Spark Jobs on Yarn | Performance Tuning & Optimization - hadoop

What is the best way to optimize the Spark Jobs deployed on Yarn based cluster ? .
Looking for changes based on configuration not code level. My Question is classically design level question, what approach should be used to optimized the Jobs that are either developed on Spark Streaming or Spark SQL.

There is myth that BigData is magic and your code will be work like a dream once deployed to a BigData cluster.
Every newbie have same belief :) There is also misconception that given configurations over web blogs will be working fine for every problem.
There is no shortcut for optimization or Tuning the Jobs over Hadoop without understating your cluster deeply.
But considering the below approach I'm certain that you'll be able to optimize your job within a couple of hours.
I prefer to apply the pure scientific approach to optimize the Jobs. Following steps can be followed specifically to start optimization of Jobs as baseline.
Understand the Block Size configured at cluster.
Check the maximum memory limit available for container/executor.
Under the VCores available for cluster
Optimize the rate of data specifically in case of Spark streaming real-time jobs. (This is most tricky park in Spark-streaming)
Consider the GC setting while optimization.
There is always room of optimization at code level, that need to be considered as well.
Control the block size optimally based on cluster configuration as per Step 1. based on data rate. Like in Spark it can be calculated batchinterval/blockinterval
Now the most important steps come here. The knowledge I'm sharing is more specific to real-time use cases like Spark streaming, SQL with Kafka.
First of all you need to know to know that at what number or messages/records your jobs work best. After it you can control the rate to that particular number and start configuration based experiments to optimize the jobs. Like I've done below and able to resolve performance issue with high throughput.
I have read some of parameters from Spark Configurations and check the impact on my jobs than i made the above grid and start the experiment with same job but with five difference configuration versions. Within three experiment I'm able to optimize my job. The green highlighted in above picture is magic formula for my jobs optimization.
Although the same parameters might be very helpful for similar use cases but obviously these parameter not covers everything.

Assuming that the application works i.e memory configuration is taken care of and we have at least one successful run of the application. I usually look for underutilisation of executors and try to minimise it. Here are the common questions worth asking to find opportunities for improving utilisation of cluster/executors:
How much of work is done in driver vs executor? Note that when the main spark application thread is in driver, executors are killing time.
Does you application have more tasks per stage than number of cores? If not, these cores will not be doing anything while in this stage.
Are your tasks uniform i.e not skewed. Since spark move computation from stage to stage (except for some stages that can be parallel), it is possible for most of your tasks to complete and yet the stage is still running because one of skewed task is still held up.
Shameless Plug (Author) Sparklens can answer these questions for you, automatically.
Some of things are not specific to the application itself. Say if your application has to shuffle lots of data, pick machines with better disks and network. Partition your data to avoid full data scans. Use columnar formats like parquet or ORC to avoid fetching data for columns you don't need all the time. The list is pretty long and some problems are known, but don't have good solutions yet.


Spark performance advantage vs. Hadoop MapReduce [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why is Spark faster than Hadoop Map Reduce
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am hearing that Spark has an advantage over hadoop due to spark's in-memory computation. However, one of the obvious problems is not all the data can fit into one computers memory. So is Spark then limited to smaller datasets. At the same time, there is the notion of spark cluster. So I am not following the purported advantages of spark over hadoop MR.
Hadoop MapReduce has been the mainstay on Hadoop for batch jobs for a long time. However, two very promising technologies have emerged, Apache Drill, which is a low-density SQL engine for self-service data exploration and Apache Spark, which is a general-purpose compute engine that allows you to run batch, interactive and streaming jobs on the cluster using the same unified frame. Let's dig a little bit more into Spark.
To understand Spark, you have to understand really three big concepts.
First is RDDs, the resilient distributed data sets. This is really a representation of the data that's coming into your system in an object format and allows you to do computations on top of it. RDDs are resilient because they have a long lineage. Whenever there's a failure in the system, they can recompute themselves using the prior information using lineage.
The second concept is transformations. Transformations is what you do to RDDs to get other resilient RDDs. Examples of transformations would be things like opening a file and creating an RDD or doing functions like printer that would then create other resilient RDDs.
The third and the final concept is actions. These are things which will do where you're actually asking for an answer that the system needs to provide you, for instance, count or asking a question about what's the first line that has Spark in it. The interesting thing with Spark is that it does lazy elevation which means that these RDDs are not loaded and pushed into the system as in when the system encounters an RDD but they're only done when there is actually an action to be performed.
One thing that comes up with RDDs is that when we come back to them being that they are resilient and in main memory is that how do they compare with distributed shared memory architectures and most of what are familiar from our past? There are a few differences. Let's go with them in a small, brief way. First of all, writes in RDDs are core of Spark. They are happening at an RDD level. Writes in distributor-shared memory are typically fine-grained. Reads and distributor-shared memory are fine-grained as well. Writes in RDD can be fine or course-grained.
The second piece is recovery. What happens if there is a part in the system, how do we recover it? Since RDDs build this lineage graph if something goes bad, they can go back and recompute based on that graph and regenerate the RDD. Lineage is used very strongly in RDDs to recovery. In distributor-shared memories we typically go back to check-pointing done at intervals or any other semantic check-pointing mechanism. Consistency is relatively trivial in RDDs because the data underneath it is assumed to be immutable. If, however, the data was changing, then consistency would be a problem here. Distributor-shared memory doesn't make any assumptions about mutability and, therefore, leaves the consistency semantics to the application to take care of.
At last let's look at the benefits of Spark:
Spark provides full recovery using lineage.
Spark is optimized in making computations as well as placing the computations optimally using the directory cyclic graph.
Very easy programming paradigms using the transformation and actions on RDDs as well as a ready-rich library support for machine learning, graphics and recently data frames.
At this point a question comes up. If Spark is so great, does Spark actually replace Hadoop? The answer is clearly no because Spark provides an application framework for you to write your big data applications. However, it still needs to run on a storage system or on a no-SQL system.
Spark is never limited to smaller dataset and its not always about in-memorycomputation. Spark has very good number higher APIS . Spark can process the in GB as well. In my realtime experience i have used Spark to handle the streaming application where we usually gets the data in GB/Hour basic . And we have used Spark in Telecommunication to handle bigger dataset as well . Check this RDD Persistence how to accommodate bigger datasets.
In case of real world problem we can't solve them just by one MapReduce program which is having a Mapper class and a reducer class, We mostly need to build a pipeline. A pipeline will consists of multiple stages each having MapReduce program , and out put of one stage will be fed to one or multiple times to the subsequent stages. And this is a pain because of the amount of IO it involves.
In case of MapReduce there are these Map and Reduce tasks subsequent to which there is a synchronization barrier and one needs to preserve the data to the disc. This feature of MapReduce framework was developed with the intent that in case of failure the jobs can be recovered but the drawback to this is that, it does not leverage the memory of the Hadoop cluster to the maximum. And this becomes worse when you have a iterative algorithm in your pipeline. Every iteration will cause significant amount of Disk IO.
So in order to solve the problem , Spark introduced a new Data Structure called RDD . A DS that can hold the information like how the data can be read from the disk and what to compute. Spark also provided easy programming paradigm to create pipeline(DAG) by transforming RDDs . And what you get it a series of RDD which knows how to get the data and what to compute.
Finally when an Action is invoked Spark framework internally optimize the pipeline , group together the portion that can be executed together(map phases), and create a final optimized execution plan from the logical pipeline. And then executes it. It also provides user the flexibility to select the data user wanted to be cached. Hence spark is able to achieve near about 10 to 100 times faster batch processing than MapReduce.
Spark advantages over hadoop.
As spark tasks across stages can be executed on same executor nodes, the time to spawn the Executor is saved for multiple task.
Even if you have huge memory, MapReduce can never make any advantage of caching data in memory and using the in memory data for subsequent steps.
Spark on other hand can cache data if huge JVM is available to it. Across stages the inmemory data is used.
In Spark task run as threads on same executor, making the task memory footprint light.
In MapReduce the Map of reduce Task are processes and not threads.
Spark uses efficient serialization format to store data on disk.
Follow this for detail understanding

Hadoop - CPU intensive application - Small data

Is Hadoop a proper solution for jobs that are CPU intensive and need to process a small file of around 500 MB? I have read that Hadoop is aimed to process the so called Big Data, and I wonder how it performs with a small amount of data (but a CPU intensive workload).
I would mainly like to know if a better approach for this scenario exists or instead I should stick to Hadoop.
Hadoop is a distributed computing framework proposing a MapReduce engine. If you can express your parallelizable cpu intensive application with this paradigm (or any other supported by Hadoop modules), you may take advantage of Hadoop.
A classical example of Hadoop computations is the calculation of Pi, which doesn't need any input data. As you'll see here, yahoo managed to determine the two quadrillonth digit of pi thanks to Hadoop.
However, Hadoop is indeed specialized for Big Data in the sense that it was developped for this aim. For instance, you dispose of a file system designed to contain huge files. These huge files are chunked into a lot of blocks accross a large number of nodes. In order to ensure your data integrity, each block has to be replicated to other nodes.
To conclude, I'd say that if you already dispose of an Hadoop cluster, you may want to take advantage of it.
If that's not the case, and while I can't recommand anything since I have no idea what exactly is your need, I think you can find more light weights frameworks than Hadoop.
Well a lot of companies are moving to Spark, and I personally believe it's the future of parallel processing.
It sounds like what you want to do is use many CPUs possibly on many nodes. For this you should use a Scalable Language especially designed for this problem - in other words Scala. Using Scala with Spark is much much easier and much much faster than hadoop.
If you don't have access to a cluster, it can be an idea to use Spark anyway so that you can use it in future more easily. Or just use .par in Scala and that will paralellalize your code and use all the CPUs on your local machine.
Finally Hadoop is indeed intended for Big Data, whereas Spark is really just a very general MPP framework.
You have exactly the type of computing issue that we do for Data Normalization. This is a need for parallel processing on cheap hardware and software with ease of use instead of going through all the special programming for traditional parallel processing. Hadoop was born of hugely distributed data replication with relatively simple computations. Indeed, the test application still being distributed, WordCount, is numbingly simplistic. This is because the genesis of Hadoop was do handle the tremendous amount of data and concurrent processing for search, with the "Big Data" analytics movement added on afterwards to try to find a more general purpose business use case. Thus, Hadoop as described in its common form is not targeted to the use case you and we have. But, Hadoop does offer the key capabilities of cheap, easy, fast parallel processing of "Small Data" with custom and complicated programming logic.
In fact, we have tuned Hadoop to do just this. We have a special built hardware environment, PSIKLOPS, that is powerful for small cluster (1-10) nodes with enough power at low cost for run 4-20 parallel jobs. We will be showcasing this in a series of web casts by Inside Analysis titled Tech Lab in conjunction with Cloudera for the first series, coming in early Aug 2014. We see this capability as being a key enabler for people like you. PSIKLOPS is not required to use Hadoop in the manner we will showcase, but it is being configured to maximize ease of use to launch multiple concurrent containers of custom Java.

What is the right way to identify bottlenecks in map/reduce jobs?

In normal java development, if I want to improve the performance of an application my usual procedure would be to run the program with a profiler attached, or alternatively embed within the application a collection of instrumentation marks. In either case, the immediate goal is to identify the hot spot of the application, and subsequently to be able to measure the effect of the changes that I make.
What is the correct analog when the application is a map/reduce job running in a hadoop cluster?
What options are available for collecting performance data when jobs appear to be running more slowly than you would predict from running equivalent logic in your development sandbox?
Map/Reduce Framework
Watch the Job in the Job-Tracker. Here you will see how long the mappers and reducers take. A common example would be if you do too much work in the reducers. In that case you will notice that the mappers finish quite soon while the reducers take forever.
It might also be interesting to see if all your mappers take a similar amount of time. Maybe the job is held up by a few slow tasks? This could indicate a hardware defect in the cluster (in which case speculative execution could be the answer) or the workload is not distributed evenly enough.
The Operating System
Watch the nodes (either with something simple as top or with monitoring such as munin or ganglia) to see if your job is cpu bound or io bound. If for example your reduce phase is io bound you can increase the number of reducers you use.
Something else you might detect here is when your tasks are using to much memory. If the tasktrackers do not have enough RAM increasing the number of tasks per node might actually hurt performance. A monitor system might highlight the resulting swapping.
The Single Tasks
You can run a Mapper/Reducers in isolation for profiling. In this case you can use all the tools you already know.
If you think the performance problem appears only when the job is executed in the cluster you can measure the time of relevant portions of the code with System.nanoTime() and use System.outs to output some rough performance numbers.
Of course there is also the option of adding JVM-Parameters to the child JVMs and connecting a profiler remotely.

Parallel processing of several files in a cluster

At the company I work for, everyday we have to process a few thousands of files, which takes some hours. The operations are basically CPU intensive, like converting PDF to high resolution images and later creating many different sizes os such images.
Each one of those tasks takes a lot of CPU, and therefore we can't simply start many instances on the same machine because there won't be any processing power available for everything. Thus, it takes some hours to finish everything.
The most obvious thing to do, as I see it, is to partition the set of files and have them processed by more machines concurrently (5, 10, 15 machines, I don't know yet how many would be necessary).
I don't want to reinvent the wheel and create a manager for task (nor do I want the hassle), but I am not sure which tool should I use.
Although we don't have big data, I have looked at Hadoop for a start (we are running at Amazon), and its capabilities of handling the nodes seem interesting. However, I don't know if it makes sense to use it. I am looking at Hazelcast as well, but I have no experience at all with it or the concepts yet.
What would be a good approach for this task?
Hadoop is being used for a wide variety of data processing problems, some of them are related to image processing also. The problem mentioned in the OP can also be easily solved using Hadoop. Note that in some cases where the data to processed is small, then there is an overhead using Hadoop.
If you are new to Hadoop, would suggest a couple of things
Buy the Hadoop : The Definitive Guide book.
Go through the MapReduce resources.
Start going through the tutorials (1 and 2) and setup Hadoop on a single node and a cluster. There is no need for Amazon, if 1-2 machines can be spared for learning.
Run the sample programs and understand how they work.
Start migrating the problem area to Hadoop.
The advantage of Hadoop over other s/w is the ecosystem around Hadoop. As of now the ecosystem around Hadoop is huge and growing, I am not sure of Hazelcast.
You can use Hazelcast distributed queue.
First you can put your files (file references) as tasks to a distributed queue.
Then each node takes a task from the queue processes it and puts the result into another distributed queue/list or write it to DB/storage.

getting close to real-time with hadoop

I need some good references for using Hadoop for real-time systems like searching with little response time. I know hadoop has its overhead of hdfs, but whats the best way of doing this with hadoop.
You need to provide a lot more information about the goals and challenges of your system to get good advice. Perhaps Hadoop is not what you need, and you just require some distributed systems foo? (Oh and are you totally sure you require a distributed system? There's an awful lot you can do with a replicated database on top of a couple of large-memory machines).
Knowing nothing about your problem, I'll give you are few shot-in-the-dark attempts at answering.
Take a look at HBase, which provides a structured queriable datastore on top of HDFS, similar to Google's BigTable.
It could be that you just need some help with managing replication and sharding of data. Check out Gizzard, a middleware to do just that:
Processing can always be done beforehand. If that means you materialize too much data, maybe something like Lucandra can help -- Lucene running on top of Cassandra as a backend?
If you really really need to do serious processing at query time, the way to do that is to run dedicated processes that do the specific kinds of computations you need, and use something like Thrift to send requests for computation and receive results back. Optimize them to have all the needed data in-memory. The process that receives the query itself can then do nothing more than break the problem into pieces, send the pieces to compute nodes, and collect the results. This sounds like Hadoop, but is not because it's made for computation of specific problems with pre-loaded data rather than a generic computation model for arbitrary computing.
Hadoop is completely the wrong tool for this kind of requirement. It is explicitly optimised for large batch jobs that run for several minutes up to hours or even days.
FWIW, HDFS has nothing to do with the overhead. It's the fact that Hadoop jobs deploy a jar file onto every node, setup a working area, start each job running, pass information via files between stages of the computation, communicate progress and status with the job runner, etc., etc.
This query is old but it begs an answer. Even if there are millions of documents but are not changing in real-time like FAQ docs, Lucene + SOLR for distribution should pretty much suffice the need. Hathi Trust indexes billions of documents using the same combination.
It is a completely different problem if the index is changing in real time. Even Lucene will have problems dealing with updating its index and you have to look at real time search engines. There has been some attempt at reworking Lucene for real time and maybe it should work. You can also look at HSearch, a real time distributed search engine built on Hadoop and HBase, hosted at
