Magento Connect not showing available Community Extension Upgrades - magento

My Magento install is not showing any available upgrades for Community Extensions.
When I run mage from the command line I receive No updates available (Magento is up to date). It does show the installed modules so no problem with the packages.xml.
To test I restored an older version and re-ran the upgrade, this shows me all of the current Magento core upgrades. However nothing for the extensions (which mirrors what I see with the live install)
If I log into Magento Connect it shows all my installed extensions and their versions but nothing in the column that shows the available version.
n98-magerun :sys:check shows no problems
I have googled and tried everything I can think of and can't figure it out
We are running CentOS 7.4
Any pointers would be very helpful :)


SQLite setup Error

I try to load Sqlite Bundle to my computer from this link:
But its show this error. In my PC already loaded ".Net Framework 4.6" but its says v2.0 or higher is required.
It would appear you do not in fact have the right framework installed, I would recommend you re-install it and ensure that you get the latest version.
If you just uninstall you can get the latest version from this link:

How to upgrade latest version of my application without uninstall the old version manually?

I have my project in visual studio and i am using installshield as my windows installer. When I am installing new updated version of my application it will shows
Another version of this product is automatically installed like this...
How can I install new version by overwriting my old version?
Is there any way to configure in installshield or give me any other way
The error that you're getting is because the ProductCode has not been changed. This code is what makes your product/installer unique. Generally to author the upgrade you'll need to change this code and make sure the UpgradeCode is the same so that it recognizes what is already installed.
Authoring upgrades is a much wider topic and far too much information then can be covered here. I would suggest this page for learning about Windows installer upgrading.
Every upgraded version of install should have a different ProductCode. UpgradeCode is what tells the install package that this product has been installed. If ProductCode is also the same, install assumes you are installing the same product again. ProductCode needs to be different for each of the updated packages.
Under The Upgrade Paths, create a new path. Leave the min version blank (unless you need it), include min version yes, Max version should be set to the version You are installing now. Include max version to yes.
Each time you are installing an update, Increase the Product version(If u want to change) in the General Information section. Click on a new Product Code in the General Information Section Do not change the upgrade code.
Go back to the upgrade path, and set the Max version to the same version you are deploying now.
And make sure the Upgrade code in the "General Information" and "Upgrade path" are same.
This process uninstalls previous version, and installs the latest. No duplicates in add/remove programs.
If any doubt on this, comment your question...

How to install DNN Upgrade Package 07.00.05 - I have DotNetNuke Community Edition 06.00.00 (2982) hosted on iHostASP.Net

I am more of a DNN end user and not a DNN developer.
When I bought my DNN hosting package from iHostASP.Net about 2 years ago, version 6.0 was the current version for the community edition and set it up for me. I did not make much use of the website until now and I am planning to relaunch my website.
I see that 7.00.05 is the latest community and if I got to the DNN website from the upgrade prompt from my DNN instance, I am taken to
from where all I can do is download a zip file.
How do I have this upgrade package installed? What I have on is a website setup, so I don't have full access to the server itself. All I can access is the Helm Control panel for my website.
I have host access to my website, but can't see how I can have the zip file uploaded or installed in my DNN instance.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Does anyone know of any breaking changes in this upgrade from 6.0.0 to 7.0.05? I am not using any outside module other than what is supplied out of the box in a default DNN community edition.
Thank in advance.
Suggested upgrade path recommends upgrading first to the latest DNN 6, and then to the latest DNN 7. At the moment, this means first upgrading to 06.02.07, and then to 07.00.05.
This is just a recommendation, though. If you get upgrade errors, or the site doesn't work as expected, I would try again with the suggested upgrade path.
DNN system requirements have changed substantially between versions 6 and 7. Support for Windows 2003 servers has been dropped, but I doubt IHostASP.NET has used these for a while.
You likely have FTP access with IHostASP, if so, you can watch this video for how to perform an upgrade
You should also check out the Wiki
Be absolutely sure to back everything up first though, if you don't know how, ask your hosting provider what backup options they provide.

how to uninstall Flashbuilder manually.

I've flashbuilder 4.6 and I need to uninstall it. It appears to be missing the installation package, and as such it doesn't appear in the control panel->uninstall list for windows 7.
I have filed a case with adobe for help (as its a paid product), but after month & 1/2 no answer.
So any suggestions on how to get rid of it including any links it will have to the registry or similar. It must be a clean uninstall as to install the newer version the current one must be removed and the newer version installation knows that I have it (previous version) installed already.
I have tried the uninstall tool called Revo as well without success.
What I needed to do was to find the exact version of the software I used to install it originally. Then once I ran the installer, (for the already installed software) windows picked up the installation packager and I could uninstall it.
Once removed I could then install the newer version of the same software.

IE 8 install how to get version 8.0.6001.18702

I am having trouble installing the latest version of IE namely version 8.0.6001.18702. I downloaded the install from Microsoft but when the install is completed, the version number is reported as IE 8.0.6001.18702IC. This version does not work on all web applications and I need to get the correct final version installed. The problem is compounded by the installation downloading any updates from the Microsoft site so that there is no real control over the final version you get. Any ideas?
This is answered at MSDN forum please check it #
