Displaying Metarunner parameters for build steps - teamcity

I've created a metarunner in TeamCity, but I can't figure out how to display information from it on the list of build steps, which leads to several identical rows. Other (built-in) runners have the ability to display some basic information to help clarify what the step is doing. For example, in the image below, I have:
A metarunner with no description
The built-in Command Line task, with a "Command" displayed
Five instances of the same metarunner with different parameters, which all look the same.
The built-in SMB Upload task, with a "Target SMB share" displayed
One parameter from the "Copy config" metarunner looks like:
<param name="FileName" spec="text display='normal' label='File Name' description='Name of the file to be copied'" />
Is this something that can be edited via the metarunner XML? Or is this a feature that's only available to built-in runners?

I see parameters/param tags before the build-runners/runner section containing parameters/param (the latter being inputs to the wrapped runner, I guess). The former allow editable inputs. I am new so I feel uncomfortable with the multiple inheritance. I would rather see the parameters configuration from the runner to show up in the Parameters section of the build. I would also prefer if the runner could configure the artifact mapping as well. So far I am going to configure parameters in the root project separately from my custom runner. I did not look at custom plugins.
I figured I do not have to HTML-escape special characters in the runner's custom script, I could use the CDATA marker-wrapped clear text of the script as the param tag's text.
<runner name="Run my runner" type="simpleRunner">
<param name="use.custom.script" value="true" />
<param name="script.content"><![CDATA[#echo on
if not exist %env.CYGBINSLASH%python2.7.exe (
powershell "$r = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $r.DownloadFile('%env.scriptweb%fixcygwin.bat', 'fixcygwin.bat')"
call fixcygwin.bat /f
) 1>&2
#rem CMD.EXE would destroy leading double quotes in continuation lines, so sticking white space.
%env.CYGBINSLASH%bash -exc '^
if [[ "${my_param}" != "true" ]] ; then ^
exit; ^
fi; ^
/usr/bin/curl -o myscript.sh "${MY_SCRIPT}"; ^
source myscript.sh "PROJ_%Project%" "%Project%/%Project%.csproj"; ^
' 1>&2]]></param>
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />


CMake: How to add a custom variable for user macro with a value that depends on build configuration?

I use CMake version 3.16.
I tried the following:
And it kind of worked...
This variable (FR_VERSION) is supposed to be used in a script that is launched after build. This is how it looks:
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PLUGIN_NAME} POST_BUILD
COMMENT "This command will copy files to dist"
In Visual Studio, however, we got the following:
echo $<$<CONFIG:Debug2017>:"2017">;$<$<CONFIG:Release2017>:"2017">;$<$<CONFIG:Debug2018>:"2018">;$<$<CONFIG:Release2018>:"2018">;$<$<CONFIG:Debug2019>:"2019">;$<$<CONFIG:Release2019>:"2019">
which fails to execute with the error message:
"The syntax of the command is incorrect."
If I don't try to set a different value for different build configs like this:
then the post-build script is generated as expected. (But this is not acceptable to me, because I need different parameter values for different build configurations).
I would appreciate any advice at this point.
Some target properties support generator expressions, while others do not. The documentation for a property will explicitly say that generator expressions are supported. Take the COMPILE_FEATURES property, for example:
Contents of COMPILE_FEATURES may use “generator expressions” with the syntax $<...>.
The documentation for VS_GLOBAL_<variable> does not have such language. Thus, as suggested, you can put the generator expression directly in the add_custom_command() call, which is supported:
add_custom_command(TARGET ${PLUGIN_NAME} POST_BUILD
COMMAND echo $<$<CONFIG:Debug2017>:"2017">
COMMENT "This command will copy files to dist"

The <sequential> type doesn't support nested text data ("\")

I am executing an ANT target where I write to copy a zip file from 1 folder to another folder. For copying a list of files I have used a "for" loop. While executing this I am facing this issue:
The <sequential> type doesn't support nested text data ("\").
My script in the target is as follows:
<for param="MyZipParameter" list="${FilesInsideZipFile}" delimiter=";">
<matches string="#{MyZipParameter}" pattern="UpdateSite*" />
I am facing the issue during starting of "if" block in the script. I thought some invisible characters might be there and I have removed the script and without copying I have typed the script again, but still same the issue occurs during execution.
This totally blocked my work and I could not find any clue on this. Please help and provide your inputs.

CruiseControl.net spaces in <cb:define> field splitting path

I'm using the field to define a path within CC.NET, but the path has spaces in it.
I use the definition within a robocopy task. However when I run the robocopy command in cruisecontrol.net, the path C:\my projects is being interpreted as C:\my.
How can I get around this problem?
Assuming you are using preprocessor text constants it should be something like this:
<cb:define path=""C:\my projects"" />
As an alternative you could use quotation when you pass your preprocessor constant to the Robocopy task:
<cb:define path="C:\my projects" />
<!-- ... -->
<sourcecontrol type="robocopy">

Path for tags in VIM for multiple projects

I've recently started using ctags on my projects. I currently have the following setup:
root/tags [contains all non-static tags]
root/foo/tags [contains static tags for the foo directory]
root/bar/tags [static]
root/something/else/tags [etc.]
I can set tags=./tags,tags,/path/to/root/tags and everything works perfectly.
However, my problem is that I work on several projects at once, so I have, for example, /path/to/root1, /path/to/root2, and /path/to/root3 all at once. I'd rather not manually set the tags each time I open a file; is there any way I can have tags to to the /path/to/rootX based on the file I'm editting? (i.e., if I'm editing /path/to/root3/foo/x.c, use the tags in root3/tags?
In my case, all of my projects share a common parent directory; what I really want is something like:
set tags=./tags,tags,substitute("%:p:h", "\(^\/path\/to\/.*/\).*$", "\1", "")
but I can't seem to get the right vimfu to make it work.
EDIT: I just realized that this won't work; I can't actually write to root*. Instead, I'd like to store my main ctags file in ~/ctags/root*/tags, where there's a 1:1 mapping between the subdirectories of ~/ctags/ and /path/to/ [For those who may be wondering, these are ClearCase UCM dynamic views; neither /view/XXX/ nor /view/XXX/vobs/ is writable]
If what you want is:
set tags=./tags,tags,substitute("%:p:h", "\(^\/path\/to\/.*/\).*$", "\1", "")
let &tags = './tags,tags,' . substitute(expand("%:p:h"), "\(^\/path\/to\/.*/\).*$", "\1", "")
There's no expansion in a :set command. Also, "%:p:h" won't be expanded automatically, so use expand(). See:
:help :let-option
:help expand()

Any good PowerShell MSBuild tasks?

Anyone know of any good MSBuild tasks that will execute a PowerShell script and pass it different parameters?
I was able to find B# .NET Blog: Invoking PowerShell scripts from MSBuild, but I'm hoping for something that is a little more polished.
If I can't find anything I will of course just go ahead and polish my own using that blog post as a starter.
One could use http://powershellmsbuild.codeplex.com/ for 3.5. It'd be nice if there was a NuGet package for it that one could leverage via NuGet package restore.
4.0 has a Windows Powershell Task Factory which you can get in the code gallery has been rolled into
MSBuild Extension Pack (one of the top task libraries - 400+ Tasks & recommended in Inside MSBuild) has PowerShellTaskFactory (download the help file from the download section of this example release to have a peek).
You might also want to look at Psake - a PowerShell based build environment.
Duplicate Question and Answer I Posted, here for posterity for when it has been vote to closed. The key difference is that this question was constrained to being OOTB and my self-answer stays within that constraint.
Powershell doesn't seem to have an easy way to trigger it with an arbitrary command and then bubble up parse and execution errors in a way that correctly interoperates with callers that are not PowerShell - e.g., cmd.exe, TeamCity etc.
My question is simple. What's the best way for me with OOTB MSBuild v4 and PowerShell v3 (open to suggestions-wouldnt rule out a suitably production ready MSBuild Task, but it would need to be a bit stronger than suggesting "it's easy - taking the PowerShell Task Factory sample and tweak it and/or becoming it's maintainer/parent") to run a command (either a small script segment, or (most commonly) an invocation of a .ps1 script.
I'm thinking it should be something normal like:
Command="PowerShell "$(ThingToDo)"" />
That sadly doesn't work:-
if ThingToDo fails to parse, it fails silently
if ThingToDo is a script invocation that doesn't exist, it fails
if you want to propagate an ERRORLEVEL based .cmd result, it gets hairy
if you want to embed " quotes in the ThingToDo, it won't work
So, what is the bullet proof way of running PowerShell from MSBuild supposed to be? Is there something I can PsGet to make everything OK?
Weeeeelll, you could use something long winded like this until you find a better way:-
<__PsInvokeCommand>powershell "Invoke-Command</__PsInvokeCommand>
<__BlockBegin>-ScriptBlock { $errorActionPreference='Stop';</__BlockBegin>
<__BlockEnd>; exit $LASTEXITCODE }</__BlockEnd>
<_PsCmdStart>$(__PsInvokeCommand) $(__BlockBegin)</_PsCmdStart>
And then 'all' you need to do is:
Command="$(_PsCmdStart)$(ThingToDo)$(_PsCmdEnd)" />
The single redeeming feature of this (other than trapping all error types I could think of), is that it works OOTB with any PowerShell version and any MSBuild version.
I'll get my coat.
With a bit of fun, I managed to come up with a fairly clean way of making this work:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<!-- #1 Place this line at the top of any msbuild script (ie, csproj, etc) -->
<PropertyGroup><PowerShell># 2>nul || type %~df0|find /v "setlocal"|find /v "errorlevel"|powershell.exe -noninteractive -& exit %errorlevel% || #</PowerShell></PropertyGroup>
<!-- #2 in any target you want to run a script -->
<Target Name="default" >
<PropertyGroup> <!-- #3 prefix your powershell script with the $(PowerShell) variable, then code as normal! -->
# powershell script can do whatever you need.
dir ".\*.cs" -recurse |% {
write-host Examining file named: $_.FullName
# do other stuff here...
$answer = 2+5
write-host Answer is $answer !
<!-- #4 and execute the script like this -->
<Exec Command="$(myscript)" EchoOff="true" />
You can still use the standard Exec Task features! (see: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x8zx72cd.aspx)
if your powershell script needs to use < > or & characters, just place the contents in a CDATA wrapper:
<script2><![CDATA[ $(PowerShell)
# your powershell code goes here!
write-host "<<Hi mom!>>"
if you want return items to the msbuild script you can get them:
# your powershell code goes here!
(dir "*.cs" -recurse).FullName
<Exec Command="$(script3)" EchoOff="true" ConsoleToMSBuild="true">
<Output TaskParameter="ConsoleOutput" PropertyName="items" />
<Touch Files="$(items)" />
See! then you can use those items with another msbuild Task :D
