks in advance, any help would be appreciated!
def Add_Gemstone2():
global Addstone
#destroy the previous window if there is one.
except(AttributeError, NameError):
#create the window.
AddStone.configure(bg='White', height=200, width=325)
# add gemstones to list from file.
gem_stones = open('gemstones.txt')
all_gem_stones = gem_stones.readlines()
gemstones = []
for i in all_gem_stones:
# Add pictures to list.
path = r'C:\Users\Slack\Desktop\PYTHON WORKS\PYTHON GUI PROJECT\gems'
gempictures = []
# r=root, d=directories, f = files
for r,d,f in os.walk(path):
for file in f:
if '.gif' in file:
gempictures.append(os.path.join(r, file))
#create dictionary from lists.
gemdiction = dict(zip(gemstones, gempictures))
key, val = random.choice(list(gemdiction.items()))
# create the labels.
glbl1 = Label(AddStone, text=key, bg='gold', wraplength=300)
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
glbl2 = Label(AddStone, image=image)
glbl2.image = image

Roblox - How would I make a script that closes an open GUI when another is opened?

I have two GUI's that are opened by a button each at the top of the screen, but I want to make it so that if someone tries to open the second GUI with the first open, it will close the first one before opening the second one.
You can do something like:
local frames = {
[buttonA] = frameA;
[buttonB] = frameB;
for button,frame in pairs(frames) do
if frame.Visible then
-- If we try to reopen the current frame, close it
frame.Visible = false
-- Close all frames and make ours visible
for k,v in pairs(frames) do
-- 'v == frame' is true if it's our frame
v.Visible = v == frame
You should also check out the ROBLOX Wiki. It has some nice tutorials for Lua and stuff like opening/closing GUIs.
100% WORKS
To make an opening and closing gui...Put this script:
FIRSTGUINAME is your first gui, rename it and SECONDGUINAME is your second gui name so...
FIRSTGUINAME = script.Parent -- very important classifying info
SECONDGUINAME = script.Parent.Parent.Parent:WaitForChild(YOUR SECOND GUI)
SECONDGUINAME.Visible = not Visible
Thats all, now just copy paste this and your set
If you want to close a GUI if another one is open you can try this code:
GUI1 = (insert)
GUI2 = (insert)
if GUI1.Visible == false then
if GUI2.Visible == true then
GUI2.Visible = false
GUI1.Visible = true
GUI.Visible = true
GUI1.Visible = false
If you are into the fancy stuff with the tweens, you might have to do that research yourself.

MATLAB: Modify getline() to remove 'end input on double-click' functionality

The matlab function getline (image processing toolbox) returns the position of a polyline (which has previously been defined with the cursor) either on a double-click or on pressing the return key or spacebar.
Due to my butter-fingers and accidentally double-clicking I want to remove the ability to end on a double-click.
What part do I need to change, or what functions should I be looking out for, I can't find out how a double click is even defined in matlab.
MATLAB associates "callback" functions with graphics objects, which define what to do when the mouse is clicked, keys are pressed, etc.. In getline(), the section to look at is the NextButtonDown() subfunction. This is the callback that is associated with subsequent mouse presses after the first mouse press to initiate the line. The key is that is checks the SelectionType figure property, which will be open for a double click. When that is the case, it closes the figure. So, to disable that functionality, just remove the extra case and checking logic. Here is the diff for my r2009b version:
< selectionType = get(GETLINE_FIG, 'SelectionType');
< if (~strcmp(selectionType, 'open'))
< % We don't want to add a point on the second click
< % of a double-click
< end
< if (~strcmp(get(GETLINE_FIG, 'SelectionType'), 'normal'))
< % We're done!
< set(GETLINE_H1, 'UserData', 'Completed');
< end
The answer provided by #JohnColby solves your problem by editing the GETLINE.m function file. Basically you comment out every line that check if a double-click was performed. This information is obtained by querying the 'SelectionType' figure property.
Alternatively, if you are like me and you hate making changes to built-in functions, then consider the following solution that doesn't involve changing any existing functions. Here is an example of how we use it:
h = addlistener(handle(gcf), 'WindowButtonDownFcn', 'PostSet', #changedWBDFcn);
[x,y] = getline();
plot(x,y, 'Color','r')
The idea is to create an event listener that gets triggered when the 'WindowButtonDownFcn' figure property changes. We use it to insert a function that gets called just before the previously set callback function (actually we replace the callback with our own function that calls the old one at the end).
This allows us to insert a section that checks if the call was triggered by a double-click, and simply skip such event.
This had to be done twice, because GETLINE first calls FirstButtonDown on first click, which sets NextButtonDown to be called on subsequent clicks, thus the use of the flag variable to differentiate between the two cases.
The code for the above event listener function:
function changedWBDFcn(src,ev,flag)
hFig = ev.AffectedObject; %# figure handle
currFcn = ev.NewValue; %# current callback function
delete(src); %# delete event listener
if nargin < 3, flag = false; end %# determine flag
%# hijack WindowButtonDownFcn function
set(hFig, 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{#wbdFcn,currFcn,flag})
%# callback function
function wbdFcn(o,e,currFcn,flag)
%# skip anything but single-clicks
if ~strcmpi(get(hFig,'SelectionType'),'normal')
%# evaluate previous callback function
hgfeval(currFcn) %# getline('FirstButtonDown'),getline('NextButtonDown')
%# repeat process after first click
if flag
addlistener(handle(hFig), 'WindowButtonDownFcn', ...
'PostSet', {#changedWBDFcn,true});

MATLAB exiting loop in function when using GUI

I have a function which runs when a button is clicked and that function will call another function to perform plotting, which is an animation composed by a series of loops. Problem is, after the program is run, it cannot be stopped unless pressing Ctrl+C which then cause the whole .exe to fail and require reopening it.
I want to make a Reset button, so to stop the loop from running, but how to pass a new variable from the interrupt to the existing function which is two level above the stack?
Thank You
edit # 22:13 27/3/2011 (UKT)
a more clearer of what I am trying to do:
function push_calculate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
(List of parameters read in the GUI)
fmain(list of paramters required to pass to the function, fmain)
that's first part of the code which linked directly to the GUI, the fmain looks like:
function fmain(List of parameters)
(List of calculations...)
fplotting(list of paramters for plotting)
in which the fplotting is where the animation comes out from, inside the fplotting:
function fplotting(list of parameters)
for i = 1:(end)
(do the animation plot)
here is the loop where I want to stop when I press the reset button. coz if anyone press Ctrl+C when the animation is undergoing (looping), it will give an error and the exe file will crash and requires reopening it. So what I want it be able to stop it when someone press the reset button.
If I use persistent, the new value, after I press the reset button, it will not pass into the existing loop and break the loop... looks like I am looking for a way to update the parameter after I have change it outside the function
Use exit or quit to exit the program
To stop the loop from running, you can use break or return from a function..
Your best bet might be to use a PERSISTENT variable whose state you check at each iteration of the loop in function 2, and whose value you modify in the "reset"-callback.
reset callback
function reset_callback(hObj,eventdata,handles)
%# "activate" persistent variable
persistent breakThis
%# set it to 1
breakThis = true;
function with the loop
function functionWithTheLoop(someInput)
%# "activate persistent variable
persistent breakThis
%# start loop
for iter = 1:numOfIterations
%# check whether you need to break out of the loop
if breakThis
%# reset the function value
breakThis = false;
You can use application data information, i.e. setappdata and getappdata:
% animation loop function
function loop(hFig)
setappdata(hFig, 'run', true); % here or somewhere else...
while(getappdata(hFig, 'run'))
% GUI stop-loop btn callback
function stop(hFig)
setappdata(hFig, 'run', false);
I guess that would work.
