MATLAB: Modify getline() to remove 'end input on double-click' functionality - user-interface

The matlab function getline (image processing toolbox) returns the position of a polyline (which has previously been defined with the cursor) either on a double-click or on pressing the return key or spacebar.
Due to my butter-fingers and accidentally double-clicking I want to remove the ability to end on a double-click.
What part do I need to change, or what functions should I be looking out for, I can't find out how a double click is even defined in matlab.

MATLAB associates "callback" functions with graphics objects, which define what to do when the mouse is clicked, keys are pressed, etc.. In getline(), the section to look at is the NextButtonDown() subfunction. This is the callback that is associated with subsequent mouse presses after the first mouse press to initiate the line. The key is that is checks the SelectionType figure property, which will be open for a double click. When that is the case, it closes the figure. So, to disable that functionality, just remove the extra case and checking logic. Here is the diff for my r2009b version:
< selectionType = get(GETLINE_FIG, 'SelectionType');
< if (~strcmp(selectionType, 'open'))
< % We don't want to add a point on the second click
< % of a double-click
< end
< if (~strcmp(get(GETLINE_FIG, 'SelectionType'), 'normal'))
< % We're done!
< set(GETLINE_H1, 'UserData', 'Completed');
< end

The answer provided by #JohnColby solves your problem by editing the GETLINE.m function file. Basically you comment out every line that check if a double-click was performed. This information is obtained by querying the 'SelectionType' figure property.
Alternatively, if you are like me and you hate making changes to built-in functions, then consider the following solution that doesn't involve changing any existing functions. Here is an example of how we use it:
h = addlistener(handle(gcf), 'WindowButtonDownFcn', 'PostSet', #changedWBDFcn);
[x,y] = getline();
plot(x,y, 'Color','r')
The idea is to create an event listener that gets triggered when the 'WindowButtonDownFcn' figure property changes. We use it to insert a function that gets called just before the previously set callback function (actually we replace the callback with our own function that calls the old one at the end).
This allows us to insert a section that checks if the call was triggered by a double-click, and simply skip such event.
This had to be done twice, because GETLINE first calls FirstButtonDown on first click, which sets NextButtonDown to be called on subsequent clicks, thus the use of the flag variable to differentiate between the two cases.
The code for the above event listener function:
function changedWBDFcn(src,ev,flag)
hFig = ev.AffectedObject; %# figure handle
currFcn = ev.NewValue; %# current callback function
delete(src); %# delete event listener
if nargin < 3, flag = false; end %# determine flag
%# hijack WindowButtonDownFcn function
set(hFig, 'WindowButtonDownFcn',{#wbdFcn,currFcn,flag})
%# callback function
function wbdFcn(o,e,currFcn,flag)
%# skip anything but single-clicks
if ~strcmpi(get(hFig,'SelectionType'),'normal')
%# evaluate previous callback function
hgfeval(currFcn) %# getline('FirstButtonDown'),getline('NextButtonDown')
%# repeat process after first click
if flag
addlistener(handle(hFig), 'WindowButtonDownFcn', ...
'PostSet', {#changedWBDFcn,true});


Game Maker - Mouse Click image_index Checking

I have this sprite: spr_meteoriteLv3, which has two sub-images with index image_index 0 and 1 respectively.
I have these objects: obj_meteoriteLv3, obj_tempMeteoriteLv3, and obj_score. Object obj_meteoriteLv3 spawns from above with random position, random amount, and random sub-image. Object obj_tempMeteoriteLv3 makes obj_meteoriteLv3s spawn. When player clicks on a meteorite, the program checks the value of image_index for that object.
obj_meteoriteLv3 has these events:
Create Event: change sprite_index into spr_meteoriteLv3, and start moving downwards.
Left-pressed Mouse Event: destroy the self instance, and check image_index: if image_index == 0 then score += 5; else score -= 5).
obj_tempMeteoriteLv3 has these events:
Create Event: set Alarm 0 to 3600, set variable exist to 1, and set variable add to 1.
Alarm 0: set variable add to 0, and destroy the obj_meteoriteLv3 instance.
Alarm 1: set variable exist to 1.
Step Event: if (exist == 1) then, if (add == 1) then create instance of obj_meteoriteLv3, set variable exist to 0, and set Alarm 1 to 10.
obj_score has these events:
Create Event: set score to 0.
Draw Event: draw the value of score.
The problem is, no matter which sub-image the meteorite image_index has when clicked, the score will always be incremented by 5 points. It's like the else condition isn't working. How can I fix this? Please explain your answer. Thanks.
I add some images for better understanding. Link 1. Link 2
In obj_meteoriteLv3 it's being destroyed before it can execute the rest of the code blocks. Move "Destroy Instance" to the bottom.
In obj_tempMeteoriteLv3 both variables "add" and "exist" are not necessary, instead have-
Create Event-
alarm[0] = 3600
alarm[1] = 10
Alarm[0] Event-
Alarm[1] Event
Create_instance of obj_meteoriteLv3
alarm[1] = 10
Potentially, when you click, every single meteorite is triggered.
On the left click event of the meteorite, you did not check if the cursor was on the sprite. You have to use the position_meeting function, to which you pass the mouse position and the instance to click.
it would look like :
if (position_meeting(mouse_x, mouse_y, id))
//your destroy code
Moreover, when the instance_destroy(); line is read, the following code is ignored and the program jumps to the destroy_event. William explained it well and suggested to change the order of the lines of code, but you can also change the score in the destroy event directly.
I would like to add that checking for clicks in every instance of the meteorites is not optimal for performances.
My recommendation would be to use a single object to check for clicks (your player or your meteorite spawner, for example), in which you would check for clicks, and if a meteorite is touched, you would trigger it's destroy event. And in this event, you would increment the score and check the sprite.
Your click event would look like :
with (instance_position(mouse_x, mouse_y, obj_meteoriteLv3))
and in the meteorite destroy event, you would check the image_index and change the score accordingly.
EDIT : why the score doesn't change
I believe you didn't declare the score as a global variable, but as an instance variable. So when you write "score = ..." in an other object, it creates a new score variable, unrelated to the precedent.
You have 2 options :
1 - Declare the score a global variable in the create event of obj_score:
globalvar score;
score = //your starting score
Be aware that a global variable can't be set on it's initialisation line.
2 - Change the score through the score object :
whenever the score has to change :
obj_score.score = ...

Want to move a slider and all the others update in Matlab?

I have GUI in Matlab that I have made using the Programmatic approach. It has 6 sliders and I want to be able to move one of them and have the others update as if i clicked them again but to stay in the same place. I am guessing I will need to use the set() function. Is there some function to do this in matlab already? I have been looking around. Any suggestions or something to point me in the right direction?
If you are using guide, you can access the other sliders from the handles variable that is available in each callback.
Set the Value property for them.
function Slider1_CallBack(hObj,evt,handles)
% etc..
In case you are using it programmaticaly, you can store the handles manually.
function main
handles.Figure1 = figure(..);
handles.Slider1 = uicontrol(...);
handles.Slider2 = uicontrol(...);
And your slider callback should be:
function Slider1_CallBack(hObj,evt)
handles = guidata(hObj);
% etc..
Edit A good practice in writing UI is separating the GUI logic from the actual data. You always change the data, and call updateGUI routine.
Therefore, you can write your program like this:
function main
handles.gui.Figure1 = figure(..);
handles.gui.Slider1 = uicontrol(...);
handles.gui.Slider2 = uicontrol(...); = 1;
function UpdateGui(handles)
%Based on the data, update the GUI
And the callback should look like:
function Slider1_CallBack(hObj,evt)
handles = guidata(hObj); = + 1;
% etc..

Swapping property values between objects

I have created two textboxes via annotation(.) in a figure. Most of their properties have been defined; and the callback function enables drag and drop motion in the window. I created a uicontextmenu for the boxes. On right click a list of functions can be chosen from for subsequent action.
One of the actions I am trying to add involves swapping strings between the two boxes. I need to get the string of the box I currently right-clicked, which should swap with the string in the box I subsequently left-click. Can I get advice on how to go about extending the uimenu function so that it registers the subsequent left-click?
You will need to manually store the last clicked box. If you are using GUIDE to design your GUI, use the handles structure which gets passed around to callback functions. Otherwise if you programmatically generate the components, then nested callback functions have access to variables defined inside their enclosing functions.
Here is a complete example: right-click and select "Swap" from context menu, then choose the other textbox to swap strings with (left-click). Note that I had to disable/enable the textboxes in-between the two steps to be able to fire the ButtonDownFcn (see this page for an explanation)
function myTestGUI
%# create GUI
hLastBox = []; %# handle to textbox initiating swap
isFirstTime = true; %# show message box only once
h(1) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','1', 'position',[100 200 60 20]);
h(2) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','2', 'position',[400 200 60 20]);
h(3) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','3', 'position',[250 300 60 20]);
h(4) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','4', 'position',[250 100 60 20]);
%# create context menu and attach to textboxes
hCMenu = uicontextmenu;
uimenu(hCMenu, 'Label','Swap String...', 'Callback', #swapBeginCallback);
set(h, 'uicontextmenu',hCMenu)
function swapBeginCallback(hObj,ev)
%# save the handle of the textbox we right clicked on
hLastBox = gco;
%# we must disable textboxes to be able to fire the ButtonDownFcn
set(h, 'ButtonDownFcn',#swapEndCallback)
set(h, 'Enable','off')
%# show instruction to user
if isFirstTime
isFirstTime = false;
msgbox('Now select textbox you want to switch string with');
function swapEndCallback(hObj,ev)
%# re-enable textboxes, and reset ButtonDownFcn handler
set(h, 'Enable','on')
set(h, 'ButtonDownFcn',[])
%# swap strings
str = get(gcbo,'String');
set(gcbo, 'String',get(hLastBox,'String'))
set(hLastBox, 'String',str)

Smooth transition (optical effect) between uitabpanels in Matlab

I have designed a group of three uitabpanels objects.
htab = uitabgroup('v0');
th1 = uitab('v0',htab,'title','Panel 1','ButtonDownFcn',...
th2 = uitab('v0',htab,'title','Panel 2','ButtonDownFcn',...
th3 = uitab('v0',htab,'title','Panel 3','ButtonDownFcn',...
My intention is having a smooth transition between them when I change the selected uipanel through the mouse click. I pretend to achieve it changing the 'Visible' property of the elements contained inside them using the ButtonDownFcn function ( I got this idea based on the description section of this page).
function th1_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(fh);
function th2_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(fh);
function th3_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(fh);
fh: handle of the figure where they are contained the uitabpanels.
handles.th1, handles.th2, handles.th3: handles of the elements contained into each uitabpanel respectively.
However, it has not worked (I click on each one of uitabpanel's tabs and the visibility of them do not change) and I do not understand why.
In conclusion, the ButtonDownFcn and SelectionChangeFcn functions of an UITAB are already active when you click in the tabĀ“s label. So it is not possible to achieve the desired target (smooth optical transition) because the obtained result (modifying the mentioned functions) is the same that doing nothing.

MATLAB exiting loop in function when using GUI

I have a function which runs when a button is clicked and that function will call another function to perform plotting, which is an animation composed by a series of loops. Problem is, after the program is run, it cannot be stopped unless pressing Ctrl+C which then cause the whole .exe to fail and require reopening it.
I want to make a Reset button, so to stop the loop from running, but how to pass a new variable from the interrupt to the existing function which is two level above the stack?
Thank You
edit # 22:13 27/3/2011 (UKT)
a more clearer of what I am trying to do:
function push_calculate_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
(List of parameters read in the GUI)
fmain(list of paramters required to pass to the function, fmain)
that's first part of the code which linked directly to the GUI, the fmain looks like:
function fmain(List of parameters)
(List of calculations...)
fplotting(list of paramters for plotting)
in which the fplotting is where the animation comes out from, inside the fplotting:
function fplotting(list of parameters)
for i = 1:(end)
(do the animation plot)
here is the loop where I want to stop when I press the reset button. coz if anyone press Ctrl+C when the animation is undergoing (looping), it will give an error and the exe file will crash and requires reopening it. So what I want it be able to stop it when someone press the reset button.
If I use persistent, the new value, after I press the reset button, it will not pass into the existing loop and break the loop... looks like I am looking for a way to update the parameter after I have change it outside the function
Use exit or quit to exit the program
To stop the loop from running, you can use break or return from a function..
Your best bet might be to use a PERSISTENT variable whose state you check at each iteration of the loop in function 2, and whose value you modify in the "reset"-callback.
reset callback
function reset_callback(hObj,eventdata,handles)
%# "activate" persistent variable
persistent breakThis
%# set it to 1
breakThis = true;
function with the loop
function functionWithTheLoop(someInput)
%# "activate persistent variable
persistent breakThis
%# start loop
for iter = 1:numOfIterations
%# check whether you need to break out of the loop
if breakThis
%# reset the function value
breakThis = false;
You can use application data information, i.e. setappdata and getappdata:
% animation loop function
function loop(hFig)
setappdata(hFig, 'run', true); % here or somewhere else...
while(getappdata(hFig, 'run'))
% GUI stop-loop btn callback
function stop(hFig)
setappdata(hFig, 'run', false);
I guess that would work.
