Path for tags in VIM for multiple projects - ctags

I've recently started using ctags on my projects. I currently have the following setup:
root/tags [contains all non-static tags]
root/foo/tags [contains static tags for the foo directory]
root/bar/tags [static]
root/something/else/tags [etc.]
I can set tags=./tags,tags,/path/to/root/tags and everything works perfectly.
However, my problem is that I work on several projects at once, so I have, for example, /path/to/root1, /path/to/root2, and /path/to/root3 all at once. I'd rather not manually set the tags each time I open a file; is there any way I can have tags to to the /path/to/rootX based on the file I'm editting? (i.e., if I'm editing /path/to/root3/foo/x.c, use the tags in root3/tags?
In my case, all of my projects share a common parent directory; what I really want is something like:
set tags=./tags,tags,substitute("%:p:h", "\(^\/path\/to\/.*/\).*$", "\1", "")
but I can't seem to get the right vimfu to make it work.
EDIT: I just realized that this won't work; I can't actually write to root*. Instead, I'd like to store my main ctags file in ~/ctags/root*/tags, where there's a 1:1 mapping between the subdirectories of ~/ctags/ and /path/to/ [For those who may be wondering, these are ClearCase UCM dynamic views; neither /view/XXX/ nor /view/XXX/vobs/ is writable]

If what you want is:
set tags=./tags,tags,substitute("%:p:h", "\(^\/path\/to\/.*/\).*$", "\1", "")
let &tags = './tags,tags,' . substitute(expand("%:p:h"), "\(^\/path\/to\/.*/\).*$", "\1", "")
There's no expansion in a :set command. Also, "%:p:h" won't be expanded automatically, so use expand(). See:
:help :let-option
:help expand()


How to remove a reoccuring word/character and what comes after, from the filenames of multiple files?

I have several folders of video files where, due to the download manager I use, they are all named in the following format "FILENAME.mp4; filename= FILENAME.mp4" All I've been trying to do is to remove everything after (and including) ".mp4; filename". However, I haven't found a way to do this.
I have tried some free software (such as Renamer, Namechanger, Name Munger for Mac, Transnomino) but I failed to do what I need to.
I'm working on Mac OSX 10.13.6.
Any help with this issue would be appreciated.
You can achieve it using Terminal. Go to the folder where you want to rename files using this cd command, for example:
cd ~/Documents/Videos
And run this command to rename all files recursively:
find . -iname "*.mp4;*" | sed -E 's/(\.[^\.]*)(\.mp4)(.*)/mv "\1\2\3" "\1\2"/' | sh
This command will keep only FILENAME.mp4 part from FILENAME.mp4; filename= FILENAME.mp4 file name
I used to extensively use a windows Rename tool called Renamer 6.0, and it had a "pattern rename" facility called "Multi change" that could have handled this.
In the context of that tool it would be asking for a source pattern like %a= %b and a destination pattern (like %b), everything after the = would be stored in %b variable and then renaming the file to just %b would lose everything after the =
See if your preferred rename tool has a similar facility?
If your tool supports regex, then find: .*?=(.*) and replace with $1
I'm also minded that asking this question on might elicit some help crafting a shell script that will perform this rename (though also plenty of shell capable people here, one of them may see it - it's just that it's not quite as hardcore programmer-y a question as most).
If you're willing to learn/use java, then that could be another good way to get the problem solved. It would (at a guess) look something like this:
for (final File f : new File("C:\\temp").listFiles()) {
if (f.isFile()) {
string n = f.getName();
if (n.contains("=")) {
f.renameTo(new File(n.substring(n.indexOf("=")+1));

How to input a parameter in a custom target with cmake

I have a custom target:
COMMAND ${MSGINIT} --no-translator -i "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/data/${PACKAGE}.pot" - "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/po/es.po" -l es_MX.utf8
so, is invoked like this:
# make create-po
my idea is to change it to something like this:
# make create-po "es"
so, any user can create a custom localed po file. I don't know the word exactly for this, but I'd like to add a parameter in the target it posible with cmake? Thanks
After so long time I found this question for the same reason: Can I use CMake to initialize a .po file if I want to add a new translation? I expect to use it only once in a while for my project, so make the build system do it seems more comfortable to me than find out all the required options and paths every time.
I ended up with the following CMake snippet:
set(INIT_LANG CACHE STRING "give a locale here to create a target which initializes a related .po file")
... # integrate INIT_LANG in your command
Then, if you want to initialize a new translation file, call (assuming your build dir in under the project root):
# cmake -DINIT_LANG=es_MX.utf8 ..
... and you should get a corresponding make target:
# make create-po-es_MX.utf8
Yes, it's not as straight-forward as the OP's idea/expectation (and mine as well), but users can create new .po files by themselves (of course, this will be documented properly for them in the project ;) ).

How to set Sphinx's `exclude_patterns` from the command line?

I'm using Sphinx on Windows.
Most of my documentation is for regular users, but there are some sub-pages with content for administrators only.
So I want to build two versions of my documentation: a complete version, and a second version with the "admin" pages excluded.
I used the exclude_patterns in the build configuration for that.
So far, it works. Every file in every subfolder whose name contains "admin" is ignored when I put this into the file:
exclude_patterns = ['**/*admin*']
The problem is that I'd like to run the build once to get both versions.
What I'm trying to do right now is running make.bat twice and supply different parameters on each run.
According to the documentation, I can achieve this by setting the BUILDDIR and SPHINXOPTS variables.
So now I have a build.bat that looks like this:
set BUILDDIR=c:\build\admin
call make clean
call make html
set SPHINXOPTS=-D exclude_patterns=['**/*admin*']
set BUILDDIR=c:\build\user
call make clean
call make html
The build in the two different directories works when I delete the line set BUILDDIR=build from the sphinx-generated make.bat file.
However, the exclude pattern does not work.
The batch file listed above outputs this for the second build (the one with the exclude pattern):
Making output directory...
Running Sphinx v1.1.3
loading translations [de]... done
loading pickled environment... not yet created
Exception occurred:
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\sphinx-1.1.3-py2.7.egg\sphinx\environment.
py", line 495, in find_files
['**/' + d for d in config.exclude_dirnames] +
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, list found
The full traceback has been saved in c:\users\myusername\appdata\local\temp\sphinx-err-kmihxk.log, if you want to report the issue to the developers.
Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error message can be provided next time.
Either send bugs to the mailing list at <>,
or report them in the tracker at <>.
What am I doing wrong?
Is the syntax for exclude_patterns in the sphinx-build command line different than in the file?
Or is there a better way to build two different versions in one step?
My first thought was that this was a quoting issue, quoting being notoriously difficult to get right on the Windows command line. However, I wasn't able to come up with any combination of quoting that changed the behavior at all. (The problem is easy to replicate)
Of course it could still just be some quoting issue I'm not smart enough to figure out, but I suspect this is a Sphinx bug of some kind, and hope you will report it to the Sphinx developers.
In the meantime, here's an alternate solution:
quoting from here:
There is a special object named tags available in the config file. It can be used to query and change the tags (see Including content based on tags). Use tags.has('tag') to query, tags.add('tag') and tags.remove('tag') to change
This allows you to essentially pass flags into the file from the command line, and since the file is just Python, you can use if statements to set the value of exclude_patterns conditionally based on the tags you pass in.
For example, you could pass Sphinx options like:
set SPHINXOPTS=-t foradmins
to pass the "foradmins" tag, and then check for it in your like so:
exclude_patterns = blah
if tags.has('foradmins'):
exclude_patterns = []
That should allow you to do what you want. Good Luck!

VIM+Ctags doesn't work in WinXP

Okay guys, you're my only help :)
I have GVim v. 7.3, Exuberant CTags 5.8, omnicppcomplete (0.41) - all latest, to be exact.
I'm trying to generate tags to use in VIM, but it seems to totally ignore data in tags file.
I've used ctags to generate tags file for bada framework - the file seems to be okay, class definitions present etc. I also tried to apply the same command to STL from Visual Studio.
ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language -force=C++ "c:\bada\1.0.0\Include\"
Also, I've mapped generating tags via hotkey.
map <C-F12> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q .
Trying to use any of files generated by these commands did not succeed.
The command :tags shows empty tag list, but doesn't give any error, and I have no clue how to fix this.
Yes, seems that vim actually handles spaces in a weird way (Windows only?), however there are workarounds: either use dos 8.3 short names or use a wildcard instead of a space (?), like
set tags=c:\program?files?(x86)\vim\tags
PS: which tag files was successfully loaded could be checked with the
:echo tagfiles()
The problem was with path to tags file: c:\Program Files\Vim\bada. The VIM didn't want to parse string with spaces no matter what the slashes/backslashes used.
Reinstalling VIM to c:\VIM solved the problem.

do not include required files into vim omnicompletion

If I try to autocomplete smth in a Ruby file, that has require 'xxx' statement, it starts to scan all files required (and files required by required files as well). and it does that every freakin time!
Is it possible to make vim autocomplete to NOT scan required files or just files in particular path (e.g. app/ only)?
One of the following should work
:set path=.,/myinclude1,/myinclude2 to set your own include path
:set complete-=i to disable use of included files in default completion
:set include= to unset the include file matching pattern
I would suggest you use the second one, so CTRL-X CTRL-I will still work correctly
